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Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning
cywyddwr (-wyr) nm composer of cywyddau
Chechnya nf Chechnya
Chile nf Chile
China nf China
chwa (-on) nf puff, gust, breeze
chwaer (chwiorydd) nf sister
chwaeroliaeth nf sisterhood
chwaeth (-au, -oedd) nf taste
chwaethu vb to taste
chwaethus adj tasteful; decent
chwaith adv nor either, neither
chwâl adj scattered, loose
chwalfa (-feydd) nf upset, rout
chwalu vb to scatter, to spread
chwalwr (-wyr) nm scatterer, demolisher
chwaneg adj, nm more
chwanegiad (-au) nm addition
chwanegol adj additional
chwanegu vb to add, to augment, to increase
chwannen (chwain) nf flea
chwannog adj desirous; addicted; prone
chwant (-au) nm desire, craving, lust
chwantu vb to desire, to lust
chwap nm sudden blow; moment ▶ adv instantly
chwarae, chware vb to play ▶ nm play; chwaraeon y gaeaf winter sports
chwaraedy (-dai) nm playhouse, theatre
chwaraefa (-feydd) nf pitch, playground
chwaraegar adj playful, sportive
chwaraewr (-wyr) nm player, actor, performer; chwaraewr cryno-ddisgiau CD player; chwaraewr DVD DVD player
chwaraeydd (-ion) nm actor
chwarddiad (-au) nm laugh
chwarel (-au, -i, -ydd) nf quarry
chwarelwr (-wyr) nm quarryman
chwareus adj playful
chwarren (-arennau) nf gland; kernel
chwart (-iau) nm quart
chwarter (-i, -au) nm quarter
chwarterol adj quarterly
chwarterolyn (-olion) nm quarterly (magazine)
chwarteru vb to quarter
chwe adj six (before a noun)
chweban (-nau) nm sestet, sextain
chwech (-au) adj, nm six
chwechawd (-au) nm sextet
chweched adj sixth; chweched dosbarth sixth form
chwedl (-au) nf story, tale
chwedleua vb to talk, to gossip
chwedleuwr (-wyr) nm story-teller
chwedloniaeth nf mythology
chwedlonol adj mythical, mythological
chwedlonydd (-wyr) nm mythologist
chwedyn adv: na chynt na chwedyn neither before nor after
Chwefror, Chwefrol nm February
chwennych, chwenychu vb to covet, to desire
chwenychiad (-au) nm desire
chweongl (-au) nm hexagon
chwephlyg adj sixfold
chwerthin vb to laugh ▶ nm laughter
chwerthiniad (-au) nm laugh
chwerthinllyd adj laughable, ridiculous
chwerthinog adj laughing, merry
chwerw adj bitter
chwerwder, chwerwdod nm bitterness
chwerwedd nm bitterness
chwerwi vb to grow bitter, to embitter
chwi pron you
chwib (-iau) nm whistle
chwiban vb to whistle ▶ nm whistle
chwibaniad nm whistling, whistle
chwibanogl (-au) nf whistle, flute
chwibanu vb to whistle
chwibon (-iaid) nm curlew, stork
chwifio vb to wave, to flourish, to brandish
chwiff (-iau) nf whiff, puff
chwiffiad nm whiff, jiffy
chwil1 (-od) nmf beetle, chafer
chwil2 adj whirling, reeling
chwilboeth adj scorching, piping hot
chwildroi vb to whirl, to spin
chwilen (chwilod) nf beetle
chwilenna vb to rummage; to pry; to pilfer
chwiler (-od) nm chrysalis, pupa
chwilfriw adj smashed to atoms
chwilfriwio vb to smash, to shatter
chwilfrydedd nm curiosity
chwilfrydig adj curious, inquisitive
chwilgar adj curious, inquisitive
chwilgarwch nm inquisitiveness
chwiliad (-au) nm search, scrutiny
chwiliadur (-on) nm search engine
chwilibawa, chwilibawan vb to dawdle, to trifle
chwilio vb to search; to examine
chwiliwr (-wyr) nm searcher
chwil-lys nm inquisition
chwilmantan vb to pry, to rummage
chwilolau (-oleuadau) nm searchlight
chwilota vb to rummage, to pry
chwilotwr (-wyr) nm searcher, rummager
chwim adj nimble, quick, agile
chwimder, chwimdra nm nimbleness
chwimio vb to move, to stir, to accelerate
chwimwth adj nimble, brisk
chwinc nm wink
chwinciad nm twinkling, trice
chwiorydd see chwaer
chwip (-iau) nf whip; whipping
chwipiad (-au) nm whipping
chwipio vb to whip
chwipyn adv instantly
chwirligwgan nf whirligig
chwisgi nm whisky
chwisl (-au) nm whistle
chwistrell (-au, -i) nf squirt, syringe
chwistrelliad (-au) nm injection
chwistrellu vb to squirt, to syringe, to inject
chwit-chwat adj fickle, inconstant
chwith adj left; wrong; sad; strange
chwithau pron you (on your part), you also
chwithdod, chwithdra nm strangeness
chwithig adj strange, wrong, awkward
chwithigrwydd nm awkwardness
chwiw (-iau) nf fit, attack, malady
chwiwgar adj fickle
chwychwi pron you yourselves
chwŷd, chwydiad nm vomit
chwydu vb to vomit, to spew
chwydd, chwyddi nm swelling
chwyddiant (-nnau) nm inflation; inflammation
chwyddo vb to swell, to increase, to magnify
chwyddwydr (-au) nm microscope
chwŷl (chwylion) nmf turn, rotation
chwyldro (-ion) nm rotation; orbit
chwyldroad (-au) nm revolution
chwyldroadol adj revolutionary
chwyldroadwr (-wyr) nm revolutionary
chwyldroi vb to whirl, to revolve, to rotate
chwyldrowr see chwyldroadwr
chwylolwyn (-ion) nf flywheel
chwyn (nm chwynnyn) coll n, npl weeds
chwynladdwr nm weed-killer
chwynnu vb to weed
chwyrligwgan (-od) nm spinning top, whirligig
chwyrlïo vb to whirl, to spin, to speed
chwyrlwynt (-oedd) nm whirlwind
chwyrn adj rapid, swift
chwyrnellu vb to whirl, to whiz
chwyrnu vb to hum; to snore; to snarl
chwyrnwr (-wyr) nm snorer; snarler
chwys nm sweat, perspiration
chwysfa (-feydd) nf sweating
chwysiant nm exudation
chwysigen (-igod) nf blister, vesicle
chwyslyd adj sweaty
chwystyllau npl pores
chwysu vb to sweat, to perspire; to exude
chwyswr (-wyr) nm sweater
chwyth, chwythad nm breath
chwythbib (-au) nf blowpipe
chwythbrenni npl woodwinds
chwythell (-i) nf jet
chwythiad (-au) nm blow, blast
chwythu vb to blow, to blast; to breathe; to hiss
chwythwr (-wyr) nm blower
da adj good, well ▶ nm (-oedd) good; goods; stock, cattle
dacw adv there is, are; behold there
dad-, dat- prefix un-, dis-, re-, back
da-da nm sweets
dadansoddi vb to analyse
dadansoddiad (-au) nm analysis
dadansoddol adj analytic(al)
dadansoddwr (-wyr) nm analyst
dadansoddydd (-wyr) nm analyser
dadchwyddiant (-nnau) nm deflation
dad-ddyfrio vb to dehydrate
dadebriad nm resuscitation
dadebru vb to resuscitate, to revive
dadelfeniad (-au) nm decomposition
dadelfennu vb to decompose; to refine
dadeni vb to regenerate, to reanimate ▶ nm rebirth, renascence, renaissance
dadfachu vb to unhook
dadfathiad nm dissimulation
dadfeiliad nm decay
dadfeilio vb to fall to ruin, to decay
dadflino vb to rest (after exertion)
dadl (-euon) nf debate; doubt; plea
dadlaith vb to thaw; to dissolve
dadlau vb to argue, to debate; to plead
dadleniad (-au) nm disclosure, exposure
dadlennol adj revealing, disclosing, exposing
dadlennu vb to disclose, to expose
dadleoli vb to dislocate
dadleoliad (-au) nm dislocation
dadleuaeth nf polemics, controversy
dadleugar adj argumentative
dadleuol adj controversial, polemical
dadleuwr (-wyr), dadleuydd (-ion) nm debater, controversialist; advocate
dadluddedu vb to rest (after exertion)
dadlwytho vb to unload, to unburden; to download
dadlygru vb to decontaminate
dadmer vb to thaw; to dissolve
dadnitreiddiad nm denitrification
dadolwch nm propitiation ▶ vb to worship, to seek forgiveness
dadorchuddio vb to unveil, to uncover
dadreolaeth nf decontrol
dadrewlifiant nm deglaciation
dadrithiad (-au) nm disillusionment
dadrithio vb to disillusion
dadsefydlu vb to disestablish
dadwaddoli vb to disendow
dadwaddoliad nm disendowment
dadwneuthur, dad-wneud vb to undo, to unmake
dadwrdd nm noise, uproar, hubbub
dadymchwel, dadymchwelyd vb to overturn, to overthrow
daear (-oedd) nf earth, ground, soil
daeardy (-dai) nm dungeon
daeareg nf geology
daearegol adj geological
daearegwr (-wyr), daearegydd (-ion) nm geologist
daearen nf the earth; land, country
daearfochyn (-foch) nm badger
daeargell (-oedd) nf dungeon, vault
daeargi (-gwn) nm terrier
daeargryd (-iau) nm earth tremor
daeargryn (-fâu) nmf earthquake
daearol adj terrestrial, earthly, earthy
daearu vb to earth; to inter
daearyddiaeth nf geography
daearyddol adj geographical
daearyddwr (-wyr) nm geographer
dafad (defaid) nf sheep; wart
dafaden (-ennau) nf wart
dafn (-au) nm drop
dafnu vb to trickle
dagr (-au) nm dagger, bayonet, dirk
dagrau npl (nm deigryn) tears
dagreuol adj tearful, sad
dail npl (nf dalen, nf deilen) leaves
daioni nm goodness, good
daionus adj good; beneficial; beneficent
dal, dala vb to hold; to catch; to arrest; to last; dal ati! carry on!, don’t give up!
dalen (-nau, dail) nf leaf
dalfa (-feydd) nf hold; arrest, custody; prison
dalgylch (-oedd) nm catchment area
daliad (-au) nm holding; tenet; spell
daliwr (-wyr) nm jig, catcher
dall (deillion) adj blind
dallbleidiaeth nf bigotry
dallbleidiol adj bigoted
dallbleidiwr (-wyr) nm bigot
dallineb nm blindness
dallu vb to blind; to dazzle
damcaniaeth (-au) nf theory
damcaniaethol adj theoretical
damcaniaethwr (-wyr) nm theorist
damcanu vb to theorize, to speculate
dameg (-hegion) nf parable
damhegol adj parabolic(al), allegorical
damhegwr (-wyr) nm allegorist
damnedig adj damned, damnable
damnedigaeth nf damnation, condemnation
damnio vb to damn
damniol adj damning, damnatory
damsang vb to tread, to trample
damwain (-weiniau) nf accident, chance, fate
damweinio vb to befall, to happen
damweiniol adj accidental, casual
dan see tan
danadl npl (nf danhadlen) nettles
danas coll n deer; bwch danas buck
danfon vb to send, to convey; to escort
dangos vb to show
dangoseg (-ion) nf index; indication
dangosol adj indicative, demonstrative
danheddog adj jagged, serrated, toothed
dannod vb to reproach, to upbraid, to taunt, to twit
dannoedd nf toothache
dansoddol adj abstract
dant (dannedd) nm tooth
danteithfwyd (-teithion) nm dainty
danteithiol adj dainty, delicious
danteithion npl delicacies
darbodaeth nf thrift
darbodus adj provident, thrifty
darbwyllo vb to persuade, to convince
darfod vb to finish, to end; to perish; to happen
darfodadwy adj transitory, perishable
darfodedig adj perishable, transient
darfodedigaeth nm consumption
darfudiad (-au) nm convection
darfudol adj convectional
darganfod vb to discover, to find out
darganfyddiad (-au) nm discovery
darganfyddwr (-wyr) nm discoverer
dargludedd nm conductivity
dargludo vb to conduct
dargludydd (-ion) nm conductor
dargyfeiredd nm divergence
dargyfeirio vb to diverge, to divert
darlith (-iau, -oedd) nf lecture
darlithfa (-feydd) nf lecture room, lecture theatre
darlithio vb to lecture
darlithiwr (-wyr), darlithydd (-ion) nm lecturer
darlun (-iau) nm picture
darluniad (-au) nm portrayal, description
darluniadol adj pictorial, illustrated
darluniaeth nf imagery
darlunio vb to portray, to depict, to describe
darluniol adj pictorial
darllediad (-au) nm broadcast
darlledu vb to broadcast
darlledwr (-wyr) nm broadcaster
darllen vb to read
darllenadwy adj readable, legible
darllenfa (-feydd) nf reading room; reading-desk; lectern
darllengar adj fond of reading, studious
darlleniad (-au) nm reading
darllenwr (-wyr), darllenydd (-ion) nm reader
darn (-au) nm piece, fragment, part
darnguddio vb to conceal or withhold a part
darniad (-au) nm fragmentation
darnio vb to cut up, to hack
darn-ladd vb to beat mercilessly
darogan vb to predict, to foretell, to forebode ▶ nf (-au) prediction, foreboding