Полная версия
Despite the fact that I am completely unfamiliar with this person, he evokes in me not very pleasant feelings. Something is unclean here. I wonder if you can hate a person at first sight?
– Girls! My dear, beautiful girls! – Father literally sang every word. Seconds after Mr. Ali left, his panic and nervousness gave way to joyful excitement.
– What? What happened? – Mom left the kitchen and ran up (if you can call it that, given her narrow evening dress) to her father.
– Sit down! Where is Alina? Oh good! Then we’ll tell her everything. Ira, come to us. – He sat us at the same table and began tapping his fingers on it. – In general, tomorrow the whole family is going to a royal reception!
There was silence, explained by numbness and shock, after which the mother cried out and threw herself on her father’s neck.
– Indeed? – father nodded vigorously. – Finally, I have a worthy occasion to demonstrate my evening dress! Oh, you need to call the salon to get us all tomorrow, otherwise Ira looks like she was plowed for a month without stopping.
– Royal what? – I stuttered from shock, I asked. You are crazy? Or are you kidding me?
– We are going to dinner with the king and his family. Tomorrow at seven in the evening. So get ready and behave yourself! Especially you, Ira. – Father poked me with his crooked short finger. – You don’t live here, so you know little, but nothing… I’ll get you up to speed, but now think about looking perfect.
– Dad, can you hear yourself? – I got to my feet, waving my arms. – Which king? What is the reception? Where are we and where is the royal family? – I took a deep breath, trying to calm my heartbeat. – I will not leave this place until you explain to me what is happening here, – I calmly but firmly told them.
Parents looked at each other and returned to their places, and I continued to stand in front of them, arms crossed on my chest.
– We asked for cash assistance from the government of the emirate, and His Majesty Sheikh Amir did not refuse us. – I slowly sat down on a chair, not taking my eyes off my parents. I knew that all this is not just, and, of course, there will be consequences.
– Why on earth should the king of this country help foreigners? I said a little discouraged. “What should you give him in return?”
– We… will return them by installments. – Father answered as if he had borrowed from old friends. – He has a lot of money, so he does not mind. – He looked like nothing terrible had happened. There was silence, which the father first decided to break. – By the way, dear… this month the airport is crowded, so tickets are almost impossible to buy. That’s what I thought about … – he hesitated, and I frowned, not understanding how he could change the subject so suddenly. – I will be near the airport today, so I can reserve you a place, only you… give me your documents.
– How is this related? – From the very first day when I arrived here, I did not stop being angry. – Reception, tickets, documents. – I got to my feet, rummaged in my bag, took out a folder with documents and handed it to my father, and then started looking for a bank card.
– No money needed! – He jumped to his feet, grabbed a purse of money from my hands to close it and return it back to the bag. – I can pay for my daughter’s ticket, so relax and enjoy your stay here.
“I doubt that I will succeed” – I thought, and returned to the table.
Royal welcome. As if I’m now in the 17th, and not in the 21st century. Who invented this and why should I go there? To these two questions, unlike hundreds of others, I received a clear answer. The reception is held in honor of the prince, and I need to be there to “… at least somehow express my respect and gratitude for the invaluable help provided to my family.” With these words, my father took me to sleep last night.
In the morning, my mother did not leave the room, trying to put herself in order (a hairdresser, make-up artist and stylist came to her) in order to prepare, according to her, “for the most important event in her life.” And where did my normal life go? How I want to return to Moscow! There, probably, my faithful friend Romka is waiting for me, not to mention my roommate, and my best friend Lerka. Yes, and it’s time to look for a job already, it’s not in vain that I studied linguist for five years. Lera promised to speak with a friend at a language school and arrange an interview for me. Ah, Lerka! My dear friend. I wonder how are you there? I quickly type her message and go to the shower.
To: Lerusic
“My dear friend, how are you? What’s new?”
In the shower under a stream of hot water I try to relax, but nothing works. Thoughts constantly swarm in my head, and tension and irritation do not leave me. The main thing is to survive this evening, in a few days I will return home, and everything will fall into place. I quickly wrap myself in a bath towel and go from the shower to my room and see a message from a friend that becomes a balm on my soul.
From: Lerusik
“Oh hello slippers! How are you? I’m doing fine, but without you at home green longing!”
“Oh, beauty, not slippers. Stupid auto fix.” 2
I laugh and quickly type in an answer in which I say that I miss you too and will return home soon. The next two hours I spend on styling, and as a result: perfect curls, collected in a careless beam on the right side, restrained natural makeup and miniature silver earrings with transparent artificial stones that perfectly complement my evening long dress from flowing black satin with lace top and long sleeves. Take a deep breath and put my feet in plain leather ballet flats.
– Darling, we should already leave. – Dad knocked on my door several times, after which it became quiet. I took a deep breath, looked at myself in the mirror for the last time and left the room. My whole family was waiting for me in the living room. Dad was dressed in an expensive tuxedo (he even bothered to tie a bow tie, which is strange, given how he always reacted negatively to such things), mom was dressed in a milk-colored silk evening dress, floor-length, and Alina looked amazing in an emerald dress, emphasizing her green eyes and blond hair, burnt out in the sun.
– My gorgeous girls. Real diamonds! – exclaimed the father.
Together we went out into the street where Azat was waiting for us, got into a car and drove in an unknown direction to me.
Royal residence. Just two words, but they cover several hectares of vast expanses with many security guards in civilian clothes, policemen and people in uniform, whose appointment I do not know, as well as hundreds of workers in the fields and plantations.
After two hours spent on an endless road, we finally drove up to a huge, though not not huge, but a gigantic house, which was made of yellow building material, which looked like neither brick nor stone, but in at the same time it looked amazing. Large wooden windows, tall dark wood doors with golden handles and a chic garden, divided into several levels in front of the house. Everything just screamed that His Majesty the Emir of the Emirate lives here.
Hundreds of steps led to the main entrance. When we approached the large double door, a young man appeared in front of us, who politely invited us to go inside, turning to my father and avoiding looking at us. First came father, and then mom and my sister. I was not left with the idea that I would be disgraced, would do something wrong or say something wrong. We walked along a long hall, paved with marble, to a huge hall, where there was a laid dark oak table with a light expensive tablecloth. The chandelier majestically occupied the central part on the high ceiling… a huge crystal chandelier, and the floor was covered with a chic colored carpet. Seeing all this luxury, I realized what exactly my parents are involved in. They really collaborate with the king. My stomach clenched nervously, and I felt nauseous. I need to do something urgently.
An elderly, bearded man of medium height and strong physique, as far as could be judged from under his white candura, was approaching us with smooth, unhurried steps. He radiated confidence, strength and something else, why he liked him at first sight, perhaps reliability or it was just an illusion. He and my father greeted each other with a strong handshake, and then my father began to introduce us one by one. And then I noticed behind the king the same stranger who I did not like at first sight. What was his name? La… Ma… Ah… Ali! Next to him was a woman dressed in a traditional colored dress with long sleeves, and her head was covered with a thin scarf.
– His Majesty Sheikh Amir, – the father solemnly began, – let me introduce you to my family. My wife Anna Arkadyevna, – they greeted each other with a simple nod and a slight smile – my eldest daughter Irina, – I tried to squeeze out at least some kind of smile, because I was on the verge of fainting – and my youngest daughter Alina.
– Welcome! – Almost in perfect Russian, the Arab sheikh greeted us, looking at my parents, my sister, and then longer than necessary, he looked at me intently. – Let me introduce you to my eldest son. He turned back a little, and his expression instantly softened. – Crown Prince of the Emirate Sheikh Ali Ibn Amir Al Azar.
I blinked several times, feeling all the air instantly evaporate from my lungs. It can’t be!
– I am very pleased to meet your wonderful family, – a smile appeared on his face. Our views met, and when I got out of the stupor a little, I felt that I was blushing with my whole body, remembering how rude I had behaved with him.
– My youngest son, unfortunately, could not join us today, but I am sure that next time you will definitely meet. – The Ruler of Emir intervened in my thoughts.
Next? Oh, no… no way in the world.
We were invited to the table, and I managed to get a little distracted from gloomy thoughts. On the way here, I thought that besides us there would still be invited people, but we were the only guests in this house. I sat between my mother and Alina, directly opposite the prince, who had been shamelessly looking at me for the past few minutes.
– Tell me, Irina, how do you like our city? Does everything suit you? – I blinked in confusion and did not immediately realize that the question of the Arab prince was addressed to me.
– Hmm… everything is fine, at least as far as I can tell. I do not spend much time in the city. In the end, I came here to spend time with my family. – I restrained smiled at Mr. Ali.
– Our Ira is a homebody. From home to teach and vice versa – dad looked at me either with chagrin or sadness.
I took a deep breath, swallowed nervously, and looked at Sheikh Amir.
– So far I have been given such an opportunity … – I straightened up, meeting my eyes with the king. – I would like to thank you for helping my family. This is very … – I tried to find the words – generously on your part.
– Do not mention it! – Amir smiled. – We are always happy to help with what we can. – I smiled back at him. – True, in return we expect the same responsiveness.
He looked expressively at me with his dark eyes, and his lips curved in a grin that I could not figure out.
The rest of the evening we spent on a light conversation. Amir dedicated us a little to the history of his family, asked me about the latest weather changes in Moscow, and I shared my opinion about their house, which was terribly chic.
– I think we will meet again soon. – Amir looked expressively at me, holding out a hand, which I willingly accepted.
– With pleasure, but… after the opening of the restaurant I will be forced to return to Moscow. Ali, standing behind his father, grinned, raising his eyebrows in surprise.
– Ah! I almost forgot. It’s good that Ira said about the restaurant. – Dad reached into the inside pocket of his jacket. – Here is an invitation to open.
He handed a few envelopes, and then we said goodbye and drove home.
– Well, how do you like the royal family? my father asked me as soon as we were in the car. I took a deep breath and thought.
– I don’t know… at first I was scared, then I was surprised that talking with them can be so easy and maybe even enjoyable, but who is this woman? She sat at the table with us, but did not say a word, and she was not introduced to us at all.
– This is the king’s wife. She is not allowed to communicate with strangers, and we are strangers for them so far.
What an unfamiliar, strange life, far from my understanding. I looked out the window and lost in thought.
I do not know how, but today I became the central person of the day. Opening a restaurant in just a couple of hours, and I still have so much to do.
– Ira, let me help you, – Alina took a vase with white peonies from my hands. – You spend all day today on your feet.
I walked past her, kissing the top of my head.
– What would I do without you, my flower?
She smiled shyly, and I went to the next table to check the availability of cutlery when my phone rang. I rushed to the bar to answer.
– Romka! Hello! – I felt boundless joy at the fact that he decided to call me.
– Hi, a splinter! Where are you lost? – His voice was cheerful as always.
– Please forgive me. So much has happened here. I will come tomorrow and tell you everything!
– Are you on vacation or are they always working for you there? – He asked mockingly.
– Almost, – I laughed nervously, – but I’m pleased. Everything is getting better, Romka! Till tomorrow. Love you!
We say goodbye, I put the phone on the counter, turn to the entrance and freeze in horror.
– Good evening! – Sheikh Ali stood in front of me in person. Yes, not just standing, but holding a huge basket with white roses.
– G… good evening, – I answered stuttering, which made him grin. He came up to me with a confident step and solemnly handed the basket.
– Congratulations on the opening of the restaurant. I hope he brings you happiness.
His voice was pleasant, but something in his words alarmed me. They sounded somehow ambiguous.
– Thank! I thanked, accepting the flowers. Something came from this prince, which made me nervous. – We are not open yet, but if you want, I will make you coffee. – For some reason, it seemed to me that my question sounds stupid. – Are the princes drinking coffee? – He raised his eyebrows in surprise and with a slight smile on his face nodded his head. – By the way, which one?
– Black without sugar. – He sat on the bar stool and watched me very carefully. – I do not think that I am different from other people.
I filled the coffee machine and looked at him point blank. It seems that he seriously does not understand how our position differs from each other.
– You know very well that you are different. – I put a cup in front of him and slowly poured coffee into it. – Do you want a cake?
– No thanks. Today I will take only coffee, but … – now he looked at me point blank – I want to use my right to cake in the future. – a smile appeared on his face, and an incomprehensible brilliance in his eyes.
– I think this should not be a problem. – We crossed eyes, and again I felt something close to irritation. An inner voice told me to stay away from him.
Ira, where are you? The guests will come any minute, but here we have… Ali – there was a real surprise on the face of my mother – that is, Hello, Your Highness. She reached out and smiled at him with the friendliest smile. I got to my feet to continue working, but my mother stopped me, grabbing my arm. – Stay with Mr. Ali, and I will do the business myself.
– You? Herself? – I looked at her suspiciously. Mom was one of those people who could only give orders and monitor their implementation.
– Yes. – Once again, honoring our guest with a smile, she retired from the hall. All this time, Ali looked at us with undisguised interest. I ran a hand over my face and returned to the bar.
– More coffee? – I asked him without looking up.
– Not. – He got to his feet. “I think you have enough worries without me,” he examined me from head to toe (as far as the bar between us allowed). He held his gaze before my eyes, and then turned and headed for the exit.
– Your Highness! – He raised an eyebrow in surprise, turning to face me. “I don’t know how appropriate my question is, but… when my parents and I were going to see you, my father said that he would be arranged in your honor, but… there was nobody else besides us.” Can I find out the reason you personally invited my family?
He pondered something for a while, and then looked at me point blank. He seemed somewhat excited, but tried his best to hide it.
– This technique was as yours as mine. See you later. – He turned sharply and went out, completely confusing me in everything that is happening here.
– Honey, where are you in such a hurry? Stay a few more days. Your training is finished, you have not found a job, just enjoy the freedom.
Mom dreamily watched as I collect my things.
– No thanks. Such a life is not for me. – I sighed heavily, unable to stay here longer than necessary. This place depresses me. – I want to work. Perhaps I will continue to study. In general, I want to go home… – I closed the suitcase and not without difficulty lowered it from the bed to the floor. – I’m not comfortable here. As if something is about to happen. – I walked closer to her and put my palms on her shoulders. – Please be careful and take care of each other, okay? – She nodded. – I know that now you are in euphoria from all the changes that have occurred, but… remember that sooner or later you will have to pay for everything that you now have. Try not to put off and pay off your debt as quickly as possible. It is not known what the consequences may be. She averted her eyes and pursed her lips, trying to hold back her tears.
– Don’t worry about us. – The main thing, be careful, okay? And forgive us for everything. – She hugged me around the waist and tightly pressed me to her.
An hour later, I stood in line at the airport reception. It was my turn, and I handed the passport to a cute petite girl at the counter. She began to actively print something on her computer, but I could only wait.
– Sorry, but your passport isn’t valid.3 – I don’t immediately understand that they are turning to me.
– Pardon? It can’t be.4
– I’m afraid you’ll have to wait.5 – She took my passport and went off somewhere. I do not understand anything. How is this even possible? Now I am in such an absurd situation. My passport is valid for two more years. I check everything before every trip abroad. The girl returned to me with frightened eyes. – Are there any problems? The last time everything was in order, I …5
– Please, come with me.6
At that moment, two men in uniform approached me. I looked at them, not understanding what was happening.
– Allow me to take your luggage. – In imperfect, but still Russian, one of them turned to me.
– Sorry, but will someone explain to me what is going on here?
– They will tell you everything, but for this you need to come with us. – He took my suitcase and pointed to the reception desk, behind which was a service door.
They put me in one of the offices and made me wait. There were long minutes of waiting, but I still did not know what was happening. No one said anything, they just looked at me with alarm, thinking that I did not notice it. I do not know how much time has passed, but one of the men who accompanied me here entered. The receptionist girl who started it all looked at me uncertainly.
– A car came for you, – the man began, looking away to the side, – our employee will guide you. Your suitcase is already there.
– What car? I have a flight to Moscow!
– I’m afraid this is impossible, because you are forbidden to leave the Emirate. – I looked at them in shock, feeling how my legs gave way, my head was spinning, and I slowly lowered myself into a chair.
– How is it… how is it forbidden? Who forbade?
I do not understand anything. It just can’t be.
– Sorry, but I’m not allowed to talk about this. – He shifted from foot to foot, nervously fingering his fingers. – You just need to get to the car, and then you will know everything.
On numb legs, I slowly got up from my seat and followed the girl to the service exit, where a black minibus shone in the merciless sun.
– Good afternoon, Miss Mironova. Please come in. – A man of about thirty-five with a thick beard on a dark face pointed to the open car door.
– Who you are? – I crossed my arms over my chest, trying not to lose my temper. I was scared. – What do you want from me?
– You can trust me. You have nothing to fear. – a slight smile appeared on his face.
– Why should I believe you?
– You simply have no other election, – he declared, and my shoulders dropped.
I looked around, noticing that I had little chance of escaping. Behind two guards, and my interlocutor is not from frail. This person seems to be right, and I really have no other choice.
I climbed into the car and collapsed powerlessly into a leather chair. I think I’m sleeping and I can’t wake up.
– The mini fridge has chilled water and some food.
I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. Opening the refrigerator, I took out a bottle of water. I need to somehow come to my senses, start thinking rationally. This is the only thing I did well until recently. I take a few sips of refreshing water (even simple water tastes different here) and feel the coolness flowing through my body, bringing peace and relaxation. I hope that soon everything will become clear, and I will be able to return home.
– Honey, where are you in such a hurry? Stay a few more days. Your training is finished, you have not found a job, just enjoy the freedom.
Mom dreamily watched as I collect my things.
– No thanks. Such a life is not for me. – I sighed heavily, unable to stay here longer than necessary. This place depresses me. – I want to work. Perhaps I will continue to study. In general, I want to go home… – I closed the suitcase and not without difficulty lowered it from the bed to the floor. – I’m not comfortable here. As if something is about to happen. – I walked closer to her and put my palms on her shoulders. – Please be careful and take care of each other, okay? – She nodded. – I know that now you are in euphoria from all the changes that have occurred, but… remember that sooner or later you will have to pay for everything that you now have. Try not to put off and pay off your debt as quickly as possible. It is not known what the consequences may be. She averted her eyes and pursed her lips, trying to hold back her tears.
– Don’t worry about us. – The main thing, be careful, okay? And forgive us for everything. – She hugged me around the waist and tightly pressed me to her.
An hour later, I stood in line at the airport reception. It was my turn, and I handed the passport to a cute petite girl at the counter. She began to actively print something on her computer, but I could only wait.
– Sorry, but your passport isn’t valid.3 – I don’t immediately understand that they are turning to me.
– Pardon? It can’t be.4
– I’m afraid you’ll have to wait.5 – She took my passport and went off somewhere. I do not understand anything. How is this even possible? Now I am in such an absurd situation. My passport is valid for two more years. I check everything before every trip abroad. The girl returned to me with frightened eyes. – Are there any problems? The last time everything was in order, I …5
– Please, come with me.6
At that moment, two men in uniform approached me. I looked at them, not understanding what was happening.
– Allow me to take your luggage. – In imperfect, but still Russian, one of them turned to me.
– Sorry, but will someone explain to me what is going on here?
– They will tell you everything, but for this you need to come with us. – He took my suitcase and pointed to the reception desk, behind which was a service door.
They put me in one of the offices and made me wait. There were long minutes of waiting, but I still did not know what was happening. No one said anything, they just looked at me with alarm, thinking that I did not notice it. I do not know how much time has passed, but one of the men who accompanied me here entered. The receptionist girl who started it all looked at me uncertainly.