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Revolutionary. Frame by frame

The royal manifesto of October 17, 1905 – the proclamation of political freedoms and the formation of the Duma, makes contradictory impressions on Odessa. On the one hand, the demonstrators are tearing royal portraits, on the other, there is a semblance of the Religious procession; loyalists take an oath of loyalty to the throne. A procession of port workers heading for the cathedral comes under fire. The child carrying the icon dies. Jewish youth Black Shirt self-defense groups attack two other processions. As a result, Jewish pogroms erupt throughout the city and beyond. 400 representatives of this nationality die, tens of thousands lose their homes. Another step of the reaction is forcing opponents to abandon the Hutspa (a special sense of Jewish superiority). People realize that no one should consider themselves superior to others. In this case, the parties to the conflict are horrified by what happened, and swear not to repeat this. One can argue about methods and goals, but this is how Odessa consolidates its status as a cosmopolitan city.

One and a half months after the formation of the first convocation of the Duma, from December 20, 1905, two then-friendly parties, the RSDLP b) and the Left Social Revolutionaries, organized a political strike in Moscow. The main idea of Lenin and his associates – “the worse, the better.” No agreements with opponents or even possible allies, a boycott of the legislature, a course on terror and an armed uprising. 150 thousand people go on strike. Not working transport, institutions, shops. From December 22, government troops use artillery against militants blocked in the building. City authorities, as well as the townsfolk, withdraw from participation in the opposition. The rebels are supported by merchants – the Old Believers. The struggle of 8 thousand military men and 2 thousand Bolsheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries, and Caucasian students lasts 10 days. The losses of the rebels – 1 000, government troops – 120—130. As a result of this gradually fading small civil war, until 1911, 18,000 people were killed on both sides. Photography – artillery shelling barricades in the Presny area. The picture is apocalyptic. Moscow, December 1905

Barricade on Presnya Street (now Krasnaya Presnya), 1905, and its defenders. In addition to activists of the RSDLP (b) and left-wing Socialist Revolutionaries, militants of the Polish Socialist Party, the Finnish Party of Active Resistance, the Socialist Jewish People’s Party, the Bund, the Armenian Dashnaktsyutun, the Georgian National Democrats, the Latvian Forest Brothers, and many others, nominally Russian, participate in the fighting national socialist organizations

Barricade on Malaya Bronnaya Street, Moscow, December 1905. Random look at the camera. Hello! Randomly selected photo. It seems that the velvet walk with Mademausel N scheduled for this evening is canceled

See photos of the peaceful life of the Russian Empire (RI). Outdoor dining room, “obzhorka” for ordinary people, street children and free tramps. The main meal in such a fast food – not eaten from a nearby restaurant. Slices of sausage alternate with slices of bread, boiled eggs, herring, remnants of delicacies and “cheek”, cut from boiled bovine heads. With additional heat treatment, if necessary, it is not poison. You can have lunch in a “Swedish” or, more correctly, “Russian” table in just one or three kopecks. In the tavern with a rank higher, you will be fed to the dump for 25—30 kopecks. Salt is free. The saying of the relevant time – “In Russia, no one has ever starved to death”

Street drinking, photo 1904—1905 Central Russia. In the center of the exhibition is a serviceman who was injured an eye, presumably, during the Russian-Japanese war. The need for this kind of sedatives, in this case, can not cause any other emotions except deep sympathy. Song of Time – “On the hills of Manchuria” (listen) …вальс “На сопках Маньчжурии”

Coachers in sheepskin coats and felt boots for tea drinking, not dated photograph, 1910s. It seems that people are happy with what they already have. We found those who live well. To set for a while, pour into a deep saucer of strong sweet tea.

These Russian high-school students, with all the attributes of adulthood, are most likely not going to take the path of the revolutionary struggle. In the noisy hall of the restaurant. What is listening to our golden youth? Perhaps a romance performed by Nadezhda Plevitskaya “The Seagull” (1908)? Photo 1910 …Надежда Плевикая, романс Чайка, слушать

The best position in the world (1910—1914) is occupied by the workers and peasants of France. The franc is the leading currency of the planet, everywhere it is, even if you break the trade balance you can buy something useful. Having experienced more than one revolution, the Empire (or the Republic, anyway) is inclined to share goodness with its French citizens in the colonies. The United States is gazing at France, also wishing to raise the “bucks” to an inaccessible height. The workers of North America do not feel, as they say, “ordinary people.” Like ordinary soldiers of Napoleon, they carry marshal batons in their satchels. Every American is free to join the national sport – free enterprise. For this, there are conditions, including the laws that go to man (and not against him), and the Spirit of Success that is made up of many stories and myths. And yes, besides the marshal’s batons, US citizens have something hotter. “Since a well-organized militia is necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms should not be violated” (Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights, 1791). Both the state and the capitalist ministers are forced to take this into account. Ironically, England, the cradle of European democracy from the 11th century, ranks only third in the ranking. The last revolution took place in the time of Oliver Cromwell. The local aristocracy and the bourgeoisie have the ambition and privileges, the colonial benefits are unevenly distributed, the social elevators are stalled. As a result – the difficult situation of workers. Since 1910, waves of rallies and strikes have rolled through the Foggy Albion. Sometimes some people throw stones at the trains, switch the railroad switches, and cut off the telegraph lines. Authorities use force. In August 1911, 5 protesters died. Photography – striking transport workers (railway workers), Wales, August 22, 1911

The authorities send cavalry to the miners’ strike… A young bulldog interferes in the course of events (excuse me, this is a common, and not at all offensive, nickname) Winston Churchill. “If the soldiers start shooting at civilians, it will be a disaster.” It seems that the events of “Bloody Sunday” in Russia are reaching first of all the consciousness of British politicians. Receiving the appropriate instructions, respected by the people, the police calm the demonstrators. Both the bourgeoisie and the government are making concessions. Before crumpled up, the dialogue between citizens and the authorities resumes. Such a course of events is possible when the national composition of the country is fairly homogeneous. The same France, after the Second World War, opened the door to the flow of migrants from the colonies, has collided, and will still face many un-acceptable in principle requirements. In the photo – workers of coal mines stop the strike. England, Wales, 1911. It’s time to drink a little whiskey

Not only terrorist revolutionaries throw fuel into the fire of the Civil War. On the photo is the Aleksandrovsky mine of the Lenzoloto joint-stock company, 1910. More than 70% of the shares of a profitable enterprise (production is hundreds of tons) belong to the English company Lena Goldfield ltd. To be precise, the managing director of the “partnership” is Baron Alfred Goratsievich Ginzburg, director of the board M.E. Meyer, G.M. Shamnanyer, and the like. Working day – at least 11.5 hours, excluding time to the road to the mine and back. Weekend – one or two per month. Salary – 1,5 – 2,5 rubles per day. Cherry on the cake – the highest injury and heavy fines for any reason

To the call of the workers to stop supplying them rotten meat, the search administration refuses. Activists create a strike committee and stop metal mining. On April 4, 1911, a rally of two thousand people with “conscious notes” will take place (the prosecutor demands that each worker hand over the confirmation of the petition to him personally). At this time, the captain of the Gendarme Corps (a kind of modern Rosgvardia) someone Treshchenkov gives the order to the soldiers to open fire to kill. 270 people die. The event has a wide resonance. In the end, the workers leave the “black spot”, the mines are empty, and the capitalists stuck in stupid greed are left with nothing

A protest rally in St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospect, April 15, 1912. Note that the capital of the great “Eurasian” Empire looks quite decent. There are electric lights on the streets, almost indistinguishable from modern trams go… still can be very good. Lady N or X or Y, agree to come on a date today. To begin with, we will talk about revolutionaries and the great future of the Russian Republic. Girls like romantic, not like everyone, conspirators

A protest demonstration, April 15, 1912, in connection with the shooting of workers at the Lensky mine. Irkutsk Province. The photograph shows senior students. We see marked by the stamp of anger, but also quite humane faces. Are you among them? Where will fate lead these people from 1917? In Russia, civil society, bar associations and deputies are being formed, ready to intercede for the people. But public consensus is still weak, as if a nestling had just been hatched. It is quite possible that, step by step, the Russian ethnos would have come to this state of things, which now exists in America. Former slaves, black citizens of the United States, now have almost more rights than white Americans, ex-gentlemen. In any case, there are reasons to bow to the opinion that any serious changes for the better do not go without manifestations and human victims. The preacher Martin Luther King, the American equivalent of the Russian George Agathon, dies in 1968 from a sniper’s bullet. The subsequent powerful wave of black unrest for a long time, if not forever closes the topic of official racial segregation. As we will see later, the reconciliation of the social strata of Russia has for some time been actively hampered by a certain ethnic group. First place in the top 10 songs of the time – “Varshavyanka” 1905 (listen)

The cultural life of pre-revolutionary Russia is developed, although it is marked by one-sidedness. The first feature film made in Russia – “Poniznaya Freemen” or “Stenka Razin and the Princess” lasts 6 minutes. Since the release of the film on the screens of “electro-theaters” in 1908, Russian cinema has begun to catch up with Europe and the USA in terms of the quantity and quality of films. For the year removed 150—200 gaming and popular science tapes. Already in 1911, the full-length film “Defense of Sevastopol”, 100 minutes, was released in the film company A. Khanzhonkov. Producers, scriptwriters and directors are addicted to the themes of life in high society – like “Anna Karenina” (1914), “Noble Nest” (1915), “Queen of Spades” (1916) – and all that jazz. There is no so-called “common man” of such independent Charlie Chaplin characters aspiring to social justice, adapted to Russian realities. Photography – shot from the film “Stenka Razin and the Princess”, 1908

The auditorium of one of the St. Petersburg cinemas. People gathered here can be workers, merchants, industrialists, girls of easy virtue, romantic grammar-school girls and cadets of military schools. Cinema unites all. But, alas, only to a certain extent. … Where does the notorious N go?

The room of the projectionist in one of the Russian “electro-theaters”, 1912—1914. Apparently, the technique already looks quite technologically. “What are you doing now?” We ask the projectionist. Since 1914, the image of the Little Tramp is shown on the screens of world cinemas. Refinement, clothes and a cane of a gentleman are combined with low social status. In addition to laughter, there are true crepes – warmth and love. Now, in the spring of the fourteenth year, we can already see “Children’s car racing.” The highest achievement of Charlie Chaplin, actor, screenwriter and director – “Lights of the big city” (1931). How to reach such heights? Let us read an excerpt from Charles’s letter: “… I learned what hunger is, what it is to not have a roof over my head. Moreover, I experienced the humiliating pain of a wanderer-jester, in whose chest a whole ocean of pride was raging, and this pride hurt hurled coins. And yet I am alive, so leave it. Better talk about you. After your name – Geraldine – should be my last name – Chaplin. With this surname for more than forty years, I am amused people on earth. But I cried more than they laughed. Geraldine, in the world in which you live, there is not only dancing and music! At midnight, when you leave the huge hall, you can forget the rich fans, but do not forget to ask the taxi driver, who will take you home, about his wife. And if she is pregnant, if they have no money for diapers for an unborn baby, put the money in his pocket. I ordered the bank to pay these your expenses. But all others pay strictly on the bill. From time to time, take the subway or bus, go on foot and explore the city. Look at the people! Look at widows and orphans! And at least once a day, say to yourself: ‘I am the same as they are.’ Yes, you are one of them, girl! Moreover. Art, before giving a person wings so that he can fly up, usually breaks his legs. And if a day comes when you will feel higher than the public, immediately leave the stage …”.

The photograph is frozen in time by the trading house of the Eliseevs, St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospect, 56, presumably 1912—1914. One of the most famous auditoriums of the capital of Ingushetia is located here. Come in now. Carefully move the square, there are still no traffic lights. A languid evening can be crowned with a trip to a restaurant with Mrs. Y. “Vienna”, Pea 8, or “Astoria” on Morskoy 39? Walk so walk. “European” on Mikhailovskaya 1. There are rooms for guests. See photos of restaurants of old Petersburg, dear reader. Do you think she will agree? Returning to the theme of Charlie Chaplin, we note that in the countries of the Anglo-Saxon world a unique system of counterbalances has been developed, which allows one to restrain the self-conceit of the Jewish people and sublimate it into something really valuable. The song of time – “Hey, the driver, drive to Yar”, performed by A. Tkachev (listen). …“Эй ямщик, гони ка к Яру”, А. Ткачев

From October 1910, part of the Khodynsky field was transferred to the Moscow Society of Aeronautics. Flights on airplanes become a kind of spectacle, the attraction “takes off, does not take off?”. Four years later, from the form of entertainment, aviation will turn into a new, terrifying and awe weapon. At first, French aircraft were used in Russia, but already in 1913, the Russian-Baltic Plant (present-day Riga) produced the world’s first heavy, or even the strategic bomber Ilya Muromets (option – a comfortable passenger airliner). Photography – Khodynskoe field, 1910

Book store A. Zinserling, department of fiction. Petersburg, 1913 Book publishing in pre-revolutionary Russia is at a high level. In particular, the reader receives thick, beautifully illustrated, informative and entertaining popular science journals. Periodicals of the late Soviet period seem only to be their faded reflections. I guess this is a good place to meet intelligent ladies.

Writer Leo Tolstoy in a relaxed position at the railway station, 1909. Russian literature of that time is busy clarifying the relationship between a man and a woman (with a dog, or not) in high society. The worker, the peasant, the soldier are presented as passing, insignificant figures. In the noble nest, the young lady reprimands her husband, “Well, why, why didn’t you know how to understand me?” – at that time, one must assume, a peasant child dies nearby, without medical assistance. The latter simply falls out of sight of the literary aristocrats. The young nobleman bypasses the homes of “his” peasants, criticizes them for the wretchedness of life and morals. Definitely, Leo Tolstoy himself is indignant when an elderly and sick peasant, that’s terrible, asks for permission to sit down in the presence of the landowner. The topic of the centuries-long enslavement of Russians by Russians is considered not so forbidden, but definitely not comme il faut. Silence awakens the terrible Beast

Grocery store of pre-revolutionary Russia. It seems now earlier morning. In the foreground – fish and canning departments. Next – groceries and fruit. Come in, we have everything for you. Or do you not like the smell of fish? Catfish, kilogram 20 kopecks., Salmon 80 kopecks., Black granular caviar, kilogram 3 p. 50 kop., Red 2 p. 50 kopecks If you are a good worker, a liter pot of first-class caviar is the essence of your two-day salary. In addition, across the road is the Venskoye draft beer, 10 kopecks a liter. Today is a day off, you can walk

Shop of the Russian electric society “Dynamo”. Department of lamps. Fontanka Embankment 65, 1911. The look pleases the abundance of electric lamps of various designs. After 10 years, the Bolsheviks create a legend about their exceptional role in the electrification of Russia. The so-called “Illich lamp” is an incandescent lamp whose cartridge is attached to the ceiling and hangs down. The lampshade of such a lamp is missing. The switch, if any, is located in the body of the cartridge

Petersburg, Liteyniy Prospekt 43, 1914. As can be seen, with taste, high-quality outdoor advertising does not spoil, as they say now, the “historical appearance of buildings”. The appearance of Russian stores, their quite rich content is not inferior to the same establishments in London, Paris, Berlin or Vienna… Let’s walk here with an attractive man of the opposite sex? Dear young lady, do you know that I am from the future? Yes, the year 2019. Would you like to ask me anything? About the revolution?

The Russian national bourgeoisie before the October Revolution of 1917 were, in general, quite good, prudent and hard-working people. But the Russian bourgeois are not the vanguard of the revolutionary movement, as in Europe. Some of them are trying to direct the process of social transformations, donating money to terrorists, Social Revolutionaries, Bolsheviks. However, steel is stronger than gold. In such an interaction, the one who holds a revolver or bomb in his hand soon becomes the main one. The offspring of Russian industrialists, merchants do not want to get involved in the intrigues of intrigue. They do not have their own, secret or explicit organization. The purpose of life is to meet a lady from high society, go to a restaurant, organize a chic party, and the like. Photography – bourgeois of Chelyabinsk, 1910

The king, who was fenced off from the people, his closest circle, the family, subconsciously, nonetheless, are looking for some common points with common people. At this time, Grigory Rasputin, a native of Tobolsk Province, the son of a driver and, perhaps, not an ordinary person, travels a lot around Russia, visits Mount Athos and Jerusalem. He arrives in Moscow, where the bishops accept him. They spread a rumor about the abilities of “God man.” The good news reaches the ears of the Empress. At the tea party, November 1, 1905, the first meeting of the emperor and ladies of high society with Rasputin takes place. Further meetings with the entire imperial family are held once a month. Not that the king loved the pilgrim with all his heart, but he is the only one who can calm Alix’s tantrums with his power. Gregory publishes readable works for his time – “The Life of an Experienced Wanderer”, “My Thoughts and Thoughts”. Among the prophecies of 1916, the most important thing is the testament: “… I feel that I must die before the New Year. But I want, nevertheless, to reveal to the Russian people, the Father, Mother Russian and the Children, what they have to do. If I will be killed by simple robbers, by my brothers, Russian peasants, then you, Tsar of Russia, do not be afraid, stay on the throne and rule, and do not fear for your children, for they will reign for another hundred years and beyond. If the nobles kill me, then my blood will remain in their hands, and they will not be able to wash it off for 25 years (until 1941). They will have to leave Russia. Then the brothers will kill the brothers, and kill each other. And 25 years will not be nobles in the state. … If your relatives lead to my death, then no one from your family – neither children nor relatives will survive in two years. They will all be killed by the Russian people …». Photography – Rasputin in the aristocratic circle

In 1912, the Second Balkan War begins. Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Montenegro push the Great Porto, strive to pinch off a piece and from each other. The forces of the parties – Turkey 475 thousand people, the Balkan Union – 620 thousand. Battles are fierce. In the course of the first time go combat aircraft; they drop bombs on ships. The Balkans besieged the native Turkish cities, approaching Istanbul, bring turmoil into the souls of the Ottomans, give rise to a political crisis. The losses are 30 thousand people killed on each side. Turkey is losing its possessions in Europe. Serbia never gets access to the sea. Now it is hampered by Albania, which was formed from the “nobody’s” territory, as well as Austria-Hungary, which has entered for this newly formed country. Russia collects donations, provides the Balkan Union of volunteer pilots, makes diplomatic efforts, but, by and large, does not interfere in the conflict. The reason for this – the influence of Grigory Rasputin on the king. Exhortations of the “common man” put off the beginning of the First World War for two years. Photography – Serbian guns in a combat position