Полная версия

Alexey Yrievich Komissarenko
Translator Galina Vikentievna Valyaeva
© Alexey Yrievich Komissarenko, 2025
© Galina Vikentievna Valyaeva, translation, 2025
ISBN 978-5-0065-2760-7
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
Sign from above
Genoa, October 5, 2020
The clock on the bedroom floor struck midnight. Its shape was very unusual. The form of a large elongated drop. Its rounded, black-lacquered rosewood case had roots at the base, skillfully reconstructed by a woodworker into streams flowing from the stand. The surreal contours of the gilded dial looked like a blurring puddle. Looking at them, one could get a sense of the chaotic passage of time. That’s what Gino, a great admirer of the brilliant work of Spanish painter Salvador Dali, thought. In pursuit of originality, Gino was always looking for something unusual, non-standard, including interior elements.
Four workshops were involved in the creation of such an unusual clock: a carpenter’s, a watchmaker’s, a blacksmith’s, a jeweler’s. The carpenter’s workshop was responsible for the wooden case, the watchmaker’s – for the movement, the blacksmith’s – for the dial and stand, and the jeweler’s – for application of gold leaf to the numerals, hands and bezel, which served a purely decorative function. When he made such an original order, Gino did not think that it would take several months to complete it. But when everything was ready, he was amazed at the result. He was thrilled to bits. Although when looked at his watch, Gino was primarily proud of himself: «Wow! That was an extraordinary idea – to make a reality of the works of a great artist. And now the magnificent work of art is ready. Hardly anyone else has the same.» he flattered himself.
But that was in the past. Now the clock, like many things around, only caused irritation.
Looking at it intensely, he poured another glass of whiskey without ice and went to the mirror hanging on the bedroom wall. Gino stared at his reflection, already seeing double, because he had too much of alcohol.
«Tell me, who are you, the one who lives in this body?» he hissed angrily. «Don’t hide, show your true face! Why are you hiding? Come on, show yourself,» he continued, raising his tone. «Who are you?! I want to see you!»
Smiling sarcastically, he began to grimace, trying to ridicule the person who was supposed to appear in the mirror. But nothing changed there, Gino still could see only himself.
«Show yourself, show yourself, show yourself!» he repeated through his teeth, squinting like a madman. His eyes sparkled with anger, and a smile resembling an animal grin appeared on his face. Suddenly he saw something creepy in the reflection instead of himself. Gino jumped back, and threw a glass at the mirror with a scream. It shattered and fell onto the floor with a clatter. Running out of the bedroom and down the marble staircase to the first floor, he literally flew out of the house. He turned back to make sure no one was following him, and tried to open the car door with a shaking hand. It was pouring. Because of the water, the lock didn’t recognize his fingerprint and the door would not open. But maybe he could not get behind the wheel because he was prevented by some dark force…
«This house and I are cursed!» he whispered angrily with trembling lips.
After another touch, the car door suddenly opened. He saw that his Labrador named Charlie (at French manner «Sharlie»), ran out into the yard with him and sensed the approaching disaster: she was barking and whining, running around her owner. Gino tried to stop her, but she jumped into the car and pressed herself against the back of the passenger seat.
He got behind the wheel, very drunk, but that didn’t stop him. Starting the engine and putting it in drive mode, Gino pushed the accelerator pedal all the way down. Hundreds of horsepower, hidden under the hood of the sports car, burst out with the roar of a predatory panther. The wheels squealed, the car skidded a little, but having managed to control it, he drove toward the coast of Genoa, where he enjoyed walking along the cliffs, admiring sunsets and sunrises over the sea.
But there was only one thing pulling him there at that moment, and that was to let the heavy energy and negative emotions out. The feelings were all mixed up. There was pain, fear, anger. And they were all bursting out, he wanted to yell.
Given the amount of alcohol in his blood, it was literally a miracle that he managed to get to the coast.
During the journey, he blew off steam of his emotions and calmed down a little.
When he arrived, Gino took an umbrella out of the car door and, holding it above his head, headed for the edge of the steep cliffs by the sea.
It was still pouring; the wind was blowing hard. As he approached the edge of the cliff, he stopped. Then he took another step. At that moment, his right foot slipped off the rock, but Gino managed to hold on and not fall down. For a moment, he was paralyzed with fear.
The raging elements were crashing huge waves against the rocks. Lightning flashed in the night sky. The second day in a row, a storm warning was officially announced.
Later, all the media would have an article about several people who had drowned those days in Genoa.
Gino was standing on the edge and looking down at the water. The plot of the painting called «The Game» by the Russian artist Alexander Kulikov, hanging in the living room of his house, was spinning in his head. It depicted seven young men in black tuxedos in their early twenties. Three girls and three guys who stood in a semicircle near the edge of the cliff. And the seventh participant of the game is a young man, who is blindfolded and with his arms stretched forward trying to catch the others. He is walking toward the cliff…
He has a white smile on his face, and he only has to take a step when his foot is already hovering over the abyss, and in a second he will fall down, but he doesn’t know it. His entourage applauds loudly, some people laugh, some put their fingers in their mouths, whistle, and one couple merged in a passionate kiss, paying no attention to those around them… None of those in the picture will shout to him: «Stop!»
Gino associated himself with the main character of the painting, who will die in a moment, but no one present around him will not even try to save him.
No, Gino did not want to commit suicide at all. On the contrary, his goal was to overcome the circumstances of life. Just to continue living in a different way. That’s the only thing he wanted at that moment. But at the same time, the pros and cons were all mixed up in his head. Emotions prevailed over the reason.
Gino took another small step to the very edge.
«Let it be as it should be! This is the line between life and death, between the past and the future,» the thought flashed through his mind, sharp as executioner’s ax.
«But I have the right to control the situation! I don’t have to step over the line. I’m blindfoldless, and I know I’ll die if I step forward. And a step backwards in this case means salvation! Yes, yes, at least I’ll have a choice of how to live my life,» the sobered consciousness shouted for a moment.
«On the other hand, I know where I’m going to, but I don’t know which way is the right way,» he whispered softly.
Gino looked up to the sky with a sense of resentment towards fate.
«Why me! Why is this all happening to me!!! Where is the way out?» he asked himself nagging questions. «How do I live on? There’s no one to help me.»
The response was immediate. It was more of a hint, though. A sharp gust of wind ripped the umbrella from his hands and blew it into the sea. He shuddered with surprise and froze, but immediately pulled himself together, realized that he should stop feeling sorry for himself. He took it as a sign from above…
In one moment his suit got wet. Charlie, who was shaking from the cold, whimpered, but he paid no attention to her.
«God help me!»
Gino looked up to the sky again and said in a tired but hopeful voice.
«I know that everything is Your will. Absolutely everything! I know it now and I believe it. You send us trials and we must pass them. But I don’t have the strength to fight anymore. I completely rely only on you. Let it be as you wish it to be. Please, Lord, help me!»
As soon as he finished the last sentence, the phone rang in his pocket. Surprised and confused, he pulled it out, and saw that it was Elena. But the water on the screen didn’t let him pick up the phone.
«Damn electronics!» he squeezed out angrily. He nervously ran his finger over the glass. At the same moment the phone slipped out of his hands and flew down. While trying to catch it, Gino, drunk as he was, lost his balance and stumbled off the cliff into the sea. Charlie jumped after him.
He hit the surface of the water with his back and felt severe pain. As he surfaced, Gino began thrashing his arms around. But his shoes and wet clothes pulled him down to the bottom. He tore the buttons of his jacket and shirt off and threw them together with his shoes. Suddenly his legs cramped, and they stopped obeying to him. Realizing that he might drown, Gino lay on his back and continued paddling towards the shore with his hands. The current was so strong that the waves began to carry him further and further out to sea.
«Help! Help! Somebody! Charlie, Charlie, where are you?!»
A cry of despair burst from his chest.
Senior lifeguard Alonso, seeing a man jumping off the cliff on the coastal camera monitor, raised the alarm.
«There’s a suicide! The man jumped into the water. Red alarm. Get your diving gear! Everyone into the rescue boat!»
When they boarded, Gino was already far from the shore. His back ached unbearably. His legs were completely numb from the cramps. He began to pray, saying goodbye to life. Paddling hard with his hands, trying to stay on the surface, he was still moving away from the land.
«How come?! How come? I’m going to drown! Why God?!»
Thoughts of imminent death began to attack his mind. He was seized with horror and panic.
«God, I beg you, help me! God, help me!» he prayed to God, helplessly trying to get out of the clutches of the elements.
The rescuers switched on the searchlights on board and started moving at low speeds. For a long time, they were carefully scanning the surface of the water. They almost lost the hope of finding him.
«There he is! I see him! Turn that way!» shouted Alonso, seeing Gino’s head. About thirty meters away from them.
The bright light of the flickering searchlights blinded Gino.
«Thank you, Jesus!» he silently thanked God.
But another wave came over his head. He was already completely out of strength and couldn’t move his arms.
«Here…» he whispered. And, choking, he went down.
In a moment the boat came very close to the place where Gino’s head disappeared, and Alonso and his assistant dived under the water.
Thanks to the lighting equipment on the boat and the diving suits, they were able to see Gino. Still at a shallow depth. With incredible efforts, they swam up to him. Gino was no longer showing signs of life. Alonso put an oxygen mask on his face, but he remained motionless.
When they surfaced, another part of the crew lifted him to the deck. Elisa, the lifeguard, felt for a pulse, shined a flashlight into his eyes and, after checking the pupil response, began CPR.
«What is it?» came out of the radio the excited voice of Riccardo, the Coast Guard chief, who was waiting in the rescue building. «Did you get him aboard? Is he alive?!»
«Yes, he’s on board,» reported Alonso through ragged breaths. «He’s still unconscious, but he’s got a pulse. We’re doing everything we can!»
«I’m watching the video. Why didn’t you take action right away?!» screamed Riccardo. «Why didn’t anyone go earlier to ask him what he was doing over the cliff? Were you waiting for him to jump off?!»
Without waiting for an answer, he angrily muted the radio, ending the connection.
Chapter 2.A month earlier…Piercing gazeFrom a young age, Gino was involved in the family business of his father, Alberto Pensieri, who was once quite a successful restaurateur in Italy. But six months ago, after contracting a coronavirus and failing to survive a lung complication, Alberto died in St. Raphael’s Hospital in Milan. The elderly man’s body could not cope with the disease. It was disheartening for Gino, who was still saddened by the fact that his father was no longer with him.
After his father’s death, he took full charge of the family business.
Unfortunately, the pandemic in Italy not only took the life of the closest person, but also dealt a blow to the economy of Pensieri’s restaurant empire. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy at that time. In this regard, a board meeting was organized.
A month before his tragic fall from the cliff, Gino came for a meeting to his office of the restaurant chain Antiche Tradizioni di Pensieri – «Ancient Traditions of Pensieri» – in the center of Milan. Self-contained on the outside, but very tense on the inside. He slowly walked into a huge hall with a round table where his business partners and subordinates were sitting. Everyone greeted him.
He cast a piercing glance at those present, greeted them quietly in return and sat down at the table.
Gino had a really expressive, intimidating look. When he was in a bad mood, people even at a great distance from him felt uncomfortable and wanted to turn away. During the dialog, he could stare intently at a person with eyes as dark as the abyss. From time to time it even caused a feeling of animal fear in some interlocutors.
Gino was the main shareholder and owner of the inherited company. A luxury-loving dreamer, he indulged in pleasures. Traveling all over the world, he uncontrollably spent fortunes on entertainment and gambling, wanting to take everything from life at once.
Renting a large yacht and sitting on its deck, he used to dream of the geometric progression of his restaurant business. However, he did not want to participate in business processes and interact professionally with his colleagues. Gino relied only on his own despotism towards top management and employees.
Even during his father’s lifetime, the affairs of the Pensieri family began to deteriorate. But Gino, an impulsive lover of colorful life, did not want to delve into the intricacies of crisis management processes. And a pandemic, that was claiming thousands of lives, a sharp decline in Italian tourism and endless lockdown restrictions for public places, were bringing the company closer to ruin.
Even his chair at the round table in the conference room testified to Gino’s high self-importance. It was made of red sandalwood, upholstered in black crocodile leather, and had an unnaturally high backrest. It looked more like an emperor’s throne than a negotiating chair.
«Colleagues, we’ve been together all these years, this is our common business.»
Gino began his speech quietly but confidently.
«The future of the company will depend on the decision we come to today. Who wants to speak first?»
Mario, the Deputy General Manager, was the first to start. He used to be and still was a trusted employee of the company and a loyal friend to Gino, despite the fact that the latter often shouted at Mario unfairly and humiliatingly during general meetings, in the presence of his colleagues. They had been friends since childhood, and Mario’s father had once worked for Gino’s father as well.
A few years ago, Mario lost his small sewing business inherited from his uncle Gustavo, and Gino generously invited him to join his company.
«Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, our restaurants are empty, we can’t wait any longer,» began Mario in a slightly subdued and fearful tone. «The Minister of Health doesn’t give predictions for future restrictions and deadlines. We don’t know how long they will last. Gino, we are confused, all hope is on you. The insurance doesn’t cover our costs, we need external investment to breathe new life into our business or redesign it.»
«Gino, I think,» added one of Uberto’s shareholders. «It’s time for us to bet on catering or fast food and delivery.»
«Yes, I know, we’re on the verge of bankruptcy,» responded Gino a little irritated. «Our company is making losses and could be sold at any moment. To prevent that from happening, I have to take out a loan. But there are risks that this won’t help, so I have one question for you: who will stay with me and go to the end? But think well, as it will be quite difficult for the top management to get a new job after leaving a bankrupt company! Although it’s all due to damn Covid, it’s unlikely that your new employers will be bothered.»
He paused and began to gaze into the eyes of those present.
«So, what’s your decision? he asked after a while. «Sergio. And you, why are you silent?»
«Gino, I’ve always been honest with you,» Sergio, the General Director, joined the conversation. «And now I realize that in this situation we need a crisis manager. Since I’ve failed and I feel that I can no longer risk the future of the company. I’m resigning. I can’t take that responsibility,» he stood up from the table and, having stretched out, added, «I’m sorry, Gino. I did the best I could.»
Then he walked out the door.
Gino was silent in response…
«Who else wants to take a seat in the lifeboat?» arrogantly said Gino, after a moment of anger.
There was silence in the hall, no one wanted to speak and look into his eyes.
«Okay, I agree with you. Let’s change the vector of business. We need a loan,» he added dismally. «But since, to our mutual regret, the banks have refused credit, I will have to borrow money from Don Caponelli.»
They discussed the details for a while longer, then he thanked everybody and got up from the table. The other participants of the meeting stood up with him. He nodded slowly, said goodbye, and left the hall.
Chapter 3.
After leaving the office building, Gino got into a Rolls-Royce car, which brought by Francesca to the exit.
Gino loved women, and for that reason surrounded himself with them, even his driver was a beautiful Francesca with long white dyed hair. By request of her boss she was always dressed in tight clothes, which emphasized her athletic figure, ample breasts and narrow waist. Her flawless appearance literally drew admiration from Gino. Francesca was also his bodyguard. Knowing that she had served in special forces, he never worried about his safety. Although there was no reason to worry. Rather, it was just another desire to impress people around him.
Having got into the car, he leaned back in the back seat and put his head on the headrest. Gino closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them again to look at the buildings outside the window.
As they were driving past the Catholic Cathedral of the Nativity of Saint Mary in the center of Milan, he asked Francesca to pull over. Gino decided to go inside.
She parked the car.
Reaching for the door handle, he suddenly felt his heart beat faster. Gino became very nervous, but he pulled himself together, opened the door, and got out of the car.
Standing in front of the cathedral building, he stretched tensely and walked toward it. With each step the dizziness began to intensify, his heartbeat increased, and he started sweating. Gino suddenly felt a panic attack and lost control of himself. He had the urge to run away, to disappear, to hide.
«What’s happening to me?» thoughts pulsated in his head. «This is a cathedral and I’m just a human, why am I so nervous? Why am I shaking so much every time? Is it obsession?!»
The anxious thoughts were interrupted by Rosalina’s call. She was waiting for him for a haircut at her salon.
«Rosalina, hi. I’ll be on time as always,» he picked up the phone and replied briefly.
He immediately got back into the car and exhaled heavily in relief.
«OK, I’ll go to the cathedral next time. Now let’s go to Rosalina’s,» Gino commanded Francesca.
For many years, from time to time, being a Catholic, baptized in childhood at the request of his parents, he had tried to go to church. But some invisible force always stopped him. Something inexplicable and irresistible began to happen to him. And every time, unable to cope with his emotions, he put off visiting the cathedral.
Chapter 4.
In the power of hypnosis
As he pulled up to the salon, he got out of the car and headed for the entrance. Always stylish and impeccably dressed, an arrogant snob Gino walked confidently into the luxurious salon. There was only Rosalina inside. Officially, the salon was considered closed. Visitors came only by prior arrangement with her.
«Hi, Rosalina!» he said to the hairdresser with a broad smile.
He immediately kissed her on the cheek, hugging her lightly, but without any eye contact or holding hands. For a moment, their eyes met at close distance, and for a short period of time she fell into a trance. Aware of this, Gino averted his eyes, walked into the hall, and sat down in the haircutting chair.
«You look wonderful! How are you doing, Rosalina?» he asked with a wide smile.
«I’m fine, thank you…» being a little out of control from the sensations after meeting his eyes, she answered in a slightly sluggish but excited voice. «You looked at me so strangely, as if you were burning me with fire! Has anyone ever told you this before?»
«Hmmm… No, this is the first time I’ve heard it!» parried Gino with a gracious smile.
But after her question, as had happened many times before, he felt a sudden desire to seduce the beautiful woman immediately, right there and then.
Not so long ago, driven by the impulse of spiritual purification, he wanted to visit the church, but the look of a pretty woman switched him to the sinful passion.
«Come to me!» he said in a low but commanding tone. And at the same time laid back in his chair.
Rosalina, not realizing what was happening, obediently took a step forward.
«Closer, closer! Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you!»
He was staring into her eyes with an imperious look. When she came close, he took her hands. Rosalina’s lips parted, her breathing quickened.
With a swift motion Gino put her on his knee. Bright as fire, the red-haired beauty hugged him tightly and began to kiss him. A moment later, completely out of control, she ripped off her blouse. Rising from the chair, Gino lifted her up, and Rosalina jumped on top of him and wrapped her legs around him. He immediately headed into the next room. Since the next visitors could come in at any moment.
Gino’s hypnosis grew fierce passion between them. Rosalina had no idea that this was hypnotism. However, like all the other female victims of his gift. She was in a deep trance, thinking that she was in control of what was happening to her as if it were her natural desire. But she was mistaken, like all the other victims who fall under the influence of Gino’s hypnosis.
After a while, having received what he wanted, he left the room and sat quietly in the cutting chair.
His intuition had not failed him. Indeed, another visitor was already waiting for Rosalina.
«Hello, where’s Rosalina?» asked the girl.
«Good afternoon, she’ll come out now,» he replied with a smug smile.
Rosalina got dressed in the next room. When she came out, she greeted the female visitor and, having cast an absolutely cold glance at Gino, began to cut his hair. He simply closed his eyes and plunged into his thoughts, knowing that along with hypnosis, the passion and volcano-like feelings, that women experience for him under its influence during their intimacy, disappear.
When Rosalina finished with his hair, Gino thanked her and left for his home.
Chapter 5.
Within the walls of the house
He had a two-story house near Milan, near the coast of Genoa, with columns and an external facade in the ancient design.
The maid Alba opened the door. She greeted Gino and looked down. He silently passed by and immediately took the elevator to the second floor. He came into the bedroom and collapsed on the huge bed right in his raincoat.