Amina Queen of Persia. Historical Fantasy
Amina Queen of Persia. Historical Fantasy

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Amina Queen of Persia. Historical Fantasy

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2023
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You cannot stand alone against the army of my warriors,” a male voice said in an echo.

We’ll see, Plato answered.

Fool, while there is still time, come to my side and I will give you life, said the voice.

This is not in my rules, said Plato.

I’ll remind you of myself,” the voice laughed and immediately everything died down.

Plato was a tall man with a strong build, about forty-five years old, brown-haired with an amazing mustache, and loved to smoke a pipe.

And you are brave, said Plato.

You needed my help, Elsa answered.

Look at yourself in the mirror, there you will see your frightened reflection, Plato smiled.

I was really scared, said Elsa.

When I first encountered this, I was also so pale, said Plato.

Three days ago, I and my friends went on a nature trip to the river and one guy already surprised us with his visit, said Elsa.

– Who was that? – asked Plato.

One of the vampires, he told us a terrible story, about some man in a black tailcoat and a cane in his hand, said Elsa.

– Who kidnaps a young maiden? – asked Plato.

– Yes, how do you know? – Elsa asked him.

So it was Darkness, he just decided to frolic with you like children, Plato answered.

– How did you meet him? – Elsa asked.

This is an old story and has been going on for two thousand years. Then my ancestors fought with him and won. Having shackled him in steel chains and sealed him in a steel coffin, they took him to Egypt and hid him in the tomb of the pharaoh from prying eyes. For a thousand years he was in the tomb and everyone had already forgotten about him, only terrible legends went from one village to another.

But just recently it appeared again in our area and I don’t know where it came from.

And now there are one hundred vampires in his army, but with every bite of a person their number increases, Plato told his story.

– How to destroy it now? – Elsa asked.

I don’t know, vampires can be killed with silver bullets or arrows, an aspen stake driven into the heart and holy water, answered Plato.

I’ve already tried the darkness of my water,” Elsa smiled.

– Seriously, where did you get it? – asked Plato.

When the vampire tried to bite my friend, I remembered that I had holy water in my bag, so I took it and poured it on his chest, said Elsa.

You will make a good student in exterminating vampires, said Plato.

But we can’t resist the vampires together, said Elsa.

– It won’t be easy, do you have friends who would like to join our ranks in the fight against this evil spirit? – asked Plato.

Yes, but I need to talk to them and it’s better here at your home, said Elsa.

Call and let them come,” said Plato.

Elsa called Lera and Zhenya and told them to immediately come to this address for a serious conversation.

– Do you think they will agree? – asked Plato.

I hope for their common understanding of the current situation, Elsa answered.

For now, I’ll take out my weapon with which we have to fight and show it to your friends, I hope it will inspire them, said Plato.

– Will you teach me how to shoot? – Elsa asked.

Tomorrow we will begin training, Plato answered.

I agree,” said Elsa.

It’s even better for you to move into this house for a while, for your safety, said Plato.

– Aren’t you going to pester? – Elsa asked.

There’s no time for that now, especially since you’re not my type, Plato answered.

And I don’t pretend to be the most beautiful girl on the planet. Thank you for the truth, now I’ll know that you can’t come closer to me than three meters, otherwise you might faint from fear, Elsa thought.

Lera and Zhenya soon arrived to meet Plato and Elsa and she went out to meet them.

– What is the urgency? – Lera asked.

Now you’ll find out everything, come into the house, said Elsa.

Zhenya greeted Plato and said in surprise:

– So this is the guy who got under our wheels.

That’s right, and he is now my friend, I hope he will become yours too, said Elsa.

– As a friend? – Zhenya asked.

– So guys, let’s take it in order, remember what happened to us on the river? – Elsa asked.

That guy or something, said Zhenya.

This man is the main vampire, said Elsa.

– What do we care? – Lera asked.

We need to help Plato exterminate vampires, said Elsa.

– Guys, here on the table lies a weapon with which we can resist evil spirits, but for this I need your consent to become one team,” Plato explained.

– Now this may seem a little strange from the outside, but we are all in danger from vampires. And if we don’t start exterminating them, they will take care of us and believe me, in a month, the whole world will turn into one nightmare called the Kingdom of Darkness,” Plato painted a not happy picture.

I am a man whose ancestors fought with vampires for many centuries and won, but some bastard released him into the wild and now he has become even stronger,” Plato added.

But we don’t know anything about them and we don’t know how to shoot with these weapons, said Zhenya.

I’ll teach you, first you all need to move in with me for a while so that we can be together, and tomorrow we’ll start training, Plato answered.

– Well, do you agree? – Elsa asked her friends.

I agree, I want to take revenge on them for Max, Lera answered.

And I want to overcome my fear on the same team with you, said Zhenya.

Well, that’s great, now we need to go to your house and pick up the necessary things, Plato said and went to open the garage.

Zhenya walked up to the garage and saw the car and said:

– Not a sour car.

If you kill all the vampires, I’ll buy you the same one, Plato laughed.

Plato had a red AUDI car, in good condition.

I rarely drive it, so it sits in the garage, collecting dust, said Plato and put the guys in his car.

Chapter No. 5

It was already dark and raining, the first address was Zhenya’s apartment. He quickly packed his things and everyone went to Elsa. Elsa said that she would rise alone and went to get her things. Approaching the door, she found that it was open, quietly entering the apartment, Elsa first went into the kitchen – no one was there, then she went into the living room, which was also clean. Having opened the door to the bedroom, she felt that there was someone behind the door, that is, having pulled out holy water, Elsa, opening the lid, entered the bedroom and saw a man in the corner, without being confused, she threw a jar of water at him. He screamed and burned, the second attacked her from behind and tried to throw her to the floor, but then Plato came running in response to the scream and fired with a pistol, the vampire fell and only a skeleton was left of him.

I warned you to go everywhere together, said Plato.

Thank you, said Elsa.

Get ready, it’s time for us to leave, said Plato and began to help put things into the bag.

When they went outside, Platon saw a suspicious car not far from the entrance and two guys sitting in it.

Just don’t turn around, they’re watching us, let them think that we didn’t notice them, said Plato, escorting Elsa to the car.

They drove up to Lera’s house and a suspicious car followed them all the way and stopped not far from Lera’s yard.

– Do you have another exit from the yard so that I can’t be seen from this side? – Plato asked Lera.

Yes, Lera asked.

After you bring everyone into the house, I need you to lead me to another exit, I’ll go out for a minute and return the same way, Plato answered.

Lera took Plato out and he, going around other houses, ended up behind the car in which the vampires were.

Hello guys, Plato said and shot at them, two black crows flew out of the car and disappeared.

Plato had a large house, three rooms, in one he put me and Lera, in the second Zhenya, and he himself settled in the smallest one.

– You probably still can’t come to your senses after Max’s death? – Elsa asked Leroux when they lay down to rest.

I loved him, Lera answered.

Nothing, we will definitely avenge him, Elsa promised her.

Forgive me for the fact that I didn’t believe you while on vacation, Lera said.

Everything is in the past, now we need to be brave to resist evil, said Elsa.

Good night Elsa, said Lera.

Good night, Elsa said and immediately fell asleep.

The guys began to learn to shoot every morning, Plato made them special arrows for the crossbow, and loaded the pistol with ordinary cartridges.

The target was a scarecrow at which they were aiming. They were interested in learning new things, and after training in the evening, he gathered them in the kitchen:

– First, a vampire can only be killed with a silver bullet or arrow.

Secondly, an aspen stake is used to stab a vampire in the heart; a blow to other parts of the body will only lead to injury, this will slightly weaken his vigilance.

Third, everyone should have holy water with them; with its help you can burn a vampire, but not kill him.

Fourth – now vampires are immune to light and can even attack e in the daytime. And also, if you are bitten by a vampire, know that in a day you will also become one of them. “We all need to stick together so that this doesn’t happen, said Platon.

– What should we do if one of us is bitten? – Zhenya asked.

If your relatives or one of us is bitten, you need to kill him immediately, otherwise tomorrow he will kill you, Plato answered.

– When will the first task be? – Lera asked.

– Can’t wait to fight? – asked Plato.

Why not, Lera answered.

I think tomorrow you will have such an opportunity, said Plato.

The next evening Plato gathered everyone and said:

We have some serious work to do tonight.

– What is it? – Zhenya asked.

There is a nightclub in Moscow called “Night Guest,” according to my information, the director of this club is a vampire and whoever goes there returns infected, said Plato.

Finally it’s a serious matter, said Zhenya.

– How are you, is there still fear? – asked Plato.

A little, but I think today everything will pass, Zhenya answered.

Elsa and Lera dressed in light dresses, under them special belts with a holster for a pistol were fastened to their right leg. Platon and Zhenya dressed in suits and stuck a pistol under their jackets in the back; each had a communication headset in their ear.

At eleven o’clock in the evening Plato’s car drove up to the club and everyone got out of the car and headed to the club.

They approached the bar and looked around, on one side they were sitting at a table relaxing, on the other side a cheerful audience was dancing.

Stay near the bar and order something for yourself, Lera and I will visit our mutual friend, said Platon and approached the guard:

– Can you tell me how to find a director? – asked Plato.

– Why do you need it? – asked the guard.

We need to sort out one small matter, Plato lied.

To the second floor, first door on the right, the guard answered.

After knocking on the door, they went into the office and found the director on the sofa with two charming twins who were sitting on either side of him and drinking wine. Two brunettes were dressed in red leather mini skirts and a bra of the same color. The owner was a guy of about thirty, with long shoulder-length hair, wearing a yellow suit and a black shirt.

– Who do you want? – asked the owner.

Your dear,” Plato answered, taking out a pistol.

– Who are you and what do you want? – asked the owner.

I’m Plato, maybe you’ve heard of me, a destroyer of various rubbish like you, said Plato.

– So you came for me and decided that you could kill me? – the owner asked laughing.

– Do you have something against it? – asked Plato.

You can’t get out of here,” the owner said and pressed the button to call the security.

We’ll see, Plato answered and shot at him. The guy turned into smoke and disappeared, the girls turned over the desktop and turned into bats, baring their teeth and flying at Plato and Leroux. Plato turned around and kicked one mouse in the stomach and, throwing it towards the wall, fired, it turned into smoke and disappeared.

The second, attacking Lera from above, tried to bite her in the neck, but Plato shot her in the back, after which she also disappeared.

Two guards ran into the room, Lera, without hesitation, threw a cactus standing on the windowsill at them, then shot at one of them, he flew away like a black raven, the second tried to stab Plato with a knife, but did not have time, Lera stopped him with a shot.

We need to leave, guys, we are coming to you, be ready to meet us, said Plato and they began to move towards the bar, where Elsa and Zhenya were waiting for them.

When we entered the hall, blood began to drip from Lera’s finger onto the floor and the bartender, who saw the blood, shouted:

– Fresh blood! – and turning into a wolf, he jumped on Lera, but Elsa shot, he fell to the floor, howling in pain, and, turning into a raven, began to fly.

The music died down and all the visitors began to look at us, many of them were still human, the vampires saw the blood and screamed:

– Blood, fresh blood! – and moved towards us, baring their fangs.

Quickly to the exit, said Plato, and after his words, they turned their backs to each other and began to make their way to the exit, killing the attacking vampires.

We ran out into the street and got into the car, two vampires were running after us, we had run out of ammunition and did not have time to reload, Elsa grabbed a crossbow and shot at one, he fell, the second was stopped by Plato by throwing a knife with a silver blade at him.

– Where did the blood come from? – asked Plato.

When I threw the cactus, I probably accidentally pricked myself, Lera answered.

It could cost us our lives, said Plato.

– Sorry, I’m random

Oh, Lera said.

Returning home, everyone came to their senses in their own way. Lera was shaking all over with fear, Zhenya felt like a hero, Elsa had enough to take a bath and calm down.

In general, everything worked well, said Plato.

– Did you kill the owner of the club? – Elsa asked.

Yes, let this be the first signal for Darkness that we are ready to resist it, said Plato.

After dinner, everyone went to their rooms and fell asleep.

Elsa had a dream:

She was going down the escalator to the subway, there are a lot of people there, she has to make her way. The train is empty, for some reason people stand nearby and don’t get on.

Elsa needs to go and she enters an empty carriage, the train starts moving and picks up speed.

Suddenly her mother comes up to her and says:

– Daughter, you know that this train is going to another world.

No,” Elsa answers.

Get off quickly at the first stop and run, otherwise they will find you, said mom and disappeared.

Elsa turns her head to another part of the car and there are a lot of people there, they look at me and laugh, baring their teeth. Elsa woke up covered in sweat and could not come to her senses for a long time until Lera asked:

– Are you all right?

Yes, I just had a terrible dream, Elsa answered.

Chapter No. 6

In the evening, prostitutes stood at a certain place on the highway and waited for their clients. A car with tinted windows stopped near them and the so-called “mother” immediately approached the car and asked:

– Do you want a girl?

Yes, this blonde in a denim skirt and with brightly painted lips, the man pointed his finger at the girl.

Two thousand an hour and money in advance, explained the “mother.”

The man paid, the “mother” called this girl:

Lily go, your client, said the “mother,” the girl came up and got into the car.

They drove into the forest and stopped and Lilya asked:

– What do you want first?

Your blood,” the man answered and laughed.

What a joke you have, said Lilya.

I’m not joking,” the man said and attacked the girl. Lilya began to fight back and with her right hand took a stun gun from her purse and shocked the man.

The vampire was thrown towards the side door, Lilya jumped out of the car and ran towards the highway. Running out onto the road, she tried to stop the cars passing by.

Help, they want to kill me, Lilya shouted, stopping the first car.

The driver, out of fear, pressed the gas pedal and rushed away, she saw a traffic police car standing not far ahead and ran up and said:

Help, there’s a maniac in the forest, he’s chasing me.

Don’t be afraid, we will help you now, the sergeant said and put her in the car.

The captain sat nearby, who hugged the girl and said:

Don’t be afraid, it doesn’t hurt, he said and bit him on the neck.

– Need to go to the store, is there anyone willing? – asked Plato.

– What should I buy? – Zhenya asked.

Here’s a list of groceries, take it and be careful, said Plato.

Zhenya walked around the supermarket and chose from the list what he needed to buy, put the goods in the basket and accidentally ran into one beautiful girl.

Sorry, I didn’t notice you, said Zhenya.

It’s nothing, I also turned out to be inattentive, said the girl.

Maybe we can introduce ourselves, I’m Evgeny, or maybe just Zhenya, he said.

Just Anya, the girl answered smiling.

– You probably live nearby? – Zhenya asked.

No, I went to visit my friend, my house is far from here, Anya answered.

I came to visit a friend, Zhenya smiled.

– What are you doing? – asked Anya.

By profession, I am a sales manager, I work in the same company, Zhenya answered.

My mother works, but I do everything around the house, cook, clean, etc., said Anya.

– Do you have a boyfriend? – Zhenya asked.

– What are you doing? – asked Anya.

No, I just asked,” Zhenya answered.

I’m not against friendship, here’s my phone number, it’ll be boring to call, Anya said and handed him a small piece of paper with the number.

Zhenya came home, Plato asked:

– Did you buy everything?

Yes, everything is on the list, Zhenya answered.

Well done, said Plato and looked out the window.

At this time, a police car drove up to his house and two men in uniform came out.

We have guests, said Plato and we looked out the window.

This could be an ambush to lure you out, Elsa said.

Perhaps, but I can’t risk you, I’d rather go out alone than for us all to suffer, answered Plato.

The police entered the yard and headed to the door, knocking:

– Who? – asked Plato.

“Plato, we need you to come with us to the station for some explanations,” the policeman said.

– What explanations? – With Plato asked.

I don’t know, we were sent to this address to deliver you to the police, don’t worry, they’ll let you out in a couple of hours, the policeman explained.

Okay, I just need to change clothes and then I’ll come out to you,” said Plato.

Don’t you understand that they want to kill you, said Elsa.

Let’s do this, you stay here, I’m leaving with them, if I’m not there until the evening, then act according to the circumstances, said Plato.

I have another proposal, said Elsa.

– Which? – asked Plato.

– What if Zhenya goes instead of you? If they haven’t seen your photo, it means they don’t know what you look like, then we’ll install a bug on Zhenya so we know what they’re talking about and we’ll control the situation, Elsa said.

Not a bad idea, we can try to make sure you don’t shit Zhek’s pants, Platon smiled.

There is no more fear and I’m ready to do anything for the sake of our team, Zhenya answered.

That’s a smart girl, said Lera.

Now you go out to them and if they put you in the car, then everything is fine, but if they ask where Plato is, tell him to come out now, go around the house and come back, everything is clear,” said Platon.

– What if the plan fails? – Zhenya asked.

Then I’ll go out, and you decide what to do next, Plato answered.

And if Zhenya goes, then we’ll follow him at a safe distance, so as not to attract attention and monitor the situation with binoculars, said Elsa.

I’m ready, Zhenya said and went out to the police.

They put him in the car and drove off, followed by the guys, armed to the teeth in case they saved their friend.

Zhenya was seated in the back, and they themselves sat in front.

Well, Plato has finished his game, you know that serious people whose path you crossed are looking for you, said the policeman.

– I know, what next? – Zhenya began to improvise.

And then we will now hand you over to these people, we will receive a reward for the capture of a particularly dangerous criminal, the one who was in charge laughed.

– Do I have the right to one call? – Zhenya asked.

Of course, you can call your own mother now and say that her son will not return to her again, they both laughed even more.

It’s a pity, I didn’t even have time to have children, said Zhenya.

Just tell us the address of your beloved and we will come and help with the children, the chief laughed.

Look, Zhenya is a capable fellow, he behaves well, said Plato.

“I didn’t notice such talents in him,” said Elsa.

“The guy really found himself in our team and is capable of bringing a lot of benefit to humanity,” said Plato.

They were driving behind the car at a distance of two hundred meters and were aware of everything that was happening in the police car.

Suddenly they saw two black cars standing on the side of the road. The police car pulled up and stopped behind. Six people in black clothes got out of the cars, the seventh was the main one, this could be seen from the red cloak worn on top.

These are vampires, we’ll all get ready to attack, said Plato and stopped not far away.

The chief approached the police and looked into the car:

– Where is he? – asked the vampire.

In the car, the policeman answered, saying that he was in charge.

They opened the door and pulled Zhenya out, the vampire got angry and roared like a bear:

– Who did you bring me? – asked the vampire.

Plato, answered the chief policeman.

He’s not the idiot, you can’t be trusted with anything, kill him, bury his body in the forest,” the vampire ordered.

Platon drove up at low speed and they started shooting from the car. Shooting from a crossbow, Elsa managed to kill two, who turned into smoke and dissipated. Platon and Lera killed two of them with pistols; Zhenya, in the confusion, quickly ran to Platon’s car and hid behind it.

The two remaining guards turned into bats with sharp fangs and rushed at them.

Elsa hit one with an arrow and it fell onto the asphalt and turned into smoke. The second one grabbed Lera’s hand and bit her. Plato ran up and hit the mouse on the head with the handle of his pistol, and when it fell, he shot at it.

The vampire, turning into a kite, quickly disappeared, we got into the car and left.

Meanwhile, the police hid in their bobby and waited for everything to end.

When everything was quiet, one raised his head and looked around. Finding no one, he pushed his partner in the side and said:

Let’s get out of here before they kill us, said the one in charge.

– Did they pay us for the criminal? – asked the second.

Be glad that at least you’re still alive, we’ll earn money in other ways, said the chief.

Chapter No 7

At home they never stopped laughing:

You saw the vampire’s face when they brought Zhenya instead of me, I thought that he would incinerate them with one glance, said Plato.

You see, everything worked and the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe, said Elsa.

Well, the wolves weren’t completely full, said Zhenya.

But seriously, now there will be a big hunt for us, if you meet someone, find out more information about the person, perhaps they will introduce their people into our team, or at least try, said Plato.

Zhenya reacted calmly to Plato’s words and remembered Anya, who first met him in the supermarket.

It’s just a coincidence, Zhenya thought and didn’t pay much attention to it.

In the room, when Elsa and Lera were already resting, Elsa noticed a bite on her hand and asked:

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