Charlie and Polly Play Hide-and-Seek
Charlie and Polly Play Hide-and-Seek

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Дмитрий Костылев

Charlie and Polly Play Hide-and-Seek

Charlie and Polly Play Hide-and-Seek

Учебное пособие на основе рассказа

Объяснение грамматических конструкций, детский рассказ, упражнения, словарь

Автор: Костылев Дмитрий Сергеевич

Иллюстратор: Васильева Елена Сергеевна


Уважаемые читатели – дети, родители и учителя!

Эта книга ориентирована на учащихся младшего и среднего школьного возраста, проявляющих интерес к английскому языку.

Книга демонстрирует большое количество лексико-грамматических средств, усвоению которых способствует их многократное повторение в тексте рассказа, а также анализ в теоретической части «After You Read», и отработка с помощью упражнений в разделе «Exercises».

Для лучшего понимания и запоминания материала следует обратить внимание ребенка на значение тех или иных конструкций, данных в конце книги, и их применение. Сам рассказ рекомендуется прочитать несколько раз с изначальным переводом для ребенка отдельных фрагментов, вызывающих наибольший интерес, либо затруднение в понимании.

При чтении рассказа можно попросить ребенка повторять отдельные предложения или части предложений, содержащие целевые грамматические структуры и выделенные жирным шрифтом. А прочитав текст несколько раз, когда ребенок запомнит сюжет и выделенные фразы, перед ними рекомендуется делать паузы и просить ребенка пробовать воспроизвести их по памяти, деликатно исправляя возможные ошибки. Это упражнение способствует развитию памяти, навыка устной речи и закреплению фокусных грамматических конструкций.

В завершающей части книги «Exercises» читатель найдет ряд полезных упражнений, выполнение которых позволит дополнительно применить на практике и лучше запомнить изучаемый материал.

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Charlie and Polly Play Hide-and-Seek

There is a big farm in the countryside. A lot of cattle, poultry, and other farm animals live here.

There is a big farmhouse with white walls and a brown roof in the middle of the farm. A family of farmers lives in it.

There is also a big green fruit garden with many trees and bushes in front of the house. Many flower beds with beautiful flowers are around the house. And there is a vegetable garden with many vegetable beds behind it.

Charlie is a young puppy. Charlie’s parents are grown-up dogs. They live in a cosy kennel.

Polly is a kitten, and she is Charlie’s friend. Her parents are cats. They live with people in the farmhouse.

Those are other animals and birds living on the farm. Cows live in a barn. Horses – in a stable. Sheep live in a pen without a roof. Hens, geese, and ducks live in a chicken coop, a goose coop, and a duck coop respectively.

All the farm animals are friends. And Charlie and Polly are best friends. They are besties. They play and walk together. They go on adventures together. They rarely stay alone. And they never argue.

It is a good day. The sky is blue, and the sun is yellow and warm. Charlie and Polly want to play hide-and-seek. They invite other animals to their game. They invite a cow, a horse, a sheep, a goose, two ducks, and two hens to go with them. “Let’s not be bored! Let’s play!” Charlie and Polly say to their friends, “Let’s have fun together!”

The animals hide in the farmhouse. What places are there in the house? There is a hall, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, a nursery, a basement, and an attic in the farmhouse.

Charlie closes his eyes and counts to ten. Let’s count with Charlie! “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ready or not, here I come!” Charlie says.

Charlie plays hide-and-seek very well. He has a good nose. He can smell well, and he can find his friends with the help of his nose.

Charlie goes to the hall of the farmhouse. What is there in the hall? Let’s see!

There are many things in the hall. There is a red coat rack here. There are some coats and jackets on the coat rack. There is a big black door next to the coat rack. There are some boots by the door.

Charlie smells the air with his nose. It smells of clothes here, and not only…

Is there a horse in the hall? No, there isn’t.

Is there a sheep in the hall? No, there isn’t.

Is there a goose in the hall? No, there isn’t. There isn’t a goose in the hall.

Are there any ducks in the hall? No, there aren’t.

Are there hens in the hall? No there aren’t. There aren’t hens here.

Charlie searches… Charlie seeks

Charlie hears a bell ring. Charlie sees two cow legs under the coats and jackets. Is there a cow here? Yes, there is. Charlie finds the cow behind the coat rack. The cow is playing with her golden bell. She is not good at hide-and-seek – she gives herself away!

The puppy barks. The cow moos. They laugh and laugh together.

“Let’s not stay in the hall. Let’s go to the living room!” Charlie says.

Charlie and the cow go to the living room of the farmhouse. What is there in the living room? Let’s see!

There are many things in the living room. There is a big TV here. There is a violet sofa opposite the TV. There is a small table in front of the sofa. There are two armchairs by the sofa. There are three paintings on the wall above the sofa. And there is an orange chest of drawers next to one of the armchairs.

Charlie smells the air with his nose. It smells of furniture here, and not only…

Is there a sheep in the living room? No, there isn’t.

Is there a goose in the living room? No, there isn’t. There isn’t a goose in the living room.

Are there ducks in the living room? No, there aren’t.

Are there any hens in the living room? No there aren’t. There aren’t any hens here.

Charlie searches… Charlie seeks…

Charlie sees a horse nose and horse ears behind one of the armchairs. Is there a horse between the chest of drawers and the armchair? Yes, there is. Charlie finds the horse. The horse is watching football on TV. He likes the juicy green grass on the football field. This grass looks tasty.

Charlie barks. The cow moos. The horse neighs. They laugh and laugh together. “Let’s not stay in the living room! Let’s go to the kitchen!” Charlie says.

Charlie, the cow, and the horse go to the kitchen of the farmhouse. What is there in the kitchen? Let’s see!

There are many things in the kitchen. There is a big table here. There are four chairs around the table. There is a newspaper under the table. There is a light blue vase with five flowers on the table. There is a blue cupboard along the wall. There is a sink and a water tap next to the cupboard. There is a shelf with six dishes above the sink.

Charlie smells the air with his nose. It smells of food here, and not only…

Is there a goose in the kitchen? No, there isn’t. There isn’t a goose in the kitchen.

Are there ducks in the kitchen? No, there aren’t.

Are there any hens in the kitchen? No there aren’t. There aren’t any hens here.

Charlie searches… Charlie seeks…

Charlie sees the sheep’s head behind the newspaper. Is there a sheep under the table? Yes, there is. Charlie finds the sheep under the table and between the chairs. The sheep is reading the newspaper. The news is very interesting and serious! The sheep is very serious, too. She holds the newspaper upside down.

Charlie barks. The cow moos. The horse neighs. The sheep bleats. They laugh and laugh together.

“Let’s not stay in the kitchen! Let’s go to the bathroom!” Charlie says.

Charlie, the cow, the horse, and the sheep go to the bathroom of the farmhouse. What is there in the bathroom?

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