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Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning
crwca adj crooked, bowed, bent
crwm (f crom) adj convex, curved, bowed
crwn (f cron) adj round; complete
crwner (-iaid) nm coroner
crwsâd (-adau) nmf crusade
crwst (crystiau) nm crust
crwt (cryts) nm boy, lad
crwth (crythau) nm crowd, fiddle; purring; hump
crwybr nm honeycomb; mist; hoarfrost
crwydr nm wandering; ar grwydr astray
crwydro vb to wander, to stray, to roam
crwydrol, crwydrus adj wandering
crwydrwr (-wyr) nm rambler; wanderer, rover
crwydryn (-riaid) nm vagrant, tramp
crwys nf cross, crucifix; dan ei grwys laid out for burial
crybwyll vb to mention ▶ nm (-ion) mention
crybwylliad nm mention, notice
crych adj rippling; curly; quavering ▶ nm (-au) crease, ripple, wrinkle
crychlais (-leisiau) nm trill, tremolo
crychlyd adj wrinkled, puckered
crychnaid (-neidiau) nf leap, gambol
crychneidio vb to skip, to frisk
crychni nm curliness; wrinkle
crychu vb to wrinkle, to pucker; to ruffle, to ripple
cryd (-iau) nm shivering; fever; ague
crydd (-ion) nm cobbler, shoemaker
crydda vb to cobble
cryf (f cref) adj strong
cryfder, cryfdwr nm strength
cryfhaol adj strengthening
cryfhau vb to strengthen; to grow strong
cryg (f creg) adj hoarse
cryglyd adj hoarse, raucous
crygni nm hoarseness
crygu vb to hoarsen
cryman (-au) nm reaping-hook, sickle
crymanwr (-wyr) nm reaper
crymu vb to bow, to bend, to stoop
cryn adj considerable, much
crŷn, cryn nm, adj shivering
crynder nm roundness
cryndod nm trembling, shivering
crynedig adj trembling, tremulous
crynfa (-feydd) nf tremble, tremor
crynhoad (-noadau) nm collection, digest
crynhoi vb to gather together, to collect
cryno adj compact; neat, tidy
crynodeb (-au) nm summary
crynodi vb to concentrate
cryno ddisg (-iau) nm CD, compact disc
crynswth nm mass, bulk, whole
crynu vb to shiver, to tremble, to quake
Crynwr (-wyr) nm Quaker
crys (-au) nm shirt; crys chwys sweatshirt
crysbais (-beisiau) nf jacket, jerkin
crystyn (crystiau) nm crust
crythor (-ion) nm fiddler, violinist
cryw (-iau) nm creel; weir
cu adj dear, fond, kind
cuchio vb to scowl, to frown
cuchiog adj scowling, frowning
cudyll (-od) nm hawk
cudyn (-nau) nm lock (of hair), tuft
cudd adj hidden, concealed
cuddfa (-feydd) nf hiding-place; hoard
cuddiad nm hiding
cuddiedig adj hidden, concealed
cuddio vb to hide, to conceal
cufydd (-au) nm cubit
cul (-ion) adj narrow, lean
culfor (-oedd) nm strait
culhau vb to narrow; to grow lean
culni nm narrowness
cun adj dear, beloved; lovely
cunnog (cunogau) nf pail
cur nm throb, ache, pain; care, trouble
curad (-iaid) nm curate
curadiaeth (-au) nf curacy
curfa (-feydd) nf beating, flogging
curiad (-au) nm beat, throb, pulse
curio vb to pine, to waste
curlaw nm pelting rain
curn (-au), curnen (-nau) nf mound, core, rick
curnennu vb to heap, to stack
curo vb to beat, to strike, to knock; to throb; to clap
curwr (-wyr) nm beater
curyll (-od) nm hawk
cusan (-au) nmf kiss
cusanu vb to kiss
cut (-iau) nm hovel, shed, sty
cuwch (cuchiau) nm scowl, frown
CV (-s) nm CV
cwafrio vb to quaver, to trill
cwar (-rau) nm quarry
cwarel nm windowpane
cwb (cybiau) nm kennel, coop, sty
cwbl adj, nm all, whole, total
cwblhad nm fulfilment
cwblhau vb to fulfil, to complete, to finish
cwcer (-au) nm cooker
cwcw nf cuckoo
cwcwallt (-iaid) nm cuckold
cwcwalltu vb to cuckold
cwcwll (cycyllau) nm hood, cowl
cwch (cychod) nm boat; hive; cwch gwyllt speed boat
cwd (cydau) nm pouch, bag
cweir (-iau) nm thrashing, hiding
cweryl (-on) nm quarrel
cweryla vb to quarrel
cwerylgar adj quarrelsome
cwest (-au) nm inquest
cwestiwn (-iynau) nm question
cwestiynu vb to question
cwfaint nm convent
cwfl nm hood
cwffio vb to fight, to box
cwgn (cygnau) nm knot; knuckle; joint
cwilt (-iau) nm quilt
cwlbren (-ni) nm bludgeon
cwlff (cylffiau), cwlffyn (cylffiau) nm chunk
cwlwm see clwm
cwlltwr (cylltyrau) nm coulter
cwm (cymau, cymoedd) nm valley
cwman nm rump; stoop; churn
cwmanu vb to stoop
cwmni (-ïau, -ïoedd) nm company
cwmnïaeth nf companionship
cwmpas (-oedd) nm round; o gwmpas about
cwmpasog adj round about, circuitous
cwmpasu vb to round, to wind, to surround
cwmpawd (-odau) nm compass
cwmpeini, cwmpni nm company
cwmwd (cymydau) nm commot
cwmwl (cymylau) nm cloud
cŵn see ci
cwndid (-au) nm song, carol
cwningar nf warren
cwningen (-ingod) nf rabbit
cwnsel (-au, -oedd, -i) nm council; counsel, advice, secret
cwnsela vb to counsel
cwnsler (-iaid) nm counsellor
cwnstabl (-iaid) nm constable; cwnstabl heddlu PC, police constable; prif gwnstabl chief constable
cworwm nm quorum
cwota (-âu) nm quota
cwpan (-au) nmf cup, goblet; chalice
cwpanaid (-eidiau) nm cupful
cwpl (cyplau) nm couple; tie beam
cwplâd, cwpláu see cwblhad; cwblhau
cwpled (-i, -au) nm couplet
cwplws (cyplysau) nm coupling; brace
cwpwrdd (cypyrddau) nm cupboard; cwpwrdd ffeilio filing cabinet
cwr (cyrrau) nm edge, border, skirt
cwrbyn nm kerb
cwrcwd nm stooping; squatting
cwrdd1 (cyrddau) nm meeting
cwrdd2, cwrddyd vb to meet, to touch
cwrel nm coral
cwricwlwm (cwricwla) nm curriculum
cwrlid (-au) nm coverlet
cwrs (cyrsiau) nm course; fit; prif gwrs main course; cwrs hyfforddiant training course
cwrt (cyrtiau) nm court
cwrtais adj courteous
cwrteisi, cwrteisrwydd nm courtesy
cwrw (cyrfau) nm ale, beer
cwrwg, cwrwgl see corwg
cwsg nm sleep
cwsmer (-iaid) nm customer
cwsmeriaeth nf custom
cwstard (-iau) nm custard
cwstwm (cystymau) nm custom, patronage
cwt1 (cytiau) nfm tail, skirt, queue
cwt2 (cytiau) nm hut, sty
cwta adj short, curt
cwter (-i, -ydd) nf gutter, channel
cwtogi vb to shorten, to curtail
cwthr (cythrau) nm anus, rectum
cwthwm (cythymau) nm puff of wind, storm
cwymp (-au) nm fall, tumble
cwympo vb to fall; to fell
cwyn (-ion) nfm complaint, plaint
cwynfan vb to complain, to lament
cwynfanllyd adj querulous
cwynfanus adj plaintive, mournful
cwyno vb to complain, to lament
cwyr nm wax
cwyro vb to wax
cwys (-au, -i) nf furrow-slice, furrow
cybôl nm nonsense, rubbish
cybolfa nf hotchpotch, medley
cyboli vb to muddle; to talk nonsense; to mess, to bother
cybydd (-ion) nm miser, niggard
cybydda vb to stint, to hoard
cybydd-dod, cybydd-dra nm miserliness
cybyddlyd adj miserly
cycyllog adj hooded, cowled
cychwr (-wyr) nm boatman
cychwyn vb to rise, to stir, to start; to switch on
cychwynfa nf start, starting-point
cychwyniad (-au) nm start, beginning
cyd adj joint, united, common; fellow ▶ prefix together
cydadrodd vb to recite together
cydaid (-eidiau) nm bagful
cydbwysedd nm balance
cydbwyso vb to balance
cyd-destun (-au) nm context
cyd-drafodaeth nf negotiation
cyd-ddigwydd vb to coincide
cyd-ddigwyddiad nm coincidence
cydfod nm agreement, concord
cydfodolaeth nf coexistence
cydfyned vb to go with, to concur, to agree
cyd-fyw vb to cohabit
cydffurfio vb to conform
cydgordio vb to agree, to harmonize
cydgwmni (-ïau) nm consortium
cydiedig adj adjoined
cydio vb to join; to bite; to take hold
cydletywr (-wyr) nm roommate, flatmate, housemate
cydnabod vb to acknowledge ▶ nm acquaintance
cydnabyddiaeth nf acquaintance; recognition
cydnabyddus adj acquainted; familiar
cydnaws adj congenial
cydnerth adj well set
cydol nmf, adj whole
cydradd adj equal
cydraddoldeb nm equality
cyd-rhwng prep between
cydsyniad nm consent
cydsynio vb to consent
cydwastad adj level (with), even
cydweddog adj conjugal
cydweddu vb to accord, to agree
cydweithfa (-feydd) nf co-operative
cydweithio vb to cooperate
cydweithrediad nm co-operation
cydweithredol adj co-operative
cydweithredu vb to co-operate
cydweled vb to agree
cydwladol adj international
cyd-wladwr (-wyr) nm compatriot
cydwybod (-au) nf conscience
cydwybodol adj conscientious
cydwybodolrwydd nm conscientiousness
cydymaith (cymdeithion) nm companion
cydymdeimlad nm sympathy
cydymdeimlo vb to sympathize
cydymffurfiad nm conformity
cydymffurfio vb to conform
cydymgais nm competition, rivalry, joint effort
cydymgeisydd (-wyr) nm rival
cyddwysiad (-au) nm condensation
cyddwyso vb to condense
cyfadran (-nau) nf faculty (in college), period (in music)
cyfaddas adj fit, suitable, convenient
cyfaddasiad (-au) nm adaptation
cyfaddaster nm fitness, suitability
cyfaddasu vb to fit, to adapt
cyfaddawd (-odau) nm compromise
cyfaddawdu vb to compromise
cyfaddef vb to confess, to own, to admit
cyfaddefiad (-au) nm confession, admission
cyfaenad nm harmonious song ▶ adj harmonious
cyfagos adj near, adjacent, neighbouring
cyfaill (-eillion) nm friend
cyfair1 (-eiriau) nm acre
cyfair2, cyfer nm direction
cyfalaf nm capital
cyfalafiaeth nf capitalism
cyfalafol adj capitalistic
cyfalafwr (-wyr) nm capitalist
cyfamod (-au) nm covenant
cyfamodi vb to covenant
cyfamodol adj federal; covenanted
cyfamodwr (-wyr) nm covenanter
cyfamser nm meantime
cyfamserol adj timely; synchronous
cyfan adj, nm whole
cyfandir (-oedd) nm continent
cyfandirol adj continental
cyfanfor (-oedd) nm main sea, ocean
cyfanfyd nm whole world, universe
cyfangorff nm whole, bulk, mass
cyfan gwbl adj: yn gyfan gwbl altogether, completely
cyfanheddol adj habitable, inhabited
cyfanheddu vb to dwell, to inhabit
cyfannedd adj inhabited ▶ nf (-anheddau) inhabited place, habitation
cyfannol adj integrated, integral
cyfannu vb to make whole, to complete
cyfanrwydd nm wholeness, entirety
cyfansawdd adj composite, compound
cyfansoddi vb to compose, to constitute
cyfansoddiad (-au) nm composition; constitution
cyfansoddiadol adj constitutional
cyfansoddwr (-wyr) nm composer
cyfansoddyn (-ion) nm constituent, compound
cyfanswm (-symiau) nm total
cyfantoledd (-au) nm equilibrium
cyfanwaith (-weithiau) nm complete composition, whole
cyfanwerth nm wholesale
cyfarch vb to greet, to salute, to address
cyfarchiad (-au) nm greeting, salutation
cyfaredd (-ion) nf charm, spell
cyfareddol adj enchanting
cyfareddu vb to charm, to enchant
cyfarfod vb to meet ▶ nm (-ydd) meeting
cyfarfyddiad (-au) nm meeting
cyfarpar nm provision, equipment; diet; cyfarpar rhyfel munitions of war
cyfarparu vb to equip
cyfartal adj equal, even
cyfartaledd nm proportion, average
cyfartalu vb to proportion, to equalize
cyfarth vb, nm to bark
cyfarwydd adj skilled; familiar ▶ nm (-iaid) storyteller
cyfarwyddo vb to direct; to become familiar
cyfarwyddwr (-wyr) nm director
cyfarwyddyd (-iadau) nm direction, instruction
cyfatal adj unsettled, hindering
cyfateb vb to correspond, to agree, to tally
cyfatebiaeth (-au) nf correspondence, analogy
cyfatebol adj corresponding, proportionate
cyfathrach (-au) nf affinity; intercourse
cyfathrachu vb to have intercourse
cyfathrachwr (-wyr) nm kinsman
cyfathreb (-au) nm communication
cyfathrebu vb to communicate