5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet
5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet

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5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet



Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2018
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This is what I love about technology; you have instant access to videos on your smartphone, tablet or phablet, meaning you effectively have a coach in your pocket in times of need. The app also has an intro video, five full coaching videos (one for each day), ten recipe videos and a final video explaining exactly what to do after the plan so you don’t undo all of your good work. Once again, you have everything you need in this book, but the app may help for those who like a bit of coaching each day as well as visually seeing how to make all the recipes.

For some people I know this will be a simple ‘drop a few pounds before the party’ thing, but having done this for years, I am more than aware that for many this is hopefully the final thing that will kick-start them to the land of the slim, trim and healthy. This is why I make no apologies for suggesting the app as a tool to help. Anything that helps anyone to actually complete this programme in order to move them from where they are to where they want, or often, need to be on the health front, is worth mentioning.

I have been doing whatever I can to convince people of the incredible health and weight-loss powers of freshly extracted juice for over a decade now, but no matter what scientific evidence I present or nutritional facts about the unique juice contained within the fibres of fruits and vegetables, nothing – and I do mean nothing – inspires people to jump on the juicing lifestyle more than others who have been there and got the truly remarkable results. Nothing motivates more than hearing of someone who, in such a short space of time, has lost huge amounts of weight or had significant changes to their mental and physical health. Nothing also inspires more to start a programme of this nature than hearing stories of people who not only lost a significant amount of weight in super-fast time, but also went on to reach their ideal weight and kept that weight off.

The stories you are about to read are one hundred per cent genuine and unsolicited; not one has been doctored or exaggerated in anyway. When looking for letters and emails to give as examples of the successes people have on this programme, it was almost impossible to choose. I have thousands to choose from! Some of you may be aware that I released a taster version of the e-book in March 2013. It was available for just one week coinciding with our annual Global Juice Detox and resulted in thousands of downloads, and thousands of emails, Facebook messages and testimonials, a few of which you will see here.

I have just spent the last few hours reading through them, and I’m now questioning why I am writing the rest of the book. There are two points to the first part of the book:

1 to get you inspired; and

2 to make you realize just how easy it can be.

We’ll get to the making it easy part later. Once you start to read the following testimonials you will be champing at the bit to get started. Please, please make a point of reading the stories, and also my comments below them, as the combination dispels many of the common myths about juicing. If you have tried any of my juice programmes before then I doubt the following stories will actually come as a surprise, but if this is your first outing into my juicy world, then...

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