

Хирургические инструменты для офтальмологии в ветеринарии. Учебное пособие для вузов
В пособии даны описания офтальмологических инструментов, используемых в ветеринарии, их назначение, плюсы и минусы их различных модификаций, техника правильного их удержания, а также характеристики и особенности шовного материала, используемого в вет…
В пособии даны описания офтальмологических инструментов, используемых в ветеринарии, их назначение, плюсы и минусы их различных модификаций, техника правильного их удержания, а также характеристики и особенности шовного материала, используемого в вет…
Трофические язвы венозной этиологии. Диагностика и лечение.
В учебном пособии изложены основы диагностики, лечения и медицинской реабилитации пациентов с хроническими заболеваниями вен нижних конечностей, осложненными трофическими язвами. На основании анализа литературы и результатов собственных исследований …
В учебном пособии изложены основы диагностики, лечения и медицинской реабилитации пациентов с хроническими заболеваниями вен нижних конечностей, осложненными трофическими язвами. На основании анализа литературы и результатов собственных исследований …
Малая хирургия: руководство
Изложены показания и методика (техника) выполнения оперативных вме-шательств и врачебных манипуляций в объеме малой хирургии применительно к условиям поликлиники, медицинского пункта, медико-санитарной части и хирургического стационара. Описание мето…
Изложены показания и методика (техника) выполнения оперативных вме-шательств и врачебных манипуляций в объеме малой хирургии применительно к условиям поликлиники, медицинского пункта, медико-санитарной части и хирургического стационара. Описание мето…
Общая хирургия. Учебные игры
Учебное пособие представлено в виде учебных игр, имитирующих различные клинические ситуации, которые необходимо разрешить студенту медицинского вуза, изучающему предмет «Общая хирургия». Комментарий всех действий студента, как правильных, так и непра…
Учебное пособие представлено в виде учебных игр, имитирующих различные клинические ситуации, которые необходимо разрешить студенту медицинского вуза, изучающему предмет «Общая хирургия». Комментарий всех действий студента, как правильных, так и непра…
Клинические варианты повреждений пищевода, диагностика и способы лечения
Учебное пособие посвящено диагностике повреждений пищевода и лечению больных. Изложены хирургическая анатомия органа, причины повреждений пищевода, классификация, методы диагностики, тактика, описаны возможные варианты лечения больных в зависимости о…
Учебное пособие посвящено диагностике повреждений пищевода и лечению больных. Изложены хирургическая анатомия органа, причины повреждений пищевода, классификация, методы диагностики, тактика, описаны возможные варианты лечения больных в зависимости о…
Handbook of Reoperative General Surgery
The Handbook of Reoperative General Surgery offers a technical overview of one of surgery’s greatest challenges-reoperation. Emphasizing the complications of each disease as well as reoperative procedures, this indispensable text is extensively refer…
The Handbook of Reoperative General Surgery offers a technical overview of one of surgery’s greatest challenges-reoperation. Emphasizing the complications of each disease as well as reoperative procedures, this indispensable text is extensively refer…
Abdominal Organ Transplantation. State of the Art
This book summarizes the latest developments in key areas of the fast moving field of abdominal organ transplantation. It covers such vital topics as living donation (both renal and liver), laparoscopic and robotic techniques, islet and pancreas tran…
This book summarizes the latest developments in key areas of the fast moving field of abdominal organ transplantation. It covers such vital topics as living donation (both renal and liver), laparoscopic and robotic techniques, islet and pancreas tran…
Key Notes on Plastic Surgery
This is the new edition of the concise but comprehensive handbook that should be owned by all surgical trainees specialising in plastic surgery. Taking a pithy systematic approach, Key Notes on Plastic Surgery offers the latest developments within th…
This is the new edition of the concise but comprehensive handbook that should be owned by all surgical trainees specialising in plastic surgery. Taking a pithy systematic approach, Key Notes on Plastic Surgery offers the latest developments within th…
Manual of Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation
In recent years, a myriad of surgical protocols have been developed to manage atrial fibrillation, increasing the confusion over which are the most effective approaches. This timely book presents a multidisciplinary, international team of authorities…
In recent years, a myriad of surgical protocols have been developed to manage atrial fibrillation, increasing the confusion over which are the most effective approaches. This timely book presents a multidisciplinary, international team of authorities…
Textbook and Color Atlas of Salivary Gland Pathology
Textbook and Color Atlas of Salivary Gland Pathology: Diagnosis and Management provides its readers with a new, landmark text/atlas of this important discipline within oral and maxillofacial surgery, otolaryngology/head and neck surgery, and general …
Textbook and Color Atlas of Salivary Gland Pathology: Diagnosis and Management provides its readers with a new, landmark text/atlas of this important discipline within oral and maxillofacial surgery, otolaryngology/head and neck surgery, and general …
Endovascular and Hybrid Management of the Thoracic Aorta
Surgical management of aortic pathologies has changed dramatically, and this essential book fills the void with up-to-date comprehensive information on the topic. Written by physicians at the Arizona Heart Institute, which pioneered the use of thorac…
Surgical management of aortic pathologies has changed dramatically, and this essential book fills the void with up-to-date comprehensive information on the topic. Written by physicians at the Arizona Heart Institute, which pioneered the use of thorac…
Key Notes on Plastic Surgery
This is the new edition of the concise but comprehensive handbook that should be owned by all surgical trainees specialising in plastic surgery. Taking a pithy systematic approach, Key Notes on Plastic Surgery offers the latest developments within th…
This is the new edition of the concise but comprehensive handbook that should be owned by all surgical trainees specialising in plastic surgery. Taking a pithy systematic approach, Key Notes on Plastic Surgery offers the latest developments within th…
Unexpected Challenges in Vascular Surgery
Despite accurate preoperative assessment and adequate preparation, unexpected, and sometimes disastrous, situations can occur during vascular and endovascular procedures. This latest book in the European Vascular Course series provides vascular and e…
Despite accurate preoperative assessment and adequate preparation, unexpected, and sometimes disastrous, situations can occur during vascular and endovascular procedures. This latest book in the European Vascular Course series provides vascular and e…
Textbook of Surgery
Textbook of Surgery is a core book for medical and surgical students providing a comprehensive overview of general and speciality surgery. Each topic is written by an expert in the field. The book focuses on the principles and techniques of surgical …
Textbook of Surgery is a core book for medical and surgical students providing a comprehensive overview of general and speciality surgery. Each topic is written by an expert in the field. The book focuses on the principles and techniques of surgical …
Myocardial Laser Revascularization
Finally, there is a dependable guide to transmyocardial laser revasculariztion (TMR). In this groundbreaking volume, clinicians who pioneered the use of this innovative treatment share their insights on the indications, results, mechanisms, and limit…
Finally, there is a dependable guide to transmyocardial laser revasculariztion (TMR). In this groundbreaking volume, clinicians who pioneered the use of this innovative treatment share their insights on the indications, results, mechanisms, and limit…
Clinical Surgery
Blackwell's Clinical Surgery has established itself as an excellent indispensable resource for undergraduate medical students and house officers. The first edition was Awarded 1997 BMA Certificate of Commendation. Written by an outstanding team of ed…
Blackwell's Clinical Surgery has established itself as an excellent indispensable resource for undergraduate medical students and house officers. The first edition was Awarded 1997 BMA Certificate of Commendation. Written by an outstanding team of ed…
Myocardial Protection
Myocardial protection is regarded as one of the most important, yet also most controversial aspects of cardiac surgery. There has been considerable improvement in myocardial protection strategies over recent years, utilising a variety of new approach…
Myocardial protection is regarded as one of the most important, yet also most controversial aspects of cardiac surgery. There has been considerable improvement in myocardial protection strategies over recent years, utilising a variety of new approach…
Emergency Surgery
Emergency Surgery provides both a practical guide and an understanding of the issues that need to be considered in the management of emergency surgery patients. It presents a clear account of the key issues involved in the assessment, investigation, …
Emergency Surgery provides both a practical guide and an understanding of the issues that need to be considered in the management of emergency surgery patients. It presents a clear account of the key issues involved in the assessment, investigation, …
Vascular Surgery
This second edition of a very successful vascular surgery text was developed in order to address significant changes that have occurred in contemporary vascular surgery and to highlight new information that has developed regarding vascular imaging, i…
This second edition of a very successful vascular surgery text was developed in order to address significant changes that have occurred in contemporary vascular surgery and to highlight new information that has developed regarding vascular imaging, i…
Теория и практика сестринского дела в хирургии. Учебное пособие для СПО
Учебное пособие содержит подробное описание практических манипуляций, которыми в процессе обучения должны овладеть студенты отделения «Сестринское дело». Освещены теоретические вопросы из курса общей и частной хирургии в объеме требований программы о…
Учебное пособие содержит подробное описание практических манипуляций, которыми в процессе обучения должны овладеть студенты отделения «Сестринское дело». Освещены теоретические вопросы из курса общей и частной хирургии в объеме требований программы о…

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