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Your Tarot Predictions for 2015
April-May-June – In an existing relationship scenario things are likely to get a little stressful. However, there is hope that things will settle in this very quarter. The relationship will pick up as it was in the last quarter but not without the understanding and support of both the partners involved. There is hope so don’t get too worked up over trivial issues and avoid making a mountain out of a molehill. If this happens, it might take that much longer to settle. The good news? I see you adopting the right attitude, a positive outlook towards your relationship. You will be in control of the situations and trust yourself to doing things right. This will only bring a spark to the existing relationship and make it look new and exciting once again.
If you are single, don’t get disheartened or sad if you haven’t attracted the right person yet. This quarter is most powerful for meeting the right person. There is always that silver lining after the darkness, so be patient. If you did meet someone and it failed, don’t lose heart because you will attract a new partner soon. I see you doing just that. A beautiful, attractive, dominating yet loving woman / man will walk into your life. Don’t rush into anything serious too soon. Enjoy this phase of playing the persuasion game. A new beginning awaits you beyond this stage. Get ready for it.
July-August-September – There is an external factor playing dirty in your relationship. This factor could be a woman, a queen like person; a mother or a sister, a woman friend you or your partner has. Don’t get carried away and question your relationship due to this external influence. This is a cautionary suggestion, dear Emperor, because sadly enough I see you doing precisely this and pushing your beloved and your relationship off the limits. This will only cause trouble and unsettle the relationship. Your partner at this juncture is already feeling lost and defeated in love with you; taxing the equation further will end this love which was so beautiful. Adopt caution. Look back and undo what you did. There is still a chance to save it if you take the right actions. Gladly, in the last month of this quarter I see a new spark developing between you and your partner which only denotes a positive beginning all over again. Let it not be ruined now. Work on it with a positive attitude.
October-November-December – I see you getting carried away here. A new love attraction emerges from your past. The pull of this is way too strong. But look back and ask yourself—do you really need this kind of a relationship, a clandestine one? This could ruin what you already have, a beautiful, rewarding relationship. If things still get difficult around this time, I recommend you isolate yourself and introspect. Think hard about what you intend to do next. I’m glad to see that you choose to do the right thing, of staying back in your own space within the existing relationship, bidding adieu to this fatal past attraction. Balance and equality is restored in your life when it comes to love relationships. Your love for your beloved is even stronger now and better. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and I am glad it has. This year, love wins. You have done well for yourself, fought all the odds and come out victorious but has this taken a toll on your health or have you managed to sail through without a scratch, stress, a touch of sickness, or the burden of other ailments? If Health is good, then everything else is good too. So let’s now check your Health Reading in 2015.
Your Health in 2015
Health is Wealth. This statement is 100 % true. If health doesn’t favour you, the other aspects won’t matter, however potent and promising. So let’s look into your health reading for 2015.
January-February-March – This quarter is about taking control and acting fast. You have been ignoring the signs your body has been giving you lately. This could be terminal aches, pains, stress related issues or chronic ailments. Nothing is going to help you unless you decide to do something and act anew; for instance, introducing a certain type of workout regime or following a new diet plan. You need to do this fast before external factors take you down completely. If you have been holding on to some past baggage, let go. If you did something wrong or someone did wrong to you it’s in the past and the earlier you forgive and forget the better for you and your health. The stress arising out of this negative emotion will hound you to the extent that it hampers your health, which is what I see happening. If you are a female Arian and trying to get pregnant, then this quarter will bring good news for you. However, if you are not planning parenthood, then this time may bring in positive news of an unplanned pregnancy. It’s better to take the right precautions.
April-May-June – Work related stress and other issues might be of concern in this quarter. External factors play dirty. You have been pushing yourself too much; your body has not taken this too well. It’s asking you to slow down, to relax and unwind. Unfortunately I see disappointing news related to your health coming your way. This could be an ailment either big or small. Whatever the prognosis, be positive. Love yourself and be kind to your body. It has the power to heal itself and from what I see, you will succeed in doing that. To heal faster, surround yourself with positive, healthy influences. This phase of ill health too will settle. If need be, take a break, a small vacation or just a day’s break; it will rejuvenate you. If ill-health prolongs, it might bring in hospitalization. Now that you know this, you must choose to watch out and work on your body first. Take care of it and nurture it.
July-August-September – Don’t be too worried about your health. I see you all worked up about your health this quarter. Relax. It isn’t that bad. You will survive and sail through. If you have been overworking either professionally or simply because of a new workout regime, just take it easy. You have been working too hard and pushing yourself way too much. This is creating a lot of mental stress that in turn is causing related health issues. If you can balance these aspects, your health will spring back and you will feel as good as new. Everything in moderation and balance is the key to better health this quarter and you need to do just that.
October-November-December – Your recovery begins this quarter. If you have been worried about your health or were battling difficult times concerning health, it will all settle starting October. You should be feeling robust and fit by now. However, I see you again trailing the downward path. Avoid getting involved with stressful issues like difficult work targets and emotional matters. Stay away from these. Calm your mind and rest. If needed, take a break and come back. An art of living therapy, Yoga or Meditation should do you wonders. Finally, I see you becoming very energetic and have this grandiose quality which makes you very attractive and happy too. Indulge in this happiness and your health will be renewed.
Your Health has seen its share of ups and downs but what matters is your will and determination to overcome them. This is due to your strong spirit, the will to fight and the strength to achieve stability just like the Emperor. I am glad that towards the end it all turned out good, obviously because of your inner strength. So now you have the wealth of robust health. Let’s now turn to your other wealth, your material assets in 2015.
Your Wealth in 2015
Wealth is not happiness, but definitely a means to it. Everyone in this age strives for a better life and a better life comes with financial security. It is therefore important for you to know how your wealth and assets shape up in 2015. Come take a look at your Wealth Reading
January-February-March – Before this quarter began, everything seemed stuck financially. Nothing was moving. Money wasn’t coming in. You have been expecting a message about wealth which has been delayed but I see it all working out now, starting this quarter. Things will get better and you start getting money from unexpected sources. You can buy, sell, and invest profitably, starting now. Go for it. The money that’s coming will back you up well. In fact this quarter brings in the good omen. If you have held back from taking risks, now is the time to go all out and experiment. There is nothing to lose. The wheel of fortune favours you this time around.
April-May-June – You will be buying something related to transportation, either a car or bike, or simply travel tickets. This is a victorious period for you with your finances looking good. You must balance what comes in and goes out. Give priority to your debts by paying them off. I see you having the right temperament to do this. This way the balance will be maintained. Towards the end of this quarter you are likely to face some difficult situation regarding your financial decisions. Either stocks or your other investments don’t reap the fruits you’d wished for. Don’t fret. This is a temporary phase.
July-August-September – Difficulties from the last quarter end in this one. You will be back in the game. Things are likely to look up and your investments will repay well. Your investments, salaries, promotions, incentives, all seem to be looking good. The struggle will cease and you will come out glorious. You might have the idea to start something or do something with your money. Be prudent. Involve someone who has sound knowledge in money matters. It’s always good to ask and even better to depend on help in this quarter.
Just because I have set out this prior warning, you needn’t worry. I see you having this fear psychology about your money. Fear is a harmful emotion, let it go. Your money is not going anywhere. In fact it will only increase provided you share. Stop counting each penny.
October-November-December – I see you making good recovery from where you were in the last quarter. Take time off to focus and reconsider your financial decisions. If need be, stop all investments for a while and think. If your debts are increasing then there could be a problem with the way you have planned your finances. Fortunately there is good news of money coming in. It may take a few weeks to realize but it will come. This should take care of things. However, now is the time for you to know that you can be successful and this belief will go a long way.
The end of this quarter will bring in disappointing news about money. Don’t freak-out or break down. It will be hurtful but I know you are strong willed and can put this behind. It is best to learn from this situation and plan things better the next time.
There has been some disappointment regarding wealth, but at least you have the hope that it can only get better from here and not worse. Keep this spirit up and things will change for the good.
Your Career in 2015
What you do defines you. You could be engaged in activities and work that is not close to your heart, that does not define you, and this creates a negative feeling that reflects in your work. On the other hand, you could actually be enjoying your work, the one that brings in your bread and butter. How do you fare in either case? How long will the good times last? How soon will the bad times end? Let’s find out.
January-February-March – In the first quarter of 2015 I see you getting insecure about your position at your workplace. Don’t try to hold on too tight to what you are doing; it might be a particular assignment or a job which you don’t like much. The more you cling to it out of fear and insecurity, the more you will drive it away from you. If it’s work that you don’t enjoy, then this is the time to question yourself about what you should be doing if not this. If this job is just the source of your food, then it definitely doesn’t define you. Well, the good news is I see change coming—news of a new job, a new assignment, a good omen that will bring in temporary spark. But let me tell you this, this quarter is very important to get up there and speak up and take the right actions. If you feel you deserve the position, or a new job or reward, then go for it. This quarter will fulfil this wish of yours, like something magical happening to you when you least expect it. You have all the essential qualities to make a good start this year. Don’t wait too long if you feel you need it.
April-May-June – This quarter you seem to be spoiled for choices, especially if you are in a business or doing something of your own. Too many choices will confuse you and if you make the wrong decision, you find yourself in a spot. This period is also about being practical and not a dreamer. It’s like a wakeup call to get down from cloud nine. Success comes to those who work and not just dream about it. In this quarter you will also have to make a significant decision in your workplace, either about shifting department or switching to doing something you love. The best part about this is eventually you end up with what you really wanted to do work wise.
There could be teething problems in this new phase, but only initially. You will tend to feel restricted, constrained with people around you and the way they function. In such a situation it’s best to speak up and open up your mind. You have a good point and it needs to come through. This approach alone will help you in this kind of a scenario.
July-August-September – Competition is going to be stiff this quarter. If you are slacking off, its time you pull up your socks and work hard. All eyes are on you and you will face healthy competition from your contemporaries. Play fair and square even though it might look like the others aren’t doing so. That shouldn’t be your concern, what others do. Prove your worth at the workplace. I would also like to forewarn you about dejection or a disappointment that you may face at your work place. Don’t make this the focal point of your life. It’s a part and parcel of your professional life and this phase too will pass. Towards the end of the quarter you will have to pay attention to the details of your work. You are being watched and your efforts right now will leave an impression. Relax. The good news is this will all turn out to be in your favour and the upheaval at your workplace will settle. Time to take it easy now.
October-November-December – This quarter is a time to make an important decision. Analyze things well at your workplace. If you are at a stage where love and business tend to mix, look out. This can get messy. And if you still choose to mix business with pleasure it’s better to know your stakes. Work is going to get difficult. Work pressure, targets, and other details will play devil’s advocate. It might all look too difficult to handle but don’t stress too much. You will sail through, as I see; you have the temperament to handle such pressures. I would however like to prepare you for a defeat. It is possible that situations and people make it difficult for you to win. You may lose to a tyrant boss or menacing colleagues. There is very little that you can do about this. I would advise you to keep calm and let go. This obviously is going to be difficult for you to do, knowing the intrinsic emperor’s Ego in you, but any more fighting or speaking up will only create more uncertainties for you. There is very little that you can do on a stormy day. Let the storm settle on its own and the day will get brighter. Let’s try to be hopeful for a better beginning in 2016.
All is fair in love and war. Career isn’t less than a war in this modern world, one needs courage, valour and immense patience to get where one desires to be. It is like a battlefield, only persistence and the right strategies win. On one end is your formidable opponent—your boss, your clients or your stressful job—and on the other is you. This whole setting is nothing less than a war; well, you are the Emperor after all, the mightiest of them all. You came, saw and conquered. This phrase so perfectly suits you, doesn’t it? I have covered almost everything important for you in these chapters. But is this all? Apparently the Universe thinks differently. It places Spirituality ahead of all of the above aspects we have done so far. The Universe believes we were born for only one purpose, to realize ourselves in God. In this context Universe implies the gambit of the entire living existence of which we form a part. At the present moment we seem to have moved away from this ultimate purpose of oneness with the Universe, in fact, my dear friend, we have completely erased it from our present time. So let’s turn to your spiritual reading for 2015 and see whether you are able to get in close contact with your inner self, the Being in you, and transform your life.
The Spiritual You in 2015
When the Universe created us, it made us for one purpose, to rejoin the Supreme One. This process may also be called Liberation, Nirvana or Enlightenment. But do we really believe that we were born to do this? I’m sure you don’t. You are way too busy right now with more important things like making a living, picking up right clothes, cars, investing money, getting in shape, fighting workplace politics, and much more. Not anymore. Through this chapter I request you to take a minute off and think about why you were given this human form. The answer to this question is simple—because you are a blessed soul and therefore the Universe gives you the opportunity to realise your ultimate truth—Enlightenment. I have picked four cards from my Tarot deck and these will tell me your Spiritual health and quotient in 2015. You begin fantastically this year in Spiritualism. You will start a new course or class or simply pick up an interesting reading material about spiritual stuff. This is a good beginning. As I see it, you need to spend some more time this year for your inner healing and enlightenment. Don’t put this on the backburner. Finish what you have started. You have what it takes to be a good Soul; all you need is to know that what you are doing is good. This brings about a positive change in your life, a journey to begin. This book might just be the start. Don’t stop the fire here. Keep it burning. I also see you meeting a Mentor; not exactly like a teacher and not someone with whom you can have a direct teacher-student relationship but someone who from a distance can be a huge positive influence on you. Let this influence be; don’t get carried away if others mock you on this new beginning. They will eventually follow your path too. That’s natural. Unlearn your old belief systems, put them away and learn from this master who will show you the new way. You will have a huge positive reinforcement in your spiritual goals and belief which I think is phenomenal considering the busy life you lead. As an Emperor, it gets very difficult to attain even a modicum of spirituality, given your authoritative nature. Such was the case with Siddhartha Gautama too, a prince who would have soon been ordained as the Emperor if not for the sudden turn of events in his life. This is how his true journey began and with your spiritual predictions I hope you too choose to focus on not just being an Emperor in the material world but also an Emperor deep inside, a winner who achieves Realisation.
I see you enjoying this learning, a good emotional shift from where you were. You will be happy about what you learn. Don’t be too hard on yourself to finish the entire learning in a day. Take it slow and easy. Don’t be the Hare. This learning brings about a huge change in your life and this change is significant. It will shape you up to become another person, a better version from the Emperor you are now. The Wheel of Fortune favours you and with fortune I mean spiritual Enlightenment.
I am glad you have got these wonderful cards. I hope you realize what a remarkably good spiritual beginning you will have in 2015. Enjoy every bit of it and keep the purpose close to your heart. Don’t let this Human birth go vain. Make the most of it. Liberate yourself. Now is the beginning…
Summary of Your Predictions
Highlights of 2015 – This year looks financially great for you. You will make money from unexpected sources and even go on to investing in a new home or some kind of real estate. You may also end up buying a car or some other kind of automobile. This year is a great omen to make wealth. For female Aries there is a high possibility of conception if you have been considering this for some time now.
Areas of Concerns in 2015 – Don’t ignore your body’s signs during its low times. Give it timely attention. When it comes to love, avoid hasty decisions and don’t be pushy if you are in a committed relationship. Your professional life may see some difficulties due to insecurities, but this isn’t anything that you can’t deal with. It is a fear that your mind has created and you can tackle it by dealing with your mind calmly.
Revelation – Despite the above I see you making a marvellous spiritual beginning this year. You will choose to walk this path probably for the first time. You will be provided with all the help and this book may just be the first help extended towards you.
Tarot Spreads
Spread I
1: Past—Ten of Swords: This is the beginning of the end card. In your recent past you have decided to end something or have ended a good relationship of some sorts. This was a painful decision but there was nothing to be done but to end it.
2: Present—Five of Wands: You are facing stiff but healthy competition at work. To tell you honestly, you have all that it takes to withstand this competition and come out victorious.
3: Future—Nine of Cups: In the forthcoming months you are going to be emotionally happy and content with the way things go. If there is anything you ever wanted, just make a wish and it will be granted. Next few months are worth looking forward to.
Spread II
Horoscope Spread
This spread describes your entire life through a cluster of 10 magical cards. Come, take a look!
1: Personality—Queen of Pentacles: You are an excellent executer. Whatever tasks are entrusted to you reach completion systematically and beautifully. You also have the tendency to be an authoritative person who would like to either lead or be the next in command. You may also think of starting something new this year.
2: Health—Knight of Cups: New beginnings in love will keep you happy and charged. You are a knight in love, always ready to embark on new beginnings and new affairs or bring freshness to existing relationships. Health looks all well in the times to come.
3: Wealth—Three of Wands: Overall, your wealth history looks decent. You will make good wealth in your lifetime but your tendency to overspend has to be curtailed to make better savings.
4: Career—Five of Cups: You tend to regret the past in your career. I see you doing that most often in your work life. Kindly use this as a guideline to get over the past regrets and establish a happy work life balance.
5: Love—Six of Pentacles: Love will come easy to you. Your spouse is like a charitable person who gives you the charity of love whole heartedly and generously. You are one lucky person.
6: Spirituality—King of cups: You are truly an Emperor or a King. Both in terms of ambition and spirituality. You feel more spiritual than you act. I know that spirituality is a topic close to your heart and if not, then soon it will be one, considering your emotional quotient. Time you started working on this.