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Kate & Alf
‘I hope you’re ready for some fun tonight’ Alf said, suddenly animated and fiddling with his top shirt button. He stole a sideward glance at Kate and was happy to see her radiant expression. These days it was rare these days to see her being spirited about life. It hadn’t gone unnoticed, either, that she’d seemed distracted over the past month and he wasn’t sure what to do about it. He was hoping the evening would be the key to bringing her back out of her shell.
They’d been driving through country lanes for a while when Kate observed that the car was slowing just as Alf hit the right-side indicator. Her stomach somersaulted. She recognised the road that they were heading into. Pearmont Manor Road. Pearmont Manor was one of the area’s most exclusive wedding venues. She’d only seen the stately home in various magazine articles, but its breathtaking exterior surrounded by exquisite landscaped greenery had provided a backdrop for stunning photographic memories. Remembering the various interior event rooms, her heart skipped a beat.
Surely not? Hardly able to contain her nerves and excitement she swallowed back a squeak.
‘Everything okay?’ Alf asked, eyeing her in amusement as the car smoothly made its approach into the wide tree-lined road. Pearmont Manor growing bigger on the left side of them as they travelled parallel to it.
Kate suppressed a grin and tried to calm her racing heart. Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought Alf would arrange something so special. She wanted to fling her arms around him and kiss him passionately – but it would have to wait. Soon she could do as she wished – hopefully in front of their guests whilst Alf was down on one knee. Just the thought made her giddy and lightheaded.
The car slowed as the Pearmont entrance came into view. ‘Here we are,’ Alf said, clicking his left indicator. As the last of the tall hedging bushes and conifers cleared, the full magnificence of the stately home made it presence known, causing both of them to inhale sharply – for completely different reasons. The car shuddered and stalled as Alf fumbled with the ignition.
‘Oh, sorry, wrong entrance. This isn’t the one.’ With a panicked stance, he flicked off his indicator and quickly restarted the engine. Feeling Kate’s confused stare burning into him, he tried not to let his tension show. He was well aware that the mishap could well have set him on a fast track to failure.
‘It’s not?’ Kate asked, trying to keep her voice steady as the car gradually picked up pace and the Manor slowly faded behind them. Was there another entrance around the back? It was, after all, a very big venue. There was undoubtedly more than one entrance, she told herself. Trees and conifers clouded her view as the road narrowed in front of them. Minutes seemed to pass before the car slowed for a second time and Alf once again flicked on the left indicator.
Kate clenched her fists in anxiety as the hedging cleared once again and a sign came into view. She could see the word ‘Pearmont’ and relief washed over her. Thank goodness, another entrance.
‘We’re here’ Alf said, slightly dubious and wondering if he’d chosen correctly after all. What if she hated it?
The car approached a paved entrance and turned slowly left onto a gravel driveway. Kate looked up at the large sign that had given her fresh hope only moments earlier and tried not to gasp as Alf’s hand squeezed hers encouragingly.
Pulling the car to a stop he switched off the engine and gently kissed her hand, pushing aside his doubts and beginning to feel more zealous.
‘Welcome to Pearmont Greyhound Stadium, babe.’
He broke into an excited grin; one that made Kate’s heart plummet to even further depths, for she could see it was no humorous joke on his part – only genuine enthusiasm.
‘You’re probably wondering why I chose here?’ He looked at her intently and squeezed her knee. ‘I thought it’d be special to recapture our first date seven years ago – except this time I’m going to make it an unforgettable night.’
Kate, lost for words, struggled to contain tears, the disappointment and dismay hitting her with full force. This was not what she’d been expecting. Not at all.
‘Say something…?’ Alf said quietly, growing more and more concerned. He knew Kate well enough to know when she was shocked. But her face was telling him that it wasn’t a happy shock. ‘Look, I know it’s not the Manor next door. I made a wrong turn back there. This stadium is really nice, though. I know you’ll love it – even though it’s not the one where we first met….’ He tailed off, suddenly edgy.
Looking into his squinting eyes in the dimming evening light, Kate caught his worried expression. She took a deep breath, forcing a light, reassuring tone to her voice. ‘I’m just a little taken aback – it’s not what I expected, that’s all.’ She bit down on her lip, wondering what to say. ‘It’s a lovely idea, though, so thoughtful.’ She was lying, but what more could she do? She felt a lump in her throat and tried to swallow it down.
‘You understand the relevance, right? I thought it’d be special. And fun. I thought you’d be excited about it.’ Alf sounded a little dejected and defensive. He fiddled with his seatbelt awkwardly.
Leaning forward, Kate gently kissed him on the lips, silencing him. She pulled back slowly, noticing that his air of excitement had evaporated. He looked forlorn. She grabbed his arm and linked hers through hers, trying to be upbeat.
‘Of course it’ll be fun. We’re together and it’s my birthday. I know tonight is going to be special, so let’s just go inside and enjoy it.’
Pushing aside the mental images of Pearmont Manor and her dashed hopes, she allowed Alf to lead her towards the entrance of the stadium, with a heavy heart and only one remaining thought. He was the man that she dearly loved, spent every available moment with and had been by her side for over seven years…
So how could he have got it so very very wrong?
Chapter 2
‘You could have at least warned me,’ Kate whispered, retouching her eye make-up in the bright lighting of the ladies’ toilet. She watched as Megan – who was standing against the hand dryer – shrugged her shoulders uncomfortably and lowered her gaze.
‘I’m so sorry, Kate – if Alf hadn’t made me promise then I would have. But he was so taken with the idea and I knew how disappointed you’d probably be, but truthfully, Kate – it wasn’t my place to warn you.’
‘But didn’t you try to change his mind?’ Kate asked, exasperated. Megan knew her better than anyone – surely she should have intervened in some way?
Tossing her chocolate-brown, wavy hair to one side, Megan sighed. She had known from the moment Alf had sent her the email of his proposed venue that Kate would be less than enthused. Annoyed at his suggestion, for a fleeting moment she had wondered whether to call him on the internal switchboard and suggest meeting in the staff canteen of the large corporate insurance brokers they both worked for; but she’d decided against it. Alf had made it painfully clear over the years that he didn’t value her input or appreciate her outgoing personality. She was certain he wouldn’t want to listen to her concerns. Besides, she’d already caught wind of a potentially bigger revelation that was sure to rock Kate’s world if it transpired. The venue was the least of her worries.
‘You know as well as I do that if I’d tried to change his mind, he’d have dismissed me without giving it a second thought.’ She gave Kate a wry smile. ‘Anyway, part of me hoped that you’d be so bowled over with the romance behind the idea that you’d forgive him for the awful choice.’
Kate sighed. She knew Megan was right. Alf wasn’t one to be swayed once he’d set his heart on something – least of all by a woman he didn’t favour. Megan did have a point – the gesture behind his idea was romantic.
She could hardly believe that seven years had passed – it seemed like a lifetime ago that Megan had persuaded her to attend her summer works’ do. It certainly wasn’t the place she’d wanted to spend her evening, yet events beyond her control had led to her finding herself at a dog stadium in an unfamiliar town.
It just so happened that she’d been parted from Megan and the other colleagues in a flurry of visitors placing their bets, and a kind, dark-haired man with a slightly crooked smile had asked if she was okay. From the moment she locked eyes with Alf, she’d had a sixth-sense feeling he was going to be in her life forever. And here she was, tearing apart his romantic gesture because she’d expected something more to her taste.
Glancing into the mirror Megan quickly applied a fresh coat of the clear liquid gloss to her full lips. She’d never been a big fan of too much make-up, but then she’d never really needed it. Satisfied with her appearance, she picked up her purse and tried steering the conversation in a new direction.
‘I still can’t believe you spilt nail varnish over your dress. Honestly Kate, you are the clumsiest woman on earth. You have got to get that dress dry-cleaned or something. It’s too stunning to waste.’
Kate nodded grimly. ‘Yes, I was gutted, but then Alf did make a comment that he preferred me in this dress, which was a bit strange. He said I looked more understated and simple.’
Spinning around with her forehead furrowed questioningly, Megan tried not to let her disdain be too obvious. ‘Understated? Simple? Are you serious? You looked absolutely gorgeous in that dress.’ She shook her head in disgust. ‘What is wrong with him? Dearie me, Kate, it seems he’d like to keep you as dull as dishwater.’
Staring at Megan incredulously, Kate angrily picked up her clutch bag. ‘Wow, thanks for that – that’s really cheered me up! Nice to know I’m as dull as dishwater.’
Despite the tension, Megan laughed lightly. ‘Don’t over-react – you know what I’m referring to. I’ve told you countless times you need to get more of a life and when I saw you in that cream dress, it just reminded me of well, you, the real you….’ She squeezed Kate’s arm gently, noticing a shadow pass across her friend’s face. ‘I just want to see you happy again, you know that.’
Kate’s expression softened. ‘I know that. But I am happy – Alf makes me happy. Plus it’s my birthday and he has another surprise up his sleeve… I can feel it.’ Her eyes sparkled in excitement.
Megan wanted to believe Kate’s convincing words, but she knew her friend too well. She’d noticed a vast change in her over the last year and couldn’t help but refer back to the passing comments Kate had made about Alf on various occasions. Whether she realised it or not, she’d been disclosing a side of her partner that Megan saw in its true colour – insecurity. As well as Kate’s growing introversion, Alf seemed to be projecting all of his own issues onto Kate. It wasn’t a healthy situation.
Wisely ignoring the reference to Alf having another surprise for the evening, Megan smoothed down her tight blue bodycon dress and turned towards the door. She knew full well that Kate had quietly set her hopes on Alf proposing, given their two-year deadline. But her intuition was telling her otherwise. Anyway, if the office gossip that had filtered down from management was true, Alf would have other life decisions to concentrate on. She only hoped that Kate wasn’t going to be too devastated if she didn’t get the proposal she was expecting.
‘Right then, enough talking – let’s get out there and get you enjoying your party.’
Kate followed, feeling more enthusiastic. She could already hear the beat of a song she favoured in the background and she’d noticed so many familiar faces she couldn’t wait to catch up with.
‘Oh, just one last thing. Did you decide on the colour theme? Or was that Alf too?’
Megan looked around and pulled a face in distaste. ‘Do you really need to ask that? I tried to suggest pink, white and silver, but he was having none of it.’
Kate smiled; she’d thought as much. Pink, white and silver would have been so much better. She stepped into the hallway, allowing the heavy bathroom door to swing shut behind her. They both giggled at the green ‘Happy 32nd Birthday’ banner that had been stuck wonkily on the overhead beam and walked towards the venue room.
Alf watched from across the room as Kate’s face lit up at something one of her friends had said. She threw her hands up in a mock shock and broke into a wide grin. She looked so animated. Luminous. He was pleased the venue had paid off. For a moment when they arrived, from the expression on her face, he thought he’d screwed things up, but she’d soon cheered up. The red and green balloons had been a good idea, too. Not pink, white and silver, as Megan had suggested. He knew Kate better than anyone and she wasn’t one of these fluffy women who needed pink things in their life. She’d seemed pleased with the decorations, commenting on them as they walked towards the private-event room he’d arranged. He could have easily gone for the country pub venue but this idea was better – he hoped it had reminded her of his unique and creative side. He wasn’t a dull person and yet that’s exactly how he’d felt lately – grey. He was sure he wasn’t the only one feeling it – it was good to see Kate looking happy again.
‘Alright, mate.’ Josh, Alf’s colleague, interrupted his observation. ‘Great party.’ He took a swig of his bottled cider. ‘I’ve just been chatting with Walshy over there about how hot Megan looks tonight.’
‘Wouldn’t know about that, mate. Loud-mouthed, arrogant women don’t do it for me. She’s got a great face and figure – I’ll give her that much. Shame about the personality.’ Alf glanced at the willowy Megan standing next to Kate and tucking her thick, wavy hair to one side. There was no denying that she was stunning. Yet he couldn’t help but dislike her influence over Kate.
Josh grinned mischievously. He was known in Alf’s department as the ‘wind-up merchant’ and was all too aware of the stand-off between Alf and Megan. He’d already been over to Megan and tried his luck tonight, but to no avail. She was also being uncharacteristically tight-lipped.
‘Who’s the woman in the polka-dot dress by the window?’ Josh asked, nodding his head towards a short, slim blonde in sky-scraping heels.
‘Jo – Kate’s friend, and she’s married. Got three kids. It’s a no-go mate.’ Alf drained his pint of beer and excused himself, drawn to the laughter and shrieking from where Kate stood surrounded by their mutual friends.
Kate took another gulp of her rosé wine and wiped a tear of laughter from beneath her eye. She saw Alf approaching with a grin on his face. He’d loosened his shirt buttons and she noticed he looked relaxed and happy. ‘We were just laughing about the old days. Do you remember that time we got lost on our weekend break in Wales and they had to send the rescue team out. Then Ian ended up breaking his little toe after the ram chased him?’
Alf laughed. ‘He’s always said his toe has never been the same since. The funny thing is, he already had a sixth toe to start with.’ Giggles erupted around him as he looked down at his empty glass. ‘I’m just going to get a top-up.’
‘I’ll come with you.’ Linking her arm through his, Kate turned to Alf. ‘I’m having the best night. Thank you so much for arranging this.’ It was true. The music, the people, the wine. It might not have been what she’d expected but the past couple of hours had been a blast.
‘There’s more to come yet.’ Alf whispered, leaning in to kiss her gently on the lips.
Kate felt her stomach somersault. She couldn’t imagine a happier ending to the evening than Alf proposing. It was certainly going to be a memory for the future. She tried to contain her excitement as another thought popped into her head.
‘Oh, before I forget. All that reminiscing about our weekend break to Wales made me remember the artistic retreat I was going to do. I think I’m going to look into it again.’
Alf stopped in his tracks. ‘Artistic retreat? But I thought you’d given up with your art?’
Kate noticed the edge of tension in his voice and felt her enthusiasm falter. She walked slowly ahead of him. ‘Well, I know it’s been a long time, but painting used to make me so happy. Remembering it made me feel excited again.’
‘It’s up to you – you do as you please, but I very much doubt considering you haven’t held a brush in eight years that you’ll pick up where you left off.’ They’d reached the bar and Alf turned to catch the attention of the waiter.
‘I wasn’t expecting to pick up where I left off.’ Kate retorted, wounded. She noticed that Alf’s body language had changed; he was standing stiffly against the bar, agitatedly drumming his knuckles. ‘Just forget I said anything, okay?’
He swiftly placed his order with the barman and turned to look at her with a confused look in his eyes. ‘I didn’t mean it like that, darling. I just meant – don’t expect to have the big opportunities that you once had with it. Things change. Your life is different now.’
Kate felt herself shrinking inside. She was well aware that in the past she’d thrown away a good opportunity to make a name for herself in the art world, but she’d never regretted it. She thought Alf had understood that – hadn’t he?
‘I know, and I didn’t mean about doing it professionally. I just meant I might look into the retreat again and take it up as a hobby. A creative outlet. That’s all.’
She felt her hair being tugged gently and instantly span around to see a tipsy Megan behind her. ‘Hey doll, are you okay?’
Megan smiled and held up her wine glass, not noticing as the liquid spilled over the edges onto the carpet. ‘I was coming to get you for a boogie. I’ve asked the DJ to play our song.’
Kate caught Alf’s cold stare in Megan’s direction and felt it wise to keep the pair as far apart as possible. Following the exchange she’d just had with Alf, his happier mood had clearly vanished. The waiter finished pouring a fresh glass of wine and handed it to her.
She smiled at her friend encouragingly. ‘I’d love to. Go and get us a good spot by the DJ stand and I’ll be right over.’
Megan followed Kate’s orders, but not before singing the song loudly as she brushed purposefully – if not a little drunkenly, past Alf.
‘And you call that sorry excuse of a drunken woman a sensible friend?’ Alf smirked as Megan was barely out of earshot.
‘She’s just a little tipsy, that’s all. Why don’t you come and have a dance after, too? Let’s bust out some moves together on the dance floor,’ Kate replied lightly, doing her best impression of a dancing robot. The wine she’d drunk was squashing any inhibitions.
Alf’s face lightened and he laughed, grabbing her waist. ‘I’ll hold you to that. It’s been a while since the world has seen my running man.’ Smiling, Kate led him towards the makeshift dance floor just as Rihanna came over the speakers.
‘It’s your song,’ Alf said, visibly relieved at having an excuse to return to the boys. ‘You’d better get over to Miss Tipsy and do your dance together. Just don’t be there all night.’ He watched as Kate sashayed her way over to where Megan was already doing her best Rihanna impersonation and shook his head in disbelief.
It was almost eleven o’clock and Alf knew his time had come. He stepped up onto the small stage just as the DJ cut the music. The heavy tap on the microphone sent a high-pitched shrill sound through the room, causing everyone to wince and still their chatter and dancing. His eyes immediately found Kate amongst the crowd, looking at him flushed and bewildered. She was a little drunk but still as luminous as she had been all evening. He only hoped his final surprise would be one to make her smile with even more happiness. He’d thought about it for a while – uncertain if it was the right thing to do….but his mind had been made up. He was confident it would bring her happiness in a way that he knew she craved.
‘Ladies and gents,’ he began. ‘Firstly, I’d like to thank you for sharing this special evening with us and I’d especially like to ask you all to raise your glasses to my Kate. Thirty-two years old. Happy birthday, babe.’ He raised his pint of beer and the guests followed suit.
Kate found herself surrounded by loud cheers and applause, momentarily forgetting the fluttering of nervous energy that was coursing through her in shock waves. This was it. The very moment she’d been waiting for.
Alf’s amplified voice cut through the crowd. ‘Furthermore, some of you may be wondering why I’m on this stage and why I’m about to ask my darling Kate to join me.’ With a shy smile he beckoned her with his hand and Kate watched as the crowd parted before her. Various hands nudged her forward and she was propelled towards him.
Taking a wobbly step onto the low-level stage, her legs were shaking with nerves. The guests were once again applauding and cheering. Looking out at the room of smiling faces before her, her stomach did a flip as Alf took her hand in his and squeezed it. She gazed into his smiling eyes and saw the Alf she’d always known and loved. The Alf she’d spent the biggest part of her life with.
‘Kate, you know how much I love you. I wanted tonight to be a special evening and one to remember. I hope in some way I’ve achieved that. However, there is a reason I’ve asked you up here and that reason is – there’s something special I want to give you.’ Taking a small, blue-leather box from his pocket, Alf nervously held it in his outstretched hand.
‘For you, Kate. Open it.’
Heart pounding so fast it felt like it would burst from her chest, Kate carefully reached out and accepted the box – not daring to breathe as the intense headiness of excitement and nerves swept her up in a whirlwind. It was every bit as magical as she’d hoped for. Silence surrounded her as everyone waited with baited breath.
Gingerly preparing to open it, she bit down on her lip to stop herself from screaming with elation. Vaguely aware of the entrance door opening and closing beside her, her fingers trembled as she slowly flipped back the leather-bound lid.
She let out a gasp. Nestled softly in a layer of cream silk was a perfectly round, shiny and shimmering disk. A single word was etched clearly onto its surface. Before she had a chance to utter the muffled gasp that was forming in the back of her throat, a box was thrust onto the stage by her feet.
Alf bent down and quickly removed the lid, at the same time swiftly collecting the box’s contents in his arms and thrusting it towards Kate. A gasp of surprise swept around the room.
‘In keeping with the theme.’ He winked at the guests. ‘I wanted to get you something that I know you would love and would also be an incentive for us both to take up walking more often.’ The crowd tittered at his joke in surprised amusement.
The tiny Cavalier King Charles spaniel puppy gave a timid squeak as Alf placed him gently onto Kate’s chest. Kate stood shell-shocked, looking at the puppy in a daze of misunderstanding.
‘Kate, meet Sam – our new puppy.’
As a warm, acidic liquid poured out of little Sam and spread across Kate’s chest and down her dress, she swallowed back the ball of disappointment lodging itself in her throat. She managed a quick, trembling smile before being unable to hold back any longer. Meeting Megan’s sympathetic eyes in the crowd, she burst into tears.
This was most definitely not the ending to her night that she had been anticipating.
Chapter 3
Easing her small hatchback car into the only spot remaining in the Oak Park Care Home parking, Kate wondered how long it would be until the heavens opened. The Monday morning grey sky conveniently reflected her mood – she’d barely been able to sleep through Alf’s snoring and the puppy’s continual whimpering. Her body felt limp and she could hardly keep her eyes open.
Noting the time on her dashboard, she grabbed her well-worn shoulder bag and the Tupperware tub of birthday cake she’d brought for the residents and dashed towards the entrance – aware that she was already ten minutes late.