
мировая экономика

Институциональный контекст предпринимательства в странах с развивающейся экономикой: сравнение восприятия студентами вузов девяти стран
В этом исследовании, авторы сравнили и сопоставили восприятие институциональной среды развития предпринимательства студентами университетов в девяти странах с развивающейся экономикой трех глобальных регионов: Центральной и Восточной Европы (Болгария…
В этом исследовании, авторы сравнили и сопоставили восприятие институциональной среды развития предпринимательства студентами университетов в девяти странах с развивающейся экономикой трех глобальных регионов: Центральной и Восточной Европы (Болгария…
Сборник статей I межвузовской студенческой научно-практической конференции «Unbalanced Global Economy And Rising Risks»
В сборнике представлены доклады, представленные на межвузовской студенческой научно-практической конференции МГУ «Unbalanced Global Economy and Rising Risks».
В сборнике представлены доклады, представленные на межвузовской студенческой научно-практической конференции МГУ «Unbalanced Global Economy and Rising Risks».
Urban Sustainability and River Restoration. Green and Blue Infrastructure
Urban Sustainability and River Restoration: Green and Blue Infrastructure considers the integration of green and blue infrastructure in cities as a strategy useful for acting on causes and effects of environmental and ecological issues. River restora…
Urban Sustainability and River Restoration: Green and Blue Infrastructure considers the integration of green and blue infrastructure in cities as a strategy useful for acting on causes and effects of environmental and ecological issues. River restora…
Green Roof Retrofit. Building Urban Resilience
A deep understanding of the implications of green roof retrofit is required amongst students and practitioners to make the decisions and take the actions needed to mitigate climate changes. Green Roof Retrofit: building urban resilience illustrates t…
A deep understanding of the implications of green roof retrofit is required amongst students and practitioners to make the decisions and take the actions needed to mitigate climate changes. Green Roof Retrofit: building urban resilience illustrates t…
Future Challenges in Evaluating and Managing Sustainable Development in the Built Environment
Future Challenges in Sustainable Development within the Built Environment stimulates and reinterprets the demands of Responsible and Sustainable Development in the Built Environment for future action and development. It examines the methods of evalua…
Future Challenges in Sustainable Development within the Built Environment stimulates and reinterprets the demands of Responsible and Sustainable Development in the Built Environment for future action and development. It examines the methods of evalua…
Retrofitting Cities for Tomorrow's World
A groundbreaking exploration of the most promising new ideas for creating the sustainable cities of tomorrow The culmination of a four-year collaborative research project undertaken by leading UK universities, in partnership with city authorities, pr…
A groundbreaking exploration of the most promising new ideas for creating the sustainable cities of tomorrow The culmination of a four-year collaborative research project undertaken by leading UK universities, in partnership with city authorities, pr…
China's Economy. A Collection of Surveys
This collection of critical surveys provides readers with a range of up-to-date work from leading scholars in the area, writing on some of the key issues facing China, as they survey the present and future challenges of the Chinese economy Nine paper…
This collection of critical surveys provides readers with a range of up-to-date work from leading scholars in the area, writing on some of the key issues facing China, as they survey the present and future challenges of the Chinese economy Nine paper…
The Handbook of Global Science, Technology, and Innovation
This unique Handbook provides an in-depth overview of the themes and direction of science, technology, innovation, and public policy in an increasingly globalized world. Leading authorities discuss current debates, research issues, and prospects, and…
This unique Handbook provides an in-depth overview of the themes and direction of science, technology, innovation, and public policy in an increasingly globalized world. Leading authorities discuss current debates, research issues, and prospects, and…
Resource Salvation. The Architecture of Reuse
A valuable source of information, insight, and fresh ideas about a crucial aspect of the growing sustainable design movement Mounting resource shortages worldwide coupled with skyrocketing extraction costs for new materials have made the prospect of …
A valuable source of information, insight, and fresh ideas about a crucial aspect of the growing sustainable design movement Mounting resource shortages worldwide coupled with skyrocketing extraction costs for new materials have made the prospect of …
China's Economic Transformation
Now available in a fully-revised and updated third edition, this established textbook provides a penetrating and comprehensive analysis of the historical, institutional, and theoretical factors that have contributed to China’s economic success. Inclu…
Now available in a fully-revised and updated third edition, this established textbook provides a penetrating and comprehensive analysis of the historical, institutional, and theoretical factors that have contributed to China’s economic success. Inclu…
Sustainable Construction Processes. A Resource Text
This book explores the concepts and practicalities that lead to sustainable construction. It breaks new ground by providing the reader with the underlying principles of how to build sustainably and then assesses many of the tools required for the tas…
This book explores the concepts and practicalities that lead to sustainable construction. It breaks new ground by providing the reader with the underlying principles of how to build sustainably and then assesses many of the tools required for the tas…
The Water Sensitive City
This book advocates a more thoughtful approach to urban water management. The approach involves reducing water consumption, harvesting rainwater, recycling rainwater and adopting Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) where surface water is not sent str…
This book advocates a more thoughtful approach to urban water management. The approach involves reducing water consumption, harvesting rainwater, recycling rainwater and adopting Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) where surface water is not sent str…
Sustainable Concrete Solutions
The challenges facing humanity in the 21st century include climate change, population growth, overconsumption of resources, overproduction of waste and increasing energy demands. For construction practitioners, responding to these challenges means cr…
The challenges facing humanity in the 21st century include climate change, population growth, overconsumption of resources, overproduction of waste and increasing energy demands. For construction practitioners, responding to these challenges means cr…
Digitalization and its impact on the development of Russia
В статье анализируется влияние цифровизации на развитие современных стран на примере России. Цифровизация может рассматриваться как тенденция эффективного мирового развития только при определенных условиях. Поскольку место любой страны в мировом сооб…
В статье анализируется влияние цифровизации на развитие современных стран на примере России. Цифровизация может рассматриваться как тенденция эффективного мирового развития только при определенных условиях. Поскольку место любой страны в мировом сооб…
Success Habits For Dummies
Discover the ultimate success habits for a healthy and prosperous life Whether we like it or not, a big part of what we do in life is governed by habits. Even more importantly, habits can lead us to think and feel in certain patterns. Since habits ar…
Discover the ultimate success habits for a healthy and prosperous life Whether we like it or not, a big part of what we do in life is governed by habits. Even more importantly, habits can lead us to think and feel in certain patterns. Since habits ar…
Бихевиоральный подход в дискуссии о санкциях против КНДР
В настоящем исследовании представлен обзор санкций против КНДР, анализируются их экономические последствия, обсуждается, почему санкции против Северной Кореи не достигли поставленной цели. С использованием отдельных элементов бихевиорального подхода …
В настоящем исследовании представлен обзор санкций против КНДР, анализируются их экономические последствия, обсуждается, почему санкции против Северной Кореи не достигли поставленной цели. С использованием отдельных элементов бихевиорального подхода …
The Case for a New Bretton Woods
After the 2008–9 global financial crisis, reforms to promote stability, social inclusion, and sustainability were promised but not delivered. As a result, the global economic situation, marred by inequality, volatility, and climate breakdown, remains…
After the 2008–9 global financial crisis, reforms to promote stability, social inclusion, and sustainability were promised but not delivered. As a result, the global economic situation, marred by inequality, volatility, and climate breakdown, remains…
Combatting Modern Slavery
Over the last decade, the world’s largest corporations – from The Coca Cola Company to Amazon, Apple to Unilever – have taken up the cause of combatting modern slavery. Yet, by most measures, across many sectors and regions, severe labour exploitatio…
Over the last decade, the world’s largest corporations – from The Coca Cola Company to Amazon, Apple to Unilever – have taken up the cause of combatting modern slavery. Yet, by most measures, across many sectors and regions, severe labour exploitatio…
Lobbying Uncovered?
"While the book's description of the U.S.' and the EU's registration systems is both extensive and in-depth, it covers all the essential literature, even the most recent ones."-Rinus van Schendelen, Erasmus University Rotterdam
"While the book's description of the U.S.' and the EU's registration systems is both extensive and in-depth, it covers all the essential literature, even the most recent ones."-Rinus van Schendelen, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Innovation Trends in the Space Industry
Ever since their inception, space activities have been innovative, but not driven by commercial considerations – that is, until the end of the Cold War, when the commercialization of space escalated. As a result, the direction of the innovation chang…
Ever since their inception, space activities have been innovative, but not driven by commercial considerations – that is, until the end of the Cold War, when the commercialization of space escalated. As a result, the direction of the innovation chang…

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