Полная версия
– A car came for you, – the man began, looking away to the side, – our employee will guide you. Your suitcase is already there.
– What car? I have a flight to Moscow!
– I’m afraid this is impossible, because you are forbidden to leave the Emirate. – I looked at them in shock, feeling how my legs gave way, my head was spinning, and I slowly lowered myself into a chair.
– How is it… how is it forbidden? Who forbade?
I do not understand anything. It just can’t be.
– Sorry, but I’m not allowed to talk about this. – He shifted from foot to foot, nervously fingering his fingers. – You just need to get to the car, and then you will know everything.
On numb legs, I slowly got up from my seat and followed the girl to the service exit, where a black minibus shone in the merciless sun.
– Good afternoon, Miss Mironova. Please come in. – A man of about thirty-five with a thick beard on a dark face pointed to the open car door.
– Who you are? – I crossed my arms over my chest, trying not to lose my temper. I was scared. – What do you want from me?
– You can trust me. You have nothing to fear. – a slight smile appeared on his face.
– Why should I believe you?
– You simply have no other election, – he declared, and my shoulders dropped.
I looked around, noticing that I had little chance of escaping. Behind two guards, and my interlocutor is not from frail. This person seems to be right, and I really have no other choice.
I climbed into the car and collapsed powerlessly into a leather chair. I think I’m sleeping and I can’t wake up.
– The mini fridge has chilled water and some food.
I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. Opening the refrigerator, I took out a bottle of water. I need to somehow come to my senses, start thinking rationally. This is the only thing I did well until recently. I take a few sips of refreshing water (even simple water tastes different here) and feel the coolness flowing through my body, bringing peace and relaxation. I hope that soon everything will become clear, and I will be able to return home.
Haze… it’s everywhere. I swim in soft warm water, a light sea wind blows on me, and above me is a starry sky that fascinates with its beauty, unknown and boundless. How long I have not been so easy and good.
– Are you sure she will be fine?
– Yes, it is a harmless remedy.
– I know, but… six hours have passed, and she still hasn’t woken up.
– Don’t worry, sir. The dose was small. Perhaps due to the stress experienced, she cannot wake up. The body also needs rest.
– Yes… let her rest; she has too many shocks ahead.
I slowly open my eyes and don’t understand where I am. Around it is dark and quiet. Parents, airport, reception, office, car and… I don’t remember anything. Where am I and what is happening? I close my eyes and fall asleep again.
The next time I wake up, the sun is shining on the street, and a headache, panic, fear and powerlessness fall upon me immediately. How did I get here? Where and with whom am I? I sit in bed and slowly inspect the room. A large bed of dark wood, on the opposite wall there is a sofa covered with a beautiful oriental-style bedspread, in front of which there is a small coffee table, matching the style of the bed. A double glass door to the balcony is open, which makes the thick dark curtains move.
The door lock came to life, and I scaredly covered myself with a blanket, despite the fact that I was wearing my own clothes. A moment later, a very young girl appeared in front of me in a scarf and dress covering her entire body except her face, with a tray in her hands.
– Good morning, miss, – she greeted me, although not in perfect, but in Russian, deliberately avoiding looking at me.
– Who are you? Where I am?
She carefully lowered the tray onto the nightstand next to me and glanced briefly at me, hiding her smile.
– I am your personal assistant in all matters related to you and this house. I was instructed to help you prepare and take you to the owner of this house.
My heart was beating in my chest. Did I get to the local mafia? Have I been taken into slavery?
– Ho… how will you cook me? – I asked in dismay, clearing my throat and trying to keep my voice as even as possible.
– Calm down first, miss. No one will harm you. – She went around the bed and went into the next room, and after a moment she pulled out my chiffon dress in a small flower, which I bought before I went to my parents. My parents! I hope that everything is fine with them, and they are looking for me. – I think it will be just right. Moderately open and at the same time modest. – She laid the dress on the bed, and returned to me. – I didn’t know what you prefer for breakfast, so I brought only a little.
I looked suspiciously at the tray from which the delicious smells came, and then looked at my “assistant”.
– I need to wash my face.
– Oh yeah! Of course. Sorry. The bathroom is here. – She went to the opposite end of the room and opened the door. – It has everything you might need, but if you want something, you just need to let me know. – She went to the next door, which she had entered a few minutes ago. – I will come after you in 20 minutes.
She went out, leaving me looking perplexed at the dress lying on the second half of the bed. And again, I have no choice but to obey the circumstances. I got to my feet, struggling with dizziness and feeling dry in my mouth. Looking at the tray, I realized that I was hungry, but I was not going to eat anything, since it was not known from whose hands they were offering me food. Gradually I got to the door, from which my dress was taken out for several minutes and exhaled in shock. In several rows, various dresses, skirts, blouses and suits were having fun. Downstairs, on the shelves, there were a huge amount of different shoes, and my suitcase was in the corner. I ran my eyes through the hangers and stumbled upon a small island on which my things were fun. How is this possible?
I looked around for my handbag, but it was nowhere to be found. It seems that everything is planned in advance and thought out to the smallest detail. When I reached the bathroom, I breathed a sigh of relief. There was nothing golden or screaming, otherwise I would have thought that I was in the house of an Arab sheikh. A small mirror above the sink, a large white bathtub covered with the same white and brown mosaic as the floor and walls, a transparent glass shower and toilet in the far corner of the room.
Looking at myself in the mirror, I could not resist a groan. Tangled hair, puffy and reddened eyes, an unhealthy flush on the cheeks. Several times I sprayed water on my face, opened the closet next to the sink and took out one of the many towels, found a new toothbrush and comb. Opening the second door, I found a huge number of cans of different colors, among which were shower gels, conditioners, shampoos, lotions and other body care products.
I washed, combed my hair and returned to the room to put on the dress chosen by my “assistant”. Looking at myself in a large mirror, I saw fear and loss on my face. To feel the light breeze from the balcony, I opened the curtains, closed my eyes from the bright sunlight and hesitantly stepped onto the granite balcony, from which a beautiful view of the green garden with a large round fountain in the center and a smooth lawn opened. He was perfect, but something was missing in him, maybe they looked after him, but they did not put his soul into him.
– Miss, please come with me. – I flinched in surprise, turning to the sound of my voice.
The girl hesitantly shifted from foot to foot. I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders and followed her to the door of the room. Well, the time has come for truth. It’s time to find out everything that happens here. We walked along a wide, long corridor that looked more like an art gallery. We turned left, climbed the stairs one more floor, then went through several doors, and with every step my heart beat faster. Finally we stopped in front of a massive dark door. My assistant knocked, a few moments later opened the door and, with her head bowed, indicated to me that I could enter.
He stood with his back to me with his hands behind his back. Still not seeing his face, I knew who he was (not often in life you meet such people).
– Good morning, – he addressed me with a benevolent smile on his face and wariness in his eyes, – I hope you had a good night’s sleep.
– Why am I here now? And by the way, where exactly am I? – I crossed my arms over my chest to feel confident.
– Have a seat. – He pointed me to one of the soft black armchairs facing the massive table and separated by a small dark coffee table. “I think our conversation will drag on.”
Without taking my eyes off him, I slowly sank down to the place that was offered to me.
– You did not answer my question. How did I get here? – He grinned, walked around the table and sat across from me.
– My driver brought you. You are in my house.
I closed my eyes, dimly recalling how it all began.
– I wanted to fly home, but… at the airport they said that I was forbidden to leave your country. What does it mean? – I looked at him demandingly, noting what expressive eyes he had and how impudently he was looking at me with them.
– Right. You will have to stay with us for a while. – I froze in shock, not knowing how to react to his words.
– I don’t understand anything… can you explain to me why I am here with you, and not with my parents, for example? And anyway, for what reason have I been banned from crossing the border? I have done nothing to facilitate this.
– You are my guest. – He openly laughed at me. Interestingly, according to their laws, what punishment will they give me if I beat the Crown Prince of the Emirate?
– It turns out interesting … – I sat comfortably in an armchair and slowly put my hands on the armrests – do you first euthanize all your guests and then steal them? Does the standard prompt no longer work? Or are you still using barbaric methods here?
He smiled broadly at me and licked his lips, looking into my eyes.
– And it turns out that you have a sharp tongue.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
– You are laughing at me? – With each inhalation and exhalation, the tension in the room increased, but, despite this, the prince continued to smile. “Why are you smiling all the time?” I threw up in exasperation, to which he pursed his lips and thought about something.
– For a few days you will be a guest in this house.
– How long will these few days be?
– Until I solve some issues.
– Saying that I will be your guest, you mean – I will be your captive?
– No, – he shook his head, running his fingers over his plump lips, trying to suppress a smile and continuing to study me with a thoughtful look, – I said what I wanted to say.
– And how do you think the guest differs from the captive?
He sighed heavily, reflecting on my question.
– The house is completely at your disposal. If you need anything, you can tell Samira.
– Samire? – He nodded, continuing to look at me, which was terribly annoying.
– To your assistant, who accompanied you here. You can look around the house, take a walk in the garden, read or watch TV in the relaxation room, but there is one invariable rule – I raised an eyebrow inquiringly – you should go downstairs for dinner at seven o’clock. Samira kindly guides you to the dining room
Wow, like a monster from a fairy tale. I got to my feet, restraining myself with all my might so as not to pounce on this annoyingly calm prince. After taking a few steps toward the door, I turned around and looked at him point blank.
– Have I broken the law in your country?
My question surprised him.
– As far as I know, no. – He answered with a shrug.
– Then why can’t I go home? – Is a short pause during which our eye contact did not interrupt.
– Becauze I whant so. – I blinked in confusion, and he pretended to say nothing unusual. – Have a nice day, Miss Mironova.
I left the office, leaning back against the wall and feeling how all the cells of my body relax.
– Miss, is everything all right with you? – Samira quickly approached me, who, as it turned out, had been waiting all this time for me under the door.
– Yes, just … – I looked into her frightened face – everything is fine. – This look. She looks at me as frightened as the airport staff when they found out who I was. – I need to go to the bedroom.
– Yes, well, miss, I will accompany you. – I nodded and tried to take a few steps, but then I felt dizzy, because of which I had to stop, leaning again on the wall.
– Miss?
– I’m fine, – I tried to focus my eyes on her. – Do not worry.
– If you will allow? She reached out to hold me under her elbow, and I nodded in agreement. “Have you already had breakfast?” I shook my head. “I knew that at first it was necessary to clarify what exactly you want.”
– No, – I tried to smile. – This has nothing to do with it.
– As soon as we get to the room, I will bring you lunch.
The thought of food made me sick. And how did it happen that I participated in all this? We got to the room, and Samira helped me to bed, and then disappeared. I lay for a long time and could not recover. My brain was seething with a huge number of questions, none of which I had an answer or, at least, guesses. I was distracted by a short knock on the door, and then Samira appeared with a tray in his hands.
– I was instructed to make sure you at least eat something.
– Samira, I suggest you stop talking to me on “You”, okay? Just call me by name. You are not much younger than me. How old are you?
– Eighteen … – she answered uncertainly.
– Well, I’m twenty-four years old, so just call me Irina, okay?
– What are you, miss! – The fright in her eyes was sincere. – I cant. It’s impossible!
She put the tray on the stand and lowered her head.
– Look, – I sat, inviting her to sit next to me. She furtively looked at me. Her embarrassment was clearly written on her face, but she could not refuse me – it seems that I was stuck here for a while, so… it would be better if we did not complicate anything, okay? She nodded, staring at the floor. – By the way, you don’t know what I’m doing here?
– No, – she shook her head vigorously, – this is known only to Allah and… to our master.
– Your master… if he is not good, does not tell me anything, – I said with irritation, which made Samira smile. – Or do you know something?
The smile instantly disappeared from her face, and she shook her head again.
– It’s just… nobody ever talked about Mr. Ali like you did – she tried unsuccessfully to suppress a smile.
– Yes, I’ll see you have strange laws here.
– But not for us, – she reached for the tray and laid it on my lap, opening the lid, under which there was a plate, presumably with soup, from which an unreal tasty aroma came. My stomach rumbled.
– By the way, Samira, why don’t you look at me? – I took a spoon and started to eat. Spicy, but no less tasty.
– It’s so customary with us. The position you occupy … – she stopped, – in general, I have no right to look at you for longer than a few seconds.
I put down the spoon, chewing on what I had already managed to put in my mouth, and looked at it, touching her hand.
– Listen… I understand. Traditions, customs, customs, but… I am different, and you can behave with me freely, I will not run to inform the prince, king or anyone else. – I started eating again. – Be my friend here, otherwise I will go crazy, waiting for departure home. Oh, how I want to go home if you only knew! Do you happen to know where my bag is?
– No, – she answered quickly, – I don’t know anything. I was only told to help you adapt here.
During the conversation, I did not notice how I ate everything that was on the tray.
– Thank you very much! It was wonderful.
Samira took the tray from my lap and put it on the stand.
– I will convey your gratitude to the cook. – He will be glad. – I nodded. – You should rest a bit, otherwise you would look tired.
– Thanks for the compliment. – I smiled when she saw how frightened she was.
– I’m not… sorry.
– You have nothing to ask for forgiveness for. I joked this unsuccessfully.
An embarrassed girl went out the door, and I lay on soft comfortable pillows, covering my chin with a light blanket. Delicious, satisfying food did its job, and I fell asleep again.
I woke up from a demanding knock on the door. It turned out that I overslept for more than four hours, and now Samira came for me to have dinner.
– How are you feeling? – She went out onto the balcony with a businesslike look to open the curtains.
– All is well, – I replied, trying to stifle a yawn and straighten my shaggy hair. My face was wrinkled after sleep, and I tried to put it in order, but considering that my bag with a makeup bag and other important things disappeared without a trace, I had a hard time.
– Lunch is unofficial, so… what would you like to wear?
– Unofficially? – I looked out of the bathroom to clarify.
– Yes, that means no one will be present except you and Mr. Ali.
– Well … – I thought, – then choose the worst outfit for me. – She looked at me in bewilderment, and I returned to the bathroom. Having finished all the water procedures, I went into the wardrobe and looked appraisingly at the clothes chosen by my assistant. A linen milk dress of a closed type and a free cut that hides absolutely the whole body. Exactly what is needed! Now, of course, he will not look at me! I pulled on my dress, leaving my hair hanging loose. – By the way, I wanted to ask. Whose things are these?
Samira hesitated a little, buttoning buttons on my back, and when I turned to face her, she first looked into my eyes and clearly said:
– All this belongs to you.
– Funny. – I laughed soundlessly. – Hundreds of outfits and pairs of shoes, own room, personal assistant. I might think I’m going to live here.
I took a deep breath, adjusting the dress at the waist. It seems that on vacation I relaxed and gained a couple of pounds. You will need to go to the gym again as soon as I get home.
Samira took me to the dining room, which turned out to be a large spacious hall with a high ceiling. The abundance of dark and brown pieces of furniture and interior made me a little uneasy. Everything looked too gloomy. A large massive dining table was covered with a huge number of plates and other utensils. Almost simultaneously, Mr. Ali himself entered.
– Good evening! – He slowly came so close to me that through the dress I felt the heat of his body. This tall, formidable man with a serious appearance, but with a completely frivolous look, right now rose above me in every sense.
– Good … – I held his gaze, feeling the weight in my chest. I and this stranger in a huge house under the impregnable guard and staff of domestic servants, who unconditionally obey him.
– You look wonderful.
I almost laughed. Is he joking or what? Although it can be said in his eyes that he is not lying. But… for me his opinion means absolutely nothing.
Thank you. You look good too. – I said it casually, examining him. A snow-white shirt, light trousers and bare feet. His appearance was hooligan. The shirt shaded his swarthy skin and dark eyes.
– Thank you. – He reduced the distance between us by one more step. – Good … – he pointed to the seat at the table, while his eyes were fixed on me. – Please sit down. It’s time for lunch.
He led me to my place and pulled my chair, then went around the table and sat opposite me. I felt my heart beating. Taking a deep breath, I decided to focus on what was on the table, namely, a lot of plates with olives, herbs, various cakes, vegetable stew, some kind of porridge and many other dishes that I did not know.
We looked at each other, and Ali gestured that I can start eating.
– I was told that you eat badly. – I took a brief look at the unflappable prince, who took the cutlery and answered my opinion with questioningly raised eyebrows, waiting for my excuses.
– No appetite. – I pointedly pushed the plate away, looking anywhere, but not at him.
– You will not deny me the pleasure of watching how you eat? Perhaps you do not know, but it is not customary for us to refuse the offered food. – He paused, waiting for my reaction, and when he realized that it would not follow, he continued. – This is regarded as disrespect for the owner of the house.
I smiled and crossed my arms over my chest.
– Forcing, restricting, forcing, and then euthanizing people you dislike, – I said clearly, – what is considered in your country as respect for the “guests”? – I drew air quotes in the air.
The prince stopped chewing and looked at me at point blank range, putting the appliances aside and hung his head in his hands, laid on the table.
– Listen, Miss Mironova…
– Irina, – I corrected him, to which he only smiled.
– Good. As you wish. So, Irina, I know that you are now confused, but all that is required of you is to have patience, and everything will work out. – He spoke to me like a little scared child. – And for the fact that I used a not entirely humane method… I officially apologize to you, okay? And I am ready to fix it in any way.
– Let me go home.
– Anyone but this. – I exhaled exasperatedly and got to my feet.
– Thank you for a wonderful dinner, – I heard poison in my voice.
– You haven’t eaten anything, – the prince said calmly.
– I’m fed up … – I added, hardly audible.
– Sorry… I did not hear. I squared my shoulders and looked at him belligerently. How I want to wipe his annoying smirk off his face.
– I say good night.
– Good night, too. – I gave him the most fake smile.
Samira quietly joined me as soon as I took a couple of steps to leave the dining room. I will show you what it means to mess with me, Mr. Ali!
The next two days I did not leave my room. Samira spent most of her time with me, disappearing briefly to bring me food or a little rest herself. During this time, I finally convinced her to contact me simply by name. The house was so big that I still did not intersect with any of its inhabitants, and no one even went out into the garden. Only a few guards around the perimeter of the garden came into motion from time to time.
I stood on the balcony in a light home dress and enjoyed the sun, which by local standards in the morning was not so merciless.
– Irina, – I turned to the sound of Samira’s voice and found that she was standing in her arms with another long dress from the huge wardrobe provided by the royal family – Mr. Ali is waiting for you.
– He said what he needed? – She shook her head, as always lowering her eyes to the floor every time she tried to hide something.
– We are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of our master.
– What are you allowed at all? – I gasped wearily, looking sympathetically at her. – Well, let’s go and find out what His Highness Ali Amirovich wants from us.
She giggled, escorting me to the locker room.
– I have prepared a dress for you.
– Thank you, but I will put on my things – I tried to mitigate my refusal with a smile. The girl tried to please me, but I wanted to put on my things.
I pulled on loose cotton shorts and a plain white t-shirt. Samira got me all the possible hair accessories, and now I was able to calmly collect my hair in a high tail, which I did before leaving.
– You look very … – horror reflected on her face.
– … convenient, – I finished for her. – These are comfortable clothes. You need to try this too. She stared at me in amazement, opening her mouth.
– Not! It’s impossible! This is a shame for a girl. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. – I wanted to say…
I smiled, stopping her attempts to apologize.
– I understand what you mean. Another country, different morality, but … – I sighed heavily – I’m not going to change while I’m here. Your master will have to put up with it. God, when will I get home? – Samira looked away and shrugged uncertainly.
– If you are ready, then we can go.