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Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Spanish Language in the British Museum
306. Cid[i] Tayeb Ben Aly Gaylan; Arzila, 16/26 May, 1667 f. 39 b
307. Hamed el Jader el Tobib; Arzila, 16/26 May, 1667 f. 38 b
308. Gaylan; Arzila, 27 May, 1667 ibid.
309. The same; Arzila, 29 May, 1667 f. 37 b
310. The same; Arzila, 29 May, 1667 f. 36 b
311. El Tobib; Arzila, 29 May, 1667 f. 35 b
312. [Hamet] Ben Abdelgrim Nacasis; Tetuan, 22 May, 1667 f. 34 b
313. The same; Tetuan, 13 June, 1667 ibid.
314. The same; Tetuan, 16 June, 1667 ibid.
315. The same; Tetuan, 16/26 June, 1667 f. 33 b
316. Hamed el Jader Ben Aly Gaylan; Arzila, 14/24 June, 1667 ibid.
317. The same; Arzila, 16/26 June, 1667 f. 32 b
318. The same; Arzila, 17/27 June, 1667 ibid.
319. Hamed el Jader el Tobib; Arzila, 17 June, 1667 ibid.
320. Cidi Hamed Ben Isa Nacasis; Tetuan, 9 Jul. 1667 f. 31 b
321. Mahamed Ben Mahamed Ben Isa Nacasis; Tetuan, 9 Jul. 1667 f. 30 b
322. Hamed el Jader Ben Ali Gaylan; Arzila, 8 Jul. 1667 ibid.
323. The same; Arcila (sic), 1 Jul. 1667 f. 29 b
324. The same; Arzila, 8 Jul. 1667 f. 28 b
325. The same; Arzila, 9 Jul. 1667 ibid.
326. Hamet el Hader el Tobib; Arzila, 19 Jul. 1667 f. 27 b
327. El Alcayde Abrahaman (Abde-r-rahman) Benrachi (Benrichy?); Tetuan, 29 Jul. 1667 ibid.
328. Hamed el Hader ben Aly Gaylan; Arzila, 2/12 Aug. 1667 f. 26 b
329. Hamed el Hader ben Ali Gaylan; Arzila, 4/14 Aug. 1667 f. 25 b
330. Hamed el Muden; Arzila, 2/12 Aug. 1667 ibid.
331. Hamed el Hader el Tobib; Arzila, 3/13 Aug. 1667 f. 24 b
332. Hamed el Hader Ben Ali Gaylan; Arzila, 22/2 Aug. 1667 f. 23 b
333. The same; Arzila, 8/18 Aug. 1667 ibid.
334. The same; Arzila, 9/19 Aug. 1667 f. 22 b
335. El Alcayde Abdrahaman (Abde-r-rahman) ben el Ráched; Tetuan, 25 Aug. 1667 ibid.
336. Hamed el Hader ben Aly Gaylan; Arzila, 28 Aug. 1667 f. 21 b
337. Hamed el Hader el Tobib; Arzila, 28 Aug. 1667 f. 20 b
338. Mohamet El Cuxir; Arzila, 24 Aug. 1667 ibid.
339. Hamet el Hader Ben Aly Gaylan to Charles II., King of Great Britain, praying him to assist him in his war with the King of Taffilett (Tefilelt) and to furnish him with ships (navios) to send to the ports of Morocco and Algiers for wheat and barley; Arzila, 30 May, 1667 f. 8 b
Slo. 1958. Paper, in folio, ff. 55, xvii. centRegister of the Correspondence of the Governor of Tangier in the year 1672-74.
1. Copy of the Powers granted by the Earl of Middleton to Majors White and Wollaston to go to Alcasar and treat with Gaylan; dat. 10 Nov. 1672 f. 2
2. Gaylan’s credentials to Mahamet (sic) Ben Aly Lucas, his secretary, for the same purpose; Alcasar, “á onze de Ramadan de mill y ochenta y tres años” f. 2 b
3. “Articulos de paz entre D. Juan, conde de Middleton, y Hamet el Hayder (Alhader) Gaylan, principe de la Berberia” f. 3
4. “Articulos añadidos” f. 9
5. Copy of the confirmation of the Peace as it was sent in heer by [Mohamed] Lucas f. 11 b
6. Copy of the receipts which Mahamet Lucas, Gaylan’s secretary, gave for armes, &c.; Tangier, 19 Nov. 1672/3 f. 12 b
7. Copy of the receipt given by the governor of Tetuan’s secretary [Jacob Falcon] for powder, &c.; Tangier, 8 Jan. 1672/3 ibid.
8. Copy of the letter which his highness Gaylan (Ahmed Al-hader Ben Ali Gaylan) wrote to His Majesty after the Peace concluded with my Lord Middleton, Jan. 2nd, wherein he first acquaints His Majesty of a conclusion of it, and then complains of the breach of that peace made by my Lord Belasyse, Apr. 2, 1666; dat. Alcasar, 10 de Ramadan de 1083 f. 14
9. Copy of Lord Middleton’s answer to Gaylan’s letter, entered page 30 [of this register]; received in Tanger, Jan. 26; dat. Tangier, 9 Feb. 1672/3 f. 14 b
10. Copy of Gaylan’s letter to my Lord Middleton after his secretary Lucas had given him an accompt of the articles which he approves of in this letter, brought in by Lucas, Jan. 26, and delivered to His Excellency Jan. 27; dat. Alcasar, 12 Sual (Shawel) 1083 f. 15
(At this time my lord sent Gaylan saddles and several other thinges.)
11. The Earl of Middleton to Gaylan, informing him that in consequence of the good understanding existing between him and Tangier, the King of Great Britain had sent back to their own country six Moors, who had been [prisoners?] in England; dat. Tangier, 10 Feb. 1672/3 f. 15 b
12. Postscript to the above letter; n. d. f. 16
13. Lord Middleton’s answer to Gaylan’s letter entered at page 34, received in Tangier, March 6; dat. Tangier, 12 March, 1672/3 f. 16 b
14. Copy of a letter from Gaylan, received in Tangier by Mohamed Lucas, March 6/16, 1672, thanking the governor [Earl of Middleton] for his offer to transmit his letter to the King of Great Britain, and also concerning gun-barrels (cañones de escopetas), pistols and other articles, which he wants very much for the approaching war; dat. “dos de elquoda (Dhí-l-caâda) de 1083 años” f. 17-18
15. Copy of a “seguro” which Lord Middleton gave to [Mohamed] Lucas at his request, when he went from Tanger, March 13. The document is headed, “Don Juan, conde de Middleton, Baron de Cleremont y Tellerkene (sic), general de los Exercitos de Su Magd. de la Gran Bretaña en Africa, gobernador de la Ciudad de Tanjar, Almirante de los Mares y del Consejo de Estado; dat. Tanjar (sic) y Março 13/23, 1672/3.” f. 17 b
16. Copy of the agreement touching the guards, one copy of which was signed by Majors White and Wollaston, and then given to [Mohamed] Lucas; the other copy, being signed by Lucas, was left here; dat. Tangier, Feb. 1672/3 ibid.
17. Copy of the receipt which [Mohamed] Lucas gave for the saddles and other thinges; Feb. 10, 1672/3 f. 18
18. His Excellency’s answere to ye letter from Gaylan, as it is answered, page 35 f. 18 b
19. Copy of a letter from Gaylan concerning the guards received from Arzila, March 30, by Aly Ben Brahain and Assmar Maulon (Maulud?) … with Gaylan’s seale and the words “Hamet el Hader Ben Aly Gaylan, Xerif Hasseny, principe de Berberia”; dat. Arzila, 6 de heja [Dhí-l-hajja] de 1083 f. 19
20. Copy of [Mohamed] Lucas his receipt for fifty barrels of powder, due Aprill 2, 1673 f. 19 b
21. Copy of Lucas his receipt for six barrells of powder on accompt for the fifty to be payd July 2, written all in his owne hand; dat. Tangier, 22 May, 1673 ibid.
22. Copy of ten [more] receipts [in Gaylan’s name] of money paid to the guards by the Earl of Middleton, from April 8th to Augt. 24, 1673 f. 20
23. His Excellency’s answear to Gaylan’s letter, received by [Mohamed] Lucas, Aprill 24 (?), as it is entered, p. 46; sayd answear bearing date May 26, but Lucas did not goe out till June 2; Tangier, 26 May, 1673 f. 22 b to 24
24. Copy of a letter from Gaylan to Lord Middleton, dated from the River Zebu, Aprill 24. Received in Tanger by Mahamed Lucas, May 29; answered May 26 as appeares p. 45, acknowleging the receipt of a sabre (alfange), one double-barrelled gun, and a tent f. 23
25. Translation of [Mohamed] Lucas his note to the governor of Arzila, requesting him to furnish cattle for the garrison of Tangier; the originall in Arabeck; Tangier, 15 Safar, 1084 años (June-May, 1673) f. 24
26. Translation of [Mohamed] Lucas his note to the guards, to suffer all people to bring in provisions. Received from him in Tangier, May 31. Original arabecke; dat. Tangier, 15 Safar, 1084 (21 May, 1673) f. 24 b
27. Copy of the note given to [Mohamed] Lucas about payment of the guards, from ye 10th of February to ye 19th of May following: Signed, John White and John Wollaston; dat. Tangier, 26 May, 1673 f. 25
28. Copy of a letter from his Excy. the Earle of Middleton to His Highnesse Gaylan, touching the guards; sent by one of ye guards, whoe went with his Excy’s. letter to Gaylan, June 30, which appeares entered, p. 50, June 30, 1673 ibid. and f. 26
29. Copy of a letter from His Highnesse Gaylan, written in [Mohamed] Lucas his hand, concerning the guards. Received in Tangier, July 3; dat. Campaña, 26 de Rabe en Abo [Râbî-l-awal], 1833 f. 25 b
30. Copy of His Excy’s. letter to Cidi Tayib Gaylan, governour of Arzila, touching the guards, sent by the same messenger with ye foregoing; dat. Tangier, 30 June, 1673 f. 26-7
31. Copy of a letter from His Highness Gaylan in answer to one from His Excy. (the Earle of Middleton); June 30. Received in Tangier July 12/22, and concerning goods (hacienda) demanded from Marin, a Frenchman f. 26 b
32. Copy of a letter from His Highnesse Gaylan in ye nature of credentialls. Received by [Mohamed] Lucas, July 23 f. 27 b
33. Copy of a letter which His Excy. sent to the Highnesse Gaylan, inclosed to the governour of Arzila, Cid[i] Tayib Gaylan, own brother to His Highnesse, about the payment of the guards; dat. Tangier, 2/12 Jul. 1673 f. 28
34. Copy of a letter which His Excy. wrote to His Highnesse Gaylan at the instance of Cidy Absolom (Abde-s-salam) Gaylan, “alcayde de la Mar,” in Tetuan, and sent enclosed to him, after a personall conference with him; containing proposals for purchasing corn, cattle and other provisions; dat. Tangier, 7 July, 1673 f. 29
35. The Earl of Middleton to Absolom (Abde-e-selam) Gaylan, desiring him to translate the preceding letter (which was enclosed) into Arabic, in order that Gaylan might the better understand its purport; Tangier, 7 Jul. 1673 ibid.
36. Copy of [Mohamed] Lucas his confirmation of the Peace, dated July 2, 1673, but signed and delivered by him to Mr. Wollaston and Major White; Aug. 11, [1673] f. 29 b
37. Translation out of arabeque into Spanish of letter from Cassum a Xat de Angera, concerning an ox which he sayes had been sold heere some months sinse. Received at Tanger, July 7, and answered the same day by him. (We call [him] the mad yong Xat); n. d. f. 30 b
38. Copy of Lucas his receipt for fifty barrells of powder; July 2, 1673. Delivered Aug. 11, [1673] f. 30 b
39. His Excy’s. answer to the Xat of Angera’s letter sent by the mad yong Xat, who brought in the other; Tangier, 7 Jul. 1673 f. 31
40. Copy of [Mohamed] Lucas his receipt for 100 lances and two barrells of ball, and two drummes; Tangier, 11 Aug. 1673 f. 31 b
41. Copy of the first letter which came from Gaylan, written in Abdelah his hand, having neither firme nor seal. It is upon the subject of paying the soldiers guarding in the plain of Tangier; dat. Alcasar, 20 Aug. 1884 ibid.
42. Copy of a letter which His Excy. wrote to Gaylan with a copy of the Xat of Angera’s letter, wherein he complained concerning an ox that he sayd was sold in his place; demanding the ox againe or fourety dollars; Tangier, 8 Jul. 1673 f. 32
43. Copy of the second letter from Gaylan, written in Abdelah’s hand and brought by himself, Aug. 8/18; answeared August 11. It is upon the subject of the payment of the guards f. 32 b
44. Lucas, his letter from Alcasar, Aug. 20; received in Tangier, Aug. 23, by yong Franck Cranage, bringing the newese that the King was coming against Gaylan with all his army; Alcasar, 20 Aug. 1673 ff. 32 b, 33 b
45. The Earl of Middleton’s “seguro” given for ye Jew who came in to informe against Marine concerning Coyes (?) his goods, which he pretends wer taken out of Marine’s satea (settee); Tangier, 22 Jul. 1673 f. 33
46. Copy of His Excy’s letter to Gaylan, sent by [Mohamed] Lucas, Aug. 11, wherein he returns answear to ye two letters entered, pp. 54-55, concerning the guards [Art. 29, 32]; Tangier, 11 Aug. 1673 ff. 33, 34
47. His Excy’s answear to the two letters from Gaylan, which were written by Abdelah [art. 41, 43]; Tangier, 11 Aug. 1673 f. 35
48. The Earl of Middleton’s seguro to Cidi Cassum el Xat de Angera, for him and his family and relatives to come to Tanger; Tangier, 25 Aug. 1673, sent by one of the Xat’s people, who came on purpose to desire [it] on report that Gaylan was beaten. (A leaf has been torn away after folio 35) ibid.
49. Articles of Peace between His Imperial Majesty Muly (Muley) Ismael, and the Earl of Middleton, governor of Tangier, in the name of the King of Great Britain; dat. 10 Dec. 1673. (The commencement of the Spanish version is wanting) f. 36
50. English translation of King Muly [Muley] Ismael his letter, brought by Major White, Ald. Reade and Mr. Wollaston, at their return from Fez; Monday, Dec. 1. The scale at the topp according to the style of Barbary. The letter contains the conditions upon which the King is willing to conclude a Peace with the Earl of Middleton. Dated in second tenth of the moneth of Shaban, 1084 f. 38
51. English translation of the Earl of Middleton’s answer to the foregoing letter sent by Azar Aguelles, Dec. 5th, together with the articles of Peace; dat. Tangier, 5 Dec. 1673 f. 39
(The original was written in Spanish. With it was sent a copy in Arabeck: besides this, Major White, Ald. Reade and Mr. Wollaston did, by Mr. Wollaston’s hand, write these following instructions in Spanish to Azar Aguelles, and these severall letters to be by him delivered to the best advantage.)
52. Instructions to Azar Aguelles referred to above; Tangier, 5 Dec. 1673 f. 42
(The letters referred to above; to be delivered to Azar Aguelles. They are directed to the parties underwritten=Shech Omar Ben Haddon, alcayde de Alcasar; same date, f. 42 b=Shech Jeshun Ben Annisis, “shech de los Judios en Fez,” f. 43=Joseph Mayer Memoranis, f. 43 b.)
53. Spanish and English translations of King Muly Ismaell’s (Muley Ismail) reply to the Earl of Middleton’s letter of the 5th of December; dat. Ramadan, 1804 f. 44 b
54. Copy of a letter from Hadrahaman (Abde-r-rahman) Ben Richy, the French renegado, and Captain Douder (sic, Dondar?) the two “alcaydes de la Mar;” which letter was brought by Hadrahaman’s servant, who brought the King’s letter, Jan. 13. It relates to the treaty being negotiated with Muly (Muley) Ismael; dat. Tetuan, 9/19 Jan. 1673/4 f. 45 b
55. Copy of His Excy’s. the Earl of Middleton’s letter in answeare to the letter from King Muly Ismaell. The original sent in Spanish, and with it a translation in Arabeck. It conveys his assent to the conditions of the treaty; dat. Tangier, 17 Jan. 1673/4 f. 46
56. Copy of His Excy’s the Earle of Middleton’s letter in answear to the letter from the two alcaydes [de la Mar] of Tetuan; dat. Tangier, 17 Jan. 1674 f. 46 b
57. Copy of His Excy’s. letter to Cid[i] Omar Ben Haddon, governor of Alcasar; enclosing a copy of Muly Ismael’s letter of consent to the terms of the treaty, and thanking him for courtesy shown to his emissaries at Muly’s court; dated 17 Jan. 1673/4 ibid.
58. Copy of His Excy’s. letter to Cidy el Xabib (Hatib?) the major-dome and treasurer to King Muly (Muley) Ismael, and thought to be the great minister of State, respecting measures for formally confirming the articles of peace agreed upon; dated Tangier, 17/27 Jan. 1673/4 f. 47
59. Copy of His Excy’s. letter to Juan Baptista Jolly (sic) in Tetuan, upon the same subject; dat. Tangier, 19 Jan. 1673/4 f. 47 b
(Conveyed by Mr. Jones, who was sent to congratulate the two Alcaydes upon their appointments.)
60. Copy of His Excy’s. passe to Mr. Jones; dat. Tangier, 18 Jan. 1673/4 f. 47 b
61. Instructions to Mr. Richard Jones, sent to the Alcaydes at Tetuan; in English f. 48
62. A memorandum of presents His Excy. made with the foregoing despatches; in English f. 48 b
63. Copy of the commissioners’ letter to Azar Aguelles; proposing measures for confirming the articles of the Peace with Muly (Muley) Ismael; dat. Tangier, 18 Jan. 1673/4. Signed, Juan White, Morgan Reade, Juan Volaston (Wollaston) ibid.
64. The Earl of Middleton to the Alcayde Abdrahaman (Abde-r-rahman) and Cidi Cassum Dondar, upon regulations of commerce with Muly (Muley) Ismael’s subjects; Tangier, 24 Mar. 1673/4 f. 50
65. The same to the same in behalf of Mr. John Cole, a merchant of Tangier; 14 Mar. 1673/4 ibid.
66. The same to Juan Baptista Joly (sic), referring to information that the king [Muley Ismael] has returned to Fez, and complaining that his letter, sent by Capn. Jones, has not been answered; Tangier, 24 Mar. 1673/4 ibid.
67. Copy of the letter brought in heer Aprill 22, from Hadrahman (Abde-r-rahman) Ben Richy (sic) and Cassum Dondar, king Muly Ismael’s two alcaydes in Tetuan; touching the prosecution of his affairs with the same king. (The date is wanting.) f. 50 b
68. A Copy of the project of Peace [with Muly (Muley) Ismael, Emperor of Fez, Sus and Marocco], as it was sent from His Excy. the Earle of Middleton to the Alcayde Hadrahaman (Abde-r-rahman) Benrichy (sic), and Cassum Dondar in Tetuan, by Mr. John Cole and two of their servants; Friday, Aprill 24, 1674 f. 51
69. A Copy of the letter which His Excy. sent to the two Alcaydes of Tetuan, with the foregoing articles in answeare to their letter, received April 22d.; dat. Tangier, 24 Apr. 1674 f. 54
70. Credentials in favour of Mr. Wollaston, addressed to the Alcaydes of Tetuan [Hadrahaman Benrichy and Cassum Dondar] by the Earl of Middleton; Tangier, 2 June, 1674 f. 54 b
71. The Earl of Middleton to the Alcaydes of Tetuan, in behalf of Mr. Wollaston; Tangier, 2 June, 1674 ibid.
72. Credentials of Mr. Wollaston, appointed by the Earl of Middleton to treat in his name with Muly (Muley) Ismael; Tangier, 2 June, 1674 ibid.
73. Copy of a letter from Hadrahaman (Abde-r-rahman) Benrichy and Cassum Dondar, the two alcaydes of Tetuan, received in Tangier June 2d.; informing the Earl of Middleton that the management of the treaty is in the hands of the Emperor’s “major-domo mayor,” Sidi el Hatib; dat. Tetuan, 10 June 30 Apr. (?)/10 June, 1674 f. 55
74. His Excy’s. answer to the foregoing letter; sent by Mr. Wollaston (imperfect) f. 55 b
Slo. 3,511. Paper, in folio, ff. 276, xvii. centMiscellaneous Papers relating to the affairs of Tangier, from Oct. 1668 to May 1671; containing the following in Spanish: —
1. Declaration upon oath of three Spaniards (Sebastian Dominguez, Rodrigo del Caño, and Miguel de Aguilar) made before the Judge-Advocate of Tangier, that the Mayor of Tangier had reported that Algerine pirates had made a prize of a rich Spanish ship. English & Spanish f. 26 b to 27
Slo. 3,513. Paper, in folio, ff. 198, xvii. centMiscellaneous Spanish Papers relating fo the affairs of Tangiers, from 1661 to 1676, collected by John Luke, secretary to the governor, containing the following papers and letters in Spanish: —
1. Draft of articles between His Excellency the Earl of Peterborough, governor of Tangiers, and Gaylan. Beg.: ‘Se entiende.’ f. 2
2. “Yuçefe Mexia á Juan Luke,” on behalf of his cousin Samuel Mexia; Tetuan, Jullo (sic) 8/18 de 1662. Holog. f. 4
3. “Respuesta por parte de Su Exa. á las proposiciones é puntos propuestos por parte de Side Caidor gailan” (orig. cor. draft) f. 5
4. “La resulta de la Junta sobre lo que fué propuesto por su Exa. tocante el govierno del lugar en materia de las cosas de comer y beber.” f. 7
5. “Bando del Duque de Medinaceli (Don – de la Cerda), gobernador de Cadiz, prohibiendo el comercio y trafico de vastimentos (sic) y materiales para la costa de Africa;” 4 July, 1664 f. 8
6. Petition of D. Martin Visconde, English Consul at Cadiz, to the duke of Medinaceli, asking permission for ships from Tangiers to purchase fresh provisions on the coast of Spain f. 8 b
7. Nathaniel Luke to Joseph Messia (Jucefe Mexia) of Tetuan; on mercantile affairs, addressed: “A tio Josepe Mesias, que Dios [guarde];” Tetuan; n. d. f. 10
8. Lord Belasyse to Gailan, reporting his arrival as governor of Tangier, and demanding the release of two messengers detained by him at Tetuan; Tanger, 28 Apr. 1665; draft f. 12
9. “Articulos de paces concluidos y confirmados por su Excia. don Juan Belasyse, conde de Vorlaby, capitan general de todas las armas de Su Magd. el Rey de la Gran Bretaña en Africa &a. con el muy Exmo. Señor Cidi Hamet el Hader ben Aly Gaylan, principe de la Berberia, el Poniente, Arzila, Alcazar, Tetuan, Sale y su arebol (arrabal), Almochaden del Habet, Señor del Algarbe y todas las cabilas distinctos (r. districtos) &a. 2 de Abril de 1666” (fair copy in an English hand) f. 13
10. List of Christian captives redeemed by the Fathers of Mercy in the provinces of Castille and Andalusia, and price paid for their redemption f. 15
11. Hamet el Jadir (sic) ben Ali Gaylan to Colonel Don Henrique Norwood, governor of Tangier; “Arzila, 20/30 Setiembre de 1667” (copy of a translation from the Arabic) f. 21
12. The same to the same; Arzila, 22/2 Oct. 1667 (translation from the Arabic) f. 22
13. The same to the same; “Arzila y Otubre 11/21 de 1667” (translation) f. 23
14. Hamet el Jadir el Tovib (sic) to the same; “Arzila, Octubre 11/21 de 1667” (translation) f. 24
15. Hamet el Jadir (sic) Benali Gaylan to the same; “Arzila, y 9bre. (Noviembre) 8/18 de 1667” f. 25
16. The same to the same; “Arçila, y Noviembro 10 de 1667.” f. 26
17. “A su Señoria el Maestre de Campo Don Henrique Norwood, teniente gouernador de la Ciudad y Real presidio de Tanger, y capitan general de las fuerças de Su Magd. el Rey de la Gran Bretaña en Africa &a. La humilde remonstranza de los hombres de negocios de varias naciones residentes en la ciudad de su dicha Magestad, de Tanger,” complaining of unjust proceedings by the civil magistrate against one of their number, the Genoese Benito Marron f. 27
18. “La respuesta del Señor [teniente] governador al memorial de los hombres de negoçios residentes en esta ciudad” f. 29
19. A duplicate of the same memorial with the names of the petitioners, and the lieutenant governor’s answer. (Copy) f. 30
20. The original of the above memorial of remonstrances (No. 17) signed by the parties f. 32
21. “Don Enrique Howard, conde de Castelresin (Castle Rising?) hermano y heredero legitimo de Don Tomas Hovard, duque de Norfolc, primer duque de Inglatierra despues de la casa Real, conde de Arundel, y primer Conde de Inglatierra, Conde de Surry (Surrey), señor y baron de Hovard, como tambien señor y baron de Moubray, Legrave (sic, Segrave), Breues de Gower (Brews of Gower), Fitzallen, Clun, Oswaltree (Oswaldestie), Maltrevers y Grastoc (Graystock), ambassador extraordinary to Muley Resid (Rashid) Xeriffe (Sherif) by the grace of God, true King of Tafalete (Tefilelt), Fez and Mijanes (Meknes), and emperor of Morocco.” His letter to the same, accrediting a gentleman whom he sends to adjust the manner of his reception; dat. Tangier, 14 Aug. 1669. (Copy) f. 34
22. “Copia de las credentiales del Capitan [Ricardo] Rooth á los gouernadores de Salé;” Whitehall, 30 July, 1668. (Copy) f. 36
23. “Copia de la peticion en frances para Muley Racete (Rashíd), que Dios guarde, y peticion de su criado el Christiano Tomas Warren, ingles, secretario del Exmo. Sr. Embaxador” f. 38
24. Spanish translation of the credentials of Lord Howard f. 39
25. “Carta de compromissa (escritura) de venta de una fregattina llamada Nuestra Señora de la Victoria, propia del patron Bernardo Basileo, vezino de Malaga, hecha por el dicho patron al conde de Middleton, general y gobernador de la plaça de Tanger; Tanger, en 1/11 de Marzo de 1669/70 años.” (Copy) f. 40
26. Bond of the sureties on the part of Bernardo Basileo as vendor of the fregattina “Nuestra Señora de la Victoria” f. 42
27. Credentials of Lord Howard in favour of a gentleman (Burrel?) of his embassy going to Sallee; Tangier, 14 Aug. 1669 f. 46