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The Juice Master: Turbo-charge Your Life in 14 Days

An imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers Ltd. 1 London Bridge Street London SE1 9GF
First published by HarperThorsons 2005
This updated edition published 2014
© Jason Vale 2005, 2014
A catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library
Jason Vale asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work
Cover photographs @ Shutterstock.com
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Source ISBN: 9780007194223
Ebook Edition © APRIL 2014 ISBN: 9780007390274
Version: 2017-08-09
Turbo-charge Changed My Life!
When I first wrote this book I was hoping that it would successfully inspire people to much better health and an improved lifestyle. However, I had no idea just how much difference it would make to so many people. I now receive many hundreds of emails and letters every week from people all over the world who have read the book, completed the programme and made unbelievable changes to their body shape, health and life.
Here are just a few genuine letters from the ever growing postbag – I hope, like the book itself, that they inspire you to an incredible life change.
‘Just had to share my delight with you on completion of the 14-day Turbo-charge programme. I have lost 181bs in 14 days! Truly amazing as I have tried them all before and never had such startling results with such ease and enjoyment. My husband looks and feels 10 years younger and is spreading the word to his “food police” mates. I overheard him explaining to one that “It isn’t a diet, it’s a permanent change of lifestyle.”’ Alison
‘Four weeks ago I started the “Turbo-charge Your Life” programme, and now when I try to eat a fast-food burger I feel physically ill! I’ve lost weight, I look great, I feel great, and I’m bursting with energy for the first time in 15 years. I’ve never been happier. Thank you, Jason. For the paltry price of a juicer and your book, my life has changed completely. Best regards.’ Tony
‘Hi Jason, would just like to say thank you so much! I’m 15 and have been overweight all my life, constantly trying to slim down – that was until my mum bought your book, which I read. I’ve lost a stone (14lbs) and the weight just keeps going. I’ve never been happier or felt better. Thank you!’ Jenny
Take the Turbo-charge Challenge
FREE PLACE on Jason Vale’s Mind and Body Detox retreat for the person who makes the biggest change on the Turbo-charge programme – see www.thejuicemaster.com for competition details or call 0044 (0) 8451 30 28 29.
Table of Contents
Cover Page
Title Page
Quote of the Decade
No More Excuses!
Get Moving
Ditch the Diets
Liquid Engineering for Your Body
The Seven Deadly Dietary Sins
The Six Essential Dietary Needs
Seeing Is Believing
The Turbo-charge Your Life in 14 Days Programme
Juices & Power Smoothies
Keep Reading
About the Author
About the Publisher
14 Days Guaranteed to Turbo-charge Your Life for Ever
Let me make something very clear from the start: this book has been designed not simply to give you a kick up the backside on the health, fitness and life front, but to literally send a rocket booster up there!
It doesn’t matter who you are, how many ‘self-help’ books you’ve read, how many seminars you’ve been to, how many times you’ve been on a diet or started an exercise programme in the past. It doesn’t matter how much you may think you ‘know it all’ when it comes to this subject – the fact is we could all do with a bit of inspirational hard talking to move us from simply thinking about making a change ‘one day’ to actually getting off our backsides and just doing it.
The information in this book will not only help you to do just that, but much more importantly, it will explain exactly what is needed, on both a mental and physical level, to make the change stick for good. The last thing you want is what usually happens with virtually every health/fitness/diet/programme – you get all motivated, stick to it for a while, start looking and feeling good only to find yourself back where you started a few months down the line.
So many of us are good at the start. We are excited and have all the right intentions. But a massive 95 per cent of the time we revert back to our old ways and spend every weekend telling ourselves (and the world) that all will change again on…Monday!
My aim is simple: to supply you with the correct motivational, nutritional and fitness information to inspire you to complete the unique and highly effective 14-day Turbo-charge Your Life programme. I will also show you how to tap into the right psychology on a regular basis to enable you to create an amazing, compelling life where you truly live as opposed to ‘survive’.
FAT Chance
I know that weight loss in particular is a huge issue for many people (pardon the pun), as indeed it was for myself for many years. This is hardly surprising as we are now in the unenviable position of holding the title of ‘The Fattest Nation in Europe’ (and as you’ve no doubt seen that’s up against some pretty big competition!). A massive three-quarters of the population of the UK are now classed as overweight or obese and children as young as 5 are now getting heart disease and ‘early onset’ diabetes. You cannot pick up a magazine or newspaper without mention of ‘The Obese Time Bomb’ waiting to explode. This is why I want to get something very clear from the start:
I can guarantee that you will lose 8-14 lb on the 14-dayTurbo-charge Your Life programme.
That’s if you need to lose weight clearly!
The weight loss I’m talking about here is in just the first 14 days, but as this programme will turbo-charge you for life, you will soon find you reach your ideal weight and body shape. What’s even better is that the programme has also been designed to improve the skin, add body and shine to your hair, increase your energy levels and, more importantly, change the way you feel about food and exercise for ever.
The Turbo-charge Your Life programme is much, much more than a simple ‘lose a few pounds’ programme. In fact, not everyone follows the programme to lose weight. Many people simply want to feel light, to experience amazing health and tap into a level of raw energy they haven’t had since they were children. Many people, especially men, also want to increase their weight by building muscle, which is why I want to make my second point very clear:
This programme is not just for Overweight people.
Far from it. It has been designed for everyone who finds it hard either to kick-start or continue with a healthy, balanced eating and exercise programme. It’s designed for all those who are fully aware of what they should eat for better health and why they should exercise more, but for some reason just cannot tap into the right frame of mind to get themselves to take action on a consistent basis. It’s designed for those who have started many programmes in the past but never quite achieved their health and body potential. This unique programme is also designed for all those who not only want to improve their health, but also need the ultimate kick up the backside.
However, long before we get into the programme which will, without question, change your life, you have to do the very thing that will make following the programme one of the most easy and enjoyable experiences you have ever had, and that is you must…
Read the Book!
We are living in an extremely bizarre time when it comes to health, exercise, meal preparation and dieting in general. As a nation we now have more cooking shows, more celebrity chefs and we buy more cookery books than any other country in Europe. However, we also buy more takeaways than any other country in Europe. In fact the British spend £7,000 a minute on ready meals; that’s three times more than any other country in Europe. The projection is that we will be spending £5 billion on ready meals by 2007.
We also have more ‘slimming’ clubs, more health and exercise books and more celebrity ‘get slim and fit’ DVDs than any other country in Europe, yet we are also the fattest and most unhealthy country anywhere in Europe.
Because although we are good at buying the books, it appears we haven’t actually mastered the art of reading them! Sure, we’re good at flicking through them, but rarely, if ever, do we read the whole book and get around to acting on any of the information.
Virtually everyone I know has Jamie, Delia and Nigella in their kitchen, but I’ll be damned if I’ve ever seen them cooking a recipe from any of them. These celeb cookery books have become the food equivalent of Hello! or OK! magazine – great for good food voyeurs, but unfortunately that’s where it usually ends.
In the real world, most people have all the right intentions, but the reality remains the same. Most of us either grab a takeaway, tuck into a sandwich and crisps or shove a ready meal in the oven, believing we’ve made dinner! It appears that Jamie, Nigella and co aren’t in the kitchen to help us prepare wonderful, wholesome food every night, but more as the ultimate kitchen fashion accessory. In fact, I believe a big, glossy Jamie Oliver or a sultry Nigella book is now even more important to kitchen aesthetics than the Smeg hob itself. Gleaming state-of-the-art cookers remain gleaming, not because we are such super cleaners, but because we rarely actually turn them on.
At the same time, virtually every house I go into has some sort of self-help, diet or exercise book on the shelves, and yet the people who bought them are eating rubbish, watching hours of TV and complaining about their size, shape or lives in general. It was estimated that at the height of Atkins mania, 20 million people in the UK, Europe and the US were on the diet. However, what this figure actually meant was that 20 million people bought the book, but that doesn’t mean Jack. Just because 20 million people had a copy doesn’t mean for one second they actually read the book.
We need to remember that at exactly the same time Atkins made number one on the New York Times bestsellers list it was announced that for the first time in history over 60 per cent of the US population were considered overweight, obese or morbidly obese. Perhaps people weren’t so much reading the books as eating them! Even the late Dr Atkins himself may have been guilty of this as, according to a popular UK newspaper, at the time of his death he weighed in at a whopping 2501bs.
Buying the book isn’t enough – you have to read it!
I will tell you now that the information in this book will work. It will change the way you look at health and exercise. Without question, it will not just give you a good kick-start but will turbo-charge every single aspect of your life. I would even go as far as to say it would be impossible to read this book and not be moved in some way to change your eating and exercise habits and so, in turn, your life. As completely alien as it may seem at this stage, by the time you finish the book you will actually look forward to daily exercise, you will love the process of eating well and you will know exactly what is needed if you want to turbo-charge any aspect of your life. But, let me make this point crystal clear, if you simply flick through the book, use it as a place mat or leave it on your shelf, then it’s got about as much chance of weaving its magic as George W Bush has of winning the Nobel Peace Prize!
Ninety-five per cent of self-help books remain unread on people’s shelves.
Many people seem to think that by merely buying a book like this, they’ve done enough. You know what I mean. You feel good about the fact you’re at least taking steps towards a better body and life. Then you get home, have a quick flick, put it down and say, ‘I’ll just do this and then I’ll read it.’ Next thing you know, there are more things to do and now the book’s getting in the way. You then move it to one side and say, ‘Tomorrow – I’ll read it tomorrow!’ But once again you get caught up with the ‘more important’ things, and before you know what’s happened the book has found its way into a box or onto the bookshelf, never to see the light of day again. But at least you felt you were doing good for a moment – the moment you bought it.
It’s similar to all those people who feel good about joining a gym, but simply joining a gym will not get you fit – YOU HAVE TO GO! Equally, buying this book will be about as much use as a pork pie at a Jewish wedding unless you actually read it and act on the information.
As you have probably gathered, I’m pretty keen to get this point across and I am not averse to repeating myself to make myself heard. The reason I do this is not to treat my readers as if they’re a few biscuits short of the full packet, but because the more you hear something, the more it goes into both your conscious and subconscious mind.
To make absolutely certain that you know just how important I regard my first point, and with the danger of repeating myself again, I have dedicated a whole page to hammer the point home:

Glad that’s clear!
Don’t just read the book, but read it in the order it was intended to be read, from start to finish. Being about the most impatient person I know, I’m fully aware that despite my massive ‘READ THE BOOK’ message, you may still be tempted to go straight to the 14-day Turbo-charge Your Life plan and just get on with it. But please, please, please don’t. I will tell you now that if you do that, if you ignore my first piece of advice, the programme could well feel like just another diet/detox and exercise plan, and ultimately you will fail. Before you launch yourself into this life-changing programme, you must be mentally prepared first – it’s the mental preparation that makes the difference between turbocharging then crashing and turbo-charging, remaining up there and achieving the body, health and lifestyle you crave. If you’re not dedicated enough to simply read the book, you’ve also got to ask yourself what possible hope you have of being committed to the programme itself.
Fortunately, as you can probably tell, I write the way I speak, so you will find you whiz through this book in no time at all. For those people who have never sampled my books before, you will see as we go on that I’m not here to win any literature awards. I’m here simply to help you get the results you’re looking for. And if that means repeating certain points 20 times over, SHOUTING MY POINT, mildly swearing (at times) or being pretty blunt, then so be it. I don’t expect you to agree with everything I write, or even to like my style all of the time, but as long as you use your intelligence, taking what makes sense to you and dumping what doesn’t, you’ll find your life will excel. Sometimes you can read just one line of a book and it triggers something that changes you for ever. All I ask is for you to be open-minded throughout.
So if you’re ready to begin a journey that will turbo-charge every single aspect of your life, let’s begin…

Quote of the Decade
Every now and then you hear just one sentence that not only warms your heart but also has the power to completely change the way you view your world, and in some cases to completely change your life. The following short story should help you change the way you look at your body and what you put into it.
An 87-year-old man was interviewed for a local Irish television station in the 1970s. He had been living on the streets for many years, but despite having no home or job he looked not just OK, but super well and healthy. He was also incredibly happy and explained that living on the street was a lifestyle choice as he loved being a ‘free spirit’. When asked what his secret was he replied, ‘It’s simple. I don’t eat any junk food.’
Now clearly this man didn’t have a chance to cook, but he was incredibly fussy about what he put into his body and made sure he got plenty of good, nutrient-packed food every day. It turned out that he would go to the markets at the end of the day and get a couple of bags of fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts. He also got friendly with some restaurant owners who would, every now and then, rustle him up some wholesome cooked food.
When the interviewer asked him why he insisted on never eating junk food, he replied with a sentence that has to be one of the most profound ever aired, and you may need to read it twice, or at least think about it for a few seconds to fully understand it. His exact words were:
“The reason why Idon’t eat junkfood is because if Idon’t look after my body,I’ll have nowhereto live.”
And how true is that for all of us? If we don’t look after our body we really will have nowhere to live. We may have somewhere to survive, but rarely will we experience the mental and physical vibrancy that will enable us to truly excel in every area of our life; rarely will we feel the power of what it’s like to live every day in a powerful, light, slim, trim, energy-driven body.
It’s No Good Being the Richest Person in the Graveyard!
I know that may sound over-dramatic, but as a former fat, chain-smoking heavy drinker, who grew up in a very rough part of London, experience has taught me a valuable lesson. There’s a world of difference between just ‘getting through’ life, surviving from day to day, and having the raw energy to truly suck the juice out of each and every day.
The old man who lived on the streets would be seen by many as poor. But mentally and physically he was far wealthier than most people. He may not have had financial wealth, but he was truly content with his life – something most people never achieve – and his health bank account was well and truly in the black, something most people only dream of.
Now at this stage I already know you are financially much, much better off than that man, but no matter how much money you have, unless you are physically and mentally wealthy – you are poor. Unless you wake up looking forward to the adventures that the day may bring – you are poor. Unless you love your body and have the raw energy to play and excel every day – you are poor. Unless you have the energy to manifest your dreams – you are poor. If you ‘can’t be bothered’ – you are poor. If you spend your life working from morning till night in a job you hate and are exhausted at the end of each day – you are poor.
Amazing health, like true love and affection, is about the only thing you cannot buy or cheat at – you can only do health.
No matter how much money you spend on liposuction, external creams, magic potions, botox or plastic surgery, the fact remains that you cannot buy mental and physical vibrancy – you can only earn it.
Digging Your Grave with Your Teeth
Your body is without question the single most important thing you will ever have the good fortune to use while you’re on this planet, and yet most people are digging their own graves with their teeth. Everything we eat and drink; the way we move, or don’t move our bodies; the environment we live in and how we think all affect our entire biochemistry and every single aspect of our lives. Your life and how you feel on a daily basis is a direct reflection of your internal and external health. When your body feels good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you are more productive, content and happy in every single area of your life.
The fact is, like that wise old man said, if you don’t look after your body, you really will have nowhere to live. That is why most of this book focuses on what you put into your mouth and how you move your body, as without the right fuel for your body and mind it’s almost impossible to turbo-charge your life and live your dreams.
Equally, if you don’t look after your mental health – the thoughts you have daily; the way you see the world – you will also have nowhere to truly live.
Our thinking determines everything we do: our food choices; what we drink; whether we exercise; our work; how productive we are; how much love we give and what we strive for in life.
The way we think can also generate incredible stress, which can be more damaging to physical health than the worst foods and drinks on the planet. This is why as well as focusing on the most amazing super-fuel for the body, which will power you to amazing physical health, I will also be concentrating on changing the way you think about food, exercise and life in general.
Unless you change the way you think, everything remains the same.
No More Excuses!
There is nothing stopping anyone from getting the body and energy levels they crave – except excuses. You have clearly picked up this book because you are not 100 per cent happy on the health, fitness and body front. The reality is that there is nothing stopping you from taking the steps right now that will get you the body and energy levels you crave. Nothing that is except…excuses!