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Alphabet of the Human Mind – 2. Global Psychotherapy

Alphabet of the Human Mind – 2
Global Psychotherapy
Nikita Mikhailovich Danilov
Ekaterina Viktorovna Danilova
Cover designer Olga Tretyakova
© Nikita Mikhailovich Danilov, 2020
© Ekaterina Viktorovna Danilova, 2020
© Olga Tretyakova, cover design, 2020
ISBN 978-5-0051-1655-0 (т. 2)
ISBN 978-5-0051-1656-7
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
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All AHM resources are used as is. You accept the license agreement using the resources of the AHM. And also undertake to familiarize yourself with the current agreement on the official website of the AHM. The purchase, reading of books of the AHM series and the use of other AHM resources means the full acceptance of the license agreement on the AHM official website. All the work of understanding, finding an agreement, translating rests with the reader or user of the resources. Only after unconditional acceptance of the agreement reader or user can move on to reading, purchasing, and other uses. If this does not violate local rules and laws. If you disagree with the terms of the license agreement or do not understand at least one of the points, you must abandon the intention to use the resources and books of the AHM series. Otherwise, it will be a copyright infringement.
Disclaimer Comments. The human psyche is not a primitive area for understanding. Scientific conversations about the processes of the psyche require healthy and adequate psychotypes and necessarily a large supply of strength. Otherwise, complex or elementary symptoms may be activated due to the presence of psychological injuries in the reader or user. Symptom triggers can be associative, reflexive, and other types.
Exactly the ease of speaking and discussing topics related to processes within the psyche that is one of the indicators of a high level of psychoanalysis. Which, of course, is a skill and from merely flipping through a book does not rise. It is precisely the difficulties of discussing and speaking freely about the processes of the psyche and related neuroprocesses in the nervous system. That is why psychology development has so hindered in science.
Until 2016, there was no unequivocal understanding of the difference between symptoms of mental illness and signs of a healthy psyche. It was the AHM that spoke about this and many other fundamental concepts, without which psychology cannot be called science. For those who heard about this for the first time. Imagine higher mathematics without understanding what +, -, =, multiply, etc do mean. It will turn out modern psychology before AHM. Except special cases.
Greeting 2.1
The first digit in the title means what kind of book is it in the series of AHM. The second digit after the dot indicates the version of this book. Let’s start with the first version. Book of AHM 2.1. So the second book of the AHM series. First version.
The logical question. What is a book version and why? Readers, subscribers and fans of the new theory of personality types of AHM are well aware that the classification of AHM is formed in real time and very quickly. Therefore, for those who have already begun to use this classification. We recommend not to wait for new books, but to use all possible resources to study AHM. Classification of AHM can already bring tangible benefits and provide significant advantages in various areas of life.
Therefore, we decided to release the book AHM2 versions. Thanks to modern technology, this is possible. In this version of the book, it is planned to publish the most important chapters for world psychology. As well as important chapters for a personal understanding of psychology and enhancement of relevant skills.
One of the very frequent feedbacks after the first reading. An attempt to immediately engage in self-analysis of the psyche. Self-analysis of the psyche itself is possible in most cases and can be no less accurate than that of an outside professional. But an important condition is the level of psychoanalysis. Both – you and at a third-party professional, the level of psychoanalysis must be high enough so that psychoanalysis is correct. After the first chapters of the first book of AHM, of course, the level of psychoanalysis will not become high. Although the barrier to entry into psychology with the advent of AHM has greatly decreased, the quality of psychoanalysis and other connected skills has grown significantly. From scrolling through the book, of course, nothing will change. Only from a conscious, thoughtful reading. It is with this chapter that we begin this book.
Also in AHM2 there are answers to no less important questions. And important chapters for understanding psychology in general. Such as the precise definition of psychotherapy, the classification of objective skills, the hierarchical classification of symptoms, etc.
Many chapters are now being finalized and updated. Therefore, the plans remain the next version of the book. It’s like in comparison with the elaboration of every detail in the mechanism of a Swiss watch or in another product of the highest quality.
AHM classification is a classification of differential accuracy. AHM1 makes it possible to solve many situations, issues, etc. But the classification of AHM2 has even higher accuracy, and therefore its power increases significantly. For quite some time the whole world used Jung’s classification for personal, business, and other purposes. Where are only two main psychotypes. And for many this is still enough. Carl Gustav Jung’s classification is an example of a very inaccurate classification.
The well-known Myers-Briggs identification of personality types tried to solve the problem of inaccuracy. But the wrong bases were chosen. Because of this, the classification of MBTI is too complex and still of insufficient accuracy. Although there are much more psychotypes. In the first classification of AHM there are dozens of unique psychotypes, and its accuracy is incomparably greater than any of the previously existing classifications. All this is due to correctly chosen bases and a completely transparent causal relationship between the concepts. And in the classification of AHM2 hundreds of unique psychotypes. And this already makes it possible to make connections between neurobiochemical reactions and processes in the human psyche.
But we will not mix different sections of psychology, such as neuroscience and basic psychology. This book focuses on the processes that take place in the psyche without being tied to neurons. Exactly the exact mapping between these sections opens many questions in medicine. But it is far from always necessary to know exactly which chemical reactions have occurred in the human brain in order to have complete and sufficient answers to many other questions.
Erroneous psychoanalysis
A very large percentage of readers of the first part of the AHM immediately began to make self diagnoses, find self symptoms, etc. Immediately after reading the first chapters of the book AHM1. Indeed, this is a very common occurrence! Therefore, the first chapter of the second book became this one. Self-psychoanalysis is one of the primary desires of those who come in contact with psychology. So! Finally, we will bring complete clarity to these moments. Is it permissible and possible to engage in introspection or, in other words, psychoanalysis of one’s own psyche? And how to do it?
The answer is right away! Yes you can. Moreover, the analysis of the psyche of another person or group of people is not very different from the analysis of their own psyche. The most important thing for this is to have the necessary skills. The level of psychoanalysis on the AHM Objective Skills Scale should be at least greater than zero, and the remaining skills should not be zero either. Also, the psychotype of someone who is engaged in psychoanalysis must be adequate. That is, not to see the psyche of another through the prism of their own symptoms. The deeper psychoanalysis is required, the more adequate psychotype should do. In order not to run into the pitfalls of psychoanalysis. Most often, these are associative, reflex symptoms and a transition to the Opened Form with a lack of energy and a decrease in psychotype. We look at the table of Correspondence of the Healthy-Sick Psyche from AHM1. On topics of higher levels of the psyche, additional mental energy is required even for healthy psychotypes. Touching a complex topic, you can lose the daily supply of mental energy in ten minutes. Read more about the necessary skills in the chapter Objective Skills Scale (Psychic Literacy).
If the level of psychoanalysis is high enough and the psychotype is adequate, then you can diagnose the psyche of your own and someone else’s. There are various pros and cons. Pluses in the diagnosis of your psyche – more reliable information. A man knows much more about himself and knows exactly where the deception and the truth are. Although for a high level of psychoanalysis this is not a problem. Science has moved very seriously forward, and it becomes easy and unmistakable to distinguish some processes in the psyche from others with increasing levels. The diagnostics is not only about symptoms, but also about signs of a healthy psyche.
Cons in diagnosing self psyche. Special methods are needed to touch untreated injuries. And take into account the coefficient of associativity, reflexivity. More on this later. Mental trauma and other symptoms have a different coefficient of associativity. Some symptoms are activated immediately, other – not immediately. For example, in a person’s childhood injuries may be associated with a certain color or a specific subject. This could be the scenery in the movie scenes or life scenes with severe trauma to the psyche. Nevertheless, when they see a certain color or object, the injuries go outside, and the psychotype goes down to a more severe stage. With all the ensuing consequences.
In the days of the USSR. The well-known psychotherapist Snezhnevsky, suggested replacing capital punishment, execution. With the treatment of the psyche. These were the days of punitive psychiatry. Of course, psychology of that time had nothing common with medicine, and almost all psychologists had a zero level of all skills, on a scale of objective skills. Psychologists of that time had their own psychoanalysis and felt completely unpunished for any mistakes. When psychoanalysis is zero, there can be nothing but errors. It is extremely rare that their psychotypes are close to adequate. There were 1—2 of them throughout the country. But many called themselves psychologists and used the capabilities of their posts for criminal purposes. This is not a big topic for this chapter. Here is just one example.
Understanding this topic is necessary in order to be prepared for attacks by incompetent psychologists who hear that you are successfully engaged in psychoanalysis. And they will try to attack you, most likely, psychologically by the method of demoralization and devaluation of your personal achievements. Put yourself in the place of a large mass of people who call themselves psychologists, using criminal methods they got diplomas and dream of making money on it. Of course, they will fall into a certain state of frustration. Seeing that your level of psychoanalysis after careful reading of just one book is incomparably higher than their fictional one.
So here is an example. To get away from open conversations about the processes that take place in the Human Psyche, the “psychologists” of those times had a lot of templates in their arsenal. Why people with a zero level of psychoanalysis needed to get away from talking about psychology should be clear to everyone. When a person began a conversation about introspection of the psyche and made adequate arguments, then immediately introspection was compared with a surgical operation, and the conclusion is this: the patient cannot do the operation on his own. And then they tried to get away from the topic, since behind the low level of psychoanalysis, each “specialist” must have serious crimes. Especially those who do this in the healthcare system.
Of course, such an argument may not be adequate. Who decided that the psychologist is a surgeon? And should the patient be under anesthesia? We can say for sure that the patient in psychology must have a very active role. No one will restore the biochemical balance and neural connections, etc for patient. Why is a psychologist not a therapist in that comparison? Can a therapist make a diagnosis on his own? Yes of course. Can a dentist see which teeth are diseased? Yes. And the surgeon can see what his problem is before the operation, according to images and analyzes, for example. Here are a few adequate arguments that can be put in place both in personal conversation and in public discussion. Criminals in med robes and their accomplices.
The only goal of those who use such patterns is to get away from talking about topics about the human psyche. In which there is no understanding due to the zero level of psychoanalysis. There are, of course, exceptions. Not much in Russia, much more in Europe and America. But even these individuals have a very limited level of psychoanalysis. But they converge in one thought. The more you know in psychology, the less you understand. That is the right thought. For understanding, you need to understand the processes inside the psyche. How everything is arranged there. And only after understanding to string other knowledge into your mind, pondering, experimenting…
You cannot describe each situation. Too much! Recommendation. All on the topic of psychology, where a clear causal relationship is not traced, should be sent to an imaginary trash bin, like on a computer desktop. And in time to see whether it is necessary to restore or remove forever. In this example, where a psychologist was compared to a surgeon, there was no clear causal relationship. Why did psychology suddenly become surgery or vice versa? Nonsense. In psychology, this is very common. Einstein also said that he unconditionally believes in only one infinity. Infinity of human stupidity. Today, this infinity is called popular psychology. But has nothing common to do with science without a causal connection. This is important to remember.
AHM is precisely a science in which there is a clear causal relationship. It can be easily traced. Let us once again trace the main idea that modern top psychologists and psychotherapists speak in those countries where medicine is well developed. And specialists improve their professional skills all their lives, instead of improving the skills of evading responsibility for crimes caused by the low level of mental literacy in general. The general idea is: “You need to know a lot in order to understand at least something in psychology!” Why is that? Before AHM, there was no single concept that would give answers to what is happening in the psyche. What processes take place inside. A similar concept has been formed throughout life by top psychologists in private understanding. But it was far from perfect. This is exactly what the experts admitted. “At least something”. Unlike the “doctors” of the time of punitive psychiatry, who always knew the maximum, having no idea even about basic concepts in psychology.
AHM is a complete concept that explains the processes occurring in the psyche. And there is no need to spend your whole life for at least something to get on the shelves. Make right structure of understanding. Just a few weeks is enough for an adequate psychotype to deeply understand the classification, and everything in psychology will fall into place. Those who already have knowledge but cannot answer the question of what is the difference between the symptoms of mental illness and the signs of a healthy psyche, after understanding the classification of AHM, it is recommended to retrain. All theories in psychology will open up from a completely different angle. It will be clear what is right and what is not. What can be used, what cannot and how.
Now it’s clear that skills do not come from scrolling through an AHM book. And one must begin to engage in introspection or another type of psychoanalysis no earlier than the level of psychoanalysis and mental literacy as a whole will be sufficient for this. Nevertheless, a couple of recommendations and tips on this topic. Recommendations are given to a generalized psychotype, therefore, with the proper level of psychoanalysis, you can choose for yourself suitable ones and modify them for the context of your own life. All responsibility rests entirely with the reader.
Nevertheless, the problem exists, and readers after reading often find self signs of PPM.
The important point is that trying to find the symptoms and signs of PPM in yourself is most often a sign of Mental Health or GCM. What is PPM? This is the absence of the mind and many levels of the Healthy Human Psyche, on the ruins of which are many PPJ. Important! Touching a new area, for example, AHM, the sick consciousness searches for the closest PPJ inside to realize symptoms and restore biochemical neurobalance. And healthy mind begins the natural process of pondering and analysis. The result of this deliberation may be a search for situations similar to the manifestations of symptoms of PPM. But in order to learn to distinguish the signs of Mental Health, for example, Reasonable Aggression, from a symptom of a sick psyche – Unreasonable Aggression, at least minimal experience and knowledge are necessary. The knowledge of the first book of the AHM will already be enough!
Again! A similar self-diagnostics, the statement that you have PPM, is more likely a sign of GCM than PPM! But without taking into account many factors, it is definitely impossible to say. Recognizing your own symptoms and working on them is the key to successful personal psychotherapy, which can make treating the psyche a simple, understandable, and transparent process. There is another catch phrase from the time of punitive psychotherapy. “A fool never pleads himself a fool.” There were precedents when people with mental illness recognized their presence and immediately forgot about it. That is, it happens. Moreover, when the level of psychoanalysis begins to increase and the experienced master indicates the symptoms, then recognition of the symptoms by patient, and also the diagnosis is possible. It all depends, again, on the context. It is important that recognizing the symptoms or diagnosis without working on them does not produce a positive effect. But the systematic recognition of symptoms and competent study can make the treatment very simple, effective and interesting.
It is important to understand that for an accurate diagnosis of your personality type (psychotype) or diagnosis, which anyone can have, a sufficiently high level of psychic literacy is required.
Let’s repeat one more important point from this chapter. Any talks and thoughts about the psyche, and the symptoms of PPM and signs of GCM affect precisely the Level of the Psyche, require the maximum return of the mental energy of the PPE (Person’s Psychic Energy). Processing PPJ of the 1st degree is usually inexpensive, the 2nd – much more expensive, and the 3rd degree – the entire supply of PPE for a day can be spent in one discussion or in one situation!
Recommendations for a generalized psychotype, not personal:
– The main recommendation is to maximize the level of Psychic Literacy without creating dangerous situations for yourself. This is the path of observations and Experimental Non-Contact Psychotherapy predominantly.
– Before you make the first attempt to determine your psychotype, read the first book of AHM to the end! This is a prerequisite.
– Better to read the available chapters or the second book of the AHM in full.
– Read the video and other materials that are presented on the Internet and on the official website of the book series. All this with the unconditional acceptance of the AHM license agreement, of course.
– To fully understand the difference between symptoms of PPM and signs of GCM.
– Try it into practice when viewing and decoding the hidden world experience in films.
– Identify the psychotypes of people from your environment.
– Pass AHM tests that helps determine your psychotype.
– To get acquainted with a person with a fairly high level of psychoanalysis or AHM PRO. Talk about the Human Mind.
– And only after all this do self-analysis.
These recommendations do not apply to a specific psychotype and the specific context of a situation in which there may be many psychotypes and internal/external psychic flows. There are a huge number of aspects that most often it is easy to take into account with generalized-complex type of thinking and very difficult with particularly-primitive type of thinking. PPM is therefore called so because it cannot take into account several factors at once. In the chapter on the projection of GCM on PPM from AHM1 are more details. For the GCM structure, this is natural and normal.
The recommendations are given to a generalized adequate psychotype and will work for each personality type a little differently. And if the personality type is very different from the generalized psychotype, then, according to the terms of the license agreement, first you need to work on the psychotype, and only then it is possible to use the resources of the AHM and reading books.
Self-analysis is possible and no less effective than third-party provided if a healthy psychotype is engaged in self-analysis. Including a temporary increase of psychotype. And also the level of objective psychoanalysis skill of this person is quite high. In this case, we can talk about the advantages and disadvantages of introspection and third-party psychoanalysis. Both types of psychoanalysis will have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Psychoanalysis is not something for granted, but labor. The higher the skill, the easier and more enjoyable this work, but still labor. For beginners in psychology, we use such a crude abstraction. Compare psychoanalysis with the planning, calculation and purchase of materials for repairs in a five-room apartment. And psychotherapy – with repair. It became clear to everyone that both stages require labor, skills and other resources. And the final result depends on all these points.
Forced necessity of AHM
In order for the readers of AHM to feel their involvement in the New History of World Psychology, we publish this one of the first chapters! Here is the text of the answer to the question that won the “Question of the Week” quiz of the series “Psyche As Is” from the author of the AHM, Nikita Danilov. The text of the answer is given with minimal changes. The answer is available in video format. Thanks to this question, a very clear scheme emerged, which in the answer was called the “Forced Necessity of AHM Scheme”. So it will be remembered by all world psychology!
The flow of interest about AHM is growing rapidly, and so many things are moving AHM forward to even greater accuracy and efficiency, which, it seemed before, have no limits. The limit and possibilities are almost limitless.
AHM is not only a series of books, but also a Community of People who need AHM. And as we found out from the question, it is necessary for everyone today. The text of the answer is further. This is what the AHM Community is doing now: a flash mob with a book or logo of the AHM (printed / electronic), the new psychological game “It’s Not Me”, the new unique regular flash mob “Psychotype In 3 Seconds” that seriously increases the level of psychoanalysis and normalizes the flow of healthy aggression in psyche, which are no less important than the flow of blood to the body. It is also an opportunity to ask a question to which the Authors or other Members of the AHM Community with the legendary expert level of Psychic Literacy will answer! The Convention of Psychology, which is addressed to ordinary citizens, professional employees, lawyers and representatives of structural authorities. The main recommendations for each role are how to prevent the commission of crimes due to a low or zero level of psychoanalysis and to prevent bad psychoanalysis from happening in general. Legal methods, of course. And much more…