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Alphabet of the Human Mind – 2. Global Psychotherapy
AHM is a fundamental section of psychology. In psychology, there are many sections and new ones are constantly being added. Each of the areas of psychology is a huge scope for research! Simple rule “Just add AHM” from imperfect theories and methods in psychology that do not have a clear causal relationship can turn into very effective methods with full awareness of what is happening. Ideas for the first books: “Freud’s Thoughts. Just add AHM!”, “What is useful in the books of Liz Burbo. Just add AHM!” And much more. The higher the level of psychoanalysis, the deeper, more accurate and effective the research will be. Each of them may not be limited to one book. Each Participant of the AHM Community can try Himself in the role of the Author – this has become possible today. If there will be many such attempts, then we have plans to open an imprint, an integrated publishing house only for those who promote world science using AHM classifications. Now back to the question.

Schema 1. Forced Necessity of AHM.
Answer text:
Hello! Rubric “Question of the Week”, cycle “Psyche As Is”.
Today the question from Victor won, with which we congratulate him!
The question sounds like this.
I think a very popular question:
“I have 3 minutes! Convince that I need AHM”.
Hello, Victor! You are an extremely free person.
Not everyone today has 3 minutes of free time.
This means that the AHM has already interested you, and this is very good.
Let’s now understand why everyone needs AHM today.
This diagram, it consists of three circles.
Let us call this scheme the Forced Necessity of AHM scheme.
The first circle is any success.
Success in absolutely any business or affair.
Starting from going to the store, ending with success in personal relationships or in a career.
The second circle, with which any business is surely in contact, this is pandemy. The Pandemy of a Particular-Primitive Type of Thinking of PPM. Not visible for people with low psychoanalysis. But very dangerous, btw.
Or mental illness which is in full swing today.
And the third circle, with which all this is in contact.
This is psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy, a brief definition – this is the impact some kind on the human psyche.
In the pandemy, every business become from “start” stage to “over”. Not “finished” because of many reasons and cases.
This is an effect, conscious or unconscious, but on the human psyche.
What determines the success of any business?
The success of any business ultimately depends on how good psychotherapy is.
How competent is the impact on the human psyche.
And this is the intersection of the AHM, which is created between all these three circles.
This is exactly high-level psychotherapy.
Psychoanalysis, good psychoanalysis.
And, in general, the level of psychic literacy.
No matter how good the intuitive or innate psychotherapy, acquired by trial and error, all this is only a fraction of a percent.
Comparable with AHM power the classification of the AHM gives, even to Beginners.
It is a high level of psychoanalysis.
You can understand what types of personality you are communicating with.
In a working atmosphere, home, on the street.
Literally in seconds in some situations.
And it will depend on how competently you will influence their psyche.
And get the result, a successful result in every business.
All the best, Victor, and everyone who watched this video.
Ask all your questions on the official website of the Alphabet of the Human Mind.
And related resources.
And excellent Psychic Literacy.
We can summarize the answer like this. At a times when it is extremely difficult to keep a healthy psyche and the volume of such failures (in attempts to keep a healthy psyche) is comparable to an epidemic, almost any business will require not only an understanding of the main context but also mental processes of all psychotypes that are involved in this process. Competent control and accounting of such processes of the psyche that will most likely guarantee success. In addition to the main business, skills, and resources, of course.
Chart of respect
In this chapter, we will try to answer the questions that practically everyone has when they come into contact with the human psyche.
A generalized question is something like this, but the personal question may differ slightly: “How respectful is it to make diagnoses and determine psychotypes?”
First, we need to understand what is respect. A definition from Wikipedia. “Respect is the position of one person in relation to another, recognition of the dignity of the individual.” Also promoting these virtues.
The important point is that there should be virtues in a person for whom you can promote and which you can recognize! Otherwise, it will be called hypocrisy, sneakiness, deceit, etc. But not respect.
When a person has a cold, everyone thinks that a cold will pass in a week. And all the abilities, skills and strength of this person will be restored. As well as other advantages. Let’s turn to a simple example! Some young man is a master at sports throwing spears, but due to illness he lost this ability for a couple of weeks. Even if he tries to throw a spear without recovering, the result will be much worse and the disease may worsen from overload. Or sneeze while running and drop a spear. But no one will notice this, because the training is every two weeks, and by this moment the athlete will fully recover. And during an illness, others will talk about this athlete in the context of this sport without taking into account the common cold.
Things are worse if something more social is a virtue. For example, a young man works in a company and brings 5—10 significant clients a day. Then the employer and the whole team will be forced to notice that during these two weeks of illness this dignity is not available. And the team will be forced to admit the temporary shortcomings of this employee. The fact that during this period he is not able to bring customers to the company. But it’s not so scary, the employee will be given paid leave and after a while, they will forget everything. Although new customers are important to any company, this can be detrimental to the company. Nevertheless, after the next group of customers, other employees will again begin to recognize the merits, and respect will return. The status of the best customer hunter in the company will return to the recovered employee.
But mental illness is much more serious, and more time is required for recovery. In addition, even minor trauma to the psyche can disable. For example, an anxious state can disrupt public speaking or lead to a serious mistake in the document. Then temporarily dignity will be lost due to mental trauma that others without mental literacy will not be able to recognize, and everyone will think something different. And, rather, the worst of the options. It is important that others do not see the reason for the disrupted performance or error in the reports. The reason was the active stage of mental trauma. But this is not as obvious and understandable as a common cold. Therefore, it will be much more difficult to restore a reputation. First, it will be necessary to increase the level of psychoanalysis of the entire team in order to explain simple things.
Everything is aggravated when it is not a question of one injury, but of a developing or developed mental disorder, PPM. This disease can completely or partially deny all business or social advantages: abilities, skills, etc. But, unfortunately, PPM is not limited to this! The more serious the PPM stage, the more personal virtues are already destroyed. Higher and lower levels of the human psyche are destroyed, leaving a person without social and personal virtues, but only with PPM.
Many, feeling this, begin to try to get up on new and more “cool” psychic crutches, which temporarily give them the illusion of a healthy psyche. Since the realization of symptoms can fix the insufficiency and/or excess of neurotransmitters, as well as give contract hormones to one or another process. Temporarily. And the price will be even greater degeneration of the psyche. Symptoms of PPM are further exacerbated. Like a Trojan horse that goes inside like a winning trophy. And then even more terrible symptoms begin to destroy the psyche from the inside, requiring costlier and better psychic crutches. This phenomenon can be called mental addiction.
It is very difficult to restore the natural supports of the psyche. In fact, for AHM PRO, using psychic therapeutic crutches to treat and humble the PPM of others is a very everyday task. But only with a high level of mental literacy can this be beneficial. Using the analogy of a Trojan horse, instead of the symptoms inside TCPO or JLPJ – a medicine. Externally, PPM cannot distinguish this Trojan horse from the PPJ, which is dangerous for health.
Is PPM worthy of respect, which stands on psychic crutches? Here you can refer to the medical definition of respect. “Respect is an attitude towards the patient. This is the internal acceptance by the therapist of the circumstances of his fate and his life status, that is, the whole personality of the patient and his strategy for combating the disease.” If the patient is thus trying to fight the disease, then the one who acts as his psychotherapist willfully, anyone with a level of psychic literacy greater than zero, for ethical reasons, should treat the patient with medical respect.
But this is another respect, not that at the beginning of the chapter. Since the health problems of others, who sometimes have to undergo psychotherapy, these are not your problems. And the necessary psychoanalysis and psychotherapy are recommended only as self-defense. Control and suppression of a dangerous symptom at the initial stage can be incomparably cheaper and simpler than the same, only in relation to the symptom in a high degree of reality. Very often, timely psychotherapy (see the chapter Definition of Psychotherapy) can save you from serious consequences and crimes.
But even such a degree of respect cannot be for those PPMs who use psychic crutches to bring the weakest and most talented members of society to suicide. Or consciously and skillfully ruin their fate and life. These are some of the most popular types of crimes due to de facto impunity. At the same time, they destroy someone’s fate, health, career, etc. That is, they express symptoms based on an elementary symptom of unreasonable aggression. PPM AF daily needs.
Can PPM be respected? And the one on the psychic crutches of CPO? And the one that is on CPO and TCPO? How many signs of GCM should be for medical respect to become human? These and many questions can easily be answered with a simple outline or schedule of respect.
TSAR PSYCHOTYPE is GCM NPS (D, W, M, S, MAX, I), maximum respect, such psychotypes are found in one in a million. I’d love to have more.
NOBLE PSYCHOTYPE is THP*, a high level of respect, but sometimes restorative or therapeutic psychotherapy may be needed. These psychotypes are 1 in 1000.
BUSINESS PSYCHOTYPE – these are some PPM KF, DF, and very rarely AF, which have the opportunity and desire to recover. Nevertheless, it is possible to collaborate with such and find a common language, and not with the use of LPJ and psychotherapy!
PROBLEM PSYCHOTYPE – this is PPM *, this is a diagnosis, and it is better to say the word “diagnosis”, but for PPM it is easier to recognize that they have the worst psychotype than their symptoms. To prevent the PPM from switching the OF. Here, mostly straitening psychotherapy, very rarely therapeutic.
EDGED PSYCHOTYPE is TPPM*. And the word “edged” here has a negative connotation. Pointing to a comparison with the violent (acute) ward of a psychiatric hospital. Here is a constantly open form, and most have a stage of loss of psychic crutches. AHM practically did not seriously affect psychophysiology in the first book. AHM is a section of basic psychology. One of the main tasks is to return PPM to CPO. And then AHM techniques will work. It is important to understand that the diagnosis is the same – different psychic crutches. The DSA designation has been used in many places, so we will mention it, but now this group of diagnoses is called Total PPM or TPPM. Only restraining psychotherapy is recommended, and it is better to minimize contact with such cases in all areas. Almost constant PPM OF, continuous PPM loop, since there is nothing to cling to – there is not a single GCJ.

Scheme 2. Classification of psycho-types of AHM.
So the AHM tries to give maximum respect if it is not dangerous for the psyche, life, and others.
A good method for communicating with different psychotypes. Adaptive psychotherapy. Do not call the diagnosis as diagnosis, even if there are symptoms, but first, check it carefully and only on a 100 percent basis talk about it taking into account your psychic literacy and mind. You can call the diagnosis a psychotype, and go to the diagnosis with the phrase “sick psychotype”. So you will delay the OF of PPM and AUA from the PPM, TPPM! Accordingly, the transition to the other side sounds like this: “Healthy Psychotype”.
When communicating with the Royal and Noble Psycho-types, the group of psycho-types can increase by one or two levels, temporarily. In communication with strangers, one can call the Noble Psychotype “Psychotype of a million dollars”, Tsarsky Psychotype – “Psychotype of a billion dollars.” Long communication can perform the full range of all types of psychotherapy, healing mental trauma, and strengthening GCM. Therefore, the increase in the group may become permanent.
The ratio of the patient to the disease
For many diseases, the question does not arise: how does the patient relate to the disease? He felt unwell, went to the doctor, made a diagnosis, prescribed prescriptions – he is being treated. But when it comes to PPM, then everything is not so simple. For a better understanding, we use the classification of three publicity groups.
Diseases of the light group of publicity
Flu, viruses, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, and other diseases that are most often easily treated.
Diagnosis. It is quite simple to put in with any average skilled specialist.
The attitude of the patient. Without question, he acknowledges this fact and understands that the probability of a doctor’s mistake is minimal because the symptoms are obvious.
The attitude of others. If this is a student, he is happy to inform parents that he will not go to school. If this is an adult, then inform the employer that he is sick. And it’s possible that he will go to work if something is urgent, hiding the diagnosis from the rest.
Diseases of the middle group of publicity
A serious illness that is incurable or difficult to treat.
Diagnosis. He does not want to know about his diagnosis, which may sound like a death sentence, but when faced with, you have to react.
The attitude of the patient. If necessary, to face the diagnosis undergoes the necessary procedures and seeks a qualified opinion. The patient has to admit the fact of the diagnosis.
The attitude of others. People try not to report such problems to others. This may affect communication, career, etc. But if necessary, it is possible for the patient.
Diseases of the hard group of publicity (PPM)
Diagnosis. It is important to understand whether there is a diagnosis or not to recognize its presence. As in all medicine, the answer is elementary: there are symptoms – there is a diagnosis. There are signs of health – there is health. AHM provides an accurate and complete list of symptoms of PPM and signs of GCM. It is still important here to find a specialist who could deliver an accurate conclusion. To do this, the doctor himself must be Mentally Healthy and, secondly, competent, that is, have a level of psychoanalysis above zero. If the first condition is not met, then, depending on the form of the PPM, the examination will be perceived by the doctor as a mental battle. Communication with the mentally ill is not safe for the psyche.
Of course, in such a situation, the doctor himself can get PPM. Before the AHM, there was no transparent treatment and diagnosis process. And, of course, without understanding what exactly is happening, even a thousand doctors-colleagues will not be able to help. The fact is that such cases are possible and very popular. The doctor will not listen to a sound mind, but voices inside his psyche or PPJ in an Opened Form. The second point, of course, is no less important. Medicine has always been not primitive, and psychology is one of the most difficult areas. It is impossible to achieve a positive result without a clear understanding of what is happening. It is immediately clear that the problems are only growing, and their complexity is increasing.
The attitude of the patient. The patient cannot recognize his PPM, because thoughts about this translate PPM into the Opened Form. Only the AHM-glossary makes it possible to debate about this in a more or less common sense and not to “fly” out from CPO to people with PPM. It is important to understand that, regardless of the patient’s recognition, there is either a PPM or not, then there is a GCM. Or something between – THP. But now we are talking about PPM, and it turns out that even to myself to admit it is very difficult. Why? Speaking about the human psyche without GCM or without AHM TCPO, PPM is faced with the fact that he has no inner world. This causes subconscious horror, which can be called eternal fear. PPM must realize that it does not exist when it focuses on the psyche destroyed by a mental disorder. The psyche in defense translates PPM into OF. AHM TCPO allows PPMs to talk about human psyche exactly, but without a mandatory understanding of depth. The depth of HP can only be understood by GCM. And to start talking with a professional understanding of the psyche, having already read the AHM.
The attitude of others. Unfortunately, researches show that there is a very large percentage of PPM at the time of writing this book in society. They keep at the price of their CPO, trying to constantly improve instead of NPS, which are incomparably “steeper” (LPJ). With the advent of AHM Communities, the situation must change, since it will not be possible to accuse anyone of being a fool without specifying the form, type, and symptoms. But now the attitude of a society in which many PPMs are not versed in psychology is extremely negative. Today, the utopia of the Soviet idiot, during which the diagnosis was made by elderly ladies with severe diagnoses of mental disorders at the entrance, goes into oblivion.
Or yard alcoholics after acute psychosis, who were voices ordered to speak to others diagnosis. The scientific path provides many patterns for putting on a third-century straitjacket in such situations. That is, to activate the microinjection of substances of the agonistic group into the brain through non-violent psychotherapy. This is precisely the very anti-aggression, the dream of many, many. It is already in the neuro system, but you need to use it correctly. Antagonists translate neurotransmitters into a less active stage or block. The cause of the attack is eliminated at the biochemistry level. PPM no longer has an attack of aggression. Scientific progress cannot be stopped, and already today, anyone who reads the book of AHM can, with scientific accuracy, say who has a diagnosis and who has a healthy mind. The truth about the diagnosis is a great lash on the symptoms of PPM, which can push towards treatment.
Summary to the chapter
AHM gives TCPO, which allows people with PPM to talk about their psyche and the psyche of others without the transition of the disease into OF. These TCPOs have a therapeutic effect, causing GCM to develop.
The Soviet Union is dead, and the time of the utopia of Soviet idiocy and zero levels of psychoanalysis has come to an end. Now, to see the real symptoms of PPM and make an accurate, irrefutable, scientific diagnosis, any experienced person can use the AHM. This diagnosis will be based on a clear, scientific, causal relationship. The diagnosis will have to be recognized and PPM, and GCM, and in any court and in any medical institution. The advice of autistic old women can now be handled by any child with psychic literacy by activating certain micro-injections with psychological constructions. Now, each child can give them a 100% response diagnosis and ask them to be sent for treatment according to the laws. And the AHM community will help to legally implement this form of psychological self-defense.
It’s immediately clear that the chapter is not simple and you need to understand and know too much to see all the possible conflicts and pitfalls in increasing the level of psychological literacy in Russia. And the coefficient of the psychological security of the country depends on this. Not only Russia. All countries have the same problem but manifest themselves in different ways.
Medical error
We devote a separate chapter to the medical error precisely in the field of psychology. Before each entrance exam to the Faculty of Psychology, each student must be informed that the Human Mind is the most difficult field of medicine. If the prospective student thinks something like that. In psychology, no one understands anyway, and any mistake will work. In this case, exclude from the list of applicants for admission and a diploma.
Indeed, there are a lot of theories that have vital confirmation of the authors of these theories. But only a few speak of the most important point in such theories. This worked for the psychotype of the author of the aforementioned theory and only in the context in which the author was. And to fully recreate this context, of course, is impossible. In another situation or context, even the author’s psychotype would not have succeeded in what is described. And if the psychotype was also different, then the whole theory loses any meaning. But this applies to smart conversations about the human psyche, and, of course, young students do not want to take this into account. Just like many teachers. Without taking into account the fact that a particular theory is not a science, one can defend one’s position for a long time. It gives a sense of irresponsibility and impunity.
Imagine that a patient came to a general practitioner and complained of a cough. The doctor diagnoses him with flu and prescribes treatment. The patient, instead of leaving, says: “I only have a cough, but there is no temperature and weakness too!” It turns out that the patient ate a very spicy soup and burned his throat, which made him cough. Or any other example. The doctor says: “Sorry. You then need a different course of treatment”. By the way, the problems are not only in psychology and psychiatry. Normal practice in medicine today. If the doctor finds a new symptom that does not fit into the diagnosis, then very often he is afraid of the consequences and simply ignores the symptom. Without changing the course of treatment. But in other areas of medicine at least you can figure it out. Imagine what is happening in psychology when doctors feel their complete impunity.
What does a medical error in psychology mean? Firstly, the lack of laws on treatment violates the constitutional rights of a citizen. The fact that people make mistakes has been known since ancient times. But there are no elaborate articles and prescriptions that would protect the patient from this frequent occurrence. If the diagnosis was made wrong, of course, the doctor is afraid to admit it. Here is not just an apology, but at least an article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – negligence. The same in other countries. Any educated person understands that the percentage of sincere confessions without preliminary evidence presented is practically zero. Of course, the doctor will do his best to keep his crime a secret and will use all possible levers against the patient.