Nothing & Dot. Reorganization of reason
Nothing & Dot. Reorganization of reason

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Nothing & Dot. Reorganization of reason

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Unusual knowledge can only be obtained in the most unusual way;

For effective research it will be useful to keep in mind and take into account everything we already know – it will require a look at the studied picture as a whole, and from different positions. “Consciousness” is only intuitively and mentally understood as Space. To be more precise, “Consciousness” is primary, that is, as if “above space”, beyond, it is level (∞+1), and is implied by the fundamental “like hardware” part, while Space (like any objects) are some software realization of the “place for images” – no less ephemeral and virtual, which we mean an image on a monitor or a volumetric hologram (made of colored sparks);

“Space” (volume) – is realized only statically relative to everything that is contemplated ‘located’ inside. Any objects located in Space are temporary (extremely unstable), dynamic, both inside and outside. It is always necessary to keep in mind that space is realized inaccessible to sensory perception, that is – we do not feel it and do not see it, but we are aware of its presence due to the relativity of the objects located in it. We especially note the fact that any objects exist relative to space and even a single object in space (air, for example) can exist unhindered, that is, without the need to have relativity to other objects (it arises when there are more than one object);

* * *

Geometrically, space is easiest to imagine in the form of a spheresince the radius in all directions is “equal to infinity’. The absence of space limits is beyond doubt, since space is realized through “Consciousness” as a wave function. Given the fundamental and direct contact with reality, Space, as we understand, has a unique and amazing property that is not inherent in objects, namely: it has no properties, dimensions, and is potentially infinite. Being the basis for the realization of objects in the conditions of reality, space is fundamental;

fig. 2

(the Point in the center of space is “I”)

The Systemic Function of Space is realized partially, as needed, when we are present and pay attention. The boundary of Space will retreat when approaching it, that is, Space is infinite, but – precisely preliminary. For example, if you fly to the “Nearest Star”, need to realize the “pre-existing space”, and fly at the speed of light for years, or billions of years;

With such a structure (of the system), the dimensions cannot be an obstacle, and do not have much significance, as well as time, therefore – anything is realized equally simply and instantly, a glass, trees and a cluster of galaxies. However, to study and gain experience, the dynamics of these objects and the situation – a process in time and space are necessary;

With constant attention -> in the direction of a specific point of concentration, the function of the realization of Space is interpreted and presented as an endless cycle, with expansion in all directions and moving away from the center – at the speed of light, as is appropriate in these conditions;

* * *

No, of course we are not in the matrix, and this is not a computer program. There is no point in creating this at the risk of making a mistake – everything works fine as is. Yes, for better understanding, we sometimes use terms and words “software, program, processor, etc.” implying the structure and functionality of a living being – scientifically proven at the level of physical processes, which we have been observing and successfully studying for hundreds of years.

This is not a vain and greatest work – with one caveat – we studied the “Contemplated”, but not the external, but only the structure of the images visible to us (“things”), a kind of “Parade of Illumination of Elementary Particles”. With such a structure, it is not at all surprising that objects, when they are very close, consist of particles that do not touch each other , that is why everything is so complex, literally – like the entire volume of physics, because it (physics) studies precisely this “enchanting phenomenon”;

* * *

There can be no talk of external physical reality, we have reliably established this and repeated it more than once, but for ease of application in our research, it is necessary to understand many principles (seemingly obvious);

We propose to formulate from what is already known:

The Real Status of an object is its visible Status, corresponding to the current state – “an object with imposed experience”, and according to the new existing conditions;

Here, the concept of “Status” implies an ephemeral, but concrete state of the Idea of an object, in relation to other objects in a related situation, and according to strictly defined conditions. If the change in the state of an object is expressed by a wave function, then the point of attention (concentration) will always correspond to a specific moment of realization, and then the point seems to move along the wave of change of the object. In reality, we see a static state at a specific point, and each subsequent moment is different, at the next point, and then the next, and so on… The object, in this case, is contemplated as dynamic in all respects, both inside and outside.

It is necessary to clarify the following about the contemplated moment – the really visible state represents precisely the final condition, that is, the state in which the object has already been completely transformed, and will be available in experience in a new state. We understand It as two-component: Idea + Wave of state; Looking at a fresh apple on the table implies Its Idea – this is the Apple Itself and + Condition of changing the state of a specific object, taking into account all factors. Let’s say we put an Apple on the table at home, and went on a trip for six months. When we return and, remembering the apple, look at the table, we will see a rotten (half-decomposed), but already dry apple. That is, the Idea + the Condition that in an environment with room temperature, the apple will turn into what we saw after returning. In the given example, the conditions will be your experience in which apples spoil. Even if you did not see how the apple changed in the process, but a point on the wave of its state will not cause an error, based on the relationship of many, many factors in this situation, including physics, chemistry, biology, etc. If there is a Hamster in the house, in a cage, and he suddenly escapes, then the Entity will take it into account as a condition, then the Apple will most likely be eaten. The probability, which we call “most likely” will include the behavior of the Hamster, his intelligence, ability and opportunity to climb on the table, … and so on;

fig. 3

Let us imagine a wave of each object, a supposed “frame of reality”, i.e. in one range of events and data on states, penetrated by a beam of the system function, perpendicularly “touching” one point of each wave, but corresponding to the moment – exposing what is contemplated in the form of a sensory result of processing, in the internal volume of the virtual 3D sphere of the contemplated reality (see fig. 3This is the final state of the transformation process: between the existing state of objects (in the situation) previously available in memory, and the state of already transformed objects, through the imposition of experience, which is stored as new experience. The point of attention has no relation to time, but represents a point “on a conditional scale” of the dynamic state of an object, as a process of transforming its past state into the future (if this is clearer). This does not prevent us from using time as a method of measuring relations, quantities, parameters and states (this is what happens), then – the point of the real moment on the “time scale” corresponds to some specific point of state on the “scale of the state of the object”, but this is not the same thing at all – these are different scales considered at the same moment, albeit correlative, but conditionally. That is – according to an intentionally created, specific condition:

Time is a method of measuring relationships in real conditions accepted in a particular “Society’;

It is necessary to explain that in order to understand some (many) Laws, Truths, “things”, we are forced to consider them, breaking them down into successive chains, although these elements are phenomena of a non-physical nature, and since we do not have suitable tools of knowledge, except for those we use, then assuming “criticism outside attempts at understanding’ – we will continue without apology.

The moment of reality seems to roll on the waves of experience and events, directly dependent on the intention of the “I”. If the temporal reality is an abstract boundary between the past and the future, then it is also a moment of transition, when the “future time” changes its status to “past”;

The temporal extension of the “reality frame” cannot be measured, it does not exist. Consequently, anything dynamic, contemplated is unique and cannot be repeated under any circumstances. An object now, and “the same object” but in billionths of a second – differ from each other, almost like different objects. Everything is simple – object “A” existed before, but under the influence of experience and conditions , it was transformed into object “B”. Here (with a smile) “The Ship of Theseus” comes to mind. A very strange “problem”. Does it even exist? Or …is it also a Myth?

Let us digress for a moment to the “problem” of replacing all parts of a whole (either sequentially or simultaneously, which is irrelevant). This implies a certain monument, however, one can consider a similar act of replacing all parts of any “complex things’ with the question: Will the “Thing Itself” and the essence of the attitude towards it be preserved? Will not the replacement of all parts affect the attitude, due to the loss of the Status of the Original, and that true uniqueness and belonging that the “thing’ possessed in the first place?

Any object, as we have found out, at each moment differs from its previous form, mass, and composition. This is confirmed by physics, chemistry, logic, and also metaphysics;

Therefore, before the replacement of the parts of the “Ship of Theseus”, the parts were already different from the original. The ship can be considered original only when it belongs to Theseus, and when Theseus himself is on it. In this case, the Essence of the replacement is not important – he (Theseus) could replace any parts, and at any time, this did not violate the ship’s ownership. Theseus does not exist, as does his ship. If we only recognize the ship and honor it as a monument, then nothing can change this attitude, and nevertheless, the latter does not solve the problem, but – it is definitely solved by the fact that a “thing’ cannot be static in the conditions of reality, and the details of such, too, change at every moment. That is why the replacement of those parts that have become unusable – does not in any way violate the “essence of the Ship Itself’, as well as other “repaired things’, otherwise, we assert that – the originals actually do not exist, but our attitude is the only proof of the originality of “things’;

* * *

Let us once again pay attention to the realization. When the mechanism of contemplation is studied, we break it down into parts (studying step by step). In this case, we perceive and realize the processes that occur not step by step (that is, in the current mode) and the realization of reality, as a flow – dynamically, as if flooding (streaming) events [from outside -> into inside], filling the space. Here it is necessary to clarify that it is possible to assert that only the visible volume is filled, that is, that “there is something around the corner” – it is impossible to prove unless we use conditions that are still unknown to us. We have to take into account the periods (stages) that we consider in our reasoning, and their seemingly greater length in comparison with the transition of the point of attention (the point of concentration) along the wave of change of the object, or situation, “from one point to another’ – in this sense, there is no “real dynamics” at all, and the expression “real dynamics” is absurd to the point of impossibility, as are “real objects and situations”. That is, the processes being studied, “occurring in reality’, can be understood as “illusory’ and “pseudo-real’, …if try to scrupulously understand the “System Structure” – this will come in handy;

Let’s continue the research using the separation method, as before (we have no other choice), otherwise it is impossible to understand, the final result is extremely important to us;

It is obvious that the “current objects mass” dynamically fills the space – coming from the outside -> in. Considering the transition inward, when photons cross the body’s boundary (see fig. 1), and looking at the initially previous picture, we understand that we are contemplating inside ourselves, leaving the “past” outside – and falling inward, together with our body;

Transform the step-by-step reasoning into a flow, it turns out that being in an active state, we fly to inside Ourselves, participating in events – constantly trying to gain experience and this corresponds to the phrase: “To live, you need to learn” (develop);

Why “trying”? Because experience should be divided into passive (just empty), which could not be extracted – which was missed in the development process, and effective – i.e. completely new, extracted through existing experience, necessary for further development and useful;

While exploring, we must constantly remember about the current flow (as a condition), more precisely: about our flight into the Self and immersion into the “I”. This is very important. There is a valuable meaning in connecting this interesting fact with the “catchphrase’ of Delphi: “know thyself”. The complex can be too simple;

* * *

We will also consider the current notion of reality, perceived as a simple sequence of -broad- time frames. For example, if we are talking about the past, then this category includes long-term events, or certain extended states, which we draw in the same way as we imagine a “reality frame” and then return this picture for analysis – we do this again and again. Also, people often worry about something, and project a returning frame that irritates the psyche when they “voluntarily practice experiencing.” By the way, they receive a specific experience, which is subsequently necessarily transformed into something unpleasant;

Reality in such falsifications represents a whole “period of the necessary degree of clarity’. The clearest and most detailed “fresh past’ is available in memory for a shorter time than low-detailed events in their general presentation. Over time, the past will no longer be able to return as it was remembered at the moment of the realization of the long-past reality, since the attitude towards the events that happened will change radically. But, we are always learning the business of acquiring experience, and periodic analysis of similar events, with special persistence, will lead to the acquisition of new experience, possibly more valuable than when analyzing the “obvious original’ – when we faced with a given situation “under real conditions”;

fig. 4

(wide time frames are supplemented with data from memory)

If we assume a “time machine” :) and move to a familiar past – for the traveler everything will be different, not like before, but completely new, and he will get a new experience. Everything that we do not see constantly, or almost daily – when meeting can turn out to be an amazing surprise;

It is appropriate to briefly talk about the future. First of all, it should be understood that the future as such does not exist, but one can fantasize in imagining it. The future, that is, “in mental space’, is realized only taking into account the existing experience, and if you suddenly move with a time machine “into the future’, five years ahead, and then return to the starting point, then when these same five years have passed, but in the usual manner, the place of visit will be realized completely differently, taking into account the experience acquired during the past five years, but in completely different conditions, including the experience gained when visiting the future using a time machine. And yet, this is nothing more than fantasy, because the future does not exist, but, from the current point of realization, as we have already established, it (the future) is formed from the existing experience, but travel to the past is most likely possible, or will become possible. But, there are also oddities;

* * *

If we assume that our X100-great-great-children (that’s ~5 thousand years about) did invent a time machine and traveled to our days. Theoretically, when returning back, they could take a traveler from our time with them, with the purpose of visiting (him) the future. In our 5000 years, with the complete absence of time for the Entity, and taking into account the exponential growth of the level of technology – they already have such a device, and then the UFOs flying everywhere – it is they (i.e. earthlings, people) from the future, flying and living among us, with the purpose of studying and, probably, correcting events in their time. They do not make contact because of the threat (development) of dangerous consequences due to interference. Let’s call it fantasy and continue, here, our down-to-earth :) research (just joke);

* * *

The future is only imagined, although the near future is assumed to be quite clear, and even as if it is visible, but it is far from a fact that it will be exactly as it is visualized. However, having even vague plans, we can anticipate the research and say that the flow of events, which seems to be habitual spontaneity, is “controlled’ by the “System of Entity Development”, but we will not go into this topic, at this stage it will simply amuse our wild fantasies;

We understand that “Reason”, as an instrument (“soft’, or software processor) – has an indirect relation to absolutely everything, for we are not even able to think of Ourselves without using Its comprehensive functionality;

“Reason” never leaves us as long as we (being in our right mind) are able to identify ourselves and qualify our own actions <…through the sense of conscience and moral laws>.

Thus, we separate the “I” from the “Reason”, there are grounds for this. Without the “Reason”, the “I” cannot recognize itself, define itself as concrete, or as actually existing, and precisely in a concrete body.

Therefore, “Reason” is an instrument, and “I” is not it (“Reason”). Consequently, “I” has no fundamental relativity to “Reason”, since, when available, It is “the Own Reason of the concrete I”. When the “I” realizes (this: ‘create’; through its “Consciousness”) its own existence in the conditions of reality, then – [“I” + “His Reason”] appears indivisible. “Reason”, without an operator (“I”) is the most ordinary wave function, and cannot exist independently in the conditions of reality – this is unthinkable due to an internal error, or, if we deliberately make such an error, then, logically, “I” will turn out to be transcendental, just as everything would become incomprehensible, including what we are discussing (not only here);

Without Reason everything is meaningless and incomprehensible;

Some people can go into the astral plane. The Reason, in this case, remains active together with the “I” and allows us to state this exit, i.e. – it also ‘leaves’ the body, if we can look at it (the body) from the outside and at the same time recognize it, lying separately, as our own;

We also know that in dreams the Reason functions rather strangely, but quite successfully, the “I” can think, experience emotions and manifest intention. It is also clear that the Reason is not space | the body is not the Reason, and | the Reason is not part of the body. The “I” defines itself exclusively through the Reason.

Therefore, in the process of cognition we will imply that “I” is rational (have Reason), possesses and controls Reason. “I” is and exists only in relation to Consciousness; Considering that “I”, the entire World, that is, everything absolutely, cannot exist outside of Consciousness, then Reason arises as a consequence of experience – forming and developing literally from scratch (presumably start in the process of conception). From all this it follows that the Reason is individual and absolutely unique, this is reliably proven and confirmed;

* * *

The strange thing is that even thoroughly understanding the entire logical chain, the Reason always tries to find a clue that maintains a connection with previous ideas about the structure of the World, being oppressed by the influence of stereotypes and other mental parasites, however, it is necessary, having discarded the dross of ignorance – to understand and imagine as it really is, without any emotions, extraneous thoughts and doubts. From position of everyone: “I want to understand this, and develop as effectively as possible”;


It is absolutely clear and obvious to us how the scheme of the contemplation mechanism leads to complete isolation and blocks the “Idea of the external reality of objects independent of “Consciousness”. At the same time, we also understand that we are talking about the impossibility of the existence of the physical World – such as we imagined it before, but otherwise nothing changes, except for the extremely important (!) emotional psichic relations. The contemplated remains the same. In itself, the Knowledge of the Structure of the World cannot manifest activity by its own Will, and magically influence the boiling of water in a kettle, will not melt ice, will not make the faded beautiful, etc. – this is not a spell. We are, however, sure that this knowledge can be used, but only at will and thanks to certain practices, which are not discussed here, because This is the practice itself, all the rest are, for the most part, secondary. The one who will be able to realize This essence will forever change the attitude towards Himself, that is, it is implied by an equal attitude towards the World as a whole, towards Humanity, Society, and towards everything living and nonliving, including all situations. This unusual Knowledge will help to realize Happiness, to love Himself, the World, God, and Everything Absolutely – without any limitations and exceptions;

* * *

Photons act on the eye cell -> The cell initiates signals that go to the brain -> The signals are processed, and then -> “I” see what seems external to me. “I” understand that this phenomenon is provided by systemic features, and is only a sensory representation of the results of signal processing – that is, waves originating from the “Sources of My own history, and modified by experience to My appearance.” We already knew that according to our physics, some of the signals are electrical, we agreed to call them that, but what are they really? – we do not know;

So, in the process of this research we conclude that we are, and were, in an “isolated bubble of closed space’, which seems common to us, but upon comprehension turns out to be individual;

Let us remember that we began to reason with the aim of studying the mechanism by which we “see right now’;

Let’s draw an analogy of the result, that is, we are in a separate room (as if already inside “Consciousness’, it is similar), and, in these conditions, we say that we are in isolation, and, pointing the index finger towards the eyes, we say that we see everything that is happening in this room, but precisely inside “Consciousness’, thereby, as if once again, again, we dive inside Ourselves. Before, we have already gone through this practice and understand that not everyone will be able to imagine it, but many already know that after understanding, it will turn out to be too simple. We hope you will master it;

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