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Regency Rogues: Wives Wanted
Blinking away the tears, Lizzie looked up as the butler entered the room.
‘The Earl of Burwell,’ he announced.
Daniel strode in, looking his normal composed self. There was no trace of the haunted and shaken man she’d glimpsed yesterday.
‘Miss Hunter,’ Daniel said, addressing Harriet, but not really looking at her. ‘And, Amelia, it’s lovely to see you again.’
Lizzie suppressed a smile as Harriet’s eyes narrowed at the familiarity.
‘Thank you for calling on me again.’
‘I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be.’
Lizzie didn’t bother pointing out he hadn’t been able to get away from her fast enough yesterday afternoon. She smiled serenely at the compliment and wondered how they could get rid of Harriet so she could find out what had upset him so much. The idea of being alone with him sent a shiver down her spine. She told herself she was just curious, she just wanted to know what about the woman and small boy had spooked him, but if she examined her feelings hard enough there was also a desire to see if he would kiss her again. Although she knew their liaison was built on lies and it wasn’t really her that he wanted, Lizzie couldn’t help but want Daniel to kiss her one last time. For his lips to meet hers and for her to feel that tightening of desire deep inside her. To forget that she was plain old Lizzie Eastway and become a woman a man like Daniel could want.
‘I’m afraid I’ve been a little presumptuous,’ Daniel said with a wide smile.
Lizzie marvelled at how relaxed he seemed—there was no trace of the harrowed man she’d seen yesterday.
‘I thought it would be the perfect afternoon to go for a ride.’
Lizzie found herself nodding. She missed the freedom of racing along the mud tracks surrounding her uncle’s home just outside Bombay, she missed feeling the warm breeze on her face and seeing the scenery whip by. She’d always much preferred being outside to indoors. Back home her perfect afternoon had been trotting off on her own on horseback with a book tucked under her arm. She’d ride for a while, then find a spot to sit and read for hours on end until the light was fading. Amelia never had understood how Lizzie could spend so long in her own company, but for Lizzie it had been a welcome escape from a home where she didn’t really belong.
‘I’ve instructed my groom to be waiting in Hyde Park with two horses. If you would like, we can spend the afternoon on horseback.’
Lizzie stood and smoothed down her skirt. It sounded like a wonderful way to spend the afternoon and if they were riding they would be alone, which gave her the opportunity to find out exactly what secrets Daniel was hiding.
‘I’ll go and change,’ she said, hurrying from the room.

Twenty minutes later they were strolling through one of the entrances to Hyde Park. Lizzie noted that Daniel was careful enough to avoid the spot where they’d seen the woman and small boy the day before, as if by not reminding Lizzie of it he could pretend the encounter hadn’t happened.
‘What beautiful horses,’ Lizzie said as they approached Daniel’s groom.
One was the huge black beast that had nearly trampled Lizzie the week before. The other was a slightly more docile-looking chestnut mare.
‘Will you let me assist you up?’ Daniel asked.
Lizzie nodded, feeling her heart start to race as he moved behind her. She positioned herself to mount the chestnut mare and glanced back over her shoulder. Daniel was close, almost as close as he’d been during their encounter in the Prestons’ garden. She could feel his breath on the nape of her neck and it sent delicious shivers down her spine. She could imagine him wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his body and lowering his lips to her skin.
Lizzie swallowed and tried to regain control. She wasn’t even sure if she liked him and here she was fantasising about him being entirely inappropriate in a public park.
‘Are you ready?’ His voice was low and seductive in her ear.
She managed to nod before she started to pull herself up on to the horse. His hands looped under her leg and boosted her the rest of the way, lifting her as effortlessly as if she were a rag doll.
Seated on the horse, Lizzie took a moment to regain control. Now Daniel wasn’t quite so close she felt as though she were in charge of her brain once again.
‘Shall we set off?’ Daniel asked as he pulled himself up on to his horse.
Lizzie nodded and nudged her horse forward, concentrating on finding her equilibrium for a few seconds before falling into step beside Daniel.
They rode slowly at first. This part of the park was busy and Daniel had to greet most of the people they passed. It gave Lizzie the opportunity to watch him and try to figure him out. Daniel was still very much a mystery to her. She’d seen so many sides to him she didn’t feel as though she knew the real man.
After about ten minutes the crowds started to thin out. Lizzie knew now was her opportunity to ask him what had upset him so much the previous day. If she left it much longer, it would be difficult to bring up.
‘Daniel,’ she said, still wondering how to phrase her question.
He turned to her with a lazy smile and for a few seconds Lizzie forgot entirely what she was meant to be saying.
‘Yesterday, just before we left the park, something upset you.’
Daniel nodded, the smile remaining on his face, but Lizzie could tell underneath he was frozen.
‘What happened?’
There was silence for well over a minute and Lizzie had almost convinced herself that he wasn’t going to answer her question.
‘I am sorry about how I left you yesterday,’ Daniel said. ‘It was rude and ungentlemanly. I hope you can forgive me.’
Lizzie nodded, she’d forgiven him already, but it wasn’t his apology she wanted, it was an explanation.
‘Something upset you. Was it that woman who walked past?’
His whole body stiffened and Lizzie knew she was right. He’d known the woman who’d not even stopped to speak to him. She wondered again if it was an old lover and felt an immediate pang of jealousy. Lizzie tried to shake it away, Daniel wasn’t hers to be jealous over.
‘It was nothing,’ he said eventually. ‘A case of mistaken identity. I thought she was someone I once knew. I was wrong.’ It was said with such finality that Lizzie knew he would say no more on the matter.
They lapsed into silence. Daniel’s evasive answer had reminded Lizzie that she didn’t really know anything about the earl. He was charming and attentive towards her, but she had to keep telling herself it was because he thought she was someone else. In reality she didn’t know this man at all. It might feel as though she’d known him for ever when he covered her lips with his own, but for him that was probably just another part of this charade.
It was clear Daniel was not going to tell her who his mystery woman was, and for a moment Lizzie wondered if he might still be seeing her. Surely he wouldn’t be courting her and carrying on with a mistress at the same time. Lizzie knew a lot of married men kept mistresses, but she didn’t want to believe Daniel would be kissing her by day and sleeping with another woman at night. With a shake of her head Lizzie dismissed the thought. She might not know the earl well, but she was almost certain that he wouldn’t be so cold and disrespectful. Which still left the question of who the woman was.
‘I wanted to ask you a favour,’ Daniel said as they rode, his expression serious. ‘I want you to educate me about India. I find I’m most ignorant on the subject. Did you know before yesterday I didn’t even know they had crocodiles in that part of the world?’
Daniel grinned and Lizzie couldn’t help but smile. His good mood was infectious and very effective at distracting her from thinking about his potential mistresses.
‘What do you want to know?’
‘All the interesting stuff,’ he said. ‘I’m your avid pupil.’
Lizzie thought a moment before saying anything more.
‘The cow is the sacred animal of India, at least to the millions of Hindu people who live there.’
‘The cow? Really?’
‘Trust me, we found out the hard way just how sacred they are.’
‘You have to explain.’
‘My cousin was very popular with the army officers,’ Lizzie said, knowing that was a bit of an understatement. ‘She happened to mention one day that she was fed up of eating curry and wished she could have a lovely meal of roast beef and potatoes.’
‘Some of the more eager young officers took it on themselves to provide the freshest beef possible, enraging the locals. There was nearly a rebellion.’
Daniel turned to her with a smile. ‘At least she didn’t say she wanted an elephant steak for lunch.’
Lizzie felt herself smiling, too. There was something about Daniel’s easygoing manner that made her relax. She knew she shouldn’t encourage him, but he made their time together so enjoyable. Lizzie couldn’t remember the last time anyone had wanted to know anything about her life and Daniel’s attention and good-humoured observations meant she was having a lovely time on their outing.
‘I took the liberty of laying out a picnic,’ Daniel said after a few minutes of riding in silence. They were just reaching the top of a small hill and there were wonderful views over the rest of the park. Lizzie could see a blanket and a hamper on the grass ahead of them. She glanced around, knowing he must have had a member of his staff set out the picnic, but not able to see anyone in the vicinity.
‘We should be quite alone for a while, not many people venture this far into the park,’ he said. He gave her a salacious wink that was so over the top Lizzie couldn’t help but laugh. Daniel might have a reputation as being a flirt, but he also knew how to poke fun at that reputation and laugh at himself. It was rather an attractive quality.
They stopped beside the blanket and Daniel quickly dismounted. Before Lizzie could even begin to get off her horse she felt his strong hands around her waist, lifting her to the ground. Even though there were at least three layers between his skin and hers Lizzie felt the heat from his hands as if he were touching her bare skin. They were close, almost chest to chest, and Lizzie knew if she tilted her head back she would see that smouldering look in his eyes. Then she’d be lost, unable to control what happened next.
Slowly she tilted her chin back. Daniel’s eyes met hers and there was an intensity there that Lizzie had never seen before. One of his hands moved from her waist to her face, tracing the soft skin of her cheek with his fingers. The other hand stayed possessively on her waist.
Lizzie knew there was nothing she could do to stop him. She wanted this so much. Even though she knew their whole brief relationship was built upon lies, she didn’t care. She wanted him to kiss her, she wanted him to lay her down and cover her body with his own. She wanted to feel desired and to know she was the one who drove him crazy.
Her heart was pounding in her chest as he continued to trace the contours of her face with his fingers. She felt herself stepping even closer, wanting to feel his body pressed up against hers. Lizzie didn’t know why he wasn’t kissing her, the anticipation was driving her crazy.
With a deep groan he dipped his head and covered her lips with his. Lizzie felt her body relaxing into his and for the first time she let her instincts take over. Her hands came up and laced through his hair, pulling him closer to her. She trailed her fingers down his neck and felt him shiver as she traced circles on his skin.
Gently Daniel dropped a hand to her shoulder. Lizzie felt her breath catch in her throat as she anticipated his next move. Slowly, so slowly Lizzie thought she might scream from frustration, Daniel ran his fingers along the neckline of her dress. He paused just for a second, then dipped his fingers inside the thin material. Lizzie felt the coil of desire deep inside her and silently begged Daniel to continue. His fingers were inching over her breast and she knew she’d scream if he didn’t delve even deeper. Lizzie knew what they were doing was wrong, but she also knew if Daniel stopped she would shatter from pure frustration.
Daniel stopped. Lizzie moaned, trying to pull him closer again, not caring if she was behaving like a common streetwalker. She wanted Daniel, her body was screaming out in need of him.
She looked up at him with unfocused eyes and saw the confusion on his face. Of everything she’d expected to see there confusion wasn’t part of it.
Daniel grasped her by the upper arms and studied her face, as if trying to work out who she was.
Lizzie looked back, wondering once again what he saw when he looked at her. She knew he couldn’t truly be attracted to her, but when he kissed her it seemed so real, so passionate, she couldn’t believe he didn’t feel some spark of desire. Surely even the most consummate of actors couldn’t fake what they had just shared.
She had nearly summoned the courage to ask him when Daniel quickly dropped his hands and stepped back. Lizzie followed his gaze and saw they had company. She felt the colour rise in her cheeks as she wondered how much the man had seen. Trying to act as though nothing had just happened, Lizzie turned to face the newcomer. As she turned she noticed the dark expression on Daniel’s face and wondered what side of the earl she was about to witness next.
Chapter Eight
He must be sick, it was the only explanation. Daniel had always planned on kissing Amelia again, but in his imagination he’d been cool and in control, not breathless with anticipation like a green boy.
He shook his head. Something was wrong with him, that was for sure, but now wasn’t the right time to figure out what. Later in the privacy of his study he could analyse what exactly was going on, but right now they had company. Decidedly unfriendly company.
Daniel forced a smile on his face as the newcomer stopped his horse in front of them. He wondered how much this man had seen and cursed himself for not choosing somewhere more private for his and Amelia’s liaison. He’d thought the park would seem romantic to her, with the views across London, but he’d known there was a risk of passers-by happening upon them. Not that this man was a simple passer-by. Daniel groaned quietly as the man slowed his horse, and wondered how the newcomer had found them, for it could not be mere coincidence that Ernest Hathaway had come upon them.
‘Burwell,’ Hathaway said, looking down at Daniel.
‘Hathaway,’ Daniel greeted him in clipped tones.
‘Won’t you introduce me to your lovely companion?’
Daniel gritted his teeth. He didn’t want Amelia to be introduced to this man. Hathaway was untrustworthy and selfish and looked out only for himself.
‘Miss Amelia Eastway, this is Mr Ernest Hathaway.’
Amelia inclined her head in greeting. Her eyes were wide with curiosity and silently Daniel cursed. This was going to be something else he had to explain his way out of.
‘Ah, the famous Miss Eastway. Your arrival in London has caused quite a stir.’
Amelia’s eyes narrowed. ‘I’m sure you must be exaggerating,’ she said mildly.
Despite most of his mind being focused on Hathaway, Daniel felt a bubble of annoyance at her words. Although he’d known her only a short while Daniel knew Amelia sold herself short. Indeed, she might not be what society classically thought of as stunning, but his own reaction to her was enough for him to know she was attractive in her own way. Shaking his head, he turned back to Hathaway.
‘Not at all, all of society can’t help but talk about London’s most eligible heiress,’ said Hathaway. The emphasis was entirely on the word heiress, making it clear this was the only reason the ton thought Amelia gossip-worthy. Daniel glanced sideways and saw two faint spots of colour appear on Amelia’s cheeks; she’d understood Hathaway’s message and the implied insult. He almost reached up to pluck Hathaway from his horse and punch him, but managed to keep his temper in check. He needed the man and punching him, no matter how tempting, would not help his cause.
‘Can we help you at all?’ Daniel said, trying to make his voice as polite as possible. ‘We were just about to sit down for some refreshments.’ Daniel motioned to the blanket and the hamper, hoping Hathaway would take the hint and leave them alone. He might need to speak to the man, but there was no way he was going to do it in front of Amelia.
‘That’s a most gracious offer,’ Hathaway said, swinging himself to the ground and walking towards the small picnic that was laid out.
Daniel’s eyes narrowed. He knew Hathaway had deliberately misconstrued his meaning. There was no way he’d ever invite the slimy man to sit with them. Over the years Daniel’s and Hathaway’s paths had crossed numerous times and each encounter had left the two men disliking each other more than the last.
‘I spoke to Fletcher,’ Hathaway said casually. ‘He said you wanted to discuss some business.’
Daniel felt like punching Hathaway. He had asked Fletcher to set up the meeting, not really expecting Hathaway to agree to it. What he certainly hadn’t been expecting was an ambush like this whilst he was out with Amelia. He cast a glance sideways at Amelia and wondered how he was going to get out of this situation. The last thing he needed to do was discuss his business with Hathaway in front of the woman he was meant to be courting.
Hathaway waited until Amelia had sat down on one edge of the blanket, then proceeded to sit himself. Knowing Hathaway had trapped him in a very awkward situation, Daniel sat and waited for the disaster to begin.
‘I’d heard rumours Burwell was courting you, Miss Eastway. How delighted I am to find out it is true.’
Daniel knew Hathaway was anything but delighted.
‘You have known the earl a long time?’ Amelia asked.
‘Oh, we go back years. We were at school together.’
Amelia smiled, but Daniel noticed it didn’t quite meet her eyes. She was astute, he realised, and hardly missed a thing. She had definitely picked up on the fact that Daniel and Hathaway were not friends, despite their long acquaintance.
‘How lovely,’ Amelia murmured.
‘Although of course I was closer to Burwell’s brother at the time.’
Daniel froze. He felt the blood drain from his face and for a moment the world around him seemed to stop.
‘I didn’t know you have a brother,’ Amelia was saying as everything came back into focus.
‘I don’t,’ Daniel said curtly. ‘He died.’
He could see the shock on Amelia’s face, but he didn’t have it in him to sugar-coat the words. Rupert’s death had torn him apart and still, over a decade on, he hadn’t forgiven himself for what had happened.
‘So tragic, to die so young,’ Hathaway said, his voice laced with sympathy.
Daniel suppressed the urge to strangle the man. Hathaway wasn’t responsible for his brother’s death, but he certainly hadn’t helped to prevent it.
‘Such a shame nothing could be done to prevent it,’ the man continued.
Daniel felt burning fury rise up inside him. He would have done anything to change what had happened to his brother, he’d have moved heaven and earth to stop his tragic death, but the truth of the matter was Rupert was dead. He had died years ago and every day since Daniel had regretted not having done more to keep him alive. Hathaway knew this and was trying to stir up the guilt and regret Daniel still felt so keenly.
‘I’m so sorry,’ Amelia said, reaching and covering his hand with her own.
Daniel barely felt her touch. His mind was back in his childhood, in his teenage years—the years when he could have helped Rupert. If only his father had accepted Rupert as a true son, or his mother had allowed him to even occasionally set foot in the house. For years he had resented his parents for the part they played in rejecting Rupert, but there was no one he blamed more than himself. He’d been there at school, term after term, as Rupert had shrunk into himself. No amount of blaming his cold, unfeeling mother or his father, who was trying to please everyone, would change the fact that Daniel himself could have made a difference.
‘It must be awful to lose a brother,’ Amelia said quietly.
Daniel pulled himself back to the present and focused on Amelia, trying to block out Hathaway’s presence altogether.
‘It is,’ Daniel said simply.
‘Especially if you’re close,’ Hathaway supplied.
Daniel ignored the comment. He and Rupert hadn’t been close, despite being less than a year apart in age. They’d shared classes at school and had even started at Cambridge together. They should have been inseparable. And maybe if Daniel had spent a little more time with the boy who had shared his blood he would have been alive today. Daniel knew this and wished every day that the outcome had been different.
‘I know I’m affected by the loss of my parents still,’ Amelia said quietly. Daniel glanced at her quickly and saw her eyes widen as if she’d said something she shouldn’t. ‘The loss of my mother,’ Amelia said quickly. ‘My mother died many years ago now.’
Daniel knew she was reaching out to him, sympathising, but he couldn’t deal with her sympathy right now. He wished they would change the subject, wished they would talk about almost anything else, but he knew even if the topic of conversation did change he’d still never be able to outrun his guilt.
‘What happened?’ Amelia asked gently.
Daniel froze. He didn’t know how to answer the question. It wasn’t that he was ashamed of the way his brother had died, but more that he was ashamed he hadn’t done anything to stop it.
Hathaway was looking at him with barely concealed amusement in his eyes. He was enjoying Daniel’s torment.
‘My brother was very unhappy. He took his own life.’
To Amelia’s credit she did not gasp or twitter on incessantly as most people did. Some of the colour drained from her face, but otherwise outwardly she did not react to his statement.
‘I’m sorry,’ she said simply and reached out and took his hand in hers.
Daniel felt oddly comforted by the gesture. Normally he hated sympathy from people on the subject of his brother’s death, but he didn’t feel as though Amelia was judging him. In fact, the frown she directed towards Hathaway showed she’d picked up on his character flaws pretty quickly.
‘Mr Hathaway,’ she said sweetly, ‘was there something you wanted to discuss with the earl?’
Hathaway looked a little surprised to be addressed so directly.
‘Of course,’ Hathaway said with a predator’s smile. ‘I think you wished to discuss a loan, Burwell.’
Daniel groaned inwardly. Amelia was learning so many of his secrets this afternoon. He wouldn’t be surprised if she ran for the hills immediately.
‘We could discuss the matter later, maybe at the club.’ Both Daniel and Hathaway frequented the same gentlemen’s club, although normally Daniel made a point to avoid Hathaway at all costs.
‘I’m not sure when I’ll be free again,’ Hathaway said, examining his fingernails nonchalantly. ‘If you want the loan, we’d better discuss it now.’
Daniel glanced at Amelia, who was looking resolutely down at the blanket. He knew the implied conclusion of this discussion wasn’t lost on her. He needed money and he needed it so desperately that he would borrow it off a man he despised. Amelia would, of course, assume that he was pursuing her for the same reason.
She was a sensible young woman and Daniel knew that deep down she was aware that many of her suitors’ interest in her was because of her dowry. However, most people did not come out and say it directly.
‘I’m willing to loan you up to two hundred pounds at a good rate of interest—what are friends for after all?’
‘And the rate?’ Daniel ground out.