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Your Tarot Predictions for 2015
7: Travel—Seven of Cups: You will have abundant options to choose from when it comes to Travel. Prioritize your travel plans keeping in mind the other aspects of your life. Travel will happen frequently in your life time.
8: Dark Secrets/Fears/Hopes—Death: As the card’s name suggests, your biggest fear is Death. Questions regarding death hound you and make it your greatest fear. What kind of death will come unto me? What will happen to my family? What about my dream? The more you fear death, the more harsh and cruel it would get. Therefore let go. Befriend this formidable opponent and you will conquer your fear.
9: Knowledge/Creativity—Hierophant: Your best qualities are your leadership skills and listening skills. This makes for a successful Arian.
10: Family Background—Moon: Your family background has been disturbing with things like an early death in the family, loss of a loved one, an early separation between parents. These don’t create an impressionable family picture in your mind. But all of this can change. You don’t have to carry this baggage, just drop it now and move on.
Author’s Note for You
Dear Emperor,
You are a powerful person and so is your card, the Emperor. The hunger for power and the power games that you often play to satiate this hunger is your only formidable opponent. You tend to take power way too seriously and hence my following observations:
The areas where I primarily need you to work based on the predictions made in this book, are Career and Wealth, the two aspects which hold you back this year. In order to better your prospects in these two areas, I recommend you perform the two exercises described below diligently and consistently till you make a habit of them.
Visualisation Meditation: In this form of meditation, you have to close your mind and quell the chattering in it. Then focus on what you want about your wealth or career. See it in your mind’s eye like a movie running in your head. Imagine receiving that cheque of a certain amount of money you need or your boss giving you that appraisal letter you deserve and desire. See yourself buying that beautiful home or imagine receiving that reward you deserve at your work place. See it with clarity. Initially, this will be difficult, but as you do it this exercise will become more interesting and a lot of fun. Five minutes of it every day and you will master your mind. Remember, what your mind perceives it can conceive. Through this exercise my attempt is to push your mind to tap its unexplored and latent potential. However, you will implement this with faith in what you see, in its potential to actually come true, and it will surely become the reality you wish for.
The Master Key System: ‘The Master Key System’ by Charles F. Haanel. This is a remarkable book that will teach you all that I have written under point A above. Charles Haanel suggests a daily exercise to improve your visualization skill, thereby improving your belief system and faith. After all, everything boils down to faith. This book is like a school catalogue emphasising the steps to be performed for your own good. Do read this book and most of your worries will be resolved. After you have finished this, you can read the book, ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ by Wallace D. Wattles. This is another beautiful book emphasizing the power of the law of attraction. However, you need to read this only after you have read ‘Master Key System’.
I had suggested this book to a very young patron of my Tarot Reading service. He was an aspiring actor and wanted to become a big name in the industry. He would come to me very often with his apprehensions and doubts regarding his choice of career. This had to be considering how highly qualified he was and the kind of stable and successful job that he had given up to follow his dream. My sessions with him were initially limited to readings, but as time passed I realised he needed more than mere predictions. He had the vision, but lacked the direction to achieve the vision. I recommended this book to him. Knowing how sincere he was, I was certain he would follow anything, especially something as good as the above mentioned book. He did what was written by Charles Haanel and called me a couple of times to inform me about his progress. It was some time before I heard from him again; when he called, it was to inform me that he had become a TV actor and had bagged his first big role in an upcoming movie. Well, he did achieve his dream and is now working on bigger projects. I wished him luck. I knew the book and the meditation technique had worked.
If you too do as I have asked you to, you will soon get what you’ve always wanted. This is a tried and tested technique which I know has always been successful. Your story will only reaffirm its power to make the impossible happen. If you wish to share your experiences on performing these exercises or have queries, do write to me at karmel@tarotreader.in and I’ll be happy to help.
Go forth and unleash the power within you and as you read the next chapter it will reveal two such powerful personalities who have been successful Emperors in their life. You too are an Emperor and the next chapter will only reaffirm the real life powers that you as an Emperor have.
Your Iconic Contemporary
As the Emperor, your primary job is to lead, to show the way. You are the King, the ruler who rules by example. As the King, you are the epitome of power and a figure of majesty and courage. In my experience as a Tarot Card Reader and Counsellor, I have interacted with a few Emperors but in this chapter I would like to refer to two personalities who I believe are the perfect examples of the Emperor card. Besides the above qualities, these two celebrities hold their enviable positions in real life due to their focus, dedication and, of course, their personality type.
My first pick for the Emperor Card is Ajay Devgn, one of the finest and most talented actors we have known in Bollywood. However, neither did he start off that way nor was he born with the proverbial silver spoon. Ajay Devgn has worked his way up to his success and to the position that he holds today. When he started his career, people ridiculed him for not having the stereotypical looks of a hero. We also questioned his acting as he was better known as the son of a stuntman and therefore was branded as one himself. We resigned to this concept of his being good at stunts and nothing more. But little did we know that one day this actor would rule our hearts through his work, like the Emperor. He has worked hard with full dedication to get to where he is today. With critically acclaimed awards and commercially successful movies to back him, there is no turning back for this Emperor. His courage, dedication and persistence have catapulted him to the top. Today he is a top grosser with phenomenal hits in his oeuvre. An Emperor is known by the courage and valour he exhibits. Ajay Devgn has done so through his persistent work and by taking criticism positively. He has transformed himself to achieve this success. Achieving success could be easy but sustaining it is another game altogether. An Emperor is known for his ability to do so and his will to fight. Ajay Devgn has proven himself as a fighter and has sustained his position through resilience and passion. This makes him my pick for the Emperor card.
My second pick for the Emperor card is Lady Gaga. The name resonates with confidence and the courage to comfortably pull off something out of the ordinary. She rules in her genre of music; her singing skills are second only to her vivacious personality. She is known for her experimental singing and new concepts. If you have listened to her music, you will realise it does not revolve around the usual topics of romance, war, hurt or pain. It’s starkly different; it’s about a moment, a time or a phase she experiences. What I most admire about this woman is her confidence that anything she creates will sell, and indeed it does. Her confidence and enthusiasm establishes her in the Emperor’s shoes. She is a trend setter with her looks and style. Only an Emperor can exert such powerful influence. Lady Gaga is different yet leads with her own style and charisma. This makes her my Emperor.
If Ajay Devgn and Lady Gaga can be successful as Emperors in real life, so can you. Your positives are your strengths, and your weaknesses, when you know them, can be turned around into assets to help you achieve what you want. You are the perfect Emperor who has a beautiful future awaiting you. All that you need to do is believe in yourself and walk the unknown path with the knowledge that you are the master of your own destiny, the captain of your own ship.

Taurus is second in line after Aries. In Tarot, Hierophant follows the Emperor. After one’s quest for power and victory comes a new perspective, the spiritual aspect of life, and the Hierophant does just that; its primary task is to bring in the spiritual perspective, to heal the inside of a person, to help one in exploring the real meaning of the being within. Hierophant is a Greek word. ‘Hieros’ means sacred and ‘phainein’ means to reveal. In simpler terms, it means to reveal the secret of the universe, that there is more to life than just materialism. It’s the spiritual journey which the Hierophant asserts.
If this sounds obtuse, dear Taurus, let’s keep it simple. Hierophant means the Pope or a priest who is out there to teach you the basics of Humanity, assert religious rituals or lay down principles which would have to be followed, the so called dogmatic approach. His job is to help and guide you towards your lost spiritual self. Now you may ask what on earth does a raging bull (the pictorial representation for the zodiac sign of Taurus) have to do with a Priest or a Pope?
Taurus is known for its dependability, perseverance, patience, stability, and also for its stubbornness. These qualities are similar to those of a Hierophant. He too is perseverant, patient, stable, dependable and stubborn. He is an earthly sign like the Taurus, gentle and kind; that is why you fit in the role of a Hierophant perfectly. You are in most times of your life an agony aunt/uncle to some one or the other. You are always there as the unofficial shrink, counselling and guiding your friends and others around you. This is the exact role a Hierophant plays in his life, as do you, albeit unknowingly. Unconsciously you are the perfect Pope, a counsellor, an advisor.
If you look at the Hierophant Tarot card you see a priestly person dressed in a red robe seated on his throne. In Tarot, the Hierophant is denoted by the masculine gender. The robe signifies power and authority; the crown, his kingship and domain. He holds a sceptre in his right hand; this symbolises his dominion over the Mind, Body and Spirit. His other hand points two fingers upward and two downward. These imply that he holds the power and knowledge to manifest change and bring harmony unto his disciples. The key at the bottom of his feet signifies that he holds the key to unlock the gates of knowledge and wisdom. The two figures kneeling at his feet are seen to be keenly grasping his instructions or ideas and accepting it unquestionably. This confirms his assertion, aggression or his control over his community. The card bears V—the fifth month of the year, the month of Taurus. Numerological 5 is the number of kindness, courage, enthusiasm and sensitivity. This bears a remarkable similarity with you. You too are kind, sensitive, gentle, and enthusiastic to help others.
If I were to draw a picture of how a Hierophant would be as a normal person in its daily chores or in the roles of a parent, lover or a boss, it would be something like this: the Taurus Hierophant is a very good parent. The qualities of being a patient teacher, guide and a counsellor comes quite naturally to you. You set a very good example by following the rules set by your community and in fact also in most cases advocate their rituals and beliefs. You are a good mentor/parent. As a lover, you are gentle and kind, understanding and dependable, and of course, most importantly, a faithful companion. Your honesty takes you a long way and makes you a very stable and a dependable partner. As a boss, you are very encouraging, a perfect suitor for a shrink, someone whom your colleagues, subordinates or seniors can relate to even on a personal level. You make people comfortable and thus they open up to you like a book. You are frank and helpful. This makes you approachable and likeable by your team. But there can also be a flip side to this. The orthodox and dogmatic nature of the Hierophant can influence the gentle Taurus very negatively. As a negative parent, you can be overly disciplined, have an orthodox and a conventional outlook, and an unwillingness to change and adapt to your family’s changing needs. As a lover, the negatives can spring up in stubbornness in dealing with your spouse and being pushy to have your way. As a boss you can be, at your negative best, a dogmatic ruler offering very little or no flexibility to your team players and instilling wrongful and dishonest values in them.
Now don’t be shocked with this fact. Everyone has a dark side and so do you. You need to balance yourself right. The good news is that you may exhibit the dark side of your physical and mental characteristics but never in Spirit. When it comes to the spiritual, you are a winner. Spiritualism comes way too easily to you because of your characteristic nature. You are by far cut out to be a knowledgeable counsellor, a Teacher or a Gyaani. If you dawn this role in one or more aspects of life, you will definitely realise yourself. However, the difficulty is in realizing that you do have a larger purpose in life than the day-to-day routine that you play. If this realization happens in time my dear Taurus, you will have known your destiny; otherwise you will be wandering, exploring and experimenting like the rest.
Now that you know what you are in Tarot, let’s unfold the future for you. We begin with the Monthly Tarot horoscope for the year 2015. So strap up and get set to know your destiny.
Monthly Predictions 2015
Please remember that described below is a general reading for the zodiac Taurus. What is given here is open to change if you believe in yourself and can bring about the change that is best for you. You are the Hierophant—the healer, the pope; goodness comes naturally to you. However, does life always treat you as fairly as you attempt in treating others? Let us look at your Monthly predictions for 2015.
January – January begins on a very good note for you. Work, love and career are set to spring up and branch out well in 2015. At least it starts off in a good way. In January I see you wanting a good job. You were doing pretty well where you were until now but it’s time for you to move on to a newer and more challenging job. This time around you are going to be truly appreciated, recognized and also noticed for your contribution in work. This will open doors to a better opportunity with new offers making their way to you. On an emotional level, love is brewing. You are ready to express love or take on a new journey in it. This is just the beginning so let’s embark on this joyous new-found feeling of love and make the most of it while it lasts.
More importantly, on the family front, I see you very happy and settled. Spouse, children, parents and siblings are happy with your contribution through one or more of the above mentioned roles and are looking forward to more of this coming from you; this keeps you happy and energised. There is this one little feeling of anxiety that I see cropping up in you. Keep this anxiety in check or it will take control of you. As I see it, this apprehension will put you in a state of uncertainty and affect your forthcoming months.
February – February is a month to bring about internal changes in your outlook. The apprehension in January is related to an attitude shift. It’s time you brought about a small change in your attitude. This would be with respect to a new change coming your way. It might look like you have to step down or make a sacrifice to fit in this change. If this is so, please just do it and go with the flow. This will only open up newer avenues for you. You will be questioned on your work and there is also a possibility that you might have to prove yourself during this time. The best part is, you do well and make your stand amply clear to those who questioned you in the first place. A positive change is most likely to come. With your new found shift in attitude you will be a double edged sword working in your favour. You will also succeed in completing what you started a long time ago. This offers a time to rest and relax, which you must utilise. After completion of one goal, take a breather before you embark on the next. Unfortunately you seem to be in a haste to move to the next challenge. This will land you in a position where you will have to choose from many options. A decision, if gone wrong, will put you in a fix. Take it slow. Don’t be in a rush. Stay in the present, the now, rather than in the future.
March – In March I see you still being bothered with the new change that came in February. Let me dwell a little more on this. First and foremost, this change is good for you. It is most likely with respect to work and if you bring in the right shift in attitude you should be able to deal with it comfortably. I see you having some difficulty in putting up with this change this month. Don’t resist it; it is for your own good. It could be a new assignment, a new role, or a new business concept. You are going to do exceptionally well out here, so stop fighting yourself. Keep your aspirations and goals in check. Don’t try to strike a balance between your fear of the change and the change per se. It will synthesize on its own. There is also some stiff competition at work. It’s a healthy one though and is going to keep you busy in March. Put your best foot forward and you will come out victorious. Make the most of this victory and be happy.
April – In April you are trying to do too much in too little time. You need to narrow your focus this month. There are more options to choose from, more things to do than you can do. Take it easy and relax. Do one thing at a time. There is too much on your plate and you need to know what to keep and what to let go. You may get overwhelmed with this bit and feel lost. Don’t give up, just sort out. Feeling beaten and being battered will be part of your emotions this month. I would like to give you some friendly advice here. Don’t give up now because I see you coming out of all this mess as a winner. In the middle of all this, if you wish to take some time off, don’t hesitate to do so. This should be good for you. You will have more clarity and peace within; this will also enlighten you with new ideas to deal with the difficulty this time around. Now wait a minute. After all this, there is good news coming your way this month. You are likely to meet someone who will interest you romantically. Just go with the flow. Love quotient is on a high for you in April and if you are already committed, newer beginnings will keep you happy in your love life. Time to cheer in love, and remember, when all doors close, a window opens.
May – May is a month of completion. Unfinished assignments, work, projects, tasks, relationships or other goals, emotional or professional, will attain completion. For this you deserve a pat on your back and don’t hesitate to give yourself one. Be proud of yourself for having attained this. In the first few days of May, I see you facing a small financial difficulty. This might also render you feeling left out or lonely when everyone else seems to be having what they need. Don’t bother too much about this deficiency. It will soon settle. You will find both wealth and health within a few days. Do share your abundance of wealth with the less fortunate. The more you give, the more you get; that’s the Universal Truth and it applies to you this month. Towards the last few days there could be a phase of over indulgence, or on the flip side, you may try too hard to restrict yourself from doing a certain thing. If you are doing either of this, it’s time you balance it out. It is ok to be the devil sometime and have fun but do not let the devil possess you or control you forever. Know when to stop or let go. Moderation is the key to happiness this month.
June – June is a very good time for you. I see you getting married, buying a new home, or perhaps shifting your residence. In fact you seem to be having the power of all the four suits of tarot, which implies that you have all that it takes, mentally, physically and spiritually, to take on a challenge of any kind. Keep this energy going; you will need it to counter what comes forth. June is all about happiness. You are happy in love and also spiritually content with yourself. This is a time where you will feel like the Monk, happy and at peace. If isolation is needed, take a break. Don’t hesitate because I see you hesitating, speculating. Take time off and introspect. This will bring clarity and harmony in thoughts and actions. If you narrow down your focus, you might just start practicing meditation and will enjoy it. I know it sounds boring at first, but let me tell you this, if you succeed at meditation it means you have achieved victory over your greatest enemy, your mind. And this, my friend, is one’s largest purpose in life and you will have it this month. Set the ball in motion to realize your purpose.
July – July will be an emotionally gratifying month for you. You will see a lot happening personally. There is this certain woman’s energy in your life that will play an important role. She could be your spouse, mother, a sibling or a best friend. Take whatever she says into consideration for she will play an important role in your life. If you don’t have anyone of this sort yet, then July indicates a time where this kind of a woman will come into your life. I see you all charged up and ready to take on the forthcoming challenges with her support. This is a great sign, a good team effort. You have a helping hand by your side. So don’t push yourself too much; just try and be compassionate and kind to yourself first. This particular month is all about happiness. Fulfilling family ties, happy married life, great kids or a joyous affair will keep you busy and energized this whole month. Completion regarding matters of the heart will be accomplished. Everything that you ever wished for to keep you happy in love will be manifested in July. This is a great time to take baby steps towards spiritualism. You may also find a female mentor or a spiritual guide who could help you here. Let her not go unnoticed.
August – In August it’s all about doing the right thing. How will you know what is the right thing? That’s when you meet your guide, therapist, or counsellor this month, someone who will guide you and help you sail through the difficult issues which you will face this month. This guide could also be a member of the family or friends or from your work place. Don’t let this person’s advice go unheard. August is also a time for rituals and rites. This may prove to be helpful in battling tensions, if any. Well now the good news is that I see you receiving news of money, of financial betterment. You have been awaiting this news for some time now, and here it comes. I also see you travelling by air for work or a short leisure trip. There will be a new spark in you due to the improvement in financial status and travel opportunities. There could also be a small reunion or a get together of some sorts. This could be a family wedding, an outing or something as simple as a birthday celebration. Being a part of this will charge you up and keep you going. On the whole August is an interesting month for you.