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Notes and Queries, Number 30, May 25, 1850
THE CHURCHES OF THE MIDDLE AGES. By HENRY BOWMAN and JOSEPH S. CROWTHER, Architects, Manchester. To be completed in Twenty Parts, each containing Six Plates, Imperial Folio. Issued at intervals of two months. Price per Part to Subscribers, Proofs, large paper, 10s. 6d.; Tinted, small paper. 9s.; Plain, 7s. 6d. Parts 1 to 7 are now published, and contain illustrations of Ewerby Church, Lincolnshire; Temple Balsall Chapel, Warwickshire; and Heckington church, Lincolnshire.
On the 1st of July next, the price of the work, to Subscribers whose names may be received after that date, will be raised as follows:—Proofs, tinted, large paper, per Part 12s.; tinted, small paper, 10s. 6d.; Plain 9s.
"Ewerby is a magnificent specimen of a Flowing Middle-Pointed Church. It is most perfectly measured and described; one can follow the most recondite beauties of the construction, mouldings and joints, in these Plates, almost as well as in the original structure. Such a monograph as this will be of incalculable value to the architects of our Colonies or the United States, who have no means of access to ancient churches. The Plates are on stone, done with remarkable skill and distinctness. Of Heckington we can only say that the perspective view from the south-east presents a very vision of beauty; we can hardly conceive anything more perfect. We heartily recommend this series to all who are able to patronize it."—Ecclesiologist, Oct. 1849.
London: GEORGE BELL, 186. Fleet Street.
Just published, fcp. 8vo., cloth lettered. 2s. 6d.
A GLOSSARY to the OBSOLETE and UNUSUAL WORDS and PHRASES of the HOLY SCRIPTURES. With an Introductory History of the last English Version. By J. JAMESON.
London: WERTHEIM AND MACINTOSH. 24. Paternoster Row.
Preparing for publication. In 2 vols. small 8vo.
THE FOLK-LORE of ENGLAND. By WILLIAM J. THOMS, F.S.A., Secretary of the Camden Society, Editor of "Early Prose Romances," "Lays and Legends of all Nations," &c. One object of the present work is to furnish new contributions to the History of our National Folk-Lore; and especially some of the more striking Illustrations of the subject to be found in the Writings of Jacob Grimm and other Continental Antiquaries.
Communications of inedited Legends, Notices of remarkable Customs and Popular Observances, Rhyming Charms, &c. are earnestly solicited, and will be thankfully acknowledged by the Editor. They may be addressed to the care of Mr. BELL, Office of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.
Now Ready, containing 149 Plates, royal 8vo. 28s.; follo, 2l. 5s. India Paper, 4l. 4s.
THE MONUMENTAL BRASSES of ENGLAND; a series of Engravings upon Wood, from every variety of these interesting and valuable Memorials, accompanied with Descriptive Notices.
By the Rev. C. BOUTELI. M.A. Rector of Downham Market.
Part XII., completing the work, price 7s. 6d.; folio, 12s.; India paper, 24s.
By the same Author, royal 8vo., 15s.; large paper, 21s.
MONUMENTAL BRASSES and SLABS: an Historical and Descriptive Notice of the Incised Monumental Memorials of the Middle Ages. With upwards of 200 Engravings.
"A handsome large octavo volume, abundantly supplied with well-engraved woodcuts and lithographic plates; a sort of Encyclopædia for ready reference.... The whole work has a look of painstaking completeness highly commendable."—Athenorum
"One of the most beautifully got up and interesting volumes we have seen for a long time. It gives, in the compass of one volume, an account of the history of those beautiful monuments of former days.... The illustrations are extremely well chosen."—English Churchman
A few copies only of this work remain for sale; and, as it will not be reprinted in the same form and at the same price, the remaining copies are raised in price. Early application for the Large Paper Edition is necessary.
By the same Author, to be completed in Four Parts.
CHRISTIAN MOMUMENTS in ENGLAND and WALES; An Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the various classes of Momumental Memorials which have been in use in this country from about the time of the Norman Conquest. Profusely illustrated with Wood Engravings. Part I. price 7s. 6d.; Part II 2s. 6d.
"A well conceived and executed work."—Ecclesiologist.
In 2 vols. 8vo., containing upwards of 1000 pages, closely printed in double columns, price 1l. 1s. cloth.
A DICTIONARY of ARCHAIC and PROVINCIAL WORDS, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the Reign of Edward I. by JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL, F.R.S.F.S.A. &c.
It contains above 50,000 Words (embodying all the known scattered glossaries of the English Language), forming a complete key to the reader of the works of our old Poets, Dramatists, Theologians, and other authors whose works abound with allusions, of which explanations are not to be found in ordinary dictionaries and books of reference. Most of the principal Archaisms are illustrated by examples selected from early inedited MSS, and rare books, and by far the greater portion will be found to be original authorities.
ANGLO-SAXON.—A DELECTUS in ANGLO-SAXON, intended as a First Class-book in the Language. By the Rev. W. BARNES, of St. John's College, Cambridge, Author of the Poems and Glossary in the Dorset Dialect. 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d.
"To those who wish to possess a critical knowledge of their own native English, some acquaintance with Anglo-Saxon is indispensable; and we have never seen an introduction better calculated than the present to supply the wants of a beginner in a short space of time. The declensions and conjugations are well stated, and illustrated by references to the Greek, Latin, French, and other languages. A philosophical spirit pervades every part. The Delectus consists of Short pieces, on various subjects, with extracts from Anglo-Saxon History and the Saxon Chronicle. There is a good glossary at the end."—Athenæum, Oct. 20. 1849.
ANGLO-SAXON.—GUIDE to the ANGLO-SAXON TONGUE; with Lessons in Verse and Prose. For the use of Learners. By E.J. VERNON, B.A., Oxon. 12mo. cloth, 5s. 6d.
This will be found useful as a Second Class-book, or to those well versed in other languages.
ANGLO-SAXON.—A COMPENDIOUS ANGLO-SAXON and ENGLISH DICTIONARY. By the Rev. JOSEPH BOSWORTH, D.D. F.R.S. &c. In 8vo. closely printed in treble columns, cloth, 12s.
This may be considered quite a new work from the author's former Dictionary; it has been entirely remodelled and enlarged, bringing it down to the present state of Anglo-Saxon literature, both at home and abroad.
HOLBEIN'S DANCE of DEATH; with an Historical and Literary Introduction by an Antiquary. Square post 8vo., with 54 Engravings, being the most accurate copies ever executed of these gems of art, and a Frontispiece of an Ancient Bedstead at Aix-la-Chapelle, with a Dance of Death carved on it, engraved by Fairholt, cloth, 9s.
"The designs are executed with a spirit and fidelity quite extraordinary. They are indeed most truthful."—Athenæum.
ENGLISH SURNAMES: an Essay on Family Nomenclature, Historical, Etymological, and Humorous. By MARK ANTONY-LOWER, M.A. Third Edition, enlarged, 2 vols. post 8v., cloth, 12s.
This new and much improved edition, besides a great enlargement of the chapters contained in the previous editions, comprises several that are entirely new, together with Notes on Scottish, Irish, and Norman Surnames. The "Additional Prolusions," besides the articles on Rebuses, Allusive Arms, and the Roll of Battel Abbey, contain Dissertations on Inn Signs, and Remarks on Christian Names; with a copious Index of many thousand names. These features render "English Surnames" rather a new work than a new edition.
THE CURIOSITIES of HERALDRY; with Illustrations from Old English Writers. By MARK ANTONY LOWER. With illuminated Title-page and numerous Engravings from Designs by the Author. 8vo., cloth, 14s.
HERALD'S VISITATIONS.—An Index to all the Pedigrees and Arms in the Heraldic Visitations and other Genealogical MSS. in the British Museum. By G. SIMS, of the Manuscript Department. 8vo., closely printed in double columns, cloth, 15s.
An indispensable book to those engaged in genealogical or topographical pursuits, affording a ready clue to the pedigrees and arms of above 30,000 of the gentry of England, their residences, &c. (distinguishing the different families of the same name in every county), as recorded by the Heralds in their Visitations, with Indexes to other genealogical MSS. in the British Museum. It has been the work of immense labour. No public library ought to be without it.
GUIDE to ARCHÆOLOGY Archæological Index to Remains of Antiquity of the Celtic, Romano-British, and Anglo-Saxon Periods. By JOHN YONGE AKERMAN, Fellow and Secretary to the Society of Antiquaries. 1 vol. 8vo., illustrated with numerous Engravings, comprising upwards of 500 objects. 15s., cloth.
"One of the first wants of an incipient antiquary is the facility of comparison, and here it is furnished him at one glance. The places, indeed, form the most valuable part of the book, both by their number and the judicious selection of types and examples which they contain. It is a book which we can, on this account, safely and warmly recommend to all who are interested in the antiquities of their native land."—Literary Gazette.
"A book of such utility—so concise, so clear, so well condensed from such varied and voluminous sources, cannot fail to be generally acceptable."—Art-Union.
COINS.—An Introduction to the Study of Ancient and Modern Coins. By J.Y. AKERMAN. Fep. 8vo., with numerous Wood Engravings, from the Original Coins, 6s. 6d.
COINS of the ROMANS relating to BRITAIN described and illustrated. By J.Y. AKERMAN, F.S.A. Second Edition, 8vo., greatly enlarged, with Plates and Woodcuts, 10s. 6d.
SHAKSPERE.—A New Life of Shakspere, including many particulars respecting the Poet and his Family never before published. By J.O. HALLIWELL, F.R.S. &c. One handsome vol., 8vo., illustrated with 76 Engravings on Wood, from Drawings by Fairholt, 15s. cloth.
THE NURSERY RHYMES of ENGLAND, collected chiefly from Oral Tradition. Edited by J.O. HALLIWELL. Fourth Edition, 12mo. with 38 Designs by W.B. Scott, 4s. 6d. cloth.
POPULAR RHYMES and NURSERY TALES; with Historical Elucidations: a Sequel to "The Nursery Rhymes of England." Edited by J.O. HALLIWELL, Royal 18mo. 4s. 6d.
PLAYING CARDS.—Facts and Speculations on the Origin and History of Playing Cards. By WILLIAM ANDREW CHATTO, Author of "Jackson's History of Wood Engraving." Thick 8vo., with numerous Engravings from Copper, Stone and wood, both plain and coloured, cloth, 1l. 1s.
ESSAYS on Subjects connected with the LITERATURE, POPULAR SUPERSTITIONS, and HISTORY of ENGLAND in the MIDDLE AGES. By THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A.F.S.A. Two handsome vols. post 8vo., elegantly printed, cloth, 16s.
Or then, meaning "for that reason."