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The Illustrated London Reading Book
TA'NKARD, s. a large vessel with a cover for strong drink
TA'PER, v.n. grow gradually smaller
TA'TTOO, v.a. mark by staining on the skin
TA'WDRY, a. meanly showy; showy without elegance
TA'XATION, s. the act of loading with taxes; accusation
TE'CHNICAL, a. belonging to the arts; not in common or popular use
TE'LESCOPE, s. a long glass by which distant objects are viewed
TEA'CHER, s. one who teaches; an instructor
TE'MPERANCE, s. moderation in meat and drink; free from ardent passion
TE'MPERATE, a. moderate in meat and drink; free from ardent passion; not excessive
TE'MPERATURE, s. constitution of nature; degree of any qualities; moderation
TE'MPLE, s. a place appropriated to acts of religion; the upper part of the sides of the head
TE'MPORAL, a. measured by time secular; not spiritual
TEMPTA'TION, s. the act of tempting
TENA'CITY, s. adhesion of one part to another
TE'NDENCY, s. direction or course toward any place, object, inference, or result
TE'NDER, a. soft; sensible; delicate; gentle; mild; young; weak, as tender age
TE'NDRIL, s. the clasp of a vine or other climbing plant
TE'NEMENT, s. anything held by a tenant
TENU'ITY, s. thinness; smallness; poverty
TE'RMINATE, v.n. have an end; be limited; end
TERMINA'TION, s. the end
TERRE'STRIAL, a. earthly
TE'RRIBLE, a. dreadful; formidable; causing fear
TE'RRIER, s. a kind of dog
TE'RRITORY, s. land; country
TE'RROR, s. fear communicated; fear received; the cause of fear
TE'XTURE, s. the act of weaving; a web; a thing woven; combination of parts
THE'REFORE, ad. for this reason; consequently
THOU'SAND, a. or s. the number of ten hundred
TIDE, s. time; alternate ebb and flow of the sea
TI'MID, a. fearful; wanting courage
TI'MOROUS, a. fearful; terrified; susceptible of fear; capable of being frightened
TI'TLE, s. a general head comprising particulars; an appellation of honour; claim of right; the first page of a book, telling its name, and generally its subject
TO'CSIN, s. an alarm-bell
TO'RPID, a. motionless; sluggish
TO'RTURE, s. torments judicially inflicted; pain by which guilt is punished, or confession extorted
TO'RTURE, v.a. punish with tortures; torment
TOUR, s. (pronounced toor) a journey for pleasure
TOU'RIST, s. one who travels for pleasure
TO'WARD, prep. in a direction to; near to
TOW'ER, s. high building; fortress; an elevation
TRADI'TIONAL, a. delivered by tradition
TRA'GEDY, s. any mournful or dreadful event
TRA'GIC, a. mournful, calamitous
TRA'GI-CO'MEDY, s. a drama compounded of merry and serious things
TRAIN, v.a. draw along; entice; educate
TRA'NQUIL, a. quiet; peaceful
TRANQUI'LLITY, a. quietness; peace; freedom from trouble or annoyance
TRANSA'CT, v.a. manage; negotiate; perform
TRANSA'CTION, s. negotiation; management
TRA'NSIENT, a. short; momentary
TRANSI'TION, s. removal; passage from one to another; change
TRANSMI'T, v.a. send from one place to another
TRANSPA'RENT, a. clear; translucent
TRA'VEL, s. journey; labour; toil
TRA'VEL, v.n. make travels; move; go
TRA'VERSE, v.a. to cross; to lay athwart; to cross by way of opposition; to wander over
TREA'CHEROUS, a. faithless; guilty of deserting or betraying
TREA'CHERY, s. perfidy; breach of faith
TREA'SURER, s. one who has the care of money; one who has the charge of treasure
TRE'LLIS, s. a structure of iron, wood, or osier, the parts crossing each other like a lattice
TREME'NDOUS, a. dreadful; horrible
TRE'MOUR, s. the state of trembling or quivering
TRE'MULOUS, a. trembling; fearful; quivering
TREPIDA'TION, s. fear; terror; hurry; confused haste; terrified flight
TRI'ANGLE, s. a figure of three angles
TRIBU'NAL, s. the seat of a judge; a court of justice
TRI'BUTE, s. payment in acknowledgment; subjection
TRI'PLE, a. threefold; treble
TRI'UMPH, s. victory; conquest
TRIU'MPHANT, a. victorious; celebrating a victory
TRO'PHY, s. something shown or treasured up in proof of victory
TRO'UBLE, v.n. disturb; afflict; tease; disorder
TRU'NCATE, v.a. maim; cut short
TRU'NNIONS, s. the knobs or bunchings of a gun, that bear it on the checks of a carriage
TUBE, s. a pipe; a long hollow body
TU'BULAR, a. resembling a pipe or trunk
TUMU'LTUOUS, a. uproarious; noisy
TU'NIC, s. part of the Roman dress, natural covering; tunicle
TU'NNEL, s. funnel; shaft of a chimney; passage underground
TU'RBAN, s. the covering worn by the Turks on their heads
TU'RPITUDE, s. shamefulness; baseness
TY'RANNY, s. severity; rigour
TY'RANT, s. an absolute monarch governing imperiously; a cruel and severe master; an oppressor
U'LTIMATE, a. intended as the last resort
UNABA'TED, part. not lessened in force or intensity
UNACCOU'NTABLE, a. not explicable; not to be solved by reason; not subject
UNA'LTERABLE, a. unchangeable; immutable
UNAPRROA'CHED, a. inaccessible
UNAWA'RE, ad. unexpectedly; without thought
UNCE'RTAINTY, s. want of certainty; inaccuracy
UNCHA'NGEABLE, a. not subject to variation
UNCO'MFORTABLE, a. affording no comfort; gloomy
UNCU'LTIVATED, a. not instructed; uncivilised
UNDAU'NTED, a. unsubdued by fear; not depressed
UNDERGO', v.a. suffer; sustain; support
UNDERMI'NE, v.a. to excavate under
UNDIMI'NISHED, a. not to be lessened; incapable of being lessened
UNDISCO'VERED, a. not seen; not found out
UNDISTI'NGUISHABLE, a. not to be distinguished
UNFO'RTUNATE, a. unsuccessful; unprosperous
U'NIFORM, a. conforming to one rule; similar to itself
UNIFO'RMITY, s. conforming to one pattern
UNINHA'BITABLE, a. unfit to be inhabited
UNINI'TIATED, part. ignorant of; not conversant with
UNIVE'RSAL, s. the whole
U'NIVERSE, s. the general system of things
UNJU'STIFIABLE, a. not to be defended
UNMO'ULTED, part. unchanged in feather
UNPA'LATEABLE, a. nauseous, disgusting
UNRETA'LIATED, part. unreturned, applied to injuries
UNSA'Y, v.a. retract; deny what has been said
UNSUCCE'SSFUL, a. not having the wished event
UNSWA'THE, v.a. unbandage
UNVI'TIATED, part. pure; not defiled
UNWIE'LDY, a. unmanageable; not easily moving, or moved
URGE, v.a. press; incite; provoke; solicit
U'SHER, s. an under-teacher; one whose business it is to introduce strangers, or walk before a person of high rank
UTE'NSIL, s. an instrument for any use, such as the vessels of the kitchen, or tools of a trade
VALE'RIAN, s. a plant
VA'LLEY, s. low ground; a hollow between two hills
VA'LUABLE, a. precious; worthy
VA'LUE, s. price; worth; rate
VAN, s. the front of an army; the first line
VANI'LLA, s. a plant, the fruit of which is used to scent chocolate
VA'NISH, v.n. lose perceptible existence; disappear; be lost; pass away
VA'RIANCE, s. discord; disagreement
VA'RIEGATE, v.a. diversify; stain with different colours
VA'RIOUS, a. different; several; diversified
VA'RY, v.a. change; change to something else
VA'TICAN, s. the palace of the Pope at Rome
VEGETA'TION, s. the power of producing the growth of plants
VEGETA'TIVE, a. having the power to produce growth in plants
VE'HICLE, s. a conveyance
VE'NERABLE, a. old; to be treated with reverence
VE'NISON, s. game; the flesh of deer
VENTILA'TION, s. the act of fanning
VENTILA'TOR, s. an instrument contrived to supply close places with fresh air
VE'NTURE, v.n. dare; run hazard; engage in
VE'RIFY, v.n. justify against the charge of falsehood; confirm; to prove true
VE'RILY, ad. in truth; certainly
VE'SSEL, s. any capacity; anything containing; the containing parts of an animal body
VESU'VIUS, s. a burning mountain near Naples
VICI'NITY, s. nearness; state of being near
VICI'SSITUDE, s. regular change; revolution
VI'CTIM, s. sacrifice; something destroyed
VI'CTORY, s. conquest; triumph
VI'GIL, s. watch; a fast kept before a holiday
VI'GOROUS, a. full of strength and life
VI'GOROUSLY, ad. energetically; forcibly; with force; without weakness
VI'LLAGE, s. a small collection of houses
VI'NDICATE, v.a. justify; clear; assert; revenge
VI'NTAGE, s. the produce of the vine for the year; the time in which grapes are gathered
VI'OLATION, s. infringement of a law
VI'OLENT, a. forcible; unseasonably vehement
VI'PER, s. a serpent; anything mischievous
VI'PERINE, a. belonging to a viper
VI'RULENT, a. poisonous; venomous; poisoned in the mind; malignant
VI'SIBLE, a. perceptible by the eye; apparent
VI'SION, s. sight; the faculty of seeing; the act of seeing; a supernatural appearance; a spectre; a phantom; a dream; something shown in a dream
VI'SUAL, a. using the power of sight
VI'TIATE, v.a. deprave; spoil; make less pure
VOLCA'NO, s. a burning mountain
VO'TARY, s. one devoted, as by a vow, to any particular service, worship, study, or state of life
VU'LTURE, s. a large bird of prey
WA'NTONLY, ad. sportively; carelessly
WEA'PON, s. an instrument of offence; something with which one is armed to hurt another
WI'LDERNESS, s. a desert
WI'STFUL, a. attentive; earnest; full of thought
WO'NDERFUL, a. admirable; strange; astonishing
WO'RSHIP, v.a. adore; honour; venerate
ZEST, s. relish
ZOOLO'GICAL, a. that which relates to animals