Nothing & Dot. Reorganization of reason
Nothing & Dot. Reorganization of reason

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Nothing & Dot. Reorganization of reason

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Constructing reality, we dive inside the “I” -> dynamically forming our “perspective future”, taking into account the fading past, as if this remaining outside of us. In this process, it seems to us that we are contemplating the external World. It reminds us of a ride on the back platform of the last carriage, looking at the railroad track running away into the distance. In fact, we contemplate, extracting new experience, like events receding into the past – independently choosing the necessary, effective facts and knowledge for rational development, even if the judgment and their qualification are purely subjective. Usually, soon, the “new experience” turns out to be last and already outdated, requiring correction, supplemented by newly extracted valuable facts, either on the basis of previous knowledge, or some special conditions – thus, a new experience is formed, and stored in memory (along with a situation that can be useful for careful analysis). This is repeated, and again;

Thus, it can be stated that any experience is used as part of the data, as a basis for extracting new experience. Another important part of the data are: a). Ideas of “things” in their ideal form; and b). Conditions that influence both the dynamics and change of all objects in the content of a specific current situation, and can also influence the semantic change of the situation itself;

The potential of a situation is its attractiveness, which in turn reflects the degree of saturation with experience and the interest of the “I” (Need of the Essence) in participation, and the intention to be active in the desire to extract new experience, until completely exhausted. But, the complete extraction of experience from the situation is absolutely impossible (it is also, in principle, infinite, in terms of information), however, the “Essence” strives for development, absorbing the maximum experience from what is available, but – a lot depends on the ability to effectively extract experience. It is quite possible that a situation is filled with events from which it is not possible to extract any effective and rational experience, except for visual, although for a writer or artist it may be invaluable – this means that the “Entity” needs it;

Interest is of great importance, that is, the information that interests the “Entity”, as content contained in the data flow – is a catalyst and energy for the manifestation of intention, the realization of reality and the formation of future events. This is incredibly important for those who are learning to manage reality (… there are many practices);

It is necessary to draw your special attention to the fact that changes in static data on the Global level, preserved as consequences of the activity of the “Real aspect of the Self” (if someone moved a stone, then it will remain moved), are not yet reliable evidence of the “Collective Synchronic Realization” of reality, but so far we have not discovered any expressed prerequisites explaining any principles by which this would be possible, therefore, until now, we are investigating the “Nature’ of only one (from the position of each) “Real aspect of the Self”;

“Man is a social being”. We assume that people are not phantoms, and for this reason we have a great interest and a natural need to discover and study the mechanism of Joint Realization of Collective Reality. In addition, we want to find out (even theoretically) whether other civilizations and Global factors exist? Can they be dangerous?, or are they dependent on the intention, as well as the activity of other “Real aspects of the Self”;

shaped sphere – diameter equal to infinity

fig. 5

(representation as a section of the current space along the equator)

Let us imagine and consider this as a diagram on a two-dimensional plane of paper. In figure 2, we practiced cutting an infinite three-dimensional space along the equator – this is a flat circle, the thickness of one conventional point (fig. 5). Let us assume our current space, in the center of which we are now located and discussing the structure of the World (through knowledge of the mechanism of contemplation), pointing to the transition inside the Self, where the “I in the body” participates in the situation, extracting this experience in the contemplated frame (“I” see);

through the center —> into inside

fig. 6

(immersion within oneself one level inside)

After immersion within Ourselves, we are again in the same conditions, we point to the inner “I” and to Its inner contemplation. This immerses us to another – the next level within Ourselves (see fig. 6). We have depicted this diagram on a plane, but by concentrating we understand that this is a sphere with a central point in the center, and this point goes inside Itself, that is, each of us, and turns out to be another space with a central point inside (or compare with the “point of infinity”);

Think about this amazing phenomenon – this point (“I”) is infinite inside Itself – that is, “Mine? I” strangely slips away when trying to touch (It). Each space, at the same time, seems to inherit the Center (“I” seems bottomless, that is, the Abyss – in some, but, certain sense). We are able to do this procedure as many times as we want. The result will be the same. It should be noted – the data uses a stream of photons as transport -> flying inside the “I”, however, the contemplated “fills’ the realized space precisely from the outside, from the past. The future is formed from the past (!).

This means that data enters memory through a certain “I Axis”, through Consciousness and Reason (we called it the signal processing process), is interpreted and qualified, transformed into sensory images, and —> fills the space… from beyond the invisible edge of its limits. All this literally arises, appearing as something contemplated, as if in a giant, magical 3D theater:

∞.. through the center —> inside —> through the center —> inside.. -∞

fig. 7

(immersion within oneself two levels into inside)

Considering that “Consciousness” is out-of-limits and realizes any spaces, it should be explained that multidimensionality cannot be a structural or programmatic problem, since the increase in dimensionality has even a very banal regularity. Another thing is that we will encounter the problem of representation, and without visualization we will not be able to fully explore (the next higher) higher dimensions;

And yet, we will be able to do something. Then our eyes will truly open and it will happen soon, or very soon, but within the framework of this study;

We suggest recalling, or paying attention to, this widely known feature (fundamental pattern):

The mother spaces contain an infinite number of subordinate spaces, each of which is 1 less in dimension.

Zero-dimensionality – Abstract Dot;

One-dimensionality – A straight line connected in one direction from an infinite number of zero-dimensional dots;

Two-dimensionality – a plane, composed of an infinite number of parallel lines;

Three-dimensionality (Volume) – consists of an infinite number of superimposed planes;

Four-dimensionality* (Unicus) – is composed of an infinite number of nested, successively inheriting the central point (outside —> inside) three-dimensional spaces. Unicus [lat] – personal, unique;

*Four-dimensionality is the main fundamental property of the four-dimensional construction of space;

Five-dimensionality (Generalis) – is composed of an infinite number of four-dimensionalities, with axes directed inwards. Generalis [lat] – general. To understand five-dimensionality, it is necessary to understand four-dimensionality;

According to this method, we can easily assume any dimension, in theory it will be correct, but we cannot present a method and practical geometry, because for this knowledge a logical basis is necessary, that is, a reason leading to understanding is needed. The fifth dimension (and five-dimensionality) is not easy to imagine, we will try to explain it first, and then we will try to depict it on a two-dimensional plane, but first let’s look at Unicus.

From the examples that we have discussed above and thanks to the presentation, we understand that the axis of the fourth dimension is infinite and directed inward and outward. In addition, it is necessary to understand that “Consciousness” has no limitations in terms of realization of any dimensions. Both “Consciousness” and the “Global aspect of the Entity”, as “Causes” are ‘out-of-limits’, and are expressed in this way:

∞+1 and —∞—1

Where ∞+1 is the out-of-limits outside and is “Consciousness’, and -∞-1 is the out-of-limits inside, that is, the “Global aspect of the ‘I’”, realized with fundamental relativity to  complete opposite (as a method and basis of being) – a very important “Real aspect of the Global ‘I’”. For understanding the four-dimensionality, this is quite enough, however, we will have to return to this, otherwise we will encounter the natural barrier of Reason, when studying the “Collective Synchronous Realization”. It should be understood that we are considering the general structure, but from the position of each being it is no different;

Are you wondering, What is the difference between the “Global aspect of the Entity” (that is, the “Global aspect of the ‘I’”, which is the same thing) and the “Real aspect of the Global ‘I’”? It is not the time to talk about this yet, but for clarification it should be said that: “The Global aspect of the Entity” is the “One Great ‘I’”, that is, All “Selves” – of each being in their infinite number, which are defined in this relation as “Not I”, in relation to That which Is in reality and participates in situations as the “Real aspect of the Global ‘I’” – as a necessary Balance of opposites (we understand relativity as equal). This relativity is fundamental, equivalent, interdependent, and is ensured by the fact of “Systemic necessity”;


2D projection (from slice “0” to structure view)

fig. 8

(Unicus – sphere – four-dimensionality, along the axis of the fourth dimension, in the direction “inward and outward”)

“Consciousness” is thus accessible to analysis, that is, it does not belong to the category of “incomprehensibility”, if we have “gotten to It logically” and through research (see fig. 8). All this, in general, can be called the Manifestation of the “Entity”, which means that this is really not the limit, based on the provided possibilities ;

Level “0” is the starting point and place of our investigations. Level 1 is the supposed external, that is, the “past’, based on our manifest reality. All levels with a minus marker are internal (-1, -2), that is, precisely those that we “touched’ in this investigation (page 43);

The structure of the four-dimensional space fully corresponds to the Solipsistic World Order, which implies the Condition “There is only I”, and nothing more – the rest is not provable and does not actually exist. This teaching is extremely logical and therefore beautiful as Truth. The idea of Solipsism is ~2500 years old – many recognize it as fundamental, because it is considered irrefutable. At this stage, our research does not go beyond the framework of Solipsism, but – we have not finished the research, and have no right to allow even a shadow of bias. We are interested only in facts, and we will do everything to find answers to the questions posed here. “It’s not evening yet, gentlemen…”;

* * *

In three-dimensional space, the fourth-dimensional axis is the “inward and outward part of the line” that breaks off due to dimensionality mismatch. The inward part of the line is also the Axis of Data Flow, used (and using now) by the “I” when extracting experience reality . The visualization here is limited, but clear enough (on the next page, figure 9, red line #4):

fig. 9

(4th dimension axis in 3D space is represented by the red line 4)

We know from practice that the idea of four-dimensionality cannot cause any particular burden. In order to avoid difficulties in “Understanding the ‘I’” or studying the structure of the World in the future, it is better to understand this now, otherwise you will encounter incomprehensibility. But, after realizing it will turn out to be fairly simple, but the most important thing is that at the moment of realizing you will acquire a special advantage – the ability to think in completely different categories using four-dimensionality, and until the reorganization of the Reason does not occur, further reasoning will have an inaccessible meaning, and will not be understood by you properly – as it is necessary;

The Dimensionality Barrier is insurmountable without Knowledge of the Method and a clear understanding of each subsequent structure;

True Knowledge does not come by itself, but it can be acquired if you study with special interest, have a desire and show intention. The real and factual, anything, always has logical, explainable grounds and this is especially true for knowledge and experience;

The awareness of Four-dimensionality can be facilitated by a look from one and every point in the volume of three-dimensionality. This appears to be the fourth direction “inside and out’ and is accessible only to Creatures and things that correspond to the “Four-dimensional Nature of Reason’. That is, if the Reason of a Creature does not have the special functions necessary for the awareness of Four-dimensionality, then the Space realized will not be adapted for objects of such an order. Thus, “Four-dimensional Constructions’ will not be accessible – due to the lack of “Bases Corresponding to Them’;

Every point in Space of any degree of dimensionality is potentially an intersection of All dimensions;

For example, a person who is aware of five dimensions understands that each point in four-dimensional space is a five-dimensional integration. That is, in his view, the axes of five dimensions pass through each of them. By analogy, each point in three dimensions is an intersection of four axes for a being who is aware of four dimensions. This is a natural attitude towards points in any space;

Let us formulate it differently: All points of any Space are located in a General Structure of infinite degree of dimensionality (and complexity, which is the same. Complexity, as Nesting, is provable and indicates a pattern related to dimensionality… since chaos is impossible);

We often come across the fact that Dimensions are relevant exclusively for the Alives, and can be used only by the “Alive Beings” (“World for the Alives”), because only the “I” (the “Real aspect of the Entity’) affects the “Consciousness” and, in contrast to this: Objects do not have Will, cannot act independently and do not have the property and ability to realize Reality. Moving, anything (and anywhere) is a detail of the realization of Reality, and only the Alive (!) can be Present (Or, Assuming – but then This does not exist, there are only Conditions of a specific wave applicable to pure Ideas) can assert this;

It should be understood that the awareness of Dimensionality is comprehensible and acquired as Knowledge and Experience, and this applies not only to the understanding (figuratively) of the logical structure, but also to the ability of geometric representation of a strictly defined and corresponding “construction’, an order of magnitude more complex – in comparison with the subordinate, (younger), subsidiary structure (…like part of the method only);

However, does it have to be space? What are we talking about? – We imagine space as a volume, the closest ones belong to this category, that is, the fourth and fifth, but there is the second (plane), the first (straight line) and zero (point). With our level of development, we are not yet able to think about the possibility of some other dimensions, below the point, or with a minus value, like minus first, minus second, but if we are able to think about it, then they exist, but there are no Ideas about their ‘meaning’.  :);

It is obvious that at the moment we cannot adequately discuss this, and in order not to make mistakes, it is better to stop at the fact that negative dimensions cannot exist . If the Perspective appears, then nothing will stop us;


Obviously, we are not alone. This is wonderful. Everything we know and everything we can do – we received from those who were around, and they, in turn, learned it from other people. Society is a carrier of information and an inexhaustible source of almost all opportunities, knowledge and skills, not excluding those that seem banal: the ability to speak, to use the simplest things – to eat with a spoon, to maintain posture while standing on two legs, etc. It is to Society that we owe our existence as Homo sapiens. History, Science, and Culture, for all this, we sincerely thank specific people, our family, the closest Society, Society, and Humanity as a whole. It is a pity that some people treat this with a certain smirk.

– — —

All participants in real events play a huge role in the formation of experience, and are often the main initiators, while we only observe (… as it seems to us). Humanity is developing under the pressure of many factors, ancient stereotypes, foundations, infected with numerous authoritative opinions, up to the most delusional (each at own level), and is subject to the influence of dozens, or even hundreds – teachings and false teachings.

Although, theoretically, there may be a universal, “Adaptive Worldview” – which does not contradict the basic teachings (respected, necessary, ofcource) teachings having the status of, literally, “honorable and fundamental’, that is – not because of the “technology of penetratingly tormenting exposition’, but precisely “by the Essence of the content and enormous significance for Society’. The meaning of this study will not allow you to make a mistake and contradict the conclusion:

Society (the object of attention and sincere care) is the thinking part of myself ;

Understanding the essence of the “Entity” calls for showing all kinds of care and attention to people, to Humanity and Society. A person with a worldview that identifies Himself with the World is imbued with universal mutual love, is not capable of starting a war, offending another person, or harming anyone – everything he sees is dear to him, because he perceives the World as Himself – having all the necessary grounds for this, which is important.

This concept activates the intention of the “I” to learn and develop in all directions. A person caring about society, begins to make discoveries, to understand the meaning of existence and the need to live as long as possible – thereby forming a conscious Path to Eternity, preserving the Own “I” unchanged, not having lost its ‘self-identification’. These are purely personal subjective criteria and qualifications, which a person can judge exclusively independently;

* * *

Reasoning, here, we are dealing with morality, however, we need to understand, discarding all emotions. Studying the mechanism of contemplation, we came to the conclusion about the conditions of absolute isolation. Based on this, the World is realized individually, that is – we cannot assert what is primary – “I” or “Humanity”? , as anything realized in space turns out to be secondary for us. When we begin any discussions about the “I” and its nature, we assume that we are talking about the Cause of the World, and the Essence of the Beginnings, at the moment of the “First Origin”. In complete isolation, we cannot assume any other Beginning except the “I”. That is, the first moment of opening eyes is precisely the Birth of the World, or the “First Explosion’. While this is so;

Other people, including our parents, are discovered (realized) only after our birth, and we do not remember the moment of our birth, just as we cannot be aware of the moment of our own death, but we observe how they (others) are born and die – this is a fact of the fundamental difference of “I” and “Not I”. Further: It is necessary to ignore all emotions. What is the true sequence of These Events? Does it exist at all, this sequence?, or is the moment of reality so “fictitious’ that some “things” are not important at all? What is the Cause, and of What? The list of these questions looks bold, but the obvious is not even debatable. Considering the individually realized space and absolute isolation, it is possible to assert – we realized our parents as a foundation, and this is undeniable. Among other things, considering the fact that “Everything has a Foundation’ – the realization of parents is necessary, but again “exclusively by fact – after birth’, i.e. – after the Act of emergence.

This assumes that we (meaning the “I” of each from His own position) – Are the Cause of everything, in the absolute sense, as well as all relatives without exception, including “great-great-… -grandmothers’ to any generation – which are realized simultaneously and quite naturally, as the need to have causes (reasons): for parents, and after them the cause of grandmothers, and great-grandmothers, etc. As we said above, this relates to the main differences, where the fundamental (each) “Proper I”, in any rational logic will turn out to be the “First Cause’. From this position we consider both the structure of the Universe, implying “Itself”, and the Nature of the “Entity”, as well as what is connected with the questions posed here: What Am I? and, How is the World structured?…

All this is logical, but too rigid . As before – the Solipsistic structure of the World is indestructible;

But, Reason versus the Radical-Pragmatic System;

Sometime, in thousands of years, we will change so much that we will come to a calculating rational culture and psyche. This will eventually entail: Mixing of races and Mutual integration of all Cultures that arose on the Planet – therefore, here, we all peoples arose, and we develop many cultures in order to create a single, but richer, and more flexible, complex, thus – beautiful, maximally effective, as a great and perfect Tool for the Development of Civilization. This is an interesting and complex topic, probably worth paying attention to, given the conflicts and disagreements of peoples due to different cultures and religions – which, however, are also political raw material for vile provocations, military conflicts, territorial disputes. This is not a dream at all. This is inevitability. Therefore, the Philosophy of Peace is relevant.

* * *

Since we have decided to investigate, let us continue our reasoning and try to discover fundamental grounds with the help of which it will be possible to prove the Existence of other people, and their actual participation in the events we observe. Perhaps, We (Humanity) have already encountered such problems due to the limitation of dimensionality, including the thinking ability of Reason. If we think in three-dimensional categories, there can be no positive result, due to the natural systemic barrier. We have previously found out – the Dimensionality Barrier is overcome through understanding the “Essence of the Structure’, a clear understanding of the “Reasonable and detailed logical Device’, and the “Geometric representation’ – there is no other way and cannot be. We consider this very positive :), since the study and acceptance cannot be widespread, due to psychological and socio-psychological factors.

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