
остросюжетные детективы

Hannah, a Witch
An endless black streak has come in the life of Stephen Wright. Poor and deceived, what should he do to make the Miracle happen, in which he he has long ceased to believe? It turns out not that much. It's enough to hear the mysterious prediction of a…
An endless black streak has come in the life of Stephen Wright. Poor and deceived, what should he do to make the Miracle happen, in which he he has long ceased to believe? It turns out not that much. It's enough to hear the mysterious prediction of a…
Hannah, a Witch
An endless black streak has come in the life of Stephen Wright. Poor and deceived, what should he do to make the Miracle happen, in which he he has long ceased to believe? It turns out not that much. It's enough to hear the mysterious prediction of a…
An endless black streak has come in the life of Stephen Wright. Poor and deceived, what should he do to make the Miracle happen, in which he he has long ceased to believe? It turns out not that much. It's enough to hear the mysterious prediction of a…
Napoleon Great-Great-Grandson Speaks
The book begins with the story of how Napoleon Bonaparte found himself in the house of Armand-Emmanuel du Plessis, the Duke of Richelieu and governor of Odessa, in 1807. A brief liaison with the duke’s 19-year-old Italian servant girl, Luisa Ravelli,…
The book begins with the story of how Napoleon Bonaparte found himself in the house of Armand-Emmanuel du Plessis, the Duke of Richelieu and governor of Odessa, in 1807. A brief liaison with the duke’s 19-year-old Italian servant girl, Luisa Ravelli,…

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