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Regency Rogues: Wives Wanted
‘Twenty per cent.’
It wasn’t as extortionate as Daniel had expected. He supposed Hathaway’s humiliation of him in front of Amelia was payment enough.
‘How long for?’
Hathaway eyed Amelia for a couple of seconds.
‘Two months should be long enough for you to get your affairs in order.’
Amelia recoiled involuntarily as if she’d been slapped in the face. The implication couldn’t have been more clear: it should take Daniel only two months to finalise his marriage to Amelia and be in possession of her dowry.
Seeing he had caused the desired effect, Hathaway stood.
‘Think on it, Burwell, send word to me if you decide to accept my offer and I’ll get you the funds within the week.’
Daniel wished he could punch the man. Amelia looked devastated and all he could do was sit by and watch.
‘It was delightful to make your acquaintance, Miss Eastway, especially after I’ve heard so much about you.’
Amelia managed a short nod of acknowledgement.
Hathaway mounted his horse and rode off without another word. Daniel and Amelia sat in silence for a whole minute, the gap between them seeming to widen with every passing second. Daniel wished he could reach out and take her hand, whisper something in her ear that would bring back the closeness they’d shared just moments before Hathaway had arrived. He hated the desolate look in Amelia’s eyes. Although it was true he was pursuing Amelia for her dowry and the fortune she would bring to the marriage, he hadn’t wanted her to end up feeling so unwanted and unattractive. He liked her, probably more than he should, and the last thing he wanted was for her to be hurt.
‘Thank you for this afternoon,’ Amelia said abruptly, standing before Daniel even realised what was happening. ‘But I think I will return home now.’
He watched open-mouthed as she strode across to her horse and mounted easily without any help.
‘Amelia,’ he called after her, knowing he had to stop her or everything was lost.
She ignored him and spurred her horse forward into a canter. He cursed loudly before jogging over to his horse and swinging up on to his back. He needed to catch her, to try to smooth over the mess Hathaway had caused, otherwise he would lose her and Annabelle would ruin his son’s future.
Chapter Nine
Lizzie felt the tears stinging her eyes as she galloped through the park. She couldn’t believe she’d allowed herself to get hurt. She’d let Daniel draw her in and convince her that maybe he was just a little attracted to her. How could a man kiss a woman the way he had kissed her and not be even a little attracted to her? She thought back to Harriet’s words earlier that afternoon and realised Amelia’s cousin was telling the truth. Daniel was a rake, a man so practised in the art of seduction he could make any woman fall for him with a single kiss whilst not feeling a thing himself. He could even make the most unattractive woman feel beautiful and desired.
She raised a hand and swiped the tears that fell down her cheeks. She would not cry over him. Lizzie had known deep down that the only reason Daniel was courting her was because of Amelia’s dowry. She’d repeated it to herself several times each hour, but still a small part of her had hoped. It wasn’t as though they could ever be together anyway—after her lies about who she was Lizzie knew she’d be hounded out of London society, but for a moment it had felt wonderful to feel desired. Then to have that man come and reveal Daniel’s crippling debts—and they must be crippling if he was willing to turn to someone like that for money—had been humiliating for both of them. Hathaway had even gone so far as to calculate when Amelia’s dowry would be available if Lizzie and Daniel married. That had been the final blow.
Lizzie shook her head and tried to regain control of her emotions. Normally she was good at hiding when she was upset. For years in India she had been a burden to her uncle and he had let her know at every opportunity. There was one memory that was seared in Lizzie’s mind so clearly it never really left her. A dressmaker had come to the house to measure her and Amelia for a new dress and she’d brought some samples with her. Both Lizzie and Amelia had been very excited teenagers, trying on the dresses and parading round. Amelia, of course, told her she looked stunning. Lizzie could always rely on her cousin for a compliment even if no one else ever thought to give her one. Her uncle had entered the room, in a foul mood for some reason, and on seeing Lizzie he had snorted. He’d instructed the dressmaker not to bother with a new dress for Lizzie as nothing was going to improve the disaster that she was becoming. Lizzie had swallowed back her tears and smiled when Amelia had later said she would help alter one of her new dresses for Lizzie.
So if she could hold her head up high to her uncle back then, why was she blubbering like a fool now?
‘Amelia.’ The shout came from some distance away and Lizzie turned to look behind her.
Daniel was gaining on her, riding like a man possessed. Lizzie rolled her eyes. He was no doubt wanting to ensure nothing was going to get in the way of him getting his hands on her precious dowry. She urged her horse to travel faster. Trees whipped past on her right and Lizzie knew it wouldn’t be long before they were back in the more popular part of Hyde Park. If she could just reach there before Daniel caught up with her, she would be saved having to talk to him. She didn’t want to exchange another word with him ever again and she certainly didn’t want to listen to his lies about how he found her attractive. His silence when Hathaway had insulted her had been confirmation enough of his views.
Lizzie glanced back over her shoulder once again, wanting to see if Daniel had gained on her. Just as she was turning back to face forward a branch from a tree came out of nowhere. Lizzie ducked instinctively and managed to avoid the branch, but the sudden movement put her off balance. She pulled desperately on the horse’s reins, trying to slow down as she felt herself lose her seat and start to topple. Arms flailing, Lizzie knew falling was inevitable and forced her body to go limp as she toppled from the horse. She rolled as she hit the ground, the breath forced from her lungs, and when she finally stopped moving she stayed curled in a ball, too frightened to move.
‘Amelia!’ Lizzie heard Daniel shout as he raced towards her. She didn’t look up, instead concentrating on trying to breathe.
‘Dear God,’ he exhaled as he pulled his horse up beside her.
Lizzie heard him dismount and immediately felt his arms embracing her. Momentarily she forgot she was angry with this man and she allowed herself to melt into his body.
‘Amelia, can you hear me?’ he asked, his voice panicked.
Lizzie managed to nod, not having found her voice yet.
‘What hurts?’
Everything hurt. Everything from the top of her head down to the bottom of her feet hurt and she felt bloodied and bruised.
‘Everything,’ she managed to mutter after a few seconds.
Lizzie felt Daniel slowly sit her up and rest her body against his.
‘Do you know who I am?’ he asked slowly.
Lizzie nodded. ‘The earl,’ she said, not wanting to use his given name.
Daniel didn’t seem to notice, instead he just seemed pleased she was at least a little orientated.
Slowly he moved round so he was facing Lizzie. They were both still sitting on the ground, but now Daniel was holding her round the waist whilst looking at her face.
Lizzie allowed her eyes to flutter open and raised a hand to her head. It didn’t seem to have any large dents in it.
‘Keep still,’ Daniel instructed. Lizzie felt a pang of annoyance that he was telling her what to do, but had to concede it was good advice.
Slowly she watched as he raised his hands to her head and started to run his fingers over her scalp. His touch was gentle and Lizzie felt herself relaxing a little.
‘Ouch,’ she muttered as he found a sensitive spot.
‘You’ve got quite a bump.’
Lizzie raised her own hand and traced the egg-sized bump that was forming on the back of her head. She would likely have a headache for days.
Daniel moved on, inspecting each part of her body much the way he had in the Prestons’ garden when she had hurtled down the steps and landed on top of him. Gently he ran his fingers over her arms, satisfying himself there weren’t any breaks, then he moved on to her body. He grasped her around the waist and slowly moved his hands upwards, squeezing as he went as if checking for broken ribs. Lizzie felt bruised and tender, but there was no sharp stab of pain.
As his hands moved higher Lizzie felt her breathing getting shallower. She hated him, hated him so much she never wanted to see him again, but she still couldn’t stop her body responding to his touch. With each stroke of his fingers or squeeze of his hand she felt every nerve ending in her body come alive and begin firing. She yearned for his touch and at the same time wanted to push him away for ever.
Daniel’s hands lingered on her waist for a few seconds and Lizzie knew he was trying to meet her gaze. She looked resolutely off into the distance, refusing to be sucked in by him.
‘I need to check your legs,’ Daniel said quietly.
Lizzie’s eyes snapped upwards and met his. Already he was moving away from her and taking her left ankle in his hand. Carefully he encircled her lower leg with his hands and started to move his touch upwards. Lizzie didn’t think anyone had ever touched her legs before him. It was intimate, maybe even more intimate than when his hand had dipped into the neckline of her dress earlier, and she knew she should pull away.
This was the man who had kissed her as though she were the most attractive woman on earth, then let his acquaintance insult her so openly. He’d not denied it was her supposed fortune he was after and Lizzie had to keep reminding herself he was a seasoned seducer.
Daniel moved his hands to her right ankle and immediately Lizzie let out a strangled cry.
‘Does that hurt?’
She nodded, biting back a sarcastic comment.
He examined her carefully, probing gently with his fingers and stroking the length of her calf with his hand.
‘I don’t think it’s broken,’ he said eventually. ‘Probably just sprained.’
Lizzie nodded, wondering if a sprain could be this painful.
‘We should get you home.’
‘If you would be so kind as to assist me on to my horse, I’m sure I can find my own way back,’ Lizzie said, her words stilted and her tone formal.
Daniel looked at her as though she were crazy.
‘You want me to abandon an injured lady in the middle of Hyde Park?’
Lizzie nodded.
‘Amelia,’ he said, his voice strained with emotion. ‘What happened—’
‘Don’t,’ Lizzie interrupted him. ‘Please don’t say anything.’
He looked as though he was going to protest, he even opened his mouth to start his explanation, but must have thought better of it.
‘I will not let you ride home alone,’ he said eventually.
He rose to his feet and offered her his hand. Reluctantly Lizzie took it. Always the pragmatist, she knew realistically she wasn’t going to be able to mount a horse without his help.
As she stood Lizzie felt a bolt of pain shoot through her ankle and she bit back a scream. Daniel must have seen the pained expression on her face and heard the sharp intake of breath for as soon as she was upright he swept her into his arms.
Lizzie started to protest but was silenced with a single look from Daniel.
Silently he walked over to his horse and carefully set her down.
‘Stay here.’ It was an order and, given his tone of voice, one Lizzie didn’t dare disobey. She stood where he’d set her, balancing on her one good foot whilst she watched him fetch the horse she’d been riding and carefully tie its reins to his own. Then he pulled himself up on to his horse’s back and effortlessly swung her up in front of him. It had all happened so quickly Lizzie didn’t have time to protest. One moment she was standing on one foot, the next she was nestled between his thighs with his arm wrapped round her waist.
‘I’m perfectly capable of riding,’ she mumbled, knowing it was pointless to argue. Daniel had a determined look about him and she doubted anything less than divine intervention would convince him to let her ride on her own.
He urged his horse forward into a comfortable walk and despite herself Lizzie felt herself relaxing back into his chest.
‘Amelia,’ Daniel said once they had started to move, ‘I need to apologise.’
Lizzie didn’t disagree, but she didn’t want to hear it. Either he was going to admit he was just courting her for a dowry she didn’t even possess, or he was going to lie to her. She didn’t want to hear what he had to say in either scenario.
‘Hathaway was inexcusably rude and I’m afraid I wasn’t much better. I shouldn’t have allowed him to speak to you like that.’
Lizzie held herself completely still, wondering what his next words would be.
‘I was shaken by having the memory of my brother’s death raked up, but that is no excuse.’
He sighed and not for the first time Lizzie sensed Daniel was a troubled man. He put on a good show, but underneath the smiles and easy conversation there was so much more going on.
‘I only hope you give me the chance to make it up to you.’
Lizzie wanted to shout at him, force him to admit why he was really courting her. She wished the truth was out in the open, that he would tell her he was only interested in her for her dowry, then she would be able to start putting him out of her mind. It would be better all round than continuing this charade, and she would be able to go back to being plain old Lizzie Eastway, the girl who was always second best.
Chapter Ten
Daniel knew he’d made a mess of things. Actually that was an understatement; courting Amelia had turned into a complete disaster. For years he had prided himself on his ability to seduce a woman with a single look, a single compliment, and now it really mattered that not only had he not complimented Amelia, he’d allowed her to be most grievously insulted while he stood by, mute.
He’d been completely thrown by Hathaway’s presence, but that wasn’t any kind of excuse. In truth, he’d been thrown before the man had even turned up. It had all started with that damn kiss. Once again Daniel had planned to further his courtship of Amelia with a kiss. In his mind it was to be something of passion and romance, something she could not help but fall for. She’d responded to him, there was no denying it, but once again he’d also lost control. Far from being rational and clear-headed, he’d felt the heat rise up inside him and his desire had taken over.
After Annabelle he had sworn never to let a woman get under his skin. But there was something about Amelia, something that reared its head whenever he kissed her—hell, whenever he got close to her—that made him lose control.
Daniel was brought out of his musings by a sharp knock on the door. Seconds later his butler was easing himself into the room.
‘You have a visitor, sir.’
Daniel frowned. He wasn’t expecting anyone. Maybe it would be Hathaway, come to rescind his offer of a loan from earlier. Daniel hadn’t exactly jumped at the man’s offer, even though he needed the money badly.
‘A lady.’
Ah. Annabelle. Of course. Daniel should have known it wouldn’t be long before she was knocking at his door, demanding money for her silence.
‘Show her in.’
The last person he wanted to see right now was his ex-lover, but he knew if he made some excuse Annabelle would only make him suffer for it. She’d turned up at his club once before and at the house of one of his mistresses another time. Knowing his luck, Daniel thought this time she would choose Amelia as her target. It would be better all round if he just gritted his teeth and dealt with her now.
‘So lovely to see you yesterday, Daniel,’ Annabelle said as she sailed into the room and delicately perched on the edge of a chair. She was a beautiful woman, but she was always arranging herself to show off her best side, fussing and preening, which Daniel now saw detracted from her beauty.
‘Where’s Edward?’
‘Our son is safe, he’s with a friend of mine.’
Daniel tried not to let his disappointment show. Annabelle hardly ever actually let him see his son, just catch glimpses of him as he had done the day before.
‘Bringing up a child is a very expensive business,’ Annabelle said, smoothing down her skirt, then looking up at Daniel and fluttering her eyelashes.
Daniel couldn’t believe he had once been in love with this woman. She was cruel and manipulative, and he’d been completely besotted.
‘You want more money.’
‘For our son, of course. Otherwise I might let it slip that his father wasn’t a war hero, now sadly deceased.’
Daniel grimaced. No matter how much he despised Annabelle he couldn’t let her reveal the truth to his son. He couldn’t let Edward grow up to be an outcast like Rupert had been, teased because he was the illegitimate son of an earl.
‘How much?’ Daniel asked, knowing there was no point quibbling.
‘Just the usual amount. Twenty pounds a month, so two hundred and forty pounds for the year.’
It was extortionate, more than most titled gentlemen had as their yearly income. Annabelle had bled him dry over the years, but Daniel knew he would continue to pay.
‘I want to see Edward.’
‘I don’t think that’s wise. He might start asking who this strange man is.’
Daniel hated the thought that he was a stranger to his son.
‘You’ve got a week to raise the money. I’ll come back to collect it. Just remember what will happen if you don’t pay.’
Annabelle stood and walked round the desk, leant over and gave Daniel a peck on the cheek.
‘We could have been so happy,’ she whispered in his ear.

‘I think I owe you an apology.’ Daniel raised his head to see Fletcher approaching his table.
Daniel had been sitting in his club for the best part of an hour nursing a whisky. His frown had stopped any passing acquaintances from approaching him, but it did not deter Fletcher.
‘I asked Hathaway to meet with you. I didn’t realise he would actively seek you out.’
Daniel nodded, grimacing as he remembered the expression on Amelia’s face as Hathaway had insulted her.
‘I take it Miss Eastway was present.’
‘She was.’
‘Did Hathaway actually bring up business whilst she was there?’
Daniel raked a hand through his hair. ‘He brought up the subject of a loan, after telling Miss Eastway about my brother and insinuating I was only interested in her for her money.’
Even easygoing Fletcher couldn’t find anything to say for a moment or two. Instead he motioned for another glass of whisky for them both.
‘What happened?’ he asked eventually.
Daniel didn’t say anything about his brother. Fletcher had been his friend since school, so he knew most of the sordid details. He knew the guilt Daniel carried around over Rupert’s death and in part he shared some of that guilt.
They’d all been at Eton together. Daniel and Fletcher had hit it off immediately, been friends from the very first day. Hathaway was already a slimy little toad and the two boys had gone out of their way to avoid him. Rupert had begun the term late, only two weeks, but it was enough to make him noticeable. Boys were notoriously unforgiving at that age and immediately they wanted to find out what had caused the delay.
When Rupert had arrived Daniel hadn’t known how to act. It wasn’t the first time he’d laid eyes on his illegitimate half-brother, but it was the first time they’d ever been close enough to interact. They had circled each other warily for a few days, neither wanting to be the one to make the first move.
And then everything had changed. Somehow Hathaway had found out that Rupert was illegitimate. Boys whispered about him as he walked from class to class, the few friends he had managed to distance themselves. It didn’t matter that his father was bothering to send him to Eton despite being illegitimate. He was ostracised, made an outcast. Daniel could have done something. If he’d extended the hand of friendship, then others would have followed, but he’d been too wrapped up in his own life to even notice.
By the time they left Eton and started at Cambridge Rupert had turned into a recluse, leaving his lodgings only to attend lectures. Older, slightly wiser and certainly more aware of his half-brother’s misery, Daniel had tried to reach out a few times, but when Rupert rejected him he all too easily gave up.
Then Rupert had killed himself. On the last day of the winter term he’d been found hanging in his room. He’d left a note, but even without it Daniel didn’t need a dead man’s accusations to know the truth: he could have prevented his brother’s death. If he’d persevered, if he’d tried just a little harder to reach out to him, maybe Rupert would still be alive.
‘It wasn’t your fault,’ Fletcher said softly after a couple of minutes, knowing his friend was thinking of his brother.
Daniel shook his head and took a gulp of whisky. He knew his guilt would never ease.
‘Hathaway agreed to lend me the money, but he all but said the only reason I’m pursuing Miss Eastway is because of her fortune.’
Fletcher shrugged. ‘Well, it is, isn’t it?’
Daniel considered. When he’d asked Fletcher to point out Amelia in the Prestons’ ballroom all he could think about was her dowry and the means to pay Annabelle to shield his son against the truth of his birth. Then he’d encountered her in the garden and he’d felt the stab of desire he hadn’t felt in years. At each subsequent meeting he’d realised that he actually liked Amelia. She was quiet and thoughtful, but a sharp intelligence hid behind her unassuming manner. He found he enjoyed talking to her and the hours they spent together passed quite pleasurably.
He actually enjoyed the company of the woman he was hoping to marry, which would be fantastic if he didn’t desire her so damn much.
Most of the time he could think rationally. When they were walking in the park or riding side by side he could look at her and see the modest, gentle woman the rest of the world saw. There was just that small percentage of the time, normally when Amelia was standing close to him, when his heart started pounding in his chest and he knew he had to have her. He wanted to run his hands over her entire body, kiss her in all her most intimate places and make her his. He wanted to lay her down and make love to her until neither of them knew where one body stopped and the next began.
‘Ah,’ Fletcher said, ‘I see.’
Daniel knew he hadn’t said a word, but with four sisters Fletcher was unusually sensitive and astute.
‘What?’ Daniel asked.
‘You feel something for her.’
Daniel didn’t bother to deny it. He did feel something for Amelia. He wasn’t going to claim it was love or anything as noble. He liked the girl, but more than that he desired her.
‘Most people would be happy to feel something for their future spouse.’
Daniel knew it was true. Most ton marriages were marriages of convenience, much like the one he’d planned to have. The match was made either for money or for a title and an alliance. Many married couples thought themselves lucky if they didn’t completely despise each other.
‘It complicates things,’ Daniel said.
Fletcher regarded him for a few moments and Daniel knew his friend was considering whether to say anything more.
‘We’ve all had women who have got under our skin,’ he said eventually. ‘The trick is not to let them control the rest of your life.’ With that his friend stood, clapped him on the shoulder and walked away. Unfortunately a much-less-welcome companion soon approached his table.