Грамматические трудности перевода. Английский язык для юристов
Грамматические трудности перевода. Английский язык для юристов

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Н.В. Огнева

Английский язык для юристов

Грамматические трудности перевода

Учебное издание

[битая ссылка]


Язык права англо-американской правовой системы характеризуется наличием определенного набора грамматических явлений, которые, как правило, вызывают трудности у специалистов, занимающихся переводом юридических текстов. Это синтаксические конструкции и структуры, традиционно относящиеся к разделу пассивной или рецептивной грамматики. Именно поэтому при подготовке юристов-переводчи-ков необходимо формирование у них умения работы с текстами юридического содержания в рамках предложенной тематики.

Целью настоящего пособия является обучение учащихся навыкам выявления данных структур в текстах правовой тематики различной степени трудности, понимания их значения и адекватного перевода на русский язык.

Отбор грамматического материала проходил по двум критериям: частотности употребления в юридической литературе и степени трудности, которую грамматические структуры представляют при переводе на русский язык. Это структуры с неличными формами глаголов, модальные глаголы с различными формами инфинитива, разные типы сложноподчиненных предложений, а также грамматические конструкции и союзные слова, типичные для юридических текстов. В пособие также вошли некоторые грамматические явления, которые представляют особое значение для переводчиков. Это актуальное членение предложения, подлежащее с обстоятельственным значением и атрибутивные группы.

Пособие состоит из четырех частей. Первая часть включает 36 базовых упражнений. Каждое базовое упражнение предваряется эпиграфом, в котором в форме афоризма, крылатой фразы или цитаты задается тема раздела. Афоризмы содержат тренируемое в данном разделе грамматическое явление и могут быть использованы для перевода и обсуждения, а также быть заучены наизусть. Каждый раздел первой части пособия начинается с модели или моделей, иллюстрирующих типичные способы перевода рассматриваемого грамматического явления, которые представляются и поясняются преподавателем. Затем следуют предложения, включающие данную грамматическую структуру, в самых разнообразных контекстах.

Во второй части пособия представлены девять обзорных упражнений, каждое из которых охватывает грамматический материал четырех разделов и предназначено для повторения пройденного.

Третья часть включает девять сводных упражнений с предложениями, содержащими несколько грамматических трудностей. Эти упражнения покрывают весь объем пассивной грамматики и предназначены для дальнейшего закрепления переводческих навыков.

В заключительной части пособия даны тексты или целостные в смысловом отношении отрывки текстов, охватывающие различные разделы права и включающие весь спектр пройденного материала.

При работе с пособием преподаватель может как придерживаться предложенного порядка следования упражнений, так и использовать материал пособия выборочно в том порядке, который отвечает потребностям учебного процесса и конкретной аудитории учащихся. Пособие предполагает устную работу под руководством преподавателя, который дает необходимые пояснения в аудитории, и последующую письменную работу дома с анализом допущенных ошибок.

Материал пособия взят из английских и американских учебников по праву, юридических статей и правовых документов. Лишь десять процентов предложений включают лексику экономического и общеполитического характера. Предложения являются законченными смысловыми и логическими высказываниями, не требующими дополнительного контекста для понимания.

Предлагаемая работа предназначена для студентов, аспирантов и слушателей юридических вузов, изучающих английский язык и перевод в сфере профессиональной коммуникации.

Автор выражает свою искреннюю благодарность доценту кафедры английского языка № 1 Московского государственного юридического университета имени О. Е. Кутафина (МГЮА) П. В. Рыбину за практическую помощь в работе над пособием и подготовку рукописи к печати.



It is legal because I wish it.

Louis XIV

1. Местоимение It


1. Предваряющее It

a) It is + adjective

It is necessary to apply for a patent in order to protect a new discovery.

Для того чтобы защитить право на новое изобретение, необходимо дать заявку на получение патента.

b) It is + past participle + that

It is expected that the first month of the trial will be taken up with selecting the jury.

Ожидается, что первый месяц судебного процесса уйдет на выбор состава присяжных.

c) It is + noun + that

It is a common misconception as to the law of contracts that an agreement is not binding if it is not in written form.

В сфере договорного права существует распространенное заблуждение, а именно: соглашение имеет обязательную силу только в случае, если оно заключено в письменной форме.

2. Формальное It

Some people disapprove of law that makes it compulsory to fix seat belts to cars.

Некоторые люди не одобряют закон, согласно которому автомобили должны быть оборудованы ремнями безопасности.

1. It is not usual to haggle about prices in a British shop, as it is in, say, a Turkish market.

2. It is necessary to have a clear picture of a staggering amount of crime and how various classes and strata are affected by it.

3. It is felt that society cannot work if people are allowed to take the property of others at will: therefore theft is forbidden and thieves are punished.

4. People continue to rely on written agreements for years but if a serious disagreement arises they may decide it necessary to take a legal action.

5. The jury is to decide questions of fact, and it is the judge’s responsibility to guide them on questions of law.

6. Most countries find it convenient to set up separate systems of criminal and civil courts.

7. It is important to consider to what extent descriptive and prescriptive laws can be distinguished from customs and social rules.

8. In many legal systems it is an important principle that a person cannot be considered guilty of a crime until the state proves he committed it.

9. Under resolutions which were adopted by the UN General Assembly it is the duty of every state to pursue and punish war criminals.

10. The vagrancy laws, some judges observe, make it a crime to be poor, downtrodden and unemployed.

11. It should be noted that the phrase “common law” is sometimes used in England today to describe the whole body of judge-made rules.

12. In order to separate the role of the legislature and judiciary, it was necessary to make laws that were clear and comprehensive.

13. I t is a crime to drink alcohol in Saudi Arabia, but not in Egypt. It is a crime to smoke marijuana in England but not (in prescribed places) in the Netherlands.

14. For some people, the image of a lawyer is someone who leads a very wealthy and comfortable life; however, it should not be forgotten that there are also lawyers whose lives are not so secure.

15. It is the task of the Crown to establish to the satisfaction of the jury the guilt of the accused.

16. It is a basic principle of the Anglo-American system of justice that neither an act alone nor an intent alone is sufficient to constitute a crime; the two must concur to establish criminal responsibility.

There is no instinct like that of the heart.

Lord Byron

2. Слова-заместители That, Those


The most urgent question everywhere in this country today is that of complying with the law.

В наши дни наиболее неотложной проблемой во всех уголках нашей страны является проблема соблюдения законности.

1. If a conflict arises between EU law and that of a member state, EU law takes precedence so that the law of a member state must be disapplied.

2. According to specialists the two central banks most independent of the government are those of Switzerland and Germany.

3. Many companies invest their profits in such spheres as sophisticated technologies and those giving fast returns.

4. A margin is the difference between the interest rates which banks pay to lenders and those they charge to borrowers.

5. Partnerships can be formed easily and the legal position of partners is not very different from that of sole traders.

6. Complaints from Russian businesses and their desire to see a simple and more effective tax system are similar to those of European and American businesses.

7. Ordinary Americans are much more interested in local politics than in those at the federal level.

8. The political power of the US Secretary of State is second only to that of the President.

9. The system of checks and balances is such an arrangement of government powers where powers of one government branch check and balance those of other branches.

10. Most legal systems in Europe, including that of Scotland and indirectly those in many other parts of the world, were strongly influenced by Roman law.

11. The House of Lords is considered the upper house of the British Parliament, but its political powers are much more limited than those of the lower house, the House of Commons.

12. International law comprises the regulation of relations between governments and also between private citizens of one country and those of another.

13. Private law involves legal problems which exist between individuals, in contrast to those in which society is concerned.

14. Good offices are similar to mediation in that they also involve a third party, however, the role of this third party is much more passive than that of a mediator.

15. The definitions of many torts closely resemble those of crimes.

16. A fundamental principle of modern international law is that of the equality and self-determination of nations and peoples.

But in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.

Benjamin Franklin

3. Сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом


1. The trial, which has been rumored everywhere for so long, is believed to be nearly completed.

Полагают, что судебный процесс, который столь долго находился в центре общественного внимания, почти завершен.

2. Their advertising methods seem to be in violation of the law.

По-видимому, их методы ведения рекламной кампании являются незаконными.

3. Local accountants or attorneys in business for themselves or small retail shops are likely to be sole proprietorships.

Местные бухгалтеры, юристы, занимающиеся частной практикой, а также владельцы мелких розничных магазинов, как правило, действуют в качестве индивидуальных предпринимателей.

1. The economic situation in this country is reported to be improving.

2. The conference is expected to be held on the premises of the Academy.

3. Punishment is thought, sometimes correctly, to act as a deterrent both to the convict and to others.

4. The invention is expected to be of great importance for the protection of the environment.

5. Political stability is generally thought to be a good thing, but economic changes are usually inevitable.

6. The registration of a company may be cancelled if its objects turn out to be illegal.

7. Contract damages are merely intended to compensate a plaintiff for his loss.

8. A lot of research has shown that people are more likely to read and believe publicity than advertising.

9. He seems to have excluded himself from the vice-presidential candidacy at the time when the public opinion polls report that he is most popular.

10. The British Queen is expected to be impartial or “above politics” and her political advice to the Prime Minister is kept secret.

11. A barrister is required to have reached an accepted educational standard and to have become a member of the Inns of Court1.

12. In recent times lawyers have made efforts to make their profession less mysterious; after all, their job is supposed to clarify matters for the public, not to make them more complicated.

13. Lawyers try to explain exactly why a judicial decision has been made, even when the decision appears to be obvious common sense.

14. The overall acquittal rate is said to be increasing now that defendants have the right to be tried by a jury.

15. Due to the system of checks and balances the President is not as powerful as many people outside the US seem to think he is.

16. War crimes are understood to mean serious violations of international humanitarian law committed during international or non-international armed conflicts.

17. It is a criminal offence to publish anything which is likely to ‘deprave and corrupt’ people. This law is aimed at preventing the worst type of pornographic material from being published.

I think hardship is necessary for life to be good, for you to enjoy it.

If you don’t know hardship, you don’t

know when you have it good.

Wallace Rassmussen, President, Beatrice Foods, Chicago

4. For – фразы с инфинитивом


1. It is cheaper for a company to issue bonds than shares. Выпуск облигаций обходится компании дешевле, чем выпуск акций.

2. Some industrial projects are too sophisticated for experts to evaluate their effect on the environment.

Некоторые промышленные объекты настолько сложны, что эксперты не могут оценить степень их влияния на окружающую среду.

1. The problem under discussion was too complicated for the participants in the Congress to cope with.

2. All these factors aggravated the debt problem and it was impossible for the country to meet its external debt service obligations in time.

3. One of the ways to run a business is for two or more people to form a partnership in which they share management, profits and liabilities to debts.

4. There is always a need for management to give the front line personnel relevant guidelines for all activities.

5. The WTO is a forum for member governments to negotiate trade agreements and to try to sort out trade problems.

6. Judges do not merely apply the law, in some cases they make law, and their interpretations may become precedents for other courts to follow.

7. As a first step it is customary for the solicitor to try to settle a dispute without litigation.

8. It is necessary for at least ten of the twelve jurors to agree in order to find a defendant guilty.

9. It is now possible for barristers to be employed by firms of solicitors, companies, or other institutions as in-house lawyers.

10. Immediately after judgement has been given, it is usual for the counsel for the successful party to ask for costs, and this is a matter for the judge’s discretion.

11. It is possible for American candidates to win a majority in a state and still lose the popular vote and the Electoral College.

12. Cabinet officials are appointees of the President, so when the President’s service ends it is customary for the Cabinet to resign.

13. The US Special Courts have been established to handle cases which are sometimes difficult for a judge to understand.

14. It is essential for a sovereign state to be able to create such legal relations with other entities as it feels fit.

15. In recent years it has been difficult for intellectual property law to keep pace with technological change.

16. They say, there are a lot of young lawyers now, far too many for the legal job market to absorb.

17. It is illegal for businesses to conspire with each other in order to fix prices or divide markets between them.

Lawyers with a weakness for seeing the merits of

the other side end up being employed by neither.

Richard J. Barnet

5. Герундий в различных синтаксических функциях


1. Rewriting laws is a slow and painstaking process. Пересмотр законов – это длительный и трудоемкий процесс.

2. Sometimes we can break rules without suffering any penalty.

Иногда мы можем нарушать правовые нормы, не подвергаясь за это никакому наказанию.

3. Some people have gone so far as describing political power (a consequence of lobbying) as one of the main components of marketing.

Некоторые люди настолько переоценивают роль политической власти (результат лоббирования), что считают ее одной из основных составляющих маркетинга.

1. In England the main decision for a future lawyer is between becoming a barrister or solicitor.

2. Many people believe the distinction between barristers and solicitors should be eliminated, but there are arguments for maintaining as well as removing the distinction.

3. The precedent is the rule of law which the first instance judge relied on in determining the case’s outcome.

4. Some transactions are so complex that few of us would risk making them without seeking legal advice: for example, buying or selling a house or setting up a business.

5. Punishing offenders, compensating the injured and enforcing agreements are merely some of the tasks of a modern legal system.

6. Many brutal methods have been used throughout history to execute condemned criminals, including being burnt alive, thrown to wild animals, boiled in oil, pressed to death, stretched on a rack, disemboweled and beheaded.

7. Assault is placing another in apprehension or fear of an imminent battery.

8. In countries where there is much political corruption certain people are able to escape justice by using their money or influence.

9. Common law or case law system differs from Continental law in having developed gradually throughout history.

10. On coming to office the British Prime Minister has to fill about seventy ministerial positions from the ranks of his supporters in Both Houses of Parliament.

11. If a partnership was set up for an indefinite period, it can be ended by any partner giving notice to all of the others.

12. Financial legislation may become law within a month of its being passed by the Commons, regardless of the attitude of the Lords.

13. Courts are often criticized for being biased, and incidents of judges handing down guilty verdicts to defendants under pressure from prosecutors are widespread.

14. The state, by assuming responsibility for chastising the criminal, reduces the risk of victims of crime ‘taking the law into their own hands’.

15. Instead of individuals being compelled to fend for themselves, the law oversees and coordinates public services that would be beyond the capacity of citizens or the private sector to achieve, such as defence or national security.

What is conservatism? Is it not belief in the old

and tried rather than the new and untried?

Abraham Lincoln

6. Rather Than, Other Than


Rather than – а не (не а), скорее… чем

Most lawyers work with a team rather than alone. One important member of that team is the paralegal. Большинство юристов работают не в одиночку, а в команде, и в ее составе обычно имеется помощник юриста.

Other than – помимо, кроме, иной… чем, отличный от, за исключением

The contract provided for the carriage of various goods other than deck cargos.

Контракт предусматривал перевозку различных товаров, помимо палубных грузов.

1. The basic idea behind the “marketing concept” is that you make what you can sell rather than sell what you make.

2. Many people think that lawyers are trained to give their clients answers, rather than bring them to agreement.

3. Some people argue that companies have to be careful never to cheat customers, but for purely business reasons rather than ethical ones: disappointed customers will not buy any more of your products in the future.

4. If your neighbour plays loud music late at night, you probably try to discuss the matter with him, rather than consulting the police.

5. Sometimes people are arrested for no reason other than their poverty.

6. Representation other than by lawyers has become an important form of representation before tribunals.

7. In medieval England judges attempted to apply existing customs and laws to each new case, rather than making the government write new laws.

8. The duties of barristers are governed by rules of professional etiquette which depend on customs and traditions rather than upon statute.

9. A defendant can file a counterclaim against a plaintiff, if another cause of action is involved, and it must be other than simply an answer to the claim of the plaintiff.

10. Barristers are invariably instructed by solicitors, rather than directly by the client, whereas clients go directly to solicitors.

11. In most criminal justice systems the majority of offenders are dealt with by means other than custody, i.e. by fines, probation or supervision.

12. Generally the House of Representatives rarely schedules an important meeting on the day other than Tuesday through Thursday, because there might not be enough members on hand for a quorum.

13. Arrangements whereby a person administers property for another person’s benefit rather than his own are called Law of Trusts.

14. An employee whose contract is terminated other than by being given notice of the required length can have a claim for wrongful dismissal.

15. The holder of a patent is often a company rather than the individuals who invent something in the course of their work.

16. Although members of the European Parliament are elected on a national basis, they sit according to political groups rather than their nationality.

17. An easement is the right of one other than the owner to affect another’s property interests and rights.

Since love grows within you, so beauty grows.

For love is the beauty of the soul.

Saint Augustine

7. Союзы Since, For, As



1) поскольку, так как

Since marriage implies consent, states uniformly deny marriage licenses to the mentally incompetent.

Поскольку вступление в брак предполагает наличие согласия сторон, во всех штатах запрещено выдавать разрешение на вступление в брак лицам с психическими заболеваниями.

2) с тех пор, как; после того как

Since the law was altered, a great number of sentences have been reviewed by the Court of Appeal.

C тех пор, как в закон были внесены изменения, апелляционный суд пересматривает приговоры по большому количеству дел.

For – поскольку, ибо

The arbitrator has authority to settle the dispute, for the disputants agreed to abide by his decision.

У арбитра есть полномочия разрешать спор, поскольку стороны в споре согласны подчиниться его решению.


1) поскольку, так как

Competition law is very complex, as it combines economics and law.

Конкурентное право является очень сложной областью права, поскольку оно объединяет в себе экономическую и юридическую составляющие.

2) когда; в то время как; по мере того как

The heroism of law enforcement officers was graphically illustrated in the September 11, 2001, attack on America when officers were rushing to the World Trade Center twin towers as citizens were rushing from it.

Ярким примером героизма сотрудников правоохранительных органов стали события 11 сентября 2001 года, когда во время теракта полицейские стремились как можно быстрее добраться до башен-близнецов Всемирного торгового центра, в то время как простые граждане убегали оттуда.

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