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Revolutionary. Frame by frame

Serbia and its surrounding countries in 1913. More recently, on the site of Albania and Macedonia, the possessions of the powerful Ottoman Empire extended. Serbia is freed from the protectorate of Porta, seizes land inhabited by recollected peoples, but, at the insistence of Austria-Hungary, stops at some distance from the coveted Adriatic Sea. This situation is very, very disliked by the Serbs. Radical sentiments are ripening in society. The government cannot and does not seem to want to fight the ubiquitous terrorist organization Black Hand.

Peter L. Bark (1869—1937), ethnic Balt, the last Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire, the initiator of the introduction of the inhuman “Prohibition”. What should he say if it suddenly became possible? It is a pity, he probably will not hear you, now he will turn around and tapping with a cane, podachaet in the restaurant “Maxim”. Since 1920, Peter L. is in perpetual emigration. Next, the ex-minister accepts British citizenship, is awarded the title of knight and baronet. Photography – Peter Bark, Paris, 1915

On July 12, 1914 in the village of Pokrovskoye, Tobolsk Province, the mentally ill Khioniya Guseva stabs Rasputin with a knife. Three years later, this woman will be released from the hospital. In 1919 she would make an attempt on the life of Patriarch Tikhon. Thereafter, her tracks in History are lost. Rasputin is in the Tyumen hospital until August 17, and this time he is unable to reason with the tsar. Its main provisions sound crazy in this world. This is a rejection of foreign Poland and the Baltic states, a withdrawal from the Russian-French-British alliance, a separate peace with the then sane Germany. Somewhat later, on December 16, 1916, Gregory was killed in the Yusupov Palace, from the bullets of Russian nobles and (control shot in the head) by British agent Oswald Rainer. England wants Russia to wage this war. An alternative version – Dmitry Pavlovich (Romanov), cousin of Nicholas II, sends a bullet in the forehead. Empress Alexandra gives the order to arrest the murderers. But, they all possess immunity as the highest nobles, and, after the intervention of the king, “in order not to provoke society,” are released. Photo, from left to right, prince (and, by the way, homosexual) Felix Yusupov, Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, grandson of Alexander II

The queue before the institution “Treasury wine shop.” The photo was taken in 1914, shortly before the disastrous “Prohibition”. The first swallow arrives in the people on July 16 of the same year – a regulatory act, a royal decree on the complete prohibition of the trade in alcohol during the mobilization period. The confirmation follows as the “Highest Commandment (Sovereign Emperor) of August 22, 1914” On the extension of the prohibition of the sale of alcohol, wine and vodka for local consumption in the Empire until the end of wartime”. Consumption of alcohol is reduced from 4.7 liters per capita per year to 0.3 liters. (now 12 l.) Other warring European countries, despite the fact that they drink there no less than in Russia (or even much more, like in France), they don’t even think to introduce anything like that

Peasants, petty bourgeoisie, part of the bourgeoisie have to forget about the times of cultural wine drinking, companionship in taverns, fraternization classes. Hundreds of distilleries are being closed or repurposed. 300,000 people employed in this industry lose their jobs. A photo for memory – restaurant “Kontan”, Moika Embankment, 58, 1913. Oh, what are all these self-confident, respectable people. Where will they be after just five years? What should they tell? Even two years later, if they remain alive, respectable gentlemen will be ready to give up all their fortunes for a single boiled chicken.

However, trade in alcohol, according to special articles of the Resolution, continues in restaurants of the first category and aristocratic clubs. In other words, the nobility, as well as the priesthood, does not affect the Russian “dry law”. This state of affairs, as a matter of course, causes a split in society. Further, if in 1913 the income from the sale of alcohol makes up 28% of the state budget, then in 1916 (the peak of the military campaign) 1.5%. The peasants, with very low efficiency, allow a significant part of the grain to produce mash and moonshine. Hidden consumption of alcohol (extremely poor quality) increases many times. Above all, previously law-abiding citizens become accustomed to the thought of opposing the state, which sets a non-child term of five years for moonshine making. In the capital of the Empire, power over the minds of civilians and the military, firmly occupied by cocaine. The city on the Neva becomes the recognized center of the criminal world. The photograph – a banquet of Russian officers, 1916

The state of things in the world on the eve of the First World War. England seems to be the tip of the iceberg, in comparison with its numerous and generally well developed colonies (burgundy color). The area of the Empire – 32 million square meters. km., population, including Aboriginal people – 480 million people. It is followed by France (blue) with its 39 million citizens and Portugal (dense green). Russia – the largest continental power area of 22 million square meters. km and a population of 170 million people (1916). The area of the German Empire (brown) before the Great War is 0.55 million square meters. km., population 68 million people. Its closest ally is Austria-Hungary, 0.7 million sq. M. km., population 53 million people. Once the founder of the Second Reich (since 1866, from the Battle of Sadow), Chancellor Bismarck urges the German people not to get involved in the seizure of colonies, so as not to lose blood purity. But, for some time now, Germany has taken over the territory in Africa. Its appetites are hampered by Britain and France, which have already divided the Black Continent between themselves. But this is not the main thing. In Germany, the generation of 43-year-olds has been shaken, from the moment of birth (1871) who did not know what a real war is – and who yearn for it. The Germans like to fight, this is their national hunt. Such sentiments dominate throughout Europe. In addition to Russia, the people of which are nauseated at war with Japan and are more concerned with their own problems.

Paris first half of 1914 in color. In all of Europe, the war between civilized, cohesive economic and cultural ties and states remains unthinkable. In sophisticated Vienna, you drink coffee in a street cafe, smiling at passersby. In Berlin, you read a newspaper, eat a sausage with cabbage, drink a delicious beer – and no one bothers you. After moving to London, you rent a room with a view of Big Ben – and the receptionist does not care if you are English, Russian, German, Italian or Hungarian. This is the case throughout Europe, until July 28, 1914. A month earlier, headlines appear about the murder of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne and his wife. The capital of Bosnia, Sarajevo? Show it on the map – Herr, Monsieur, Sir… Why should this disturb us?

After the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, the Serbian government agrees with all the points of the German ultimatum, except for just admitting the Austrian police to its territory. In response, on July 28, the Austro-Hungarian heavy artillery begins shelling Belgrade. The idea – just play muscles, not implemented. At the same time, infantry units of Austria-Hungary, with the support of gunboats, are organizing a crossing over the Danube. The photograph shows the calculation of a large-caliber mortar before the start of the war, in the vicinity of Belgrade. The end of July – the beginning of August 1914.

Began… Austrian guns bombard Belgrade, July 28, 1914

Already on July 31, general mobilization is announced in Russia. At that time, such a behavior of a country means its imminent, inevitable entry into the war. The German Kaiser issues an ultimatum to Nicholas II on the return of the status quo. The king responds to Wilhelm with a meaningless telegram, and considers that his duty fulfilled. In addition, the Russian sovereign cherishes the idea of the straits of the Bosporus and Dardanelles, the Mediterranean islands, which can only be captured in the context of a major war. The movement of troops also ensures a strong attachment of the Russian aristocracy to foreign capital, owning 90% of profitable enterprises in Russia. Some historians still believe that Nicholas II acted wisely, without stopping mobilization, showed solidarity with foreign friends. All of us should be judged by the fruits. In just four years, the Russian Empire, outside of valor and glory, will lose 40% of European territory, and a reasonable king in this century will end his days in the Ipatiev house. In the photo – mobilized workers. August 1914. Music of the time – “Farewell of the Slav” (listen) …“Прощание славянки”, слушать

To a certain extent, the mood of the street also influences the decisions of Nikolai Romanov. In conservative Russia, where there has long been an acute shortage of at least some news, almost any event meets with joy. In the cities of the Empire dominated by a patriotic attitude. Just a month later, with news of the first major casualties, this attitude will change to a deep despondency.

Germany declares war on France on August 3, 1914. The bases of the decision are partial mobilization in this country, as well as the “air bombardments of Germany” invented by Berlin. A day later, German troops invade Belgium, which refused to give an ultimatum to pass the German forces to the border with France. A real, full-scale war begins, to which, at its discretion, more and more new countries of the planet join. The Germans are extremely annoyed with the unexpected resistance of a small but proud country. Their artillery destroys everything in front of them. The behavior of the soldiers in the occupied territories even then resembles the actions of the Wehrmacht and the SS in the East during the Second World War. In total, 60,000 Belgian soldiers and as many civilians are killed in this massacre. Photo – outskirts of Antwerp destroyed by shells, autumn 1914

Antagonistic blocks are formed. Entente – Great Britain, French Republic, Russian Empire. The fourth alliance is the Germanic, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman empires, and, yes, the Bulgarian kingdom, recently liberated from the Ottoman yoke. The battle involved 38 independent states. The new trend in the organization of hostilities – the massive use of machine guns. These rapid-fire, deadly, compact mechanisms capable of destroying soldiers in the tens and hundreds, within one minute. Even after the most brutal artillery preparation, in the trenches as many machine guns and fighters are searched as necessary to shoot the next platoon, company, battalion, regiment or division. Photography – German machine-gunners bombard Russian soldiers forcing the Vistula, 1914

According to the allied German-Turkish treaty of August 2, 1914, on August 10 of the same year, the German cruisers “Goeben” and “Breslau” enter the Dardanelles. Almost immediately the army and fleet of the Ottomans fell under the control of the Germans. The Minister of War of Turkey, Ismail Enver, better known as Enver Pasha, literally of his own accord, in November of the same year, declares a “holy war” to the countries of the Entente. However, such a decisive act is consistent with the desires of the majority of Turks who are dissatisfied with the fact that earlier Britain and France have taken over the territory of the Great Porte. Russia, with which Turkey has 20 wars of various degrees of tension, also falls into the number of enemies. With the Germans, then not so ardent colonialists, the Turks formed cordial relations lasting for the time being. Photography – German cruiser “Goeben” on the roads of Istanbul, 1914

From August 7, France invades Alsace and Lorraine, a former province lost during the Franco-German war of 1870—71. It was here that the French command expected to meet the main attack. However, by the end of August the French army could not withstand the counterattacks of the reserve German forces and retreated. Above all, these military units of the Republic are needed in the main sector of the enemy’s breakthrough – in Belgium. Germanic armies sweep away everything in their path and clearly intend to take Paris in giant ticks

Germany succeeds primarily due to the large-scale use of heavy artillery. Neither France, nor Britain, nor Russia for some reason paid due attention to the development of this area of military affairs. Photography – German 170 mm. gun fires in the vicinity of the river Marne

From August 17, at the request or at the insistence of the Allies, Russia will proceed to active hostilities in East Prussia. The offensive has initial success. In the battle of Gumbinnen (the current city of Gusev, Kaliningrad Region), the Germans lose 14,000 men, the advancing Russians – 16,000. The German command issues an order to transfer 120,000 troops from the Western Front. What happened saves Paris and France, but Russia suffers a cruel defeat. The two advancing along divergent directions the Russian armies neglect reconnaissance, are partially surrounded and destroyed. The front stabilizes at the positions preceding the attack. In total for the East Prussian operation of 1914, the German troops lose 25,000 people killed, the Russians – 42,000, and 100,000 prisoners

Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia on August 6. After a series of border battles, on August 18, the army of General Brusilov developed an offensive and in 6 days overcomes 90—100 km. Reflecting several counterattacks, the Russian units make a dash through the Carpathians. The front stabilizes after contact with reinforcements from the German Empire. Austro-Hungarian troops lose 100,000 people killed, the same number of prisoners. Russia’s irretrievable loss – 60,000 people, 40,000 prisoners. The number of light and medium guns per thousand soldiers in the Russian army is only slightly less than in the German one. As already mentioned, the situation with heavy artillery is much worse. Here the score is 10 to 1 in favor of the Germans. The countries – participants of the conflict, develop their stocks of projectiles by the end of 1914. The weapon plants of the German Empire succeed in overcoming the shell hunger faster than the others. The photo shows a Russian artillery battery in Galicia, 1914.

Russian soldiers on a halt in Galicia. In this region, Russia’s presence is justified by getting rid of the genocide of the inhabitants of the region, once called Chervonnaya Rus. Even then, the actions of the Austro-Hungarians are similar to the punitive operations of the SS and Ukrainian collaborations in World War II. In total, in Galicia, before the arrival of the Russian troops, and after their departure, 60,000 Ruthenians were killed in the villages circled in red pencil on the map with mass executions. The surviving Austrians, Hungarians, Poles, are commanded to call themselves “Ukrainians, and only Ukrainians.” After the experienced shock, Galicia turns into its opposite, for a long time, if not forever, becomes an outpost of the forces hostile to Russia. So, in the fields of this region Russian soldiers feel the importance of their mission and fight well. Another thing is that for their heroism, the rank and file do not receive at least any material compensation. Pay attention to the song of time: Galician fields, performance by V. Ulin (listen) …“Галицийские поля”, В. Улин, слушать

Japan hears the admonitions of the British government, and with considerable energy enters the war on the side of the Entente on August 23, 1914. An ultimatum ordering Germany to free Qingdao’s naval base (not so far from the once Russian Port Arthur), Shandunsky Peninsula, and other Pacific colonies, the Kaiser government rejects with indignation. Japan carries out a methodical bombardment of a German base from large-caliber guns, as well as, for the first time in the world, bombardment from hydroplanes (a floating base is the first aircraft carrier similarity). The picture shows the flagship Suvo, a Japanese squadron blocking Qingdao, the former Victory seized in Port Arthur. The production ship of the Baltic plant (1900) looks quite impressive.

Japan’s entry into the war allows Russia to transfer Siberian and Far Eastern divisions to the European theater of operations. For its western neighbor, the Land of the Rising Sun is becoming a major supplier of weapons and raw materials. As a sign of reconciliation, the Japanese return two battleships and a cruiser captured during the Russo-Japanese WarOn the photo are Japanese soldiers equipping a position for a siege weapon. Qingdao, 1914

The German garrison has only 4,000 men. The morale of command and soldiers is high. Meanwhile, from September 12, the race begins to capture the German Pacific possessions. The Japanese are tidying up the hands of the Caroline, Mariana, Marshall Islands. Landing on Samoa, and those a little ahead of the insatiable samurai, units of New Zealand. Britain hardly reconciles the parties to the clinch. In May 1915, Japan put forward a number of requirements, essentially turning great China into a dependent country. Beijing has to accept this shameful ultimatum. From now on, the Japanese are free to live in the Middle Kingdom, move around its territory, establish various enterprises, and rent land plots as they like. Photography – German machine-gun crew, around Qingdao, summer-autumn 1914

British naval commanders are skeptical of a new type of weapon – submarines. Their delusions are scattered on September 22, 1914, when the German U-9 submarine (type U-5 Series II) sends three British armored cruisers to the bottom for one and a half hours. British ships patrol the North Sea when one of them, the Abukir, is hit by torpedoes. Initially, the British explain the explosion by the action of a sea mine. The two cruisers, in spite of the signals from the captain “Abukir” who understood the mistake, are approaching to lift the sailors aboard. Maneuvering, U-9 takes the most advantageous position to attack. Almost all of her torpedoes find targets. Thus, a submarine with a displacement of 600 tons, a crew of 28 people and a total of six torpedoes destroys three cruisers with a displacement of 36,000 tons and 1,459 sailors without loss. The British Admiralty is reviewing its dogmas. The photo – German open-sea submarine, type U-5 Series II

So, on September 1, 1914, the 1st German Army, 40 kilometers short. to Paris, turns to the east and pursues the British to the river Marne (60—80 km. east of the capital). Bridges not blown up by the British seem to instill in German soldiers faith in never-passing fortune. Throwing away the thought that a significant part of the forces had been deployed on the Eastern Front, the German forces were organizing a pursuit. The French themselves are preparing to withdraw beyond the Seine River. But the commandant of Gallieni, who is responsible for the defense of Paris, having received air reconnaissance data, under personal responsibility, convinces the French commander-in-chief to launch a counterattack. The battle erupted on September 6 at the tributaries of the Marne. A day later, the standoff culminates. At some time it seems that the French are suffering a crushing defeat. Reinforcements from the colonies can be transferred to the front line thanks to the dedication of the French taxi drivers. More than 600 of the Renault AG-1 taxis mentioned in this picture make 2 flights each, bringing the soldiers almost to the battlefield.

.Deprived of reserves, the German field marshal withdraws troops from a vast area of the front. It also does not remain unnoticed by the allies. The French and the British are wedged into the gap between the German armies. Both sides are extremely exhausted. In the end, the German units depart 60 kilometers, on September 12 they occupy the defenses along the banks of the rivers Ain and Vel. Front stabilized. Perhaps for the first time in the history of wars, troops create solid lines of defense for hundreds of kilometers. The irretrievable losses of France are 80,000, Great Britain – 2,000, Germany – 75,000. The photograph shows French troops in the vicinity of the Marne River, September 1914.

In order to help its defeated Austro-Hungarian allies, Germany is organizing an offensive against the then Russian Poland. From September 28, 1914, the German armies inflict a number of powerful blows on the Russian corps and, in spite of their own high losses, reach the outskirts of Warsaw. Here the allies get stuck in positional battles and miss the counteroffensive of the Russian armies. Organized waste sometimes turns into a total escape. By November 8, Austro-Hungarian and German troops occupy the line of defense preceding the offensive. Allies lose 35,000 people, 23,000 prisoners, Russia – 32,000. In the photo – Russian troops force the Vistula

Famous photograph of the First World War, the British military among the forest, destroyed by German artillery. Flanders, autumn 1914. The battle on Marne organically flows into “Running to the Sea” – a chain of battles in Flanders (western Belgium), which aim to outflank the enemy. By November 15, the front is buried in the North Sea and stabilized. Over 700 km. parties to the conflict equip rows of trenches, barbed wire, dugouts and long-term gun emplacements