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arolygu vb to superintend

arolygwr (-wyr), arolygydd (-ion) nm superintendent, inspector; supervisor

aros vb to wait, to await, to stay, to stop, to tarry, to abide, to remain; aros ar ôl stay behind; aros gartref stay in

arswyd nm dread, terror, horror

arswydo vb to dread; to shudder

arswydus adj fearful, terrible, dreadful

arsylwi vb to observe

arsyllfa (-feydd) nf observatory

arsyllu vb to observe

artaith (-teithiau) nf torture, torment, pang

arteithio vb to torture, to rack

arteithiol adj racking, excruciating

artisiog (-au) nm artichoke

artistig adj artistic

arth (eirth) nfm bear

arthes (-au) nf she-bear

arthio, arthu vb to bark, to growl

aruchel adj lofty, sublime

arucheledd nm loftiness, sublimity

aruthr adj marvellous, strange

aruthredd nm amazement, horror

aruthrol adj huge, prodigious

arwahanrwydd nm uniqueness, individuality

arwain vb to conduct, to lead, to guide, to carry

arwedd (-au, -ion) nf bearing, aspect

arweddu vb to bear

arweddwr (-wyr) nm bearer

arweiniad nm guidance; introduction

arweiniol adj leading, introductory

arweinydd (-ion) nm guide, leader; conductor

arweinyddiaeth nf leadership

arwerthiant (-iannau) nm auction

arwerthu vb to sell by auction

arwerthwr (-wyr) nm auctioneer

arwisgiad nm investiture

arwisgo vb to enrobe, to array, to invest

arwr (-wyr) nm hero

arwraidd adj heroic, epic

arwres (-au) nf heroine

arwrgerdd (-i) nf epic poem

arwriaeth nf heroism

arwrol adj heroic, gallant

arwybod nm awareness

arwydd (-ion) nmf sign, signal; ensign; arwydd ffordd road sign

arwyddair (-eiriau) nm motto

arwyddbost nm signpost

arwyddlun (-iau) nm emblem, symbol

arwyddluniol adj emblematic, symbolic

arwyddnod (-au) nm mark, token

arwyddo vb to sign; to signify

arwyddocâd nm signification, significance

arwyddocaol adj significant

arwyddocáu vb to signify, to denote

arwyl (-ion) nf funeral, funeral rites

arwylo vb to mourn over the dead

arwynebedd nm surface, superficies

arwynebol adj superficial

arwyrain nmf praise, panegyric ▶ vb to rise, to extol

arwystl nm mortgage

arwystlo vb to pledge, to mortgage

arysgrif (-au), arysgrifen (-nau) nf inscription, epigraph

asb (-iaid) nf asp

asbri nm animation, vivacity, spirits

ased nm asset

aseiniad (-au) nm assignment

asen1 (-nau) nf rib

asen2 (-nod) nf she-ass

asesiad nm: asesiad parhaus continuous assessment

asesu vb to assess; asesu parhaus continuous assessment

aseth nf stake, spar, lath

asgell (esgyll) nf wing, fin; asgell fraith chaffinch

asgellog adj winged

asgellwr (-wyr) nm wing, outside-forward

asglod, asglodion npl chips

asgre nf bosom, heart

asgwrn (esgyrn) nm bone

Asia nf Asia

Asiad (Asiaid) nm Asian

asiad (-au) nm joint, weld

Asiaidd adj Asian

asiant (-au) nm agent

asiantaeth nf agency

asid nm acid

asidig adj acidic

asiedydd nm joiner

asio vb to join, to weld; to solder; to cement

astell (astyllod, estyll) nf plank, shelf

astroleg nf astrology

astrus adj abstruse, difficult

astud adj attentive

astudiaeth (-au) nf study; astudiaethau cyfrifiadurol computer studies

astudio vb to study

astudrwydd nm attentiveness

aswy adj left

asyn (-nod) nm he-ass

asynnaidd adj asinine

at prep to, towards; for; at; by

atafaeliad nm confiscation, distraint

atafaelu vb to confiscate

atal vb to stop, to hinder, to withhold ▶ nm (-ion) hindrance, impediment; atal dweud stammering

ataleb (-au) nf injunction

atalfa (-feydd) nf check; stoppage

ataliad (-au) nm stoppage

ataliol adj preventive

atalnod (-au) nf stop, point

atalnodi vb to point, to punctuate

atblygol adj reflexive

ateb vb to answer, to reply ▶ nm (-ion) answer

atebol adj answerable, responsible

ateg (-ion) nf prop, stay, support

ategiad (-au) nm affirmation

ategol adj confirming; auxiliary

ategu vb to support

atgas adj odious, hateful

atgasedd nm hatred

atgasrwydd nm odiousness, hatefulness

atgenhedliad nm regeneration

atgenhedlu vb to regenerate

atgno (-oeau, -oeon) nm remorse

atgof (-ion) nm remembrance, reminiscence

atgofio vb to recollect, to remember, to remind

atgofus adj reminiscent

atgoffa vb to recall, to remind

atgyfnerthion npl reinforcements

atgyfnerthu vb to reinforce

atgyfodi vb to rise, to raise again

atgyfodiad nm resurrection

atgynhyrchu vb to reproduce

atgyweiriad (-au) nm repair

atgyweirio vb to repair, to mend

atgyweiriwr (-wyr) nm repairer, mender

atig (-au) nmf attic

Atlantaidd adj Atlantic

Atlantig adj Atlantic

atodi vb to add, to append, to affix

atodiad (-au) nm addition, appendix

atodlen (-ni) nf supplement; schedule

atodol adj supplementary

atolwg, atolygu vb to pray, to beseech

atom (-au) nfm atom

atomfa (-feydd) nf nuclear power station

atomig adj atomic

atsain (-seiniau) nf echo

atseinio vb to resound, to echo

atwf (atyfion) nm second growth

atyniad (-au) nm attraction

atyniadol adj attractive

atynnu vb to attract

Athen nf Athens

athletau npl athletics

athrawes (-au) nf teacher, governess

athrawiaeth (-au) nf doctrine

athrawiaethol adj doctrinal

athrist adj very sad, pensive, sorrowful

athro (athrawon) nm teacher, master

athrod (-ion) nm slander, libel

athrodwr (-wyr) nm slanderer, libeller

athrofa (-feydd) nf college, academy, institute

athrofaol adj academic

athroniaeth nf philosophy

athronydd (-ion, -wyr) nm philosopher

athronyddol adj philosophical

athronyddu vb to philosophize

athrylith (-oedd) nf genius

athrylithgar adj of genius, talented

athrywyn nm mediation, intervention ▶ vb to mediate, to arbitrate

aur nm gold

awch nm edge; ardour, zest; relish, appetite

awchlym adj sharp, keen, acute

awchlymu vb to sharpen, to whet

awchus adj sharp, keen; eager; greedy

awdl (-au, odlau) nf ode

awdur (-on, -iaid) nm author

awdurdod (-au) nmf authority

awdurdodedig adj authorised

awdurdodi vb to authorize

awdurdodol adj authoritative

awdures (-au) nf authoress

awduriaeth nf authorship

awel (-on) nf breeze, wind

awelog adj breezy, windy

awen1 (-au) nf muse

awen2 (-au) nf rein

awenydd (-ion) nm poet

awenyddiaeth nf poetry, poesy

awenyddol adj poetical

awenyddu vb to poetize

awgrym (-au, -iadau) nm hint, suggestion

awgrymiadol adj suggestive

awgrymog adj suggestive

awgrymu vb to hint, to suggest

awr (oriau) nf hour; oriau hamdden spare time, leisure; oriau hyblyg flexitime; oriau ychwanegol overtime

Awst nm August

Awstralia nf Australia

Awstria nf Austria

awtistig adj autistic

awydd (-au) nm desire, eagerness

awyddfryd nm vehement desire, zeal

awyddu vb to desire

awyddus adj desirous, eager, zealous

awyr nf air, sky

awyrdrom (-au) nf aerodrome

awyren (-nau, -ni) nf balloon, aeroplane

awyrendy (-dai) nm hangar

awyrgylch (-au, -oedd) nmf atmosphere

awyriad nm ventilation

awyrlong (-au) nf airship

awyru vb to air, to ventilate


baban (-od) adj baby

babanaidd adj babyish

babandod nm babyhood, infancy

babi nm baby

bacas (bacs(i)au) nf footless stocking; hair on horse’s fetlocks

baco nm tobacco

bacwn nm bacon

bach1 (-au) nm hook; bachau petryal square brackets

bach2 adj little, small

bachell (-au, -ion) nf nook, corner; snare

bachgen (bechgyn) nm boy

bachgendod nm boyhood

bachgennaidd adj boyish

bachgennyn (bechgynnos) nm little boy

bachigyn (bachigion) nm little bit, diminutive

bachog adj hooked

bachu vb to hook, to grapple

bachwr (-wyr) nm hooker (in rugby)

bad (-au) nm boat; bad achub lifeboat

badwr (-wyr) nm boatman

badd (-au), baddon (-au) nm bath

bae (-au) nm bay

baedd (-od) nm boar

baeddu vb to beat, to buffet; to soil

baetio vb to bait, to maltreat

bag (-iau) nm bag; bag aer, bag awyr airbag

bagad (-au) nm cluster; troop, multitude

bagl (-aul) nf crook; crutch; leg

baglor (-ion) nf bachelor

bagloriaeth nf bachelorship

baglu vb to entangle, to ensnare, to trip

bai (beiau) nm fault, vice; defect; blame

baich (beichiau) nm burden, load

bais nm bottom, ford; walking

bala nm efflux of river from lake

balch adj proud; glad; delighted

balchder nm pride

balchdra nm joy, gladness

balchïo vb to pride

baldordd nm babble, balderdash

baldorddi vb to babble

bale nm ballet

baled (-i) nf ballad

baledwr (-wyr) nm ballad-monger

balm nm balm

balmaidd adj balmy

balog (-au, -ion) nf fly, cod-piece; flap

balleg nf hamper, net, purse

ballegrwyd (-au) nf drag-net

ban (-nau) nmf peak; horn; corner; stanza

banadl npl (nf -hadlen) broom

banc1 (-iau) nm bank

banc2 (bencydd) nm bank, mound, hill

bancaw (-iau) nm band, tuft

band (-iau) nm band; band eang, band llydan broadband

baner (-au, -i) nf banner, flag

banerog adj with banners, bannered

banerwr (-wyr) nm standard-bearer; ensign

banffagl (-au) nf bonfire, blaze

bangaw adj eloquent, melodious, skilful

Bangladesh nf Bangladesh

bangor (-au, bangyr) nfm upper row of rods in wattle fence; monastery

baniar (-ieri) nm shout; banner

banllawr (-lloriau) nm platform

banllef (-au) nf loud shout

bannod (banodau) nf article

bannog adj elevated, conspicuous; horned

bar (-rau) nm bar

bâr nm fury, greed

bara nm bread

barbaraidd adj barbarous

barbareidd-dra nm barbarity

barbareiddio vb to barbarize

barbariad (-iaid) nm barbarian

barbariaeth nm barbarism

barbwr (-wyr) nm barber

barcer (-iaid) nm tanner

barclod (-iau) nm apron

barcud (-iaid), barcutan (-od) nm kite

barcut nm kite

barcuta vb to hang-glide

bardd (beirdd) nm bard, poet

barddas nfm bardism

barddol adj bardic

barddoni vb to compose poetry, to poetize

barddoniaeth nf poetry, verse

barddonol adj poetic, poetical

barf (-au) nf beard, whiskers

barfog adj bearded

bargeinio, bargenna vb to bargain

bargen (-einion) nf bargain

bargod (-ion) nm eaves

bargyfreithiwr (-wyr) nm barrister

bariaeth nmf evil, grief, wrath; greed

baril (-au) nf barrel

barilaid (-eidiau) nf barrelful

bario vb to bar, to bolt

barlad nm drake

barlys nm barley

barn (-au) nf judgment; opinion; sentence

barnais nf varnish

barnedigaeth (-au) nf judgment

barneisio vb to varnish

barnol adj judicial, condemnatory, annoying

barnu vb to judge

barnwr (-wyr) nm judge

baromedr nm barometer

barrug nm hoar-frost

barugo vb to cast hoar-frost

barugog adj white with hoar-frost

barus adj voracious, greedy

barwn (-iaid) nm baron

barwnes (-au) nf baroness

barwniaeth (-au) nf barony

barwnig (-iaid) nm baronet

bas1 adj shallow ▶ npl (bais, beis) shallows

bas2 adj, nm bass

basged (-i, -au) nf basket

basgedaid (-eidiau) nf basketful

basgedwr (-wyr) nm basket-maker

basil nm basil

basn (-au, -ys) nm basin

bastard (-iaid) nm bastard

bastardiaeth nf bastardy

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