Полная версия

Vida Lagodina
The future of a lazy bull is for sale to butchers.
(Arabic proverb)
© Vida Lagodina, 2021
ISBN 978-5-0050-4288-0
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
– Ira, my dear, do not fidget! – For the hundredth time, the camera clicked in front of my face. – Keep your back straight and your chin slightly raised, in the end, through you I try to recreate the personification of the Russian aristocracy.
I laid aside a napkin, which a minute ago was lying peacefully on my lap, and burst into laughter.
– Oh, I can’t! Dad, what should a Russian aristocrat do on an advertising sign of a Russian restaurant in the middle of an Arab city? Take some beautiful photos of the dishes you cook here and hang them all over the restaurant. For example, this wonderful culinary masterpiece. – I carnivore looked at the ruddy pie with berries, feeling the delicious aroma emanating from it. – Do not torture me all day. After all, I am not a model, and we are not aristocrats. In any institution, and even more so in a Russian restaurant, the main thing is soul and friendly attitude towards visitors and employees. – I tried to convey to my stubborn father.
– Well, what are you, Ira! – Mom left the kitchen in the restaurant hall, waving her hand. Her golden hair was neatly arranged in a bun, green eyes were framed by thickly colored eyelashes, and her lips were painted in bright scarlet lipstick. Despite the fact that now is still a day, she was wearing an evening gown. Her slightly plump figure did not spoil her at all, on the contrary, she was graceful. – Your father, from birth, believes that life was unfair to him and that he deserves some kind of royal title. – Therefore, let him try to bring to you what he will never reach.
I laughed again, looked from mom to dad and saw in his blue eyes what my mom was talking about.
– You’re not serious? – The answer was silence. – Okay. – I got to my feet. – I’m tired. And anyway, I have to go to collect things. I’m coming home tonight.
First I kissed my father on the cheek, and then my mother and went up to the second floor of the restaurant, where my parents and sister lived. A year ago, they left everything and decided to leave in search of a better life. Naive. They thought someone was waiting for them here. I pulled out my suitcase from under the small, worn-out bed that was allotted to me in my little sister’s room for the holidays, and energetically began to pack my things in it, which I definitely would not need before leaving home. House. In Moscow, probably now everything is covered with snow or slush, and here even in winter the sun mercilessly fries.
I really want to go back to university. To my friends and lectures. No instructions from parents, worries about them and indulging their whims.
Just think… in five months everything will end and I will start a completely different life. I will become a graduate, find a job and live independently, independently of anyone and from nothing.
I love my family, but lately my love for them lasts only a few days spent together. In the end, I am also human, and my responsiveness has a limit. I threw the last T-shirt in my suitcase and closed it, waiting for my return home.
Three hours in traffic jams on the way to the airport, almost six hours by plane, and now two more to go in a cramped bus. I wade through the crowd to take my luggage, I feel out of place. This is not the first time I come here, but today some strange feeling does not leave me. Something is unclean here. The insistent offer of parents to visit them, paying for my trip to business class (it’s good that I managed to exchange a ticket for a regular one, and I could save a little). The phone rang, and I decided that I would answer as soon as I received my luggage, which I managed to do in ten minutes. All this time my phone rang continuously. It turned out to be my father.
– Dad, the plane landed twenty minutes ago. I’ll find now how to get to you and…
– Wait, dear, – he interrupted, not letting me finish the thought. – Get out of the airport and go to the main entrance. I’m waiting for you. – And disconnected.
Without understanding anything, I put the bag on my shoulder, took the suitcase by the handle and went to where my father was waiting for me. And he really was waiting for me with a wide smile on his swarthy face. His blue eyes shone today in a special way, and dark hair with gray hair on his temples developed in a warm, caressing wind. Over the past few months, he has gained a little weight (probably he was influenced by a calm, measured life), he looked funny with a round face, and when he walked, he swayed from one side to the other.
Dad! Why did you come? I would calmly come myself! – I ended up in his strong hands and looked at him, raising his head up, as he was a little taller than me.
– I missed you too much for another two hours to think that you ride public transport. And in general, when there is such an opportunity, it must be used, – he winked, moved away, and examined me from head to toe. – Just think about it! With each visit you become more beautiful! A real Russian beauty! Do not be embarrassed. – He smiled and touched my cheek with his fingers.
– Thank you – I replied with an embarrassed smile to his compliment. – You can’t argue with genes. – He smiled with satisfaction, and I looked behind him at the expensive car and the man standing next to her, arms crossed at hip level. – Who is this?
Father absentmindedly followed my gaze and smiled.
– Ah… this is our new driver Azat.
– Do you have a driver? I frowned incredulously at my father, and then at the swarthy driver who stubbornly avoided my gaze.
– Recently … – his father began uncertainly.
– Welcome, Mrs. Irina! Let me? – In pure Russian, the driver met me and reached for my things.
– Thank you, yes, please. I answered distractedly and stood until my father led me to the car.
Once in the car, I tried to understand what was happening. My father gave vague, abstract answers to all my questions, saying that I need to be patient, and soon I will find out about everything. We drove for about an hour, first around the city, then through some small village, and finally stopped near a small stone two-story house with large windows and a balcony above the entrance.
– Well… we have arrived, – my father sighed. – Come in, dear, and now I’ll settle something and come. Azat will bring your things, so don’t worry.
– Where to go dad? Why did we come here and not to the restaurant?
– Go to the house, Ira, and I’ll come and explain everything to you. – He answered in a soothing tone.
I got out of the car and looked around. Around the house was a small atypical garden for this area, surrounded by a low forged white fence. All this looked good, but for some reason I could not get rid of the feeling that something bad was hidden behind all this, perhaps even dangerous. Stopping in front of a beautiful white door with frosted glass and beautiful intricate patterns of colored glass, I wondered if I should knock or just go in, and I decided to knock first and then go in. Before I could close the door behind me, I immediately fell into the arms of my younger sister Alina.
– You finally arrived! How I missed you. So much has happened to us, you can’t even imagine! Come on, I’ll show you my cool bedroom!
– Alina, catch your breath. – Mom stopped my sister’s emotional speech, gracefully going down the wide marble staircase. – Let your sister bounce back after a long journey.
I opened my mouth to greet her, but could not say a word, shocked, looking at her elegant evening dress, embroidered with rhinestones. And this is despite the fact that now it’s only three in the afternoon! Her hair was trimmed in neat waves and emphasized her straight posture, graceful neck and high cheekbones. From her I had pale, almost transparent skin, an oval face and an hourglass-shaped figure, and from my father – my eyes and the ability to get out of any, even the most difficult situation. She kissed me on both cheeks and, like my father some time ago, examined from head to toe.
– Mom, you look … – I tried to find the right word – great, but where did it all come from? – I once again looked expressively at her, and then looked around the house and looked out the window onto the street where my father walked to the house, giving some instructions to Azat, who was carrying my suitcase.
– Honey, let’s wait for my father, but for now… come in. But take off your shoes! she added and pointed a finger at my sandals. – I sighed heavily and obediently took off my shoes. – Alina will show your room. – Mom looked expressively at Alina, who nodded, took my hand and led me to the second floor.
On the floor were chic rugs with high fibers and intricate patterns of bright colors.
– Alina, well, at least you explain. – She smiled slyly and I realized that I was right in my suspicions. They hit something.
– The parents themselves will tell you everything, but for now … – She solemnly opened the wooden door and pointed her hands at the room. – She’s yours!
It was difficult to call this room a bedroom. It was dark here, despite the windows and light walls. The bed was covered with a multi-colored plaid, and on the dresser stood a vase with freshly cut flowers. Trying to reassure myself that this is only a week.
– Thank you, – I looked at her and smiled weakly. At this moment, I felt a huge fatigue lying on my shoulders. Alina looked at me with her green eyes, framed by thick black eyelashes, after which she stepped towards the door. – Wait, – I called, and she stopped. I went to the dresser, where I got a vase of flowers and handed it to Alina. – Take them to yourself. I hate cut flowers.
She looked at me in bewilderment, but she took the vase.
– Good. She answered embarrassedly. – Come on, I’ll show you my room. By the way, the bathroom is down the hall. I have my own bathroom in the bedroom, so we can say that this one will be your own, because the parents also have their own bathroom in the bedroom.
– Excellent … – I muttered, following her along the long corridor, feeling a little prick of envy. Finally we stopped. Alina impatiently opened the door, and as if I got into the dollhouse. Everything was so pink and white that it caused nausea.
– Here! Design itself developed. And she chose the furniture herself. Everything is as I imagined since childhood. And what a view from here! – she went to the opposite wall. – Look, one window overlooks the garden and the other overlooks the pool. – We have our own pool, can you imagine? At first glance, I fell in love with this house. The first few days I didn’t go anywhere. I could not believe that I really live here. The school is almost across the road, but I still drive with Azat. – A smug smile appeared on her face, and I continued to try to understand what was happening here.
– When, you say, you moved here? I asked cautiously, taking a few uncertain steps toward the window. The view from it really opens beautiful.
– Uh… This… probably three months have passed. she answered embarrassedly and tried to pretend that she was interested in the pleats on her skirt.
– Three months! – I opened my eyes wide, feeling how everything in my head was throbbing with tension and indignation. – Why didn’t you tell me anything?
I felt irritation, anger, resentment. I was overwhelmed with emotions, and I realized that I was ready to explode.
– Our parents wanted to surprise you. They pulled to the last. – She pouted her lips as a child and was offended as if I had been hiding a luxurious house from them for three months.
I closed my eyes, ran a hand over my face, and then abruptly turned around and quickly went to my parents, whom I found in the living room on the ground floor.
– Three months! I thundered, walked around the sofa and stood in front of them, arms crossed over his chest. – You lived here for three months and didn’t tell me anything! – Mom looked in panic at Dad, who slowly straightened up and calmly met my angry look. – When I was worried while studying, I thought about how hard it was for you, and was ready to give the last penny so that only you all would be fine, you… move to a luxurious home, hire a personal driver, buy expensive clothes! What’s happening?
– Yura, I think you should tell her. – Mom put her hand on her father’s hand, and he comfortably patted her hand, and then, grunting, got up from a huge soft sofa.
– You’re right, Annushka. – He came to me, put his hands on his shoulders and looked into my eyes. – Honey, we haven’t told you anything to make sure of everything. Our business has gone uphill. Do you know what business opportunities are here! he said with a broad smile on his face, and I narrowed my eyes. – Let’s just say that we found a partner who became interested in our restaurant. He invested his money, and here we are. A dazzling smile appeared on his face, and a light lit in his eyes.
– And all this happened in a matter of months, – I concluded, arms crossed over my chest and not believing in such magic.
– Yes. – He nodded impatiently.
I sighed heavily, unable to get rid of the feeling of anxiety that gripped me.
– Good, – I was in no hurry to believe them, in any case, sooner or later I would find out the truth. – I will pretend that I believe, but… if you are deceiving me, then know that I will be very offended.
– Well, what are you, dear! – Father squinted at mom, and then took my hands. – So! I suggest tonight to mark your graduation. You can’t imagine how proud I am that I have a daughter like you! – I hugged my father, trying to suppress tears. Actually, I’m not a very emotional person, sometimes even a little callous and rude, but when you hear such words from relatives and loved ones, everything inside you turns upside down from an overabundance of feelings.
– I don’t even know… is it worth the money. – Maybe we should stay home together? – I pulled away from my father and looked at my mother, who was still tense. – A simple family dinner.
– I do not accept any objections! – Father again drew my attention to himself. – More recently, a wonderful restaurant with a view of the bay has opened in the city.
My father was determined, and I had no choice but to give up.
Alina lent me one of her fashionable, expensive floor-length evening gowns (I’m afraid to imagine how much it costs), which was a little small for me, so all my (though not very) forms were covered. Despite the fact that it was closed, I felt as if I was wearing an open swimsuit.
– Honey, this color is very suitable for you. You need to buy more things in blue tones. – Mom looked at me and grunted approvingly.
– Who bought this? – She opened her eyes wide, and looked at me with an innocent look. It was evident that mom carefully selects the words.
– Please, just don’t swear. Your sister and I hired a personal stylist. In fact, he helps us buy these stylish outfits.
I took a deep breath, swallowing a stream of new questions, which I am sure no one answered.
– Come on. – She took my hand and led me to the side of the restaurant, which simply shouted with all its appearance that it was very expensive.
Without further ado, we were led to a table from which we really saw a beautiful bay that had already begun to absorb the sun into its abyss.
– I ordered the best dishes! – Father proudly notified us.
– Are you sure we can afford it? – I asked, sinking into a luxurious chair upholstered in white velvet, and began to look around.
– Of course it’s expensive! – He answered lightly.
The restaurant was not very many people. A waiter immediately approached us and brought a plate of fruit.
– This is a gift from the establishment, – he specified in Russian, – we wish you a wonderful evening.
– Thank you, – my father politely nodded to the young man and fell into a businesslike manner in a chair. Just like a baron.
I looked around, amazed at the luxurious atmosphere. Never aspired to wealth, fame or greatness. I have always believed that rich people are vicious, overly powerful, do not recognize the framework and limitations. I do not understand how all this had fallen on my family. At that moment, the waiter came up and put a plate in front of me. At that moment I felt that he had knocked over a glass of water on me.
– Ah! – I blinked perplexedly and looked at my wet dress, which instantly absorbed all the water.
There was a fuss at the table, and the waiter looked at us anxiously, never ceasing to apologize. My mother ran up and handed me a napkin.
– Sorry, I do not understand how this happened. The glass slid from the tray and…
– It’s okay, – I tried to smile, taking a short look at him, wiped the water from my dress and got to my feet – it’s just water. I’ll be back soon. – I turned to my family. – Where is the toilet? – I tried to distract the pale waiter from guilt.
– Please, – he pointed toward the bar, – I will accompany you.
I nodded and turned my attention back to the family.
– Please have dinner without me. Nothing bad happened.
I smiled at the waiter, making it clear that I was ready to go.
– Once again, I’m sorry … – along the way, the waiter tried for the hundredth time to apologize to me.
– In fact, nothing terrible happened … – I continued to wipe the dress on the way to the toilet, when I suddenly stumbled over my own leg and crashed into someone. – Oh, please forgive me – I looked up and saw a curious look directed at me.
– It’s okay, – the man across from me was dressed in a white kandura, and despite the fact that he was certainly a purebred Arab, he spoke Russian very well. – Are you okay? – He politely asked and reluctantly looked from me to the waiter, whose pallor gave way to green. It seemed that a little more, and he would collapse unconscious.
– Yes. All is well. It will be even better if I can get into the toilet without incident. Sorry to bother you – I smiled and took a few steps to the side, breathing a sigh of relief when I saw a sign pointing to the women’s toilet.
I put myself in order and returned to the hall. Neither the waiter nor the person I came across was anywhere, but my parents proved something to a man in an expensive formal suit.
– … this is a real shame. You understand that you spoiled us an important evening! – My mother was very arrogant.
– Mrs., we apologize to you, – said the man with an Arabic accent. I think this is a manager, or possibly an owner. At least this can be judged by its impeccable appearance.
– What’s going on here? – I asked frivolously, returning to my place and looking around all those present. – Mom, who dared ruin your evening?
She rolled her eyes, showing with her whole appearance that I did not notice the obvious.
– The waiter! He ruined the expensive dress, caused you inconvenience and in general, what kind of service?
I took a deep breath and looked at the man, who began to noticeably nervous.
– I beg you, do not pay attention. We have absolutely no complaints about you. All is well. Thank. – I smiled and looked at my family, watching with lateral vision, as a man, after some hesitation, still decided to eliminate himself before we changed our minds. – Why arrange this show?
– We deserve at least a drop of respect! – Mom looked at me offended.
– Mom, nobody owes you anything here! We are guests in this country.
– Actually the opposite … – she stopped, and I raised my eyebrows inquiringly, waiting for the continuation. – Okay, let’s have dinner already.
I exhaled exasperatedly, realizing that being here was starting to depress me.
– Will someone explain to me where this all came from? – I was losing my patience as I looked around the huge hall of my parents’ new restaurant, which was getting ready for opening three days later (which I only found out a few hours ago!). – Where did the old restaurant go? Where did the new come from? What’s going on here? Did you get a loan? Contact the mafia? I do not know what to think.
My father stood opposite me and patiently waited for me to tell him all my questions. No replies were received. I took a deep breath and ran a hand over my face.
– Ira, sit down. You need to cool down a bit.
He tried to take my hand, but I lifted it up, looked at him angrily and ran out of the restaurant, hoping to recover, but there was unreal heat on the street and many passers-by. Inhaling the hot air, I closed my eyes, trying to understand what was happening. I do not understand what they are hiding from me. I felt that something was wrong with them, but now I am finally convinced of this.
I stood with my eyes closed, exposing my face to the sun, wanting it to burn all the questions in my head and energize me so that I could calmly understand what was happening. I will not be able to leave my family, knowing that they are hiding something important from me.
– Sorry? Are you okay? I sharply opened my eyes, meeting curious eyes the color of molten chocolate framed by thick black eyelashes.
– Yes, everything is fine – sharper than I wanted, I replied. – If you are in a restaurant, then it is still closed!
I defiantly turned around, not giving the stranger the opportunity to answer, and almost lost my balance, but still managed to confidently enter the restaurant. There was no one in the hall. I grabbed a towel, and, not understanding who I was specifically angry at, I began to wipe the glasses more than necessary. In less than a minute, the door opened, letting in a stream of hot air.
– Excuse me, can I see Yuri Sergeyevich? – I turned to the sound of the voice, having the opportunity to see the visitor.
A young man in an expensive suit of dark blue is most likely sewn to order, since for such a height (two meters, no less) it is almost impossible to find at least something from the clothes in an ordinary store, and even so that she was sitting strictly in shape. Black hair, dark skin, which stands out against the background of a dazzling white shirt. The serious eyes that looked at me a minute ago on the street. A strict facial expression indicating that I am facing a person who occupies a high position in society.
– I can find out the reason why you are looking for Yuri Sergeyevich? – the man smiled slightly, not taking his eyes off me.
– This is about our contract. Tell him that Mr. Ali has come. – an expression appeared in his eyes, as if his name should tell me something. – He will understand.
Without taking my eyes off him, I thundered the glass onto the table, and next to it I threw a rag, turned sharply, and headed for the kitchen.
– Mr. Ali, you see. I found an errand girl. – I continued to walk, gripped by incomprehensible anger. My father was not in the kitchen, and I had to go through all the rooms that I knew, fortunately, I found him in office.
– Dad? Are you here? – I stuck my head in the door.
Father adjusted his glasses on his nose and looked at me, and then returned to the papers on the table.
– Yes, come in. His eyes ran along the lines on paper, and his lips were pursed, which meant that he was thinking deeply about something.
– Some Mr. Ali is looking for you there, – I specifically emphasized the last two words.
Father froze, and then abruptly jumped up, dropping the papers onto the table, started rushing about the room and finally ran out of the office, as if they had burned him with boiling water. What, after all, is happening here? With every minute spent here, I notice more and more oddities. Following my father into the restaurant hall, I watched him rush to Mr. Ali to shake hands and begin to explain something energetically to him. I went to the table closest to them and began to straighten the tablecloth to hear at least something from what they were talking about.
– …of course! As you wish!
– I don’t think that now is the right time for this, but tomorrow I’ll think it’s just right – Mr. Ali looked behind my father’s back, meeting my gaze.
I was noticed, and I had to move away from them, but I saw how my father looked in panic at the interlocutor, who shook his head and began to say something. My father’s ears turned red. It was noticeable that he was nervous, which happened to him extremely rarely. For some time they continued to speak, after which Mr. Ali left.