Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning
Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning

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breinio vb to privilege, to enfranchise

breiniol adj privileged, free

breinlen (-ni) nf charter

breintal nm bonus; royalty

breintiedig adj patented, patent

breintio vb to privilege, to favour

brenhinaidd adj kingly, regal

brenhindod nm royalty

brenhindref (-i) nf royal city

brenhindy (-dai) nm royal palace

brenhines (breninesau) nf queen

brenhinfainc nf throne

brenhiniaeth (breniniaethau) nf kingdom

brenhinllys nm basil

brenhinol adj royal, regal

brenin (-hinoedd) nm king

brest (-iau) nf breast, chest

bresych npl (nf -en) cabbages

brethyn (-nau) nm cloth

brethynnwr (-ynwyr) nm clothier; cloth-worker

breuan (-au) nf quern; print of butter

breuder nm brittleness, frailty

breuddwyd (-ion) nmf dream; breuddwyd gwrach wishful thinking

breuddwydio vb to dream

breuddwydiol adj dreaming, dreamy

breuddwydiwr (-wyr) nm dreamer

brëyr, brehyr (brehyrion, -iaid) nm nobleman, chief, baron

bri nm honour, renown, distinction

briallu npl (nf briallen) primroses

bribys npl fragments, scraps

bricsen nf brick

bricyllen nf apricot

brid nm breed

bridio vb to breed

brifo vb to hurt

brig (-au) nm top; (pl) twigs

brigâd (-au) nf brigade; brigâd dân fire-brigade

briger (-au) nm hair of head; top

brigo vb to top; to branch

brigog adj branching; flourishing

brigwyn adj white-topped, white-crested

brigyn (brigau) nm twig

brith (f braith) adj mottled, speckled

britho vb to mottle, to speckle; to dazzle

Brithwr (-wyr) nm Pict

brithyll (-od, -iaid) nm trout

briw adj broken, bruised, sore ▶ nm (-iau) wound, sore

briwfwyd nm crumbs, mince

briwgig nm mince

briwlaw nm drizzling rain

briwlio vb to broil

briwo vb to wound, to hurt

briwsion npl (nm -yn) crumbs, fragments

briwsioni vb to crumble

briwsionyn nm crumb

briwsyn (briwsion) nm crumb, morsel

bro (-ydd) nf land; region; vale

broch1 nm badger

broch2 nm froth, anger, tumult

brochi vb to chafe, to fume; to bluster

brochus adj fuming; blustering

brodio vb to embroider; to darn

brodor (-ion) nm native; fellow countryman

brodorol adj native, indigenous

broga (-od) nm frog

brol nf boast, brag

broliant nm blurb

brolio vb to boast, to brag, to vaunt

broliwr (-wyr) nm boaster, braggart

bron1 (-nau, -nydd) nf breast; hillside

bron2 adv almost, nearly, practically; o’r bron completely, in succession

bronfraith (-freithod) nf thrush

brongoch (-iaid) nmf robin redbreast

bronwen nf weasel

bru nm womb

brud (-iau) nm chronicle; divination

brudio vb to prognosticate, to divine

brudiwr (-wyr) nm wizard, soothsayer

brwd adj hot, fervent ▶ nm boil, heat

brwdfrydedd nm ardour, enthusiasm

brwdfrydig adj ardent, enthusiastic

brwmstan nm brimstone, sulphur

brwmstanaidd adj sulphury

brwnt (f bront) adj foul, nasty, dirty; harsh

brwyd1 (-au) nm embroidering frame; skewer

brwyd2 adj variegated; bloodstained; shattered

brwydo vb to embroider; to tear, to consume

brwydr (-au) nf battle, combat

brwydro vb to battle, to combat

brwydrwr (-wyr) nm fighter, combatant

brwydwaith nm embroidery

brwylio vb to broil

brwyn nm grief, sadness

brwynen (brwyn) nf rush

brwynog adj rushy

brwysg adj drunk; vigorous

brycan, brecan (-au) nfm blanket, rug

brych (f brech) adj mottled, brindled, freckled ▶ nm the afterbirth of a cow

brychau npl (nm -euyn) spots, freckles

brycheulyd adj spotted, brindled

brycheuyn nm spot

brychni nm spots, freckles

brychu vb to spot, to freckle

bryd nm mind, heart, will

brydio vb to burn, to inflame, to boil, to throb

brygawthan vb to jabber, to prate, to rant

bryn (-iau) nm hill

bryncyn (-nau) nm hillock

bryniog adj hilly

brynti, bryntni nm filthiness, filth

brys nm haste, hurry

brysio vb to hasten, to hurry

brysiog adj hurried, hasty

bryslythyr (-au) nm dispatch

brysneges (-au) nf telegram

brytheirio vb to belch; to utter oaths, threats etc

Brython (-iaid) nm Briton, Welshman

Brythoneg nf British language, Welsh

brythwch nm storm, tumult; groan

bryweddu vb to brew

brywes nm brewis

bual (buail) nm buffalo, drinking horn

buan adj fast, quick, swift, fleet; soon

buander, buandra nm swiftness, speed

buandroed adj swift-footed

buarth (-au) nm yard

buchdraeth (-au) nf biography, memoir

buchedd (-au) nf life, conduct

bucheddol adj right-living, virtuous

bucheddu vb to live, to flourish

buches (-au) nf herd of cows

buchfrechu vb to vaccinate

budr adj dirty, filthy, foul, vile

budreddi nm filthiness, filth

budro vb to dirty, to soil, to foul

budd (-ion) nm benefit, profit, gain

buddai (-eiau) nf churn

buddel (-wydd) nmf cow-house post, pillar

buddiant (-iannau) nm interest

buddio vb to profit, to avail

buddiol adj profitable, beneficial, useful

buddioldeb nm profitableness, expediency

buddran nf dividend

buddsodd (-ion), buddsoddiad (-au) nm investment

buddsoddi vb to invest

buddugol adj winning, victorious

buddugoliaeth (-au) nf victory

buddugoliaethus adj victorious, triumphant

buddugwr (-wyr) nm winner, victor

bugail (-eiliaid) nm shepherd; pastor

bugeiles (-au) nf shepherdess

bugeiliaeth (-au) nf pastorate

bugeilio, bugeilia vb to watch, to shepherd

bugeiliol adj pastoral

bugunad nm bellowing, roar

bun nf maid, maiden

burgyn (-nod, iaid) nm carcass, carrion

burman, burum nm barm, yeast

busnes (-ion) nmf business

busnesa vb to interfere, to meddle

busnesgar, busneslyd adj meddlesome

bustach (-tych) nm bullock, steer

bustachu vb to buffet about, to bungle

bustl nm gall, bile

bustlaidd adj like gall; bitter as gall

buwch (buchod) nf cow; buwch goch gota ladybird

bwa (bwâu) nm bow; arch

bwaog adj arched, vaulted

bwbach (-od) nm bugbear, bogey, scarecrow

bwced (-i) nmf bucket

bwci (-ïod) nm bugbear, bogey, ghost

bwcl (byclau) nm buckle

bwcled (-au) nf buckler

bwch (bychod) nm buck; bwch dihangol scapegoat; bwch gafr he-goat

Bwdhaeth nf Buddhism

Bwdhaidd adj Buddhist

bwgan (-od) nm bogey, ghost, scarecrow

bwgwl (bygylau) nm threat, menace

bwgwth see bygwth, bygythio

bwhwman vb to beat about; to vacillate

bŵl (bylau) nm globe, ball, knob

bwlch (bylchau) nm gap; pass; notch

bwled (-i) nf bullet

Bwlgaria nf Bulgaria

bwn (bynnoedd, byniaid) nm bittern

bwndel (-i) nm bundle

bwngler (-iaid) nm bungler

bwnglera vb to bungle

bwngleraidd adj bungling, clumsy

bwnglerwaith nm bungle, botch

bwnglerwch nm clumsiness

bwr (byr) adj fat, big, strong

bwrdais (-deisiaid) nm burgess

bwrdeistref (-i) nf borough

bwrdd (byrddau) nm table; deck; board; bwrdd du black-board

bwrgler nm burglar

bwrglera vb to burgle

bwrgleriaeth nf burglary

bwriad (-au) nm purpose, intention

bwriadol adj intentional

bwriadu vb to purpose, to intend

bwrlwm (byrlymau) nm bubble; gurgling

bwrn (byrnau) nm burden, incubus; bale

bwrw vb to cast, to shed; to strike; to imagine, to suppose; to spend ▶ nm cast, throw; woof

bws (bysiau, bysys) nm bus; bws mini minibus

bwtler (-iaid) nm butler

bwtri nm buttery, pantry, dairy

bwth (bythod) nm hut, booth, cot

bwthyn (bythynnod) nm cottage, cabin, hut

bwyall (bwyeill), bwyell (bwyeill) nf axe

bwyd (-ydd) nm food; bwyd sothach junk food; bwyd sydyn fast food

bwyda, bwydo vb to feed

bwydlen nf menu

bwyd-offrwm (-ymau) nm meat-offering

bwydwr (-wyr) nm feeder

bwygilydd adv (from one) to the other

bwylltid (-au) nm swivel

bwyllwr, bwyllwrw (-yriau) nm provisions for journey

bwysel (-au, -i) nm bushel

bwystfil (-od) nm (wild) beast

bwystfilaidd adj brutal

bwystfiles (-au) nf beast

bwyta vb to eat; to corrode

bwytadwy adj eatable, edible

bwytäwr (-wyr) nm eater

bwyteig adj greedy, voracious

bwyty (-tai, -tyau) nm restaurant

bychan (f bechan) adj little, small

bychander, bychandra nm littleness, smallness

bychanu vb to belittle, to minimize

bychanus adj derogatory

byd (-oedd) nm world; state; life

bydaf (-au) nmf beehive

byd-eang adj worldwide

bydio vb to live, to fare

bydol adj worldly, secular

bydolddyn (-ion) nm worldling

bydolrwydd nm worldliness

bydwraig (-wragedd) nf midwife

bydwreigiaeth nf midwifery

bydysawd nm universe

byddag (-au) nf running knot, noose

byddar adj deaf ▶ nm (-iaid, byddair) deaf person

byddardod nm deafness

byddarol adj deafening

byddaru vb to deafen, to stun

byddin (-oedd) nf army, host

byddino vb to set army in array, to embattle

byddinog adj with armies

bygwth vb to threaten, to menace ▶ nm (-ythion, -ythiau) threat, menace

bygythiad (-au) nm threat; bygythiad bom bomb scare

bygythio vb to threaten, to menace

bygythiol adj threatening, menacing

byl (-au) nfm edge, brim (of vessel); hyd y fyl to the brim

bylb (-au) nm bulb

bylchog adj gapped, gappy; notched

bylchu vb to make a gap, to breach; to notch

byngalo (-s, -au) nm bungalow

bynnag pron -ever, -soever

bynsen nf bun

byr (f ber) adj short, brief

byrbryd (-iau) nm luncheon, snack

byrbwyll adj impulsive, rash

byrbwylltra nm impulsiveness

byrder, byrdra nm shortness, brevity

byrdwn nm burden, refrain, chorus

byrddaid (-eidiau) nm tableful

byrddio vb to board

byrddiwr (-wyr) nm boarder

byrfodd nm abbreviation

byrfyfyr adj impromptu

byrgorn adj shorthorn

byrgyr nm burger

byrhau vb to shorten, to abridge

byrhoedlog adj short-lived

byrlymu vb to bubble, to gurgle

byrllysg (-au) nmf mace

byrnio (-u) vb to bale, to bundle

byrnwr (-wyr) nm baler

byrstio vb to burst

bys (-edd) nm finger; toe; hand of dial, latch

bysaid (-eidiau) nm pinch

byseddu vb to finger

bysled, bysledr (-au) nm finger-stall

byth adv ever, for ever ▶ nm eternity

bytheiad (-aid) nm hound

bytheirio vb to belch, to threaten

bythgofiadwy adj memorable

bythol adj everlasting, eternal, perpetual

bytholi vb to perpetuate

bytholwyrdd (-ion) adj, nm evergreen

bythynnwr (-ynwyr) nm cottager

byw vb to live ▶ adj alive, living, quick ▶ nm life

bywgraffiad (-au) nm biography

bywgraffiadol adj biographical

bywgraffiadur (-on) nm biographical dictionary

bywgraffydd (-ion) nm biographer

bywgraffyddol adj biographical

bywhau, bywiocáu vb to animate, to vivify, to quicken

bywiad nm see bywad

bywiog adj lively, animated, vivacious

bywiogi vb to enliven, to animate

bywiol adj living, animate

bywoliaeth (-oliaethau) nf living

bywyd (-au) nm life

bywydeg nf biology

bywydegwr (-wyr) nm biologist

bywydfad (-au) nm lifeboat

bywydol adj of life, vital

bywyn (-nau) nm pith, core


cabaets npl (nf cabaetsen) cabbage

caban (-au) nm cabin

cabidwl nm consistory, chapter

cabl (-au) nm blasphemy, reviling

cabledd (-au) nm blasphemy

cableddus adj blasphemous

cablu vb to blaspheme, to revile

cablwr (-wyr), cablydd (-ion) nm blasphemer

caboli vb to polish

cacamwci nm burdock

cacen (-nau, -ni) nf cake

cacwn npl (nf cacynen) wasps; wild bees

cachfa (-feydd) nf excretion; closet

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