
Николай Васильевич Гоголь

Книги автора: Николай Васильевич Гоголь

The Mantle, and Other Stories
A May Night
"May Night, or the Drowned Maiden", 1831 is the third tale in the collection Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka by Nikolai Gogol. It was made into the opera May Night by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov in 1878–79 and also a Ukrainian setting by Mykola Lysenko. …
"May Night, or the Drowned Maiden", 1831 is the third tale in the collection Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka by Nikolai Gogol. It was made into the opera May Night by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov in 1878–79 and also a Ukrainian setting by Mykola Lysenko. …
The Cloak
"The Overcoat" (sometimes translated as «The Cloak») is a short story by Ukrainian-born Russian author Nikolai Gogol, published in 1842. The story and its author have had great influence on Russian literature, as expressed in a quote attributed to Fy…
"The Overcoat" (sometimes translated as «The Cloak») is a short story by Ukrainian-born Russian author Nikolai Gogol, published in 1842. The story and its author have had great influence on Russian literature, as expressed in a quote attributed to Fy…
The Nose
"The Nose" is a satirical short story by Nikolai Gogol written during his time living in St. Petersburg. During this time, Gogol's works were primarily focused on surrealism and the grotesque, with a romantic twist. Written between 1835 and 1836, «Th…
"The Nose" is a satirical short story by Nikolai Gogol written during his time living in St. Petersburg. During this time, Gogol's works were primarily focused on surrealism and the grotesque, with a romantic twist. Written between 1835 and 1836, «Th…
Christmas Eve
"Christmas Eve" (Russian: Ночь пе́ред Рождество́м, Noch pered Rozhdestvom, which literally translates as «The Night Before Christmas») is the first story in the second volume of the collection Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka by Nikolai Gogol. The sto…
"Christmas Eve" (Russian: Ночь пе́ред Рождество́м, Noch pered Rozhdestvom, which literally translates as «The Night Before Christmas») is the first story in the second volume of the collection Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka by Nikolai Gogol. The sto…
The Mantle
"Gogol, Nikolai Vassilievitch. Born in the government of Pultowa, March 31 1809, died at Moscow, March 4 1852. A Russian novelist and dramatist. He was educated in a public gymnasium at Pultowa, and subsequently in the lyceum, then newly established,…
"Gogol, Nikolai Vassilievitch. Born in the government of Pultowa, March 31 1809, died at Moscow, March 4 1852. A Russian novelist and dramatist. He was educated in a public gymnasium at Pultowa, and subsequently in the lyceum, then newly established,…
The Viy
"Viy", also translated as «The Viy», is a horror novella by Russian writer Nikolai Gogol, first published in the first volume of his collection of tales entitled Mirgorod (1835). The title is also the name of the demonic entity central to the plot. E…
"Viy", also translated as «The Viy», is a horror novella by Russian writer Nikolai Gogol, first published in the first volume of his collection of tales entitled Mirgorod (1835). The title is also the name of the demonic entity central to the plot. E…
Taras Bulba, and Other Tales
Шинель и другие повести. Книга для чтения на английском языке
Вашему вниманию представлен сборник повестей одного из самых известных русских писателей-классиков Н. В. Гоголя. В издание вошли как повести, относящиеся к «украинскому» периоду творчества автора – «Майская ночь, или Утопленница» и «Вий», так и к «пе…
Вашему вниманию представлен сборник повестей одного из самых известных русских писателей-классиков Н. В. Гоголя. В издание вошли как повести, относящиеся к «украинскому» периоду творчества автора – «Майская ночь, или Утопленница» и «Вий», так и к «пе…
The Inspector-General
Memoirs of a Madman
Memoirs of a Madman or Diary of a Madman is a farcical short story by Nikolai Gogol. Along with The Overcoat and The Nose, Diary of a Madman is considered to be one of Gogol’s greatest short stories. The tale centers on the life of a minor civil serv…
Memoirs of a Madman or Diary of a Madman is a farcical short story by Nikolai Gogol. Along with The Overcoat and The Nose, Diary of a Madman is considered to be one of Gogol’s greatest short stories. The tale centers on the life of a minor civil serv…
Мёртвые души / Dead Souls
Предлагаем вниманию читателей поэму в прозе великого русского писателя Н. В. Гоголя «Мертвые души», рассказывающую о похождениях Павла Ивановича Чичикова, авантюриста, скупающего у провинциальных помещиков «мертвые души». Перед читателем предстает па…
Предлагаем вниманию читателей поэму в прозе великого русского писателя Н. В. Гоголя «Мертвые души», рассказывающую о похождениях Павла Ивановича Чичикова, авантюриста, скупающего у провинциальных помещиков «мертвые души». Перед читателем предстает па…
Taras Bulba
Dünya edebiyatının gelmiş geçmiş en yetenekli yazarlarından olan Gogol’ün, öyküleri, hem Rus toplumunun hem de tüm insanlığın mizacını ve çelişkisini dile getiriyor. Gogol, mizah anlayışı, gerçekçiliği veya aksine gerçeküstücülüğü ile Rus edebiyatını…
Dünya edebiyatının gelmiş geçmiş en yetenekli yazarlarından olan Gogol’ün, öyküleri, hem Rus toplumunun hem de tüm insanlığın mizacını ve çelişkisini dile getiriyor. Gogol, mizah anlayışı, gerçekçiliği veya aksine gerçeküstücülüğü ile Rus edebiyatını…
Ölü Canlar
“Küçük insanlar”ın yazarı olarak adlandırılan Gogol; Rus toplumunun 19. yüzyıla denk düşen dönemlerinde var olan birey ve toplum ilişkisini, gerçekçi çözümlemelerle eserlerine dâhil etmiş ve Rus realizminin öncüleri arasındaki yerini almıştır. «Ölü C…
“Küçük insanlar”ın yazarı olarak adlandırılan Gogol; Rus toplumunun 19. yüzyıla denk düşen dönemlerinde var olan birey ve toplum ilişkisini, gerçekçi çözümlemelerle eserlerine dâhil etmiş ve Rus realizminin öncüleri arasındaki yerini almıştır. «Ölü C…
"Dahi yazıçı Qoqolun “Şinel” hekayəsi rus ədəbiyyatının “kiçik insan” mövzusunda yazılmış ən sanballı əsərlərindən biridir. Dostoyevskiyə istinad edilən “hamımız Qoqolun şinelindən çıxmışıq” sözü bu qısa, amma bənzərsiz mətnin necə böyük ədəbi fakt o…
"Dahi yazıçı Qoqolun “Şinel” hekayəsi rus ədəbiyyatının “kiçik insan” mövzusunda yazılmış ən sanballı əsərlərindən biridir. Dostoyevskiyə istinad edilən “hamımız Qoqolun şinelindən çıxmışıq” sözü bu qısa, amma bənzərsiz mətnin necə böyük ədəbi fakt o…

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