Amina Queen of Persia. Historical Fantasy
Amina Queen of Persia. Historical Fantasy

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Amina Queen of Persia. Historical Fantasy

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2023
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Amina Queen of Persia

Historical Fantasy

Алексей Сабадырь

© Алексей Сабадырь, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0062-0523-9

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Amina Queen of Persia Chapter No. 1

Four friends decided to go on a picnic. It’s June, summer is just beginning and I really want to get to the water and into nature.

They went to the river to relax for three days, swim, sunbathe and just spend time usefully, for their own pleasure.

Elsa, she is already twenty-five years old and still not married. It happens, when I find someone worthy, then all my girlfriends will be jealous. I’ll get married, have children, two, maybe four, I don’t know yet, but I’m sure there will be children for sure,” she thought.

She is a red-haired beast who has a good figure, and luckily she inherited intelligence.

Zhenya, slightly well-fed and moderately well-mannered, blond, twenty-three years old, short in stature, prefers to spend his free time with the computer, or rather play with tanks.

Lera and Max are cool guys, she’s twenty-four, he’s twenty-seven. They’ve been dating for two years now, but they’re in no hurry to get to the registry office.

Lera is a dyed brunette, thin, she doesn’t shine with beauty, but she doesn’t hide the fact that mom didn’t want her, dad didn’t try. Max is a born brunette, tall, with shoulder-length hair, always positive, at school he played KVN and even wrote jokes for the team.

Dad bought him a gray Volkswagen car, and he promised that as soon as he earned money for his, he would immediately return it.

– Elsa, what are you thinking about? – Lera asked sitting in the front seat.

Yeah, no big deal, it’s just stuffy in the car and I want to take a dip and turn into a goldfish, she answered.

You’re already my goldfish, you only fulfill wishes according to your mood, Zhenya joked.

– Seriously? Girlfriend, why do you infringe on the rights of men? – Lera asked.

Listen to him more, he can say such things and notice them sober, can you imagine if you listen to him drunk, said Elsa.

But today we’ll test its strength, Lera laughed.

– How much longer do we have to go? – Zhenya asked.

– Are we going to arrive soon? – Max answered.

They drove into the forest and after three hundred meters their road led to a river on a grassy bank. Max stopped and they got out of the car.

– Hello vacation! – Elsa screamed.

The boys took out a tent and went to set it up, Elsa and Lera ran to the water just to touch it with their hands.

– Maybe we can go for a swim? – Lera asked.

You can, you just need to wear swimsuits, Elsa answered.

I also have an inflatable mattress,” Lera said.

And I haven’t grown out of my childhood circle yet, Elsa laughed.

They took their swimsuits out of their bag and went into the forest to change clothes, then returned to the river and went into it. The water was excellent, warm and clear, in which shellfish swam.

Girls, let’s go ashore, the tent is ready, so we need to get ready for the meal, said Max.

Having spread the blanket on the grass, the girls began to make breakfast. They made a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, cut sausage, cheese, laid out fruit and got vodka for the guys and wine for themselves.

We may not have enough food for three days, Lera said.

We’ll go and buy something if anything, Zhenya said and took off his shorts and T-shirt and ran to the water.

– It’s not fair, Zheka, what about us? – Max asked.

I’ll just be a minute, you can pour it now, Zhenya answered, quickly taking a dip and getting out of the water.

So girls, hold your glasses, now I’ll pour us some fire water, some wonderful wine for you, said Max.

Please pour me a drink to wash it down, Lera asked.

You’re not the only one, I’d better drink it too, said Elsa.

I want to raise the first toast to the wonderful women who adorn us here with their presence,” said Max, and we all drank in support.

Half an hour later everyone went swimming, Elsa and Lera asked the guys to inflate the mattress and ran to the water with a cheerful laugh.

Nearby, a wooden bridge was built in the water from which the children jumped and dived.

The day passed quickly, they were all tipsy, in the evening they lit a fire and sat down near it. Lera began to tell scary stories about the dead and all kinds of evil spirits, everyone laughed and joked.

When it became dark, an unfamiliar man suddenly approached them and asked for a light from the fire.

Please, we don’t mind, Zhenya answered.

– Do you like to tell horror stories? – asked the stranger.

Well, it’s still not true, Elsa answered.

– And if I tell you one story, will you believe me? – asked the stranger.

Tell me first, we’ll see, Max answered.

Elsa had heard many different stories, many were true, so the appearance of a stranger was not a strange event for her.

– One young girl was waiting in the wings to meet a good man and marry him. She was twenty years old, innocent and pretty. One day a carriage came to their village, with six black horses in front, and a man in a black tailcoat with a cane in his hands got out. He was of noble blood, and had a mute coachman with him. The girl lived alone with her mother, and when a stranger asked for a place to stay for the night, her mother fed the strangers from the road and provided them with a separate room, the man says.

It’s already scary, Max laughed.

Don’t interrupt me, young man, the man said and continued.

– At night, the girl woke up from some strange sounds coming from her mother’s room. She quietly walked to the door and looked through the keyhole. And I saw how the wanderer bit into his mother’s neck, biting her and drinking warm blood.

The girl, frightened, ran out into the street and, sitting in the coachman’s place, drove the horses towards the monastery.

– And when there were a hundred meters left to the monastery, that stranger with bloody teeth appeared on the road in front of her and stopped the carriage with one wave of his hand.

You belong to me now, the stranger laughed and, putting her into the carriage, disappeared with her. And since then no one has seen her again, the man finished his story.

Not a bad story, Zhenya said fearfully.

And the main thing is that it’s true, the man said and disappeared.

– Do you understand anything? – Max asked, some man appears, told us some incomprehensible story and disappears.

We need to leave here in the morning, said Elsa.

– Are you scared? – Lera asked, personally, I’m staying and won’t go anywhere.

I’m staying too, said Max.

– And you? – Elsa asked Zhenya.

I’m like everyone else, we won’t spoil our vacation because of some crazy person,” said Zhenya.

Don’t you understand, this is not a madman, but a person related to the story that he himself told,” Elsa tried to reach her friends.

You exaggerate everything, this is because you love to read science fiction, you come up with all sorts of things, then you make a sensation out of it, said Lera.

Okay, I’ll stay, but on one condition, if he shows up again tomorrow evening, we pack our things and leave, Elsa suggested.

We came for three days, we’ll spend these three days, now everyone can go to sleep, Max snapped.

After putting out the fire, they took turns climbing into the tent. It was a four-seater, Elsa and Zhenya lay down on one side, Max and Lera on the other.

Everyone immediately fell asleep, only Elsa’s eyes did not want to close; what could this story mean – a warning and a threat or just a coincidence. What if this stranger is the same one from the carriage with the bloody smile. By morning, Elsa’s body succumbed to fatigue and she fell asleep hugging Zhenya.

The next morning the guys made a shish kebab from the meat they took with them and marinated it. This strange story became almost a legend for them and was no longer remembered. There was no reason to worry, the guys sat down on the blanket, began to drink and eat barbecue.

The pleasure was indescribable, the meat was soft and tasty, the wine was pleasant, the most important thing was nature, the river, the grass was green, the sun was shining, as they say, beauty and grace.

– Well, why hasn’t anyone dreamed of horror stories? – Max laughed a little tipsily.

– Not yet, or maybe Elsa is hiding something from us? – Lera asked sarcastically.

No, everything is fine, we’ll consider yesterday’s conversation an ordinary misunderstanding,” Elsa answered calmly.

– So it’s better, what about swimming? – Max asked.

There is a proposal for the four of us to play patches, Lera said.

– We don’t mind, do we Max? – Zhenya asked.

The sailors have no questions, Max answered.

The second day was more energetic and fun than the first and there was nothing that could disturb them.

Chapter No. 2

When it got dark, the guys sat around the fire again and Lera, laughing, began to tell a new scary story.

Maybe that’s enough stories already, said Elsa.

Don’t be afraid, you just shit your pants yesterday, baby, Max laughed.

Suddenly Elsa’s phone rang and, picking it up, she said:

– Hello.

– Good evening, is there any interruption? – asked an unfamiliar voice.

– Who are you? – Elsa asked turning on the speakerphone.

Your friend who met you yesterday, the man answered.

– What do you need from us? – Elsa asked.

I want to tell you one more story, the man answered.

We don’t need your stories, Elsa said and turned off the phone.

The disconnected phone began to ring, Elsa got scared and shouted:

– Fuck off, asshole.

A moment later the stranger appeared near the fire, his pupils They turned red and when he laughed Elsa saw fangs – it was a vampire.

He grabbed Elsa by the throat with his left hand and lifted her off the ground about twenty centimeters. She began to choke, trying with all her might to free his hand, but it was useless. Then Max pulled out a burning stick from the fire and hit the vampire on the back. He threw Elsa to the side, hit Max in the face with his right hand, Max fell and hit the back of his head on a stone lying in the grass.

We have to get away, Zhenya shouted and ran to the tent to collect his things.

Lera grabbed the knife and stabbed the vampire in the chest, he screamed, but then pulled the knife out of his chest and headed towards the car. We all got into the car and Max began to move away and then the vampire grabbed Lera’s hand and tried to bite her, Elsa remembered that she had holy water in her bag. After quickly rummaging, she opened the lid and poured water on him, he began to roar like an animal and charred ulcers began to appear in the chest area. Max stepped on the gas and we rushed along the road; luckily for us, he stopped chasing us.

– What’s happening? – Max asked.

I don’t know, Lera answered, but I feel we’re in trouble.

I warned you, let’s leave, but you didn’t want to listen to me, said Elsa.

I stabbed him in the chest with a knife, but he didn’t care, Lera was surprised.

That’s right, this is not a person, but a vampire, said Elsa.

– Vampire, are you high on smoke, where do they come from here? – Zhenya asked.

I don’t know yet, but we need to find out, Elsa answered.

They drove through the forest and got out onto the highway, it was dark, there weren’t many cars, so they had the road at their fingertips. Max was driving at high speed and after some time a man ran out of the forest and threw himself under the wheels.

Max braked sharply and began to get out of the car.

Maybe Max shouldn’t go out if it’s him, Zhenya said.

Don’t you understand, there’s a man under the wheels of my car who needs help, Max said and approached the man.

He felt the pulse in his neck and exhaled lightly:

We need to take him to the hospital, said Max.

Nothing will happen to him, he’ll pull through, we need to get out, and quickly, Lera shouted.

You can leave, I won’t leave him here, Zhenya come out to me and help put him in the back seat of the car, Max asked.

They took him by the arms and legs and brought him to the car and carefully placed him on the seat.

The man was unconscious, only blood was coming from his mouth. Zhenya sat down next to him to watch and hold him.

– How far is it to the hospital? – Zhenya asked.

No, ten kilometers, Max answered.

The delirious man began to say some words vampires are everywhere, they are nearby, they need to be stopped, vampires, vampires…

Max, he’s talking about vampires, Zhenya said.

Today, everyone is obsessed with these vampires, this is nonsense, there are no vampires and there cannot be, we’ve seen enough movies, said Max.

What about that guy on the shore, don’t you believe it either? asked Elsa.

It’s just that the guy turned out to be healthy and strong, Max answered.

– What about the knife in the chest? – Lera asked.

It’s just a coincidence, I don’t believe in these fairy tales, Max answered.

Max, there’s blood on the back of your head, Elsa said.

Now I’ll give you a handkerchief to wipe away the blood, Lera said and opened her bag and took out the handkerchief.

Thank you, dear, Max said and began to drive up to the hospital.

I’ll call the nurse now, Lera said and ran to the reception desk.

Girl, we need a doctor, we found a man on the road, he is unconscious but has a pulse, Lera said.

The woman quickly called a doctor and a nurse on the phone, who a minute later were heading outside with a gurney. Elsa and Zhenya carefully pulled him out of the car, put him on a gurney and the nurse took him away.

Let’s all go, otherwise the cops will be called to clarify the circumstances, said Max.

We’ve had a lot of rest, Lera said.

Come on, who could have known that this would happen, said Max.

It’s okay, we’ll go home, tomorrow we’ll wake up as if nothing had happened and forget everything like a dream, said Max.

It seems to me that he won’t leave us alone so easily, he needs something from us, what exactly is still a mystery, said Elsa.

Firstly, we don’t know where he came from, and secondly, where should we look for him, said Max.

We don’t need to look for him, he’ll find us himself, Elsa answered.

No guys, I don’t play such games with you anymore, I’ll come home now, take a shower and get everything out of my head, Zhenya said.

– What did you pour on him? – Max asked.

– Holy water, I read somewhere about vampires, that they can be holy “Frighten away with water for a while, Elsa answered.

– Where did you get holy water in your bag? – Lera was surprised.

My grandmother is a very religious person, so she put a jar of water in my bag with the words:

– If you feel bad on the road, drink water or wash yourself with it and then everything will go away.

– So, why should we stock up on water too? – Max asked smiling.

It’s advisable to carry it with you, you saw that he doesn’t take anything, only holy water scalded him,” said Elsa.

Max took everyone home and Elsa, arriving at the apartment, plopped down on the sofa, all in thought. Then, turning on the computer, I began to search for legends about vampires, their origin and life.

Two thousand years ago, among the army of fallen angels, there was one who did not want to serve anyone and be the only vampire of his kind, whom everyone living on earth would worship.

In order not to obey the higher fallen angels, he needed to fight one of them and, having won, gain his independence.

In the fight, he defeated his opponent by biting him in the neck and he was given the name Darkness.

They expelled him from the monastery and said:

– From this day on, you will feed on the blood of people and your possibilities are limitless, but remember, from this day on, people will hunt you to destroy you. And the day will come when you will be sent back to the abyss.

Elsa, reading all this, almost fell asleep next to the computer, decided to end it all and go to bed.

Chapter No. 3

In the morning, Elsa woke up from a nightmare; she dreamed that two thieves broke into her apartment and began looking for money. She sees this from the side, but cannot shout, then Elsa went up to one and patted him on the shoulder. He turned around and bared his fangs; it turned out to be the same vampire from yesterday.

She decided to call Max and find out how things were going, but he didn’t answer the phone for a long time, then they picked up the phone and asked:

– Hello, who do you want?

– Can Maxim come to the phone? – Elsa asked.

He’s not here, answered a female voice.

– When will he come? – Elsa asked.

The girl, he died, the woman answered.

– How did you die, are you kidding? – Elsa asked.

What jokes can there be? Yesterday, while returning home by car, he crashed, the woman answered.

– Tell me, when is the funeral? – Elsa asked. Tomorrow at one o’clock in the afternoon, who will you be to him? asked the woman.

We were friends with him, Elsa answered.

Then be sure to come, the woman said and hung up.

Elsa called Lera and said:

– Hello Lera.

Hello Elsa, she answered.

I just called Max and they told me, Elsa didn’t have time to finish.

It’s true, I also only found out about this recently, I came to his mother to help, she is completely weak, she doesn’t talk to anyone, Lera answered.

– How could it all happen? – Elsa asked.

I don’t know, let’s talk about it tomorrow, Lera answered.

Okay, see you tomorrow, Elsa said.

What happens, first it’s a man, then Max’s death, it’s an accident, or links in one chain. Max always drove a car well and he couldn’t just get into an accident, which means with someone’s help. They are vampires and can not only fly, but also appear anywhere suddenly. I don’t want to believe that it was they who helped send Max to the next world, Elsa thought.

The next day, Elsa went to the funeral; she had to see off her friend on his last journey and find out the details of what happened.

Arriving at Max’s house by minibus, Elsa called Lera and she went outside to meet her and take her into the house.

Zhenya was there, looking at Elsa with a distant look.

Hello, do you already know everything? Elsa asked quietly.

– No, where did you get the idea? – Zhenya asked.

You haven’t even called since we arrived, Elsa said.

I didn’t call anyone, I was afraid, and when I found out about Max’s death, I was completely lost, Zhenya answered.

At least can you explain to me how it happened that Max had an accident? Elsa asked.

Nobody knows, he was driving along the road, there were no cars, and suddenly he turned to the side and crashed into a pole, Zhenya answered.

– Was he sober? – Elsa asked.

Absolutely, even the cops who arrived at the scene after the examination were surprised, Zhenya answered.

Elsa didn’t want to remind Zhenya about yesterday’s vampire, because she knew he would begin to be even more afraid. Max was buried, we remembered him and went home.

For some reason, Elsa wanted to go to the hospital tomorrow and visit the man who was hit by their car. Now you need to put a jar of holy water in your purse for self-defense.

In the castle, Darkness pushed his speech:

– Well, my dears, the time is coming for us vampires, the most beautiful and one of a kind. Today there are still few of us, but I know that the time will come and we will build a new world. But in order to accomplish everything, I need to destroy Plato, the son of my blood enemy, who wants to destroy us. Find him for me and bring him to me and then I will only have a little left.

Elsa got up in the morning and went to take a shower, then made herself breakfast and looked at the clock, it was already eight, which means she needed to eat and go to the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital, Elsa found out that the man had suddenly come to his senses at night and ran away, but the nurse wrote out his registration address from the passport found in his inner pocket.

– Can you write me your registration address? – Elsa asked.

– Girl, who are you to him? – asked the nurse.

I’m the one who brought him to the hospital by car and I would like to know about his health,” Elsa explained.

But we don’t disclose information,” said the nurse.

Here, take this,” Elsa said and handed her a thousand rubles.

The woman looked at me in surprise, quickly wrote the patient’s address on a piece of paper and handed it to Elsa.

Mercy,” Elsa said and left the hospital.

What to do now with this address, the best way to find it is to contact the address bureau, stop, but you can find out from the taxi driver and Elsa, seeing the standing car, came up and asked:

Can’t you take me to Gorky Street, house ten?

Girl, I’m waiting for a client now, so find another car, the taxi driver answered.

– What if I pay you double the tariff? – Elsa asked.

Okay, but I need to call my partner instead, said the taxi driver and quickly called. Fifteen minutes later they arrived at the desired address.

– Should I wait for you? – asked the taxi driver.

If it’s possible for five minutes, but if I’m not there, you can leave, Elsa answered, paying the driver a double fare.

She went into the yard, there was no dog here, so she walked to the door and knocked.

Chapter No. 4

At first no one came, but when Elsa knocked harder, a male voice behind the door asked:

– Who do you want?

I need Plato,” Elsa answered.

The door opened and a man appeared on the threshold, whom they took to the hospital.

– Who are you? – he asked.

I’m Elsa, your savior, last night you ran out of the forest and fell under the wheels of our car, Elsa explained.

Come into the house, he said and Elsa turned around and waved her hand to the taxi driver.

– Would you like tea or coffee? – he asked.

If I can have some coffee, Elsa answered.

– You were looking for me, why? – asked Plato.

I came to the hospital to check on you, but they explained to me that you had run away, so I had to trick the nurse out of your address by hook or by crook, said Elsa.

Judging by the fact that you are here, you succeeded, said Plato.

I always achieve what I want, said Elsa.

This is a good quality in a person, but only if he does it with goodness, said Plato.

– You are absolutely right, why did you run away from the hospital? – Elsa asked.

– As you can see, everything is fine with me, anything else? – he asked.

You’ve been talking about vampires all the time in your delirium, tell us about them, Elsa asked.

I don’t know anything, go away, he said.

All the windows in the house suddenly opened and a strong wind blew.

It’s him, said Plato and ran into another room.

– Who is he? – Elsa asked Plato, who returned with a weapon in his hands.

Gloom is the leader of the vampires, you can’t stay here, leave, now the vampires will fly here, Plato shouted.

Not understanding anything, Elsa hid in the closet and, opening the door a little, began to watch what was happening.

A young girl of about twenty in black clothes came into the house and bared her teeth and said:

– Come with me, you will become my chosen one.

Yes, screw you,” replied Plato.

The girl rose to the ceiling and abruptly rushed at Plato, having managed to dodge, he fired from a crossbow and she turned into black smoke. Following her, two guys in black clothes and red cloaks flew through the window.

Plato, you must become one of us, said the vampire.

Sorry guys, but I took an oath to destroy you, said Plato and shot at one, he turned into a black crow and flew out the window.

The second vampire jumped on Plato and knocked the crossbow out of his hands, a struggle began on the floor and Elsa, plucking up courage, ran out of the closet and took the crossbow. Plato saw Elsa and shouted:

– Load an arrow and shoot!

Elsa took the arrow and inserted it into the crossbow, at that moment the vampire bent down to bite Plato came, but her arrow stopped him and turned him into a raven flying away.

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