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Alphabet of the Human Mind – 2. Global Psychotherapy
And if the property of the “patient was seized by a group of persons” who initiated this process, then this already falls under 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, from 5 to 12 years. Few admit a mistake when it could cost him jail. Besides, many psychologists receive diplomas in various ways, including having slept through all the lectures. And having written off the sums of money from the cards of parents, etc. And the surrounding system for doctors destroys the psyche no worse than other people. Therefore, they may also have types of insane struggle with patients. Patients are also not protected from this by law. And, of course, this only complicates the recognition of their incompetence.
If a self mistake is difficult to admit without symptoms, then together with symptoms is even more difficult. Here independent Psychologists and representatives of the structural authority should be involved in investigations. Now simple math. Zero levels of psychoanalysis, often symptoms, a huge stream of patients. At all, and see, it happens, doctors do not have time. Of course, there are many medical errors in this environment. The only question is whether there are no mistakes. If so, then why are there no known cases of healing.
In the medical environment, this issue is resolved simply. Mutual responsibility. We do not give others to prosecute, then they will not find our crimes. So many doctors argue in the modern healthcare system this way. That is, it is already evident that not only problems are growing like a snowball, but there are also groups of active opposition to raising the level of psychoanalysis, the quality of medicine and the legislative framework in this area.
We recommend solving this and other issues using the Convention of World Psychology from the AHM. Where top experts in many areas prepare the best recommendations on how to protect their constitutional rights and refuse the aid of poor quality authorized. There are also the best iatrogenic lawyers in the AHM community who specialize in medical crimes. And the AHM community invites the best specialists to join the community itself. And also take part in the Convention of World Psychology. Every year, the AHM community tries to prepare an updated version of the PSY Convention and publish it.
The definition of psychotherapy
A common definition of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a system of therapeutic effects on the psyche and through the psyche on the whole body. Distinguish psychotherapy in psychology and psychiatry. The classification of AHM is complete and covers all psychotypes. The new definition of psychotherapy, which gives AHM, will be more general. That is, fit all groups of psychotypes. And accurate. This is an adaptive definition for each group and its goals.
What other aspects of the popular definition are not clear enough? “Therapeutic effect.” It sounds like a panacea. Whoever undertakes psychotherapy will immediately have a therapeutic effect. What does that require? To have a therapeutic effect on the psyche? Diploma or degree? Or not to sleep at lectures? Or one magic word “psychotherapy” is enough to get a healing effect? Unfortunately, it is the therapeutic effect that is the extremely rare beast in the entire field of psychology.
In the first book, AHM has already expanded the concept of psychotherapy and clarified this concept, dividing it into stages and types. Experimental, restraining, therapeutic, restorative, and strengthening psychotherapy. So, to get a therapeutic effect, you need a specialist of a high level of understanding of processes in the human psyche. Usually, it is required to carry out the first two long stages perfectly: the experimental stage and the stage of restraining psychotherapy. Only after this, we can proceed to the therapeutic effect on the psyche, that is, to therapeutic psychotherapy. At the stage of experimental psychotherapy, the psychotype of the patient, and the communication models in which the patient is implemented his psyche processes should be determined as accurately as possible. A mistake at the level of psychoanalysis can lead to undesirable and opposite results. It can transfer the stage of the disease to an even more acute one, for example. Or add new psyche injuries.
The humble stage is already closer to the concept of treatment. But at this stage, the symptoms that will destroy any manifestations of GCM are removed. It is GCM that needs to be cured. And to do this, set the stage. Now imagine a popular situation. You came across an unscrupulous specialist who overslept all the lectures. And the parents bought him a diploma. Does it happen? Sure! To see more tag #psyfaculty (faculty of psychology) on Instagram. That complex of measures that will be taken in relation to the patient will have not a therapeutic, but a destructive effect on the psyche. We must somehow call this type of impact. We will not add new concepts, but rather expand the definition of psychotherapy, which was already expanded in the first book. A bit more. And the destructive effect on the psyche is called Destructive Psychotherapy (DP).
Unfortunately, not only illiterate psychotherapists are engaged in destructive psychotherapy, but a large percentage of the population of planet Earth. It is very easy. To influence a weak or sick psyche in order to obtain a result, and in most developed countries it is not actually punished. Although most often a crime.
A new definition of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a system of influence on the human psyche. Depending on the goals and types, it is subdivided into the following types: experimental, medical, strait, restorative, strengthening, erroneous, destructive, zero, preventive, delayed, remaining, intuitive, green. About each type in more detail. The first five types are available in the first book of the AHM series.
Let us leave the concept of Nonviolent Psychotherapy in everyday life, but we understand that in extreme cases of psychotherapy there is also a psychophysical effect. The important point is that the main impact on the psyche must be non-violent and permanent. For example, a very common crime against children is an attempt to bring to suicide. In the corresponding article of Russian law, it is written in black and white that the offense is systematic humiliation of personal dignity. These humiliations may not be very serious, but because of the constancy, a destructive effect on the psyche of the child is achieved. As with arsenic poisoning. One or two doses will not change anything in health, and systematic poisoning leads to death. For such destructive psychotherapy, the concept of mental arsenic appeared – this is a systematic effect on the psyche with the humiliation of personal dignity, provoking symptoms of PPM, as well as systematic irritants.
Erroneous psychotherapy or ENP AHM – the effectiveness of the impact on the psyche depends on the exact diagnosis. AF and DF have different symptoms, like fire and ice, for example. It is difficult even for professionals to accurately diagnose, because in real life time for observation is not always enough. You can mistakenly diagnose PPM AF that it is KF, and try to give him a catalyst for a splash of healthy aggression. But this can transfer PPM to the extreme stage of OF, and a couple of such therapies – PPM will fly off completely from the psychic crutches (CPO). This condition will be called TLCPO or PLCPO according to AHM1 and will be much more difficult to treat. A lot of mistakes are made in this area, and they usually lead to destructive psychotherapy instead of medical therapy.
Destructive psychotherapy, or DNP AHM is any destructive effect on the psyche. Either as a result of erroneous psychotherapy, or because of the symptoms of illness itself. For example, many techniques, such as NLP, transerfing, secret, astrology and much more, refer to destructive psychotherapy. As already mentioned, all crimes that are aimed at children: systematic irritants, humiliation of personal dignity, provocation of anxiety, unjustified aggression, unjustified guilt, attacks of megalomania, etc. You can add a subclass for destructive psychotherapy: intentional and unintentional.
Zero psychotherapy or ZNP AHM is non-violent psychotherapy that is used in relation to a healthy psyche. Healthy people do not have symptoms of PPM, so it’s impossible to practice non-violent methods on a healthy psyche. But it is possible to injure a healthy psyche, you get a lowered psychotype. Temporarily or permanently, depending on injuries. Then the impact will be effective. NP AHM acts only on the symptoms. Therefore, a healthy stable psyche will have zero effect. Since there are no symptoms in a healthy psyche.
Preventive psychotherapy, or PNP AHM. Separately, I would like to highlight the so-called preventive or preliminary psychotherapy – this is a set of measures that are safe for people with GCM. When an indicative diagnosis is made to one or a group of people with PPM. For example, once again do not enter into a random dialogue if it is known that there are a lot of PPM AFs in this place. Do not let them realize their symptoms that they have not treated for a lifetime. They themselves are to blame. Not you. Any contact with a person with PPM AF gives him the opportunity to go to the OF and the internal UA to become real in relation to you.
In other words, a person with PPM AF may experience an attack of unreasonable aggression (AUA). For PPM AF, these are the psychic crutches that they need all the time, in tens and hundreds in a single day. That is, tens and hundreds of AUA per day need PPM AF to restore the biochemical imbalance of the psyche. To engage in contact Straitjacket NP AHM, high costs of PPE are required, which you will still need for those things that you are going to carry out. You can immediately foresee this situation and not waste valuable strength for the successful implementation of the tasks assigned to the psychotherapy of random PPMs. You can use Mental Barriers, tactical psychotherapy, mental hygiene, or good AUM (Artifact Ulu-Mulu from AHM1). In the form of preventive or preliminary psychotherapy, to calmly prepare for your speech (for example) and maintain strength, a good mood for spectators and fans! ☺
Delayed psychotherapy, or DNP AHM. Those who do not use the possibilities of preliminary psychotherapy, which is safer and less costly, are forced to establish, resolve, or rake the situation with delayed psychotherapy. This can take up too much strength and resources. Too expensive. As well as losses, which then cannot be made up for. It will be possible to relax only in communication with the GCM and adequate psycho-types in protected high-level communication models. And as long as there are no signs of mental health and symptoms of PPM remain, do not be fooled. Nothing will be different. Either good psychotherapy or you untie the hands of PPM for crimes, mental terrorism against you, your Family, Children! They will do this to make up for the permanent deficiency or, conversely, the redundancy of different groups of neurotransmitters in their diseased neuro system. Both the lack and excess of neurotransmitters is bad. Recommendation. At least a minimum preliminary NP of AHM with an unconfirmed diagnosis, in which the probability of PPM is above 50 percent.
Remaining psychotherapy, or RNP AHM. From the definition of psychotherapy (from AHM) it is clear that this is an effect on the psyche. And from this, it follows that when you were lying in infancy and said “aha,” the impact on the psyche of those around PPM was already and sometimes quite strong. And this, in turn, means that you are still in the arena began to engage in psychotherapy for others. But without sufficient knowledge and understanding of the human psyche. It is very important. Not all of your psychotherapy was perfect! Some provoked the PPM OF, which then turned into reflex idiocy or reflex OF PPM. That PPM, which has been waging mental battles and wars with you since birth. This means that when you meet a similar PPM in the status of AHM PRO, for example, your psychotherapy begins with the transition of PPM into OF in your patient immediately, reflexively. This situation is very difficult to control even for a high-level professional. It is better to use tactical psychotherapy. This species will be considered in a separate chapter.
Intuitive psychotherapy, or INP AHM. Many different ways of forming this type of psychotherapy. Including congenital and hereditary. Although the greater effect here is from experience. Intuitive psychotherapy can be quite effective, but only in limited circumstances. It is very difficult to achieve a seriously positive effect without understanding the human psyche and the situation as a whole.
Green psychotherapy or GNP AHM. This is psychotherapy, which they begin to engage in only after gaining the most basic knowledge. Despite many warnings, first, achieve a high level of psychic literacy. Mostly observations and safe experiments. Before applying in full force. Beginning with an ENP of (experimental) AHM, an erroneous diagnosis is made. There is no understanding of the situation (context), which is extremely important. There is no experience of observation, and there is no understanding of the difference between the symptoms, as well as other processes in the psyche. This can be expensive if you mix up the Contact Physical Type PPM AF with some other form. Contact Physical means that unreasonable aggression in the OF PPM will be expressed in the form of physical contact. Attack.
Be careful and reasonable. Raising the level of psychic literacy is simple and possible in the shortest possible time for any educated person. We remind you that the use of all resources of the AHM is the unconditional acceptance of the agreement on use, which is posted on the official website of the AHM.
Loop of PPM
Closed-loop, or PPM loop. In a person with PPM or total PPM (TPPM), a generalized complex judgment (GCJ), or healthy judgment that occurs in the psyche. It is a trigger for a whole group of symptoms. “I can think, I can do everything, etc.” Something like this may sound in the psyche of PPM. Immediately he transfers PPM to OF and immediately turns into PPJ. That is, the very beginning of a healthy process instead of development immediately becomes a symptom. Physically rests on unformed neural chains in the brain. This is a topic for the following books. But we will make a small aside in this chapter from the PPM loop.
Too many parents when raising children consider aggression to be something wrong. Healthy forms of manifestation of aggression also fall under this pattern. Legal, socially acceptable, and a sign of a healthy psyche. Due to the low level of psychoanalysis and their own injuries, parents completely block all processes of the psyche that have at least a shadow of aggression. Instead of teaching the child to properly direct his flows of healthy aggression. Parents with a higher level of aggression block any such expressions. And, of course, each such blockage is a serious trauma to the psyche. When the main neural chains that form in childhood do not appear.
During life, healthy neural chains responsible for speech, for example, go through several important stages. One of these stages is the initial formation of the neural base chain. The experience will be imposed on this basic chain, or rather, a chain of chains, throughout life. Figuratively speaking, polishing them and making speech more difficult, etc. The child begins to speak using combinations of letters and other sounds similar to speech. And gradually, speech becomes more understandable. And then beautiful. At this time, neural chains that are responsible for speech are formed and changed.
It should be the same with healthy aggression. Those people whose neural chains developed all their lives and were not blocked by a huge number of increasing mental injuries in strength and intensity. Such people have healthy aggression and anger is beautiful, socially acceptable, and quite legal. They can put the aggressor into the place in almost any situation without strong air vibrations.
Now imagine that a child would receive an increasing number of psychic injuries with every new word he tries to pronounce. In his adult life, speech neuro chains would not be fully formed. And, coming to the store, such a person would mumble or bleat instead of words. Such an analogy is very familiar with the neuro chains responsible for aggression. When they are not fully formed.
There are a lot of conflict situations in life. And a person with missing neuro chains of healthy aggression in most situations will immediately give everything to robbers. Even those who look evil. But then this often leads to those manifestations of aggression that concern the whole society. That is, instead of victories in conflicts that are natural for most healthy people, there will be permanent defeats and, in the end, a complete loosing of psychic crutches.
That is, such a family organization makes a disabled child out of a healthy child. Very often this is because parents have a zero level of psychoanalysis, an injured psychotype, and they are afraid and do not know how to control the aggression of others. Therefore, they are afraid of the child’s aggression, so that he does not become like those or other “freaks” from the past of their parents. The motive is good, but the goal destroys the psyche of the child and just leads to become as aggressive as possible. Otherwise, the flows of aggression must go inside and destroy the rest of the psyche.
Back to the PPM loop. To realize your disease and get out of the PPM loop, you need quite a lot of either GCJ. Or the therapeutic path is TCPO, not one, but many. The reading of the AHM itself already gives some of these TCPO for PPM.
How does the PPM loop go? It is necessary to prepare the ground when the GCJ can appear and grow stronger. Perhaps a temporary increase in the psychotype. GCJs are the basic blocks for the construction of institutions of a healthy psyche. The more solid healthy buildings, the more difficult it will be to destroy with PPM. You can use JLPJ, TCPO to support internal structures. PPM will destroy the GCJ, but will not touch the JLPJs, taking them for the PPJs.
Good psychotherapy is not a freebie and a very expensive affair. Integrated. With a team of the best specialists and personal participation. Only in this way can positive results be obtained. Of course, the absence of some specialists and the team as a whole can be partially replaced by a high level of personal psychoanalysis. But this is a topic for another chapter.
Scheme of envy
How is envy formed for a painful psychotype or, in other words, a diagnosis of PPM AF in contact with people around you? This can be seen in a simple and understandable envy scheme. Most people meet this pattern every day several times or even dozens of times. But, to their happiness, this scheme of envy does not always reach the 5th point. Everything is extremely simple!
Stage 1 – contact
Necessary contact physical/mental, beside/far/remote, at least visual or psychic. To begin with, a mentally ill person needs to contact you. We will talk about the types of contact and methods of protective psychotherapy at this stage at the end of the chapter. Now it is important to understand that this scheme begins with contact.
Stage 2 – anxiety or unreasonable anxiety state
The state is formed in a mentally ill person. Now we are talking about PPM AF. This condition is permanent for them. Due to the fact that all their lives they destroy their psyche and those around them. For example, acting by systematic humiliation on another. First of all, PPM AF acts destructively on its psyche, humiliating itself. With systematic motives and other ways of traumatizing the psyche, the same effect.
If the innocent victim of these crimes, the motive of which is the need of the sick psyche for an increasing number of psychic crutches, can avoid contact, then the PPM AF, without understanding, destroys its psyche constantly, at all levels. That’s right there, in the destroyed psyche, PPM AF looks in contact with other people. For the sick psyche, this is like eternal fear. To realize that the psyche does not exist. And the subconscious mind does not allow this, right there including the defense mechanism.
Stage 3 – envy of anything and anyone
That is a substitution of causes. An attempt to blame the object of envy for their anxiety. Instead of looking for an answer in his mental disorder and treating his psyche. That is, instead of treatment, turning to a psychologist, PPM AF tries to destroy the object of envy. And thereby stabilize his psyche. What exactly PPM AF noticed when it came into contact is envy. It is called the object of envy.
If PPM AF noticed how the other eating ice cream, then the envy will be on ice cream. If he sees a smartphone, then to the smartphone. That is, to the Object of Envy. And this scheme will not be different. Until PPM AF recovers or is put on a straitjacket of the third millennium. The dose of antagonistic substances with natural micro-injection. If no action is taken at this stage, it moves on. It’s best to start controlling your symptoms at the earliest stages.
Stage 4 – opened form
Opened Form of PPM or the Opened Form of Mental Illness – an expression that has already been loved by AHM1 Readers and Subscribers. If all the evil primitive judgments flew somewhere inside the sick psyche of the PPM AF, then after a successful OF of PPM they proceed to the next stage, which is called an attack of unreasonable aggression (AUA). Of course, it is better to eliminate the symptoms in the very early stages. This will be a positive decision for everyone. Even for PPM AF.
If the symptoms of PPM AF at this stage are correctly eliminated, then PPM AF will not even understand that there was some conflict that could go into a very serious stage and have consequences. All primitive judgments of an aggressive nature were destroyed by a group of antagonistic molecules. And either completely ceased symptom to exist, or changed color in another symptom (less often – as a sign of a healthy psyche, but usually requires complex psychotherapy). For example, unreasonable responsiveness.
Stage 5 – attack of unreasonable aggression
Attack of Unreasonable Aggression. This is a crime against you, your Psyche, physical health, family, property… The same ice cream or smartphone, which has become unwittingly the object of envy for PPM AF. Attacks of Unreasonable Aggression are Explicit and Masked. Explicit happen at the stages of the loss of Psychic Crutches or TLCPO, LLCPO, TLCPO on AHM1. This is a constant OF PPM, and such people are quite quickly isolated from society. And here is a completely different matter with the Masked Attacks of Unreasonable Aggression.
Without an explicit indication, most often we are talking about Masked. You meet them very often. PPM AF understands that they cannot kill 100 people a day and thus realize their symptoms. And the symptoms make them attempt to realize these symptoms 100 and 1000 times a day. This is due to the neuro-biochemical imbalance that PPM is trying to restore by realizing a particular symptom. But the excess and lack of neurotransmitters and contract hormones will still not be replenished. Since the neuro-biochemical balance is possible only in a healthy psyche.
No symptom can improve mental health. Therefore, people with PPM AF have been learning all their life to manifest these AUA in such a way as to avoid punishment and achieve success in implementing the symptom to get some of their molecules of missing hormones and neurotransmitters. It is the lack, excess, or, in other words, the neuro-biochemical imbalance of the psyche that is the psychophysiological motive for the commission of most types of crimes in the modern world.
Most often, the symptoms of PPM AF are realized concerning the psyche, alone with a weaker victim. Logically, often the victim is an innocent person or a child who cannot answer. There is a victim complex that is afraid to even think about what is associated with these injuries. Not just talking. This and many other factors leave a whole group of crimes without actual punishment.