Полная версия
Генезис. Небо и Земля. Том II. Событие
109. Nicolas Fatio de Duillier (1685) Lettre à M. Cassini touchant une lumière extraordinaire qui paroît dans le Ciel depuis quelques années
110. Johannes Hevelius (1687) Prodromus Astronomiae Catalogus Stellarum Fixarum // Johannes Hevelii Prodromus astronomiæ, exhibens fundamenta, quæ tam ad novum planè & correctiorem stellarum fixarum catalogum construendum, quàm ad omnium planetarum tabulas corrigendas omnimodè spectant; nec non novas & correctiores tabulas solares, aliasq́ue plurimas ad astronomiam pertinentes, utpote refractionum solarium, parallaxium, declinationum, angulorum eclipticæ & meridiani, ascensionum rectarum & obliquarum, horizonti gedanensi inservientium, differrentiarum ascensionalium, motûs item & refractionum stellarum fixarum. Quibus additus est uterque catalogus stellarum fixarum, tam major ad annum 1660, quàm minor ad annum completum 1700. Accessit corollarii loco tabula motus lunæ libartorii, ad bina secula proximè ventura prolongata, brevi cum descriptione, ejusq́ue usu./ Catherina Elisabetha Koopman Hevelius
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116. Johann Bernoulli (June 1696) Problema novum ad cujus solutionem Mathematici invitantur. (A new problem to whose solution mathematicians are invited.) Acta Eruditorum, 18: 269. From p. 269
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120. Edmond Halley Of the Number, order, and light of the fix’d Stars. Of the Infinity of the sphere of fix’d Stars. / Some Remarks on a late Essay of Mr. Cassini, wherein he proposes to find, by observation, the parallax and magnitude of Sirius. (Phil. Trans., vol. xxxi, 1720—1.
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127. Jean Bernoulli, Nouvelle mécanique de Varignon, t. II, Paris, 1725.
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129. A Letter from the Reverend Mr. James Bradley Savilian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford, and F.R.S. to Dr. Edmond Halley Astronom. Reg. &c. Giving an Account of a New Discovered Motion of the Fix’d Stars. is an article from Philosophical Transactions (1683—1775) Volume 35.
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150. Храмов Ю. А. Ломоносов Михаил Васильевич // Физики: Биографический справочник / Под ред. А. И. Ахиезера. – Изд. 2-е, испр. и дополн. – М.: Наука, 1983. – С. 167. – 400 с.
151. An original Theory or the new Hypothesis of the Universe, founded upon the Law of Nature, and solving by mathematical Principles the General Phaenomena of the Visible Creation and particularly The VIA LACTEA. Compris’d in Nine Familiar Letters from the Author to his Friend. And illustrated with upwards of Thirty Graven and Mezzotinto Plates, By the Best Masters. By Thomas Wright of Durham, 1750.
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154. Кант Иммануил. Сочинения в шести томах. – Под общей редакцией В. Ф. Асмуса. А. В. Гулыги, Т. И. Ойзермана. – Серия Философское наследие – М.: Мысль. – Т.1. 1963. – 543 с.
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156. Fatio de Duillier, N.: De la cause de la Pesanteur, 1690—1701, Bopp edition. On pp. 19—22 is an introduction by Bopp (in German). Fatio’s paper starts at the end of p. 22.
157. John Dollond (1758) An Account of some experiments concerning the different refrangibility of light, Phil. Trans.
158. Storia della fisica di Mario Gliozzi / Storia della scienze volume secondo Toronto, 1965. Марио Льоцци История Физики / Пер. с итал. Э. Л. Бурштейна. // Редактор Л. В. Гессен – М.: Мир, 1970
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160. Марио Льоцци История физики. М.: Мир, 1970. – 464с.
161. Lagrange, J.L. 1760—1761. Application de la méthode exposée dans le Mémoire précédent à la solution de différents problèmes de dynamique, Miscellanea Taurinensia, Oeuvres. 1: 365—468. Lagrange, J.L. 1764. Recherches sur la libration de la Lune dans lesquelles on tâche de résoudre la question proposée par l’Académie Royale des Sciences pour le Prix de l’année 1764. Prix de l’Académie Royale des Sciences de Paris. Tome IX 1764, Oeuvres 6: 5—61.
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165. Johann Daniel Titius (1766). Die gänzliche Ergebung der Lande Preussen an Polen, mittelst des A. 1466 nach der Einnahme von Conitz zwischen König Kasimir dem IV. und dem Hochmeister Ludwig von Erlichshausen geschlossenen Friedens, historisch vorgestellet u.s.w. Wittenberg 1766.
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172. Herschel, Mr.; Watson, Dr. (1 January 1782). Catalogue of Double Stars. By Mr. Herschel, F. R. S. Communicated by Dr. Watson, Jun, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 72: 112—162. Herschel, William (1783). On the Proper Motion of the Sun and Solar System; With an Account of Several Changes That Have Happened among the Fixed Stars since the Time of Mr. Flamstead, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 73: 247—83. Herschel, W. (1 January 1785). Catalogue of Double Stars. By William Herschel, Esq. F. R. S, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 75: 40—126.
173. Herschel, W. (1821). On the places of 145 new Double Stars, Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. 1: 166.
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175. Antoine Lavoisier, Pierre-Simon Laplace, (1780) Mémoire sur la chaleur, in Mémoires de l’Académie des sciences, p. 355—408, Académie des sciences, Paris, 1780.
176. Храмов Ю. А. Лавуазье Антуан Лоран (Lavoisier Antoine Laurent) // Физики: Биографический справочник / Под ред. А. И. Ахиезера. – Изд. 2-е, испр. и дополн. – М.: Наука, 1983. – С. 150. – 400 с.; Помпеев Ю. А., Очерки по истории европейской научной мысли, СПб, Абрис, 2003 г., с. 225.
177. Pierre Prévost (1783) Mémoire sur le mouvement progressif du centre de gravité de tout le système solaire. Berlin.
178. Michell, J. (1784). On the Means of Discovering the Distance, Magnitude, &c. of the Fixed Stars, in Consequence of the Diminution of the Velocity of Their Light, in Case Such a Diminution Should be Found to Take Place in any of Them, and Such Other Data Should be Procured from Observations, as Would be Farther Necessary for That Purpose. By the Rev. John Michell, B. D. F. R. S. In a Letter to Henry Cavendish, Esq. F. R. S. and A. S, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. 74: 35—57. Джон Мичелл Открытое письмо Лондонскому королевскому обществу, 1783
179. Левин А. История чёрных дыр // Популярная механика. – ООО Фэшн Пресс, 2005. – №11. – С. 52—62
180. Lagrange, J. L. (1788). Mécanique analytique. Paris: Desaint.
181. Lagrange, J. L. (1761). Applications de la méthode exposée dans le mémoire précédent à la solution de différents problèmes de dynamique. Mélanges de Philosophie et de Mathématiques de la Société Royale de Turin, 2, 196—298.
182. Laplace P. S. Le Systeme du Monde. – Paris, 1795. Русский перевод: Лаплас П. С. Изложение системы мира. – Л.: Наука, 1982. – 376 с.
183. Храмов Ю. А. Лаплас Пьер Симон (Laplace Pierre-Simon) // Физики: Биографический справочник / Под ред. А. И. Ахиезера. – Изд. 2-е, испр. и дополн. – М.: Наука, 1983. – С. 154. – 400 с.
184. Benjamin Count of Rumford (1798) An inquiry concerning the source of the heat which is excited by friction, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 88: 80—102.
185. Гельфер Я. М. История и методология термодинамики и статистической физики. 2-е изд. – М.: Высшая школа, 1981. – 536 с.
186. Soldner J. G. v.: Ueber die Ablenkung eines Lichtstrals von seiner geradlinigen Bewegung, durch die Attraktion eines Weltkörpers, an welchem er nahe vorbei geht. In: Berliner Astronomisches Jahrbuch 1804, Seiten 161—172
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188. Baily, F. (1847) A catalogue of those stars in the Histoire Celeste Francaise of J. De Lalande for which tables of reduction to the session define format EPOCH1 = 1800 have been published by Professor Schumacher, London: British Association for the Advancement of Science.
189. Johann Wilhelm Ritter Das electrische System der Körper: Ein Versuch 1805
190. Herschel, W. (1801). Observations tending to investigate the nature of the Sun, in order to find the causes or symptoms of its variable emission of light and heat; With remarks on the use that may possibly be drawn from solar observations, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 91: 265—318.
191. Young, T. (1802). Bakerian Lecture: On the Theory of Light and Colours, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 92: 12—48.
192. Н. С. Степанов. Интерференция волн // Физическая энциклопедия: [в 5 т.] / Гл. ред. А. М. Прохоров. – М.: Советская энциклопедия (тт. 1—2); Большая Российская энциклопедия (тт. 3—5) 1988—1999. – ISBN 5-85270-034-7.
193. Thomas Young, M. D. F.R.S. The Bakerian Lecture. Experiments and Calculations relative to physical Optics. (Read November 24, 1803) Proc. Roy. Soc. Long. A 94 (1804) 1—16.
194. Giuseppe Piazzi Della scoperta del nuovo planeta Cerere Ferdinandea (Palermo, 1802)
195. Giuseppe Piazzi Praecipuarum stellarum inerrantium positiones mediae ineunte seculo 19. ex observationibus habitis in specula Panormitana ab anno 1792 ad annum 1802. (Palermo, 1803)
196. Giuseppe Piazzi Præcipuarum stellarum inerrantium positiones mediæ ineunte seculo XIX ex obsrvationibus habitis in specula Panormitana ab anno 1792 ad annum 1813. (Palermo, 1814)
197. William Hyde Wollaston (1802) A method of examining refractive and dispersive powers, by prismatic reflection, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 92: 365—380; see especially p. 378. Мартынов Д. Я. Курс практической астрофизики. // М., Наука, 1977
198. Joseph Fraunhofer (1814—1815) Bestimmung des Brechungs- und des Farben-Zerstreuungs – Vermögens verschiedener Glasarten, in Bezug auf die Vervollkommnung achromatischer Fernröhre, Denkschriften der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München, 5: 193—226; see especially pages 202—205 and the plate following page 226.
199. Joseph Fraunhofer (1817) Bestimmung des Brechungs- und des Farben-Zerstreuungs – Vermögens verschiedener Glasarten, in Bezug auf die Vervollkommnung achromatischer Fernröhre, Annalen der Physik, 56: 264—313; see especially pages 278—286
200. Malus. M. Sur la mesure du pouvoir réfringent des corps opaques, Journal de l’École polytechnique, 1809, Tome 8, p. 219—228.
201. Malus M. Théorie de la double réfraction, par M. Malus. 1810
202. Carl Friedrich Gauss, Disquisitio de elementis ellipticis paaladis ex oppositionibus annorum 1803, 1804, 1805, 1807, 1808, 1809. [1810]. Band. Astronomische Abhandlungen und Aufsätze.
203. Carl Friedrich Gauss, Theoria motus corporum coelestium. [1809] Band. Theoretische Astronomie.
204. Arago (1811) Mémoire sur une modification remarquable qu’éprouvent les rayons lumineux dans leur passage à travers certains corps diaphanes et sur quelques autres nouveaux phénomènes d’optique (Memoir on a remarkable modification that light rays experience during their passage through certain translucent substances and on some other new optical phenomena) Mémoires de la classe des sciences mathématiques et physiques de l’Institut Impérial de France, 1st part: 93—134.
205. Poisson, Siméon Denis Sur les inégalités séculaires des moyens mouvements des planètes Journal of the École Polytechnique (1809);
206. Poisson, Siméon Denis Sur la variation des constantes arbitraires dans les questions de mécanique, both published in the Journal of the École Polytechnique (1809);
207. Poisson, Siméon-Denis, (1811) Traité de mécanique par S.D. Poisson, professeur a l’ecole Polytechnique.. Tome premier -second: 1, Volumes 1 à 2, – Paris: Pithiviers, Loiret.
208. Poisson, Siméon Denis, (1821) Sur la libration de la lune. im Connaiss. des temps
209. Poisson, Siméon Denis (1827) Sur le mouvement de la terre autour de son centre de gravité in Mém. d. l’acad.
210. Gauss C. F. (1813) Theoria attractionis corporum sphaeroidicorum ellipticorum homogeneorum methodo nova tractata, Commentationes societatis regiae scientiarium Gottingensis recentiores, 2: 355—378. (Gauss, Werke, vol. V, p. 1). Band. Mathematische Physik.
211. Lagrange, Joseph-Louis (1773). Sur l’attraction des sphéroïdes elliptiques, Mémoires de l’Académie de Berlin: 125.
212. Ostrogradsky M. (presented: November 5, 1828; published: 1831) Première note sur la théorie de la chaleur (First note on the theory of heat) Mémoires de l’Académie impériale des sciences de St. Pétersbourg, series 6, 1: 129—133.
213. Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1877). Theoria attractionis corporum sphaeroidicorum ellipticorum homogeneorum methodo nova tractata (in Latin). (Gauss, Werke, vol. V, p. 1). Gauss mentions Newton’s Principia proposition XCI regarding finding the force exerted by a sphere on a point anywhere along an axis passing through the sphere.
214. Ostragradsky M. Memoire sur le calcul des variations des integrales multiples. // Mem. l’Acad., 1, стр. 35—58, 24/1 1834 (1838).
215. Earnshaw, Samuel (1842). On the Nature of the Molecular Forces which Regulate the Constitution of the Luminiferous Ether. Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. 7: pp. 97—112.
216. Pierre-Simon Laplace, Essai philosophiques sur les probabilités, Courcier, 1814, p. 2.
217. Пригожин И., Стенгерс И. Порядок из хаоса: Новый диалог человека с природой. Пер. с англ. / Общ. ред. В. И. Аршинова, Ю. Л. Климонтовича, Ю. В. Сачкова. – М.: Прогресс, 1986. – С. 123.
218. Brewster, David (1815). On the laws which regulate the polarisation of light by reflexion from transparent bodies, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 105: 125—159.
219. Борн М., Вольф Э. Основы оптики. – М.: Наука, 1973.
220. Thomas Young FRS Elementary Illustrations of the Celestial Mechanics of Laplace. 1821. 8vo
221. Кляус Е. М. Томас Юнг / Отв. ред. В. И. Родичев // Творцы физической оптики: Сб. ст. – 1973. – С. 122—159. – (Из истории мировой культуры).
222. Chr. Huygens, Traité de la Lumière (drafted 1678; published in Leyden by Van der Aa, 1690) translated by Silvanus P. Thompson as Treatise on Light (London: Macmillan, 1912; Project Gutenberg edition, 2005) p.19.
223. Fresnel A., Mémoire sur la diffraction de la lumière (deposited 1818, crowned 1819) in Oeuvres complètes (Paris: Imprimerie impériale, 1866—70) vol.1, pp. 247—363; partly translated as Fresnel’s prize memoir on the diffraction of light, in H. Crew (ed.) The Wave Theory of Light: Memoirs by Huygens, Young and Fresnel, American Book Co., 1900, archive.org/details/wavetheoryofligh00crewrich, pp. 81—144. (Not to be confused with the earlier work of the same title in Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 1:238—81, 1816.)
224. Fresnel A., Mémoire sur la double réfraction que les rayons lumineux éprouvent en traversant les aiguilles de cristal de roche suivant les directions parallèles à l’axe (Memoir on the double refraction that light rays undergo in traversing the needles of rock crystal [quartz] in directions parallel to the axis) read 9 December 1822; printed in Fresnel, 1866—70, vol. 1, pp. 731—51 pp. 719—29 (extract, first published in Bulletin de la Société philomathique for 1822, pp. 191—8).
225. Fresnel A. Mémoire sur la loi des modifications que la réflexion imprime à la lumière polarisée (Memoir on the law of the modifications that reflection impresses on polarized light) read 7 January 1823; reprinted in Fresnel, 1866—70, vol. 1, pp. 767—99 (published 1831) pp. 753—62 (published 1823). See especially pp. 773 (sine law) 757 (tangent law) 760—61 and 792—6 (angles of total internal reflection for given phase differences).
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