
шахматные партии

Сhess. A New Option?
Chess is a wonderful game! Every day millions of people in the world meet by the chessboard: learning to play chess is very easy. Certainly most of them do not suspect that chess is science, art, sports. That there exists a great number of chess book…
Chess is a wonderful game! Every day millions of people in the world meet by the chessboard: learning to play chess is very easy. Certainly most of them do not suspect that chess is science, art, sports. That there exists a great number of chess book…
Complete games collection with his own annotations. Volume I. 1905−1920
The fourth world champion Alexander Alekhine has gone down in history not only as the winner of numerous tournaments and matches and the creator of hundreds of chess masterpieces. He is also rightly regarded as one of the most outstanding analysts of…
The fourth world champion Alexander Alekhine has gone down in history not only as the winner of numerous tournaments and matches and the creator of hundreds of chess masterpieces. He is also rightly regarded as one of the most outstanding analysts of…

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