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allfudwr (-wyr) nm emigrant

allgarwch nm altruism

allgofnodi vb to log off, to log out

allor (-au) nf altar

allt (elltydd) nf hill; cliff; wood

alltud (-ion) nm alien; exile

alltudiaeth nf banishment, exile

alltudio vb to banish, to exile

allwedd (-au, -i) nf key, clef (in music)

allweddell nf keyboard

am1 prep round, about; for; at; on ▶ conj for, because; so long as

am2 see ym

amaeth nm husbandman; agriculture

amaethdy (-dai) nm farm-house

amaethu vb to farm, to till

amaethwr (-wyr) nm farmer

amaethwraig nf farm-wife

amaethyddiaeth nf agriculture

amaethyddol adj agricultural

amarch nm disrespect, dishonour

amau vb to doubt, to suspect ▶ nm (-heuon) doubt

ambell adj occasional; ambell waith sometimes

amcan (-ion) nm purpose, aim; guess; ar amcan at random, approximately, at a guess

amcangyfrif vb to estimate ▶ nm (-on) estimate

amcanu vb to purpose; to aim; to guess

amdo (-oeau) nm shroud, winding-sheet

amdoi vb to shroud, to enshroud

amdorch (-dyrch) nf chaplet, wreath

amddifad adj destitute, orphan

amddifadrwydd nm destitution, privation

amddifadu vb to bereave, to deprive

amddifaty (-tai) nm orphanage

amddifedi nm destitution, privation

amddiffyn vb to defend, to protect, to shield ▶ nm (addiffynion) defence

amddiffynfa (-feydd) nf fortress

amddiffyniad nm protection, defence

amddiffynnwr (-wyr), amddiffynyddion nm defender, protector

amddyfrwys adj mighty, rugged; marshy

America Ladin nf Latin America

Amerig nf: yr Amerig America

amfesur (-au) nm perimeter

amgáu vb to enclose, to shut in

amgen adj, adv other, else, otherwise; different; nid amgen that is to say, namely

amgenach adj, adv otherwise; better

amgueddfa (-feydd) nf museum

amgyffred vb to comprehend, to comprise ▶ nm (-ion) comprehension

amgyffrediad nm comprehension

amgylch (-oedd) nm circuit; environs, surroundings; o (oddi) amgylch round about, about

amgylchedd nm circumference; environment

amgylcheddol adj environmental; yn amgylcheddol environmentally; amgylcheddol garedig environmentally friendly

amgylchfyd nm environment

amgylchiad (-au) nm circumstance; occasion

amgylchiadol adj circumstantial

amgylchu vb to surround

amgylchynol adj surrounding

amgylchynu vb to surround

amharchu vb to dishonour, to disrespect

amharchus adj disrespectful, disreputable

amhariad nm impairment, damage

amharod adj unprepared, unready

amharodrwydd nm unreadiness

amharu vb to impair, to harm, to injure, to damage

amhendant adj indefinite, vague

amhenderfynol adj irresolute

amhenodol adj indefinite

amherchi vb to dishonour, to insult

amherffaith adj imperfect

amherffeithrwydd nm imperfection

amhersonol adj impersonal

amherthnasol, amherthynasol adj irrelevant

amheuaeth nf doubt, scepticism

amheugar adj suspicious; sceptical

amheuol adj doubting, doubtful

amheus adj doubting, doubtful, dubious

amheuthun adj dainty, savoury ▶ nm (-ion) dainty, delicacy, treat

amheuwr (-wyr) nm doubter, sceptic

amhlantadwy adj childless, barren

amhleidiol, amhleitgar adj impartial

amhoblog adj sparsely populated

amhoblogaidd adj unpopular

amhosibl adj impossible

amhriodol adj improper

amhrisiadwy adj priceless

amhrofiadol adj inexperienced

amhrydlon adj unpunctual

amhûr adj impure, foul

amhwrpasol adj irrelevant

amhwyllo vb to lose one’s senses, to go mad

aml adj frequent, abundant ▶ adv often

amlder, amldra nm abundance

amldduwiad (-iaid) nm polytheist

amldduwiaeth nf polytheism

amleiriog adj wordy, verbose, prolix

amlen (-ni) nf envelope, wrapper

amlhad nm increasing, increase

amlhau vb to increase, to multiply

amlinelliad (-au) nm outline

amlinellu vb to outline

aml-lawr adj multi-storey

amlochrog adj many-sided

amlosgfa nf crematorium

amlosgi vb to cremate

amlwg adj plain, clear, manifest, evident, prominent

amlwreigiaeth nf polygamy

amlwreigiwr (-wyr) nm polygamist

amlygiad (-au) nm manifestation

amlygrwydd nm prominence, limelight

amlygu vb to manifest, to reveal, to evince

amnaid (-neidiau) nf beck, nod

amneidio vb to beckon, to nod

amnest (-au) nm amnesty

amod (-au) nmf condition

amodi vb to covenant, to stipulate

amodol adj conditional

amp (-au) nm amp

amrant (-au, -rannau) nm eyelid

amrantiad nm wink, twinkling, second

amrediad nm range

amreiniol adj not privileged

amrwd adj uncooked, raw, crude

amryddawn adj versatile

amryfal adj sundry, manifold

amryfus adj erroneous, inadvertent

amryfusedd (-au) nm error, oversight

amryliw adj variegated; multicoloured

amryw adj several, sundry, various

amrywiad (-au) nm variant

amrywiaeth nm variety, diversity

amrywio vb to vary, to differ

amrywiol adj sundry

amser (-oedd, -au) nmf time; amser sbâr spare time

amseriad (-au) nm timing, dating, date

amserlen (-ni) nf time-table

amserol adj timely; temporal

amseru vb to time, to date

amserydd (-ion) nm chronologist

amseryddiaeth nf chronology

amseryddol adj chronological

amwisg (-oedd) nf covering, shroud

amwisgo vb to enwrap, to shroud

amwys adj ambiguous

amwysedd nm ambiguity

amyn conj, prep unless, except, but

amynedd nm patience

amyneddgar adj patient

an- prefix un-, in-, de-, dis-

anabl adj disabled

anabledd nm disability

anad adj: yn anad above all, more than

anadferadwy adj irreparable

anadl (-au, -on) nfm breath

anadliad nm breath, breathing

anadlu vb to breathe

anadlydd (-ion) nm inhaler

anadnabyddus adj unknown

anaddas adj unfit, unsuitable

anaddasu vb to unfit, to disqualify

anaeddfed, anaddfed adj unripe, immature

anaeddfedrwydd nm unripeness, immaturity

anaele adj awful, direful; incurable

anaesthetig adj anaesthetic

anaf (-au) nm blemish, defect; wound

anafu vb to blemish, to maim, to hurt

anafus adj maimed, disabled

anair (-eiriau) nm ill report, slander

anallu nm inability

analluog adj unable

analluogi vb to disable

anaml adj infrequent, rare ▶ adv rarely, seldom

anamlwg adj obscure, inconspicuous

anamserol adj untimely, mistimed

anap (anhapon) nmf mischance, mishap

anarchiaeth nfm anarchy

anarchydd (-ion) nm anarchist

anarferol adj unusual, extraordinary

anarfog adj unarmed

ancr nmf anchorite, anchoress

ancwyn (-ion) nm dinner, supper; delicacy

anchwiliadwy adj unsearchable

andras nm curse; devil, deuce

andwyo vb to spoil, to ruin, to undo

andwyol adj harmful, ruinous

anedifeiriol adj impenitent

aneffeithiol adj ineffectual

aneglur adj indistinct; illegible

aneirif adj innumerable

anelu vb to bend, to aim

anenwog adj unrenowned, ignoble, mean

anerchiad (-au) nm salutation, address

anesboniadwy adj inexplicable

anesgusodol adj inexcusable

anesmwyth adj uneasy, restless

anesmwythder, anesmwythdra nm uneasiness, unrest

anesmwytho vb to be or make uneasy

anesmwythyd nm uneasiness, disquiet

anewyllysgar adj unwilling

anfad adj wicked, nefarious

anfadrwydd nm wickedness, villainy

anfadwaith nm villainy; crime

anfadwr (-wyr) nm villain, scoundrel

anfaddeugar adj unforgiving

anfaddeuol adj unpardonable

anfantais (-eision) nf disadvantage

anfanteisiol adj disadvantageous

anfarwol adj undying, immortal

anfarwoldeb nm immortality

anfedrus adj unskilful

anfedrusrwydd nm unskilfulness

anfeidrol adj infinite

anfeidroldeb nm infinity

anferth adj huge, monstrous

anferthedd nm hugeness, monstrosity

anfodlon adj unwilling

anfodloni vb to discontent, to dissatisfy

anfodlonrwydd nm discontent

anfodd nm unwillingness, displeasure

anfoddhaol adj unsatisfactory

anfoddio vb to displease, to disoblige

anfoddlon see anfodlon

anfoddog adj discontented, dissatisfied

anfoddogrwydd nm discontentment

anfoesgar adj unmannerly, rude

anfoesgarwch nm rudeness, incivility

anfoesol adj immoral

anfoesoldeb nm immorality

anfon vb to send, to transmit, to dispatch

anfoneb nf invoice

anfoneddigaidd adj ungentlemanly

anfonheddig adj ignoble, discourteous

anfoniad nm sending, transmission

anfri nm disrespect, dishonour

anfucheddol adj immoral

anfuddiol adj unprofitable

anfwriadol adj unintentional

anfwyn adj unkind, uncivil

anfwytadwy adj inedible

anfynych adj infrequent, rare ▶ adv seldom

anffaeledig adj infallible

anffaeledigrwydd nm infallibility

anffafriol adj unfavourable

anffawd (-ffodion) nf misfortune

anffodus, anffortunus adj unfortunate

anffrwythlon adj unfruitful, barren

anffurfio vb to disfigure, to deform

anffurfiol adj informal

anffyddiaeth nf atheism

anffyddiwr (-wyr) nm infidel, atheist

anffyddlon adj unfaithful

anhaeddiannol adj unmerited, undeserved

anhaeddiant nm demerit, unworthiness

anhapus adj unhappy, unlucky

anhardd adj unhandsome, unseemly, ugly

anhawdd adj hard, difficult

anhawddgar adj unamiable, unlovely

anhawster (anawsterau) nm difficulty

anhepgor (-ion) nm essential

anhepgorol adj indispensable

anhoffter nm hatred, dislike

anhraethadwy adj unutterable

anhraethol adj unspeakable, ineffable

anhrefn nm disorder, confusion

anhrefnu vb to disorder, to disarrange

anhrefnus adj disorderly, untidy

anhreiddiol adj impervious, impenetrable

anhreuliedig adj undigested; unspent

anhrugarog adj unmerciful, merciless

anhuddo vb to cover (a fire)

anhunedd nm wakefulness, disquiet

anhwyldeb nm disorder, complaint, illness

anhwylder nm illness

anhwylus adj unwell

anhwylustod nm inconvenience

anhyblyg adj inflexible, stiff, rigid

anhydawdd adj insoluble

anhyder nm distrust, diffidence

anhyderus adj diffident

anhydrin adj unmanageable

anhydyn adj intractable, obstinate

anhyddysg adj unversed, ignorant

anhyfryd adj unpleasant

anhyfrydwch nm unpleasantness

anhygar adj unpleasant, unamiable

anhygoel adj incredible

anhygyrch adj inaccessible

anhylaw adj unhandy, unwieldy

anhynod adj indistinctive; uncertain

anhysbys adj unknown; unversed

anhywaith adj intractable, refractory

anial adj desert, wild ▶ nm wilderness

anialwch nm wilderness

anian (-au) nf nature, instinct, genius

anianawd nm temperament, disposition

anianol adj natural

anianyddol adj physical

anifail (-feiliaid) nm animal, beast

anifeilaidd adj beastly, brutish

anifeileiddio vb to animalize, to brutalize

anlwc nf bad luck, misfortune

anlwcus adj unlucky

anllad adj wanton, lascivious, lewd

anlladrwydd nm wantonness, lewdness

anllygredig adj incorrupt, incorruptible

anllygredigaeth nf incorruption

anllythrennog adj illiterate

anllywodraeth nf misrule, anarchy

annaearol adj unearthly, weird

annatodol adj indissoluble, that cannot be undone

annaturiol adj unnatural

annealladwy adj unintelligible

anneallus adj unintelligent

annedwydd adj unhappy, miserable

annedwyddwch nm unhappiness

annedd (anheddau) nf dwelling

anneddfol adj lawless

annefnyddiol adj useless; immaterial

annel (anelau) nfm trap; purpose, aim

annelwig adj shapeless, unformed; vague

anner (aneirod, -i, -au) nf heifer

annerbyniol adj unacceptable

annerch vb to salute, to greet, to address ▶ nm (anerchion) salutation, greeting

annewisol adj ineligible, undesirable, unwelcome

annhebyg adj unlike, dissimilar

annhebygol adj unlikely, improbable

annhebygolrwydd nm improbability

annhebygrwydd nm unlikeness, unlikelihood

annheg adj unfair

annhegwch nm unfairness

annheilwng adj unworthy

annheilyngdod nm unworthiness

annherfynol adj endless; infinitive, infinite

annhirion adj cruel

annhosturiol adj pitiless, ruthless

annhuedd nf disinclination

annhueddol adj disinclined, indisposed

anniben adj untidy, slovenly

annibendod nm untidiness

annibyniaeth nf independence

annibynnol adj independent

Annibynnwr (-wyr) nm Independent

annichellgar adj guileless, simple

annichon, annichonadwy adj impossible

anniddan adj comfortless, miserable

anniddig adj peevish, irritable, fretful

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