Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Spanish Language in the British Museum
Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Spanish Language in the British Museumполная версия

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Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Spanish Language in the British Museum

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2017
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21. Lord Belasyse “al Exmo. Señor Hamet Benhamet, alcayde de Aoras, señor de los puertos de Ruzemo, Nangar y Mustafa y sus contornos &a., en la Alcasarba (Alcasaba) de Talanoedis;” expressing a desire for friendly intercourse and free commerce between them, and transmitting articles of a treaty; Tangier, 16/26 Dec. 1665 f. 15

22. Articles of treaty concluded between Lord Belasyse in the name of Charles II., king of Great Britain and Ireland, and Señor Hamet ben Hamet, alcayde of Arras &a.; Tangier, 21 Dec. 1665 f. 16

23. Safe-conduct granted by Lord Belasyse to Cidi Cassum Dondor, to come to Tangier; dat. 4 Jan. 1665 f. 19

24. Similar safe-conduct to Cidi Cassum Gaylan; Tangier, 7/17 March, 1665 ibid.

25. Lord Belasyse to Cidi Hamet el Muden (Almuden), secretary to Cidi Hamet el Hader [ben Ali] Gaylan in Tetuan, inviting him to come to Tangier, to treat on the business touching Don Diego Guilson (Mr. James Wilson) and the slaves; Tangier, 26 March, 1666 f. 20

26. Safe-conduct, granted to the same and nine others, by Lord Belasyse; Tangier, 30 March, 1666 ibid.

27. Lord Belasyse to Cidi [Al] Hader [ben Ali] Gaylan, offering a passport for his secretary to come to Tangier to treat with the Lieutenant-Governor; Tangier, 1 April, 1666 ibid.

28. The same to the same respecting articles of peace, and touching a present of 25 barrels of powder to be sent to Cidi Hamed el Muden; Tangier, 3 Apr. 1666 f. 21

29. Col. Henry Norwood, Lieutenant-Governor of Tangier, to the same, touching his powers to treat in the absence of the governor, Lord Belasyse; Tangier, 4 Apr. 1666 ibid.

30. Articles of peace concluded between Lord Belasyse, governor of Tangier, in the name of Charles II., king of Great Britain and Ireland, and Cidi Hamed el Hader Ben Ali Gaylan, Prince of Barbary &a., dated 2 Apr. 1666 f. 23

31. Col. Norwood’s declaration, respecting an article (the 9th) of the treaty concerning the cutting of stone for the mole of Tangier; 13 Apr. 1666 f. 26

32. The same to His Excellency Gaylan on the same subject; Tangier, 16 Apr. 1665 f. 27

33. The same to Cidi Hamet Amesinam, governor of Castillo Nuevo, respecting a man who passed the bounds of the garrison; Tangier, 18 Apr. 1666 f. 28

34. The same to Cidi el Hader Ben Aly Gaylan, respecting guns promised him by Lord Belasyse; Tangier, 23 Apr. 1666 ibid.

35. The same to Cidi Hamet el Muden, chief secretary of Cidi el Hader ben Aly Gaylan, touching a dispute on tobacco bought by a merchant; Tangier 3/13 May, 1666 f. 29

36. The same to Cidi Hamet el Hader [ben Ali] Gaylan, praying him to assist in resisting the attack of a French fleet with 20,000 men on board, which had been heard of off Malaga, and was expected to make a descent upon Tangier; 6 May, 1666 ibid.

37. The same to the same, respecting measures of precaution in the intercourse between their people in consequence of the peace, and advising that the French fleet has passed in sight of the town; Tangier, 18 May, 1666 f. 30

38. The same to Cid[i] Hamet el Muden in Tetuan, that the French fleet passed the Strait on the 8th of May, composed of 74 sail, men of war and merchantmen; Tangier, 18 May, 1666 f. 31

39. The same to Cid[i] Hamet el Hader [Ben Ali] Gaylan, respecting the purchase of cattle, and the movements of the French; Tangier, – May, 1666 f. 32

40. The same to Cidi Mahamet el Muden (Almuden) respecting certain bales of tobacco, and other property belonging to a Jew; Tangier, 25 May, 1666 ibid.

41. The same to His Excellency El Hader ben Ali Gaylan, touching the movements of the French fleet; Tangier, 26 May, 1666 f. 33

42. The same to Señor Hamet Ven (Ben) Abdalla, secretary to His Excellency Gaylan, &a.; Tangier, 2/12 June, 1666 f. 34

43. The same to His Excellency Gaylan, promising to send him as many planks (tables) as he can spare, timber being then very scarce; Tangier, 7 June, 1666 ibid.

44. The same to Cidi Cassum Xat, governor of Angera and its territory, informing him that the French have joined the Portuguese army and have taken Aimonte (Ayamonte in Extremadura), and that some of their galleys are at Gibraltar; Tangier, 17/27 June, 1666 f. 35

45. The same to Cidi Hamet el Muden (Almuden), chief secretary to His Excellency Gaylan, in Tetuan, respecting an imposition of 1 per cent. on merchants’ goods unduly charged under colour of brokerage; Tangier, 17/27 June, 1666 ibid.

46. The same to Cidi Hamet ben Isa Nacassis, governor and “adelantado” of Tetuan, complimenting him on his appointment to that post; sent by Cassum Gaylan; Tangier, 17/27 June, 1666 f. 35

47. The same to His Excellency Gaylan, touching his late defeat, sent by Lieut. Welsh; Tangier, 20/30 June, 1666 f. 37

48. The same to the same, in favour of John Hibbons, an Englishman, who goes to Arzila in a Spanish vessel on business; Tangier, 20/30 June, 1666 f. 38

49. The same to the same, respecting his late reverses; sent by Capn. Charles Norwood; Tangier, June 25/July 8, 1666 ibid.

50. “Copia de la carta remitida de Su Exca. [el] teniente gobernador [Don Henrique Norwood] con [el] capitan [Charles] Norwood en la balandra del Rey (Que Dios guarde) á 25 de Junio de 1666 por mandado de Su Exea.” f. 39

51. The same to the same, detailing his plans for correspondence and assistance, and announcing the sailing for Arzila of a vessel of war (balandra) under Capn. Smallman; Tangier, 24 June/4 July, 1666 f. 40

52. The same to the same, respecting the delay of a vessel expected at Tangier; Tangier, 29 June/9 July, 1666 ibid.

53. The same to the same, respecting a letter received from the Shat (Sheikh) of Angera, and his sons, and conjecturing that the missing cutter (balandra) has gone to Pharo (Faro in Portugal) with a French prize; Tangier, 10/20 July, 1666 f. 41

54. Translation from the Shat of Angera’s letters to Lieut. – Governor Col. Norwood. “Carta del Almucadem Cassum Shat y sus hijos al Almucadem Abdelerim, y del Almucadem Aly al Capitan de Tanger,” asking for powder, lead and guns f. 42

55. Col. Norwood’s letter to the commanders of four Algerine “brigantines” on the coast of Tangier, who had captured several fishing-boats, and prevented others from reaching the port; Tangier, 10/20 July, 1666 f. 43

56. The same to His Excellency Gaylan, that he is unable to assist him with any ships, and sending news of the victory won by the English over the Dutch; Tangier, 12/22 July, 1666 f. 44

57. The same to Cidi Hamet Ben Abdulla, Gaylan’s secretary, about providing a surgeon for His Excellency; Tangier, 12/22 July, 1666 f. 45

58. “La memoria del parte del Señor gobernador por (sic, r. para) su Señoria el Señor Abdalcader Medichiel 12-22 de Julio; relating to matters of business to be communicated to his master Gaylan; Tangier, 12/22 July, 1666” f. 46

59. “Carta y seguro para [el] Señor Abdalcader Roxo. El Maestro de Campo Don Enrique Norwood Escudero (Esquire), del Cuerpo Real de Su Magestad de la Gran Britania (gentleman in waiting) y tente. general de sus armas en Africa y Lt. (Teniente) gobernador de la ciudad de Tanger, &a.” f. 46

60. Safe-conduct sent by Abdalcader Medichiel to the above Abdalcader Roxo; dat. Tangier, 12/22 July, 1666 f. 47

61. Col. Norwood to Cidi Hamet El Hader Ben Ali Gaylan, desiring him to send a confidential agent to consult upon his affairs; Tangier, 20/30 July, 1666 f. 48

62. The same to Cidi Abdalcader Roxo in behalf of the Prince of Monte Sercho (Monte sarco), general of the galleons at Cadiz, who asks for the release of a vessel detained at Arzila; Tangier, 21/31 July, 1666 f. 49

63. The same to Cidi Hadrahaman (Abd-er-Rahmán) Benrichy, of Tetuan, desiring him to treat with the King of Tafilelt, who has lately conquered that part of Barbary close to Tangier; Tangier, 27 July, 1666 f. 50

64. The same to Hamed el Hader [Ben Ali] Gaylan, respecting Cidi Cassum Shat; Tangier, 27 July, 1666 f. 52

65. The same to Cidi Abdelcader Roxo, in behalf of the owner of the ship detained at Arzila; Tangier, 30 July, 1666 ibid.

66. Col. Norwood’s passport to Antonio Dias, a Spaniard, to fetch a boat from Arzila; Tangier, 30 July, 1666 ibid.

67. The same to Cidi Hadrahaman (Abde-r-rahman) Benrichy in Tetuan, in behalf of certain Jews of Tangier, who apply for a “seguro” to go to Tetuan; Tangier, 2/12 Aug. 1666 f. 53

68. The same to Cidi Hamet Ben Isa Nacassis and Cidi Hamet Ben Abdelgrim Nacassis, governors of Tetuan, upun the same business; Tangier, 2/12 Aug. 1666 ibid.

69. Resolutions of a Council of His Majesties officers in Tangier, held 6 Aug. 1666 f. 54

70. The same to Gaylan, congratulating him on his late successes against the enemy; sending him six barrels of powder as a present, and desiring him to communicate with the bearer, John Goodlad; Tangier, 6/16 Aug. 1666 ibid.

71. The same to Taib Ben Aly Gaylan, respecting a captive going to Spain for his ransom; sent with the foregoing by Mr. Goodlad; Tangier, 6/16 August, 1666 f. 55

72. The same to Cidi Alcayd Hadrahman (Abde-r-rahman) Benrichy, of Tetuan, concerning certain captives; with professions of friendship; Tangier, 9/19 August, 1666 f. 56

73. The same to Cidi Mahamet Ben Abdelgrim (sic) Nacasis, “governador y Adelantado de Tetuan y sus contornos,” sent by the Moors, who came in with Isaque (Ishak); a letter of compliments; Tangier, 9/19 August, 1666 ibid.

74. The same to Cidi Tayb Gaylan, in Arzila, respecting the ransom of two Spanish slaves [Pedro Cosmo y Juan de Sevilla], and sending him two cwt. of rice as a present; Tangier, 16/26 Aug. 1666 f. 57

75. The same to His Excellency Gaylan, sending him some coals (carbon de piedra) and four barrels of gunpowder; cannot send more owing to the smallness of the vessel, all the others having sailed for Spain and Portugal; Tangier, 16/26 Aug. 1666 ibid.

76. The same to the same, congratulating him upon his late successes, and praying to have some security for the payment of the powder and other ammunition which he has sent him from time to time. (Balas – 6. Cinco barriles de polvora pesan 524 lb. sent by John Elye’s boat); Tangier, 23 Aug. 1666 f. 58

77. The same to Cidi Mahamet Ben Abdelgrim Nacasis, “gobernador y adelantado de Tetuan,” that he has received his letter brought by Abraham de Sylva and Isaque Mexias, and is about to send him an Algerine Turk, who has detained without cause one Lazaro, residing at the garrison; Tangier, 24 Aug. 1666 f. 59

78. The same to the Alcayde Hadrahman (Abde-r-rahman), Benrichy, in Tetuan, respecting certain captives (Sent by a Jewe belonging to the governor of Tetuan, whoe brought in a parcell of flower consigned to Mr. Staines.) Tangier, 24 Aug. 1666 f. 60

79. The same to Cidi Mahamet Ben Abdelgrim Nacasis, governor of Tetuan, refusing to supply him with a number of lances asked for in the name of King Muley Rexid (Rashid), on the plea that he is the ally of Hamed el Hader [ben Ali] Gaylan; Tangier, 27 Aug. 1666 (sent by Hadj Medina) f. 61

80. The same to His Excellency Cidi Hamet el Hader [Ben Ali] Gaylan, desiring him to send a confidential servant to concert measures, and recommending the bearer “el teniente de Maesse de Campo, D. Duarte Gerardino” (Fitzgerald?) as his own agent; Tangier, 3/13 Sept. 1666 f. 62

81. The same to Hamet Ben Abdelgrim Nacasis, governor of Tetuan, with a present of 50 lance shafts (palos de lanças), the best that could be procured; Tangier, 3/13 Sept. 1666 f. 63

82. The same to the same, with a present of 64 more lance-shafts; Tangier, 4/17 Sept. 1666 ibid.

83. The same to Gaylan, expressing pleasure in the prospect of seeing him in those parts with a strong force, and answering him respecting the price of certain articles, which he wishes to purchase; Tangier, 11/21 Sept. 1666 f. 64

84. The same to Cidi Hamet el Muden, touching his plans for conveying his friends to whatever place he may desire; Tangier, 11/21 Sept. 1666 ibid.

85. The same to the governor of Tetuan [Hamet Ben Abdelgrim Nacasis] respecting Lazaro, an Italian, master (patron) of a small vessel, who, having a passport from him, had been unduly taken prisoner by the commander (arraez) of an Algerine frigate; Tangier, 17/27 Sept. 1666. (See No. 76) f. 65

86. The same to Gaylan, offering to propose to the Shat (Sheikh?) of Angera to liberate two prisoners, natives of that town, in exchange for two Christian captives in Tetuan (sent by Haco Mexia); Tangier, 17/27 Sept. 1666 f. 66

87. “Al Patron Lazaro, cautivo en Tetuan,” touching the steps he has taken for his liberation, and that he must have patience until an answer comes from Algier; Tangier, 17/27 1666 ibid.

88. The same to Gaylan: that two young men from Angera came two days before to Tangiers. Proposes to exchange them for two Christians at Tetuan. Tangier, 22 Sept./2 Oct. 1666 ibid.

89. The same to Cidi Alcayd Hadrahaman Benrichy, in Tetuan; a letter of compliments; Tangier, 6/16 Oct. 1666 f. 67

90. The same to Cidi Hamet Ben Abdelgrim Nacasis, governor of Tetuan, respecting his mercantile transactions with Mr. William Staine; Tangier, 8/18 Oct. 1666 ibid.

91. The same to Gaylan, that delay in the arrival of ships from England prevents his assisting him to the extent he desires; sends a few guns (escopetas), and has written to Cadiz for more; Tangier, 13/23 Oct. 1666 f. 68

92. The same to Cidi Hamet el Hader el Tebib, (the Physician?) secretary to His Excellency Gaylan, in Arzila, concerning the transmission of a mare (yegua) purchased for him, and a colt (potro) for the marquis [de Leganes]; Tangier, 13/23 Oct. 1666 ibid.

93. The same to Gaylan, respecting some small pieces of ordnance which, according to Almuden, might be procured from the coast of Arzila, and acquainting him with the news of the fire of London; Tangier, 26 Oct. 1666 f. 69

94. The same to Cidi Mahamet Ben Abdelgrim Nacasis, governor of Tetuan, sending a sack of rice; Tangier, 26 Oct. 1666 f. 70

95. The same to Cidi Hamet el Muden, in Arzila, alluding to his late visit to Tangier, as well as to the pieces of ordnance to be brought from the former place; Tangier, 26 Oct. 1666 f. 71

96. The same to Cidi Mahamet el Tebibb (sic), secretary to His Excellency Gaylan in Arzila, about a mare for him and a colt for the marquis de Leganés bought at that place: Tangier, 26 Oct. 1666 ibid.

97. The same to “Su Señoria Cidi Hamet Ben Abdelgrim Nacasis, gobernador de Tetuan;” in answer to his request for a barber’s case (estuche de barbero), which, being unable to procure at Tangier, he has ordered from Cadiz; Tangier, 28 Oct. 1666 (written by Mr. Goodlad and sent by Haquito, sic) f. 72

98. The same to Cidi Hamet el Hader Ben Aly Gaylan, respecting a messenger from the Shat (Sheikh) of Angera, who desires to go to Tetuan on business; Tangier, 7/17 Nov. 1666 f. 72

99. The same to Cidi Hamet Ben Abdelgrim Nacasis, governor of Tetuan, promising that the physician, “el sabio Jacob Aboab,” shall be properly remunerated by Don Diego Guilson (Mr. James Wilson), as soon as he recovers from his illness; Tangier, 12 Nov. 1666 ibid.

100. The same to Gaylan, touching a boat dispatched to him twenty days before, of which he has heard no tidings; Tangier, 22 Nov. 1666 f. 73

101. The same to [Cidi Hamet] Ben Abdelgrim Nacasis, governor of Tetuan, in answer to his letter on behalf of Sabio Jacob Aboab, the physician, “cuyo pleito estuviera ya ajustado antes de aora sino pidiera cosas injustas”; Tangier, 30 Nov. 1666 ibid.

102. The same to Cidi Cassum Shat Shek (xeque y governador de Angera); that a small yacht belonging to an officer of the garrison of Tangier has gone on shore close to Old Tangier (Tanger la Vieja). Begs him to order his men to help her afloat, and they will be duly remunerated for their work (translated into Moorish, and sent by a Jew on purpose with the said translation); Tangier, 30 Nov. 1666 f. 74

103. The same to Cidi Tayb Ben Aly Gailan, respecting the ransom of the captive Juan de Sevilla, whose friends in Spain have paid for him the sum of 360 pesos; as to that of his companion [Pedro Cosmo] no news has yet been received; Tangier, 6/16 Dec. 1666 ibid.

104. The same to Cidi Hamet ben Abdallah in Arzila, respecting an offer of some cattle for purchase, and a victory lately gained by Gaylan; Tangier, 6/16 Dec. 1666 f. 75

105. The same to Cidi Hamet Ben Abdalla, Secretary to His Excellency Gaylan, thanking him for the mare and colt he has procured for him, asking for another for the marquis [de Leganés], and sending a piece of cloth (corte pequeño de paño) as present; Tangier, 6/16 Dec. 1666 f. 76

106. The same to Gaylan, congratulating him upon the success of his arms against his enemies in Fez and victory at Alcasar; thanking him for the offer of some pieces of ordnance, and informing him of the expected arrival of ships of war from England, with the aid of which he hopes to enable him to reduce Tetuan, which had shaken off his (Gaylan’s) yoke; Tangier, 6/16 Dec. 1666 f. 77

107. The same to Cidi Hamet el Muden, respecting the pieces of ordnance offered by Gaylan; the state of affairs at Tetuan, whose inhabitants are discontented with the new government, thanking him for the 12 sheep received from Capt. Jones, and asking for permission to export another mare and colt; Tangier, 6/16 Dec. 1666 f. 78

108. The same to the same; that he has dispatched the cutter (balandra) which the secretary has procured him to fetch the remaining pieces of ordnance, and likewise some barley (cebada), which is much wanted in the garrison; Tangier, 10/20 Dec. 1666 f. 79

109. The same to Gaylan, on the ordnance to be brought from Arzila, and sending presents to his two sons; Tangier, 10/20 Dec. 1666 ibid.

110. The same to Gaylan’s secretary [Hamet el Tobíb], referring to a former letter, and asking for some barley (cebada); Tangier, 10/20 Dec. 1666 f. 80

111. The same to Cidi [Hamet] Ben Abdelgrim Nacasis, governor of Tetuan, respecting the suit (pleito) of Jacob Aboab for recovery of money due to him by D. Diego Guilson (James Wilson); Tangier, 22 Dec. 1666 ibid.

112. The same to [Hamet el Jader Ben Ali] Gaylan, congratulating him upon his late successes, and his having intercepted a caravan (cafila) from Fez to Tetuan; and praying him to treat Nicolao Andrea Soltranio (sic) a merchant, as his friend in case of his having fallen into his hands; Tangier, 1 Jan. 1666/7 ibid.

113. The same to Cidi Hamet el Tobib (Tebib), Gaylan’s secretary, congratulating him upon his master’s late success, and recommending the merchant of Tangier, Nicolas Andres Soltrany (sic); Tangier, 1 Jan. 1666/7 ibid.

114. The same to the governor of Tetuan [Cidi Hamet ben Abdelgrim Nacasis], announcing that the dispute between Jacob Aboab and Mr. Wilson has been satisfactorily settled; Tangier, 3/13 Jan. 1666/7 f. 82

115. The same to Cidi [Hamet ben] Abdelgrim Shat, touching his desire to protect his vassals coming to Tangier, and cultivate a good correspondence; Tangier, 1 Jan. 1666/7 ibid.

116. The same to Cidi Hamet ben Abdelgrim Nacasis, governor of Tetuan, thanking him for favour shown to Mr. Samuel Luke, and touching the adjustment of the dispute (pleito) between “el sabio Jacob Aboab” and Dn. Diego Guilson (Mr. James Wilson); Tangier, 17/27 Jan. 1666/7 f. 83

117. The same to Samuel Mexias, thanking him for his kind mediation between himself and the governor of Tetuan [Nacasis]; Tangier, 19/29 Jan. 1666/7 f. 84

118. The same to Hamet Ben Abdelgrim Nacasis, governor of Tetuan, about the terms of adjustment of the dispute (pleito) between “el Sabio Jacob Aboab” and D. Diego Guilson (Mr. James Wilson); 17/27 Jan. 1666/7 ibid.

119. The same to Cidi Cassum Shat, governor of Angara, that according to his request he has granted “pasage franco” to the four men who came with “cargas;” Tangier, 21/31 Jan. 1666/7 f. 85

120. The same to the governor of Tetuan [Cidi Hamet Ben Abdelgrim], respecting the business of Jacob Aboab; Tangier, 27 Jan./6 Feb. 1666/7 f. 85

121. The same to Gaylan, excusing the delay in their mutual correspondence, owing to the bad weather (temporales); Tangier, 29/4 Jan. 1666/7 f. 86

122. The same; his letters of safe-conduct to Cidi Mohamet Ben Abdallah, and other subjects of Cidi Jader (sic) Gaylan, “dos mozos mas, y negro y sus caballos susodichos, en todo quatro personas” to come to Tangier, and return to Arzila; Tangier, 6/16 Feb. 1666/7 ibid.

123. The same to Cidi Cassum Shat, governor of Angara, respecting the non-arrival at Tangier of certain “caballeros;” Tangier, 6/16 Feb. 1666/7. (Written by Abdalla; sent with a translation in Arabecque.) f. 87

124. The same to the same, assuring him that the cousins (primos) have not arrived in Tangier; Tangier, 9/19 Feb. 1666/7 ibid.

125. The same to Almocaden and Talib Hamet el Shat, and to Hossain el Shat, congratulating them upon their safe return home, and the favour they enjoy with Cidi [Hamet] el Hader [ben Ali] Gaylan, and offering them his letters of safe-conduct whenever they chose to visit Tangier again. (Sent with a copye in Arabeque, and the following passport in English, with a Spanish translation); Tangier, 15 February, 1666/7 f. 88

126. The letters of safe-conduct (seguro) and passport above mentioned in favour of Almocadem Talib Hamet el Shat and Hossain el Shat, their relatives and servants, to last forty days; Tangier, 15/25 Feb. 1666/7 ibid.

127. Memorandum of a letter from the same to Gaylan, congratulating him on his late successes; wishing he may conquer over all his enemies; proffering what services he can render from Tangier, and acquainting him that he has for his sake granted a safe-conduct (seguro) to the sons of El Shat. (This was sent by Abdalla during my absence, and not copied in the book); Tangier, Feb. 15, 1666/7 f. 89

128. One other, Feb. 19, “writt in complement to Abdala, that he might not goe without a letter. (Not copyed by reason the boate pressed for a dispatch)” ibid.

129. Col. Norwood to Jehia (Yahya) ben Asar (ben Nasar?) alcayde of Alcasar, sending him two lances and shafts (palos de lanças) as a present; Tangier, 5/15 March, 1666/7 ibid.

(Sent with a translation in Arabeque by a servant of the alcayde, who came in on Saturday, March 2.)

130. The same to Cidi Hamet Ben Abdelgrim Nacasis, governor of Tetuan, asserting his right to give or withhold permission to reside in Tangier; Tangier, 6/16 March, 1666/7 f. 90

131. The same to the Almocadenes, Talyb Hamet el Shat and Hossain el Shat, in answer to their request for powder and paper, and to inquire about certain letters of Cidi [Hamet] el Jader [ben Aly] Gaylan; also sending a present of four yards (varas) of cloth. (Sent by a son of the Shat (Sheikh) of Angara, who came in with a letter, 14 inst. in Arabeque); Tangier, 15/25 March, 1666/7 f. 90

132. The same to Cidi Hamet el Jader ben Aly Gaylan, expressing wishes for his good success, and sending a piece (corte) of cloth, the finest that could be procured; Tangier, 31 March, 1666/7 ibid.

133. The same to Cidi Hamet Ben Abdelgrim Nacasis, governor of Tetuan, sending him some lamps (lamparas) which he had asked for, and proffering services; Tangier, 2/12 April, 1667 f. 92

134. The same to Cidi Hamet el Jader Ben Aly Gaylan, congratulating him on his success over his enemies; informing him that he expects four ships of war from England, and promising to prevent Spanish ships from molesting his subjects; Tangier, 3/13 April, 1667 ibid.

135. The same to Cidi Mohamet el Tobib (Tebib), Gaylan’s secretary, thanking him for his pains in endeavouring to procure him permission to export some mares with colts; Tangier, 3/13 Apr. 1667 f. 93

136. The same to Cidi Hamet el Jader ben Aly Gaylan; a letter of compliments; Tangier, 5/15 Apr. 1667 ibid.

137. The same to Cidi Mahamet el Tobib (Tebib), Gaylan’s secretary, apologizing for not answering his last letter in full, and praying him to procure him a she-ass with her foal (una burra de leche con potro); Tangier, 5/15 Apr. 1667 f. 94

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