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The Last Da Vinci
The most ancient shamanic ritual practice, known in Siberia, Tibet, Altai, among the ancient Slavs, Eskimos, Indians… A lighter version is used by Castaneda's followers. Tougher – when accepting new fighters in some special forces.
… When we finished, we collected our things and went to our cars. Everyone was silent. Everyone was absorbed in themselves. We have been reborn, become a little wiser, a little deeper. We are no longer the same guys who walked into the forest a few hours ago. It was an early morning. Life was awakening around us. And we were reborn…”
I did something similar at the beginning of September 2017. In my case no rebirth was planned; for me it was only a forced procedure to cleanse my own karma, which I had been thinking about for many years and finally tried to implement. The attempt was unsuccessful, as a result I did not clear anything and remained the same worthless person with dirty karma as I was before. Of course, for me there was some important meaning in this procedure, but it was at the level of “going with a beautiful girl to an expensive restaurant”, and before Fantastic Week I had no idea that this could become something unique in my life. What’s interesting is that it was precisely the cultural illusions that I write about later in the book – influenced my life, i.e. virtual illusory delusions played an important role in fine-tuning my perception of the world, unless, of course, these are just another of my fantasies.
It’s also very cool that I found on the Internet (opened on December 29, 2021 at 1:10 pm), a quote with the direct text “And we were reborn…”, so I have the opportunity to speculate that this magical event has a cultural meaning a very definite goal, and regardless of my personal opinion, which, by the way, does not exist on this matter.
From the outside it may seem that I dream of pushing personal responsibility somewhere far away, but in fact my goal is different, I am trying to distance myself as much as possible in order to observe this illusory situation “from the outside”, since I have serious concerns about ongoing external manipulation with goals unclear to me. But since I have a choice of how to perceive all this, I allow that these goals are good and useful for me.
In the book 19+, chapter Fantastic Week, this date, the evening of September 9 – the day of September 10, 2017, is the time of my third and last attempt to “dive under the protection of the Earth” (this magical procedure can also be called “death and birth again (rebirth)”) for that unforgettable week, and every time I did this (three times in a week), after a few hours (the next day), flares of class X9.3, X1.4, X8.6 occurred on the Sun. Which in itself is a rather rare event; the Sun generates such flares no more than once every 2–3 years. Naturally, I am simplifying and mean “a series of outbreaks over one (or two) months”, i.e. these several flares form, in my opinion, one series and such an event occurs on the Sun no more than once every 2–3 years.
My previous full attempts were made somewhere in 1998, there were also several of them, over a period of six months, and then I was unable to extend them for more than 30 minutes (I began to suffocate from lack of oxygen). There were two incomplete attempts in June 2016 and June 2017, lasting no more than an hour each and they should not be considered for the reason that in these cases one side of the “burial” was not covered with earth at all, which of course produce any results, and was just a training session before the real event. I have never attempted to use this magical procedure again in my life.
I consider the combination of solar flares and the Rapture of the Bride to be an important and non-competitive event. What is a non-competitive event? This is an event that does not occur on its own, but is a clear consequence of another event or process. I. e. between two events there is an unconditional cultural connection that cannot be challenged in any way.
There is some sense in emphasizing the words “cultural connection”. This is a key point in understanding this dependence. If you “turn off” cultural perception, which in essence means perception through the illusions inherent in upbringing, then there will be no connection. And this cultural perception is imposed not only on you, my reader, but also undoubtedly on me, provoking an awareness of what is happening, following the direction and path laid down by certain forces.
If we consider the situation from an everyday point of view, then a non-competitive event is when one cat lives in a room and it has a bowl of food. She is not competing with anyone for this bowl, this bowl is definitely hers, and cannot belong to anyone else. The cat does not need to prove that this is her bowl. If there are two cats in the house, then regardless of the number of bowls of food, they will compete with each other for food. For example, a cat can eat food from its bowl and go to drive away its rival from the second bowl, etc.
I called this situation the “trump card”. If you have any arguments, then I can lay out this “trump card”, and you will not be able to challenge it in any way. This card will win by definition, because it “breaks” our gentle everyday worldview. Regardless of the issue we will discuss.
The lack of alternative to the perception of the “card” indirectly indicates the presence of Infinity. The impact of the “card” is reminiscent of the work of something that should not go beyond the Event Horizon, and only there devour real or fictional reality, like Stephen King’s Langoliers. The fact that we cannot “turn” the card, look at it “from a different angle” or somehow change its nature is an indication that the card is constantly and independently moving – for example, towards the perceiving person, this is possible if it simply “eats” this remaining road (our perception) to the goal (observer). A similar effect will be felt if the card is constantly moving away from the observer, producing more and more new perceptions in the subject (unwinding his perception).
If you doubt this, try to mentally “beat” this “trump card”. In my subjective opinion, the human mind is arranged in such a way that you cannot “interrupt” it, come up with objections, etc., your thinking is simply “will fall into a stupor”, turn off and “self-destruct”. I'm guessing this is the result of some genetic code being triggered.
In the process of analyzing the current situation, it is advisable to take into account other events described in this book and in the previous part, the book 19+. Why is this important, why pay attention and analyze the life of a particular person? Due to the polluted permissiveness and all sorts of garbage of our information space, if there is no “thick layer” of related activities, an ordinary person will refuse any apparent correspondence between events so far from each other and can begin to consider them more seriously only if there are some prerequisites in a person’s life, for “there is no smoke without fire” and this subject must undoubtedly have previously manifested itself in a certain way. And of course, where would we be without the rule that “a person is given something that he can overcome”, something that will strengthen him and that he can further use.
This connection, this non-competitive event, this “trump card”, this “something perpendicular” can only be present in our stream of thoughts. A chicken or a cat will not be conscious of this.
This card is located in a fantasy, fictitious space, as for example described in the film 31 June as the “sixth dimension”, the “sphere of imagination”.
And naturally, this trump card can only be leveled, absorbed and transformed by a higher level process, which may turn out to be the mythical Event Horizon.
Infinity itself is extremely interested in the presence of these technological processes (“trump cards”) in its Event Horizon, and collecting them resembles the stage of formation and activation of the Event Horizon, the maturation of Infinity in the process of obtaining the necessary attributes needed for its proper functioning. (Paragraph was written on August 18, 2022 at 9:28 am).
Apparently, this is how the human brain works; after it finds an important regularity between events, the next problem after “admiration for the poetic beauty of coincidences” is the task of destroying this association in order to remain free.
I see a third-party design in this – to put a person in a situation where he will be forced to manifest an Event Horizon in order to continue his normal everyday existence.
To this conclusion I came first intuitively, in the summer of 2021, then on January 1, 2022, the idea came to me that if in the process of imagination there are all the resources to create and destroy illusory objects, then in the case of the external existence of illusory fictitious objects there must also be an external physical process for their processing and disposal. I.e. this assumption can also be reached by purely logical inference.
I like a fragment from the novel Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein, 1961. (Opened on August 19, 2022 at 9:19 pm).
"Good. Mike, do you know what a gun is?"
"A gun," Smith answered carefully, "is a piece of ordnance for throwing projectiles by the force of some explosive, as gunpowder, consisting of a tube or barrel closed at one end, where the-"
"Okay, okay. Do you grok it?"
"I am not sure."
"Have you ever seen a gun?"
"I do not know."
"Why, certainly you have," Jill interrupted. "Mike, think back to that time we were talking about, in the room with the grass on the floor – but don't get upset now! The big man hit me, you remember."
"The other man pointed something at me. In his hand."
"Yes. He pointed a bad thing at you."
"That was a gun."
"I had thinked that the word for that bad thing might be 'gun.' The Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition, published in-"
"That's fine, son," Harshaw said hastily. "That was certainly a gun. Now listen to me carefully. If someone points a gun at Jill again, what will you do?"
Smith paused rather longer than usual. "You will not be angry if I waste food?"
"No, I would not be angry. Under those circumstances no one would be angry at you. But I am trying to find out something else. Could you make just the gun go away, without making the man who is pointing it go away?"
Smith considered it. "Save the food?"
"Uh, that isn't quite what I mean. Could you cause the gun to go away without hurting the man?"
"Jubal, he would not hurt at all. I would make the gun go away, but the man I would just stop. He would feel no pain. He would simply be discorporate. The food he leaves after him would not damage at all."
Harshaw sighed. "Yes, I'm sure that's the way it would be. But could you cause to go away just the gun? Not do anything else? Not 'stop' the man, not kill him, just let him go on living?"
Smith considered it. "That would be much easier than doing both at once. But, Jubal, if I left him still corporate, he might still hurt Jill. Or so I grok it."
Harshaw stopped long enough to remind himself that this baby innocent was neither babyish nor innocent – was in fact sophisticated in a culture which he was beginning to realize, however dimly, was far in advance of human culture in some very mysterious ways, and that these naive remarks came from a superman – or what would do in place of a "superman" for the time being. Then he answered Smith, choosing his words most carefully as he had in mind a dangerous experiment and did not want disaster to follow from semantic mishap.
"Mike, if you reach a – 'cusp' – where you must do something in order to protect Jill, you do it."
"Yes, Jubal. I will."
"Don't worry about wasting food. Don't worry about anything else. Protect Jill."
"Always I will protect Jill."
"Good. But suppose a man pointed a gun at someone – or simply had it in his hand. Suppose you did not want or need to kill him, but you needed to make the gun go away. Could you do it?"
Mike paused only briefly. "I think I grok it. A gun is a wrong thing. But it might be needful for the man to remain corporate." He thought. "I can do it."
“Good. Mike, I am going to show you a gun. A gun is a wrong thing.”
“A gun is a very wrong thing. I will make it go away.”
“Don't make it go away as soon as you see it.”
“Not. I will lift the gun and start to point it at you. Like this. Before I can get it pointed at you, make it go away. But don't stop me, don't hurt me, don't kill me, don't do anything to me. Just the gun. Don't waste me as food, either.”
“Oh, I never would,” Mike said earnestly. “When you discorporate, my brother Jubal, I hope to be allowed to eat of you myself, praising and cherishing you with every bite, until I grok you in fullness.”
Harshaw controlled a seasick reflex he had not felt in decades and answered gravely, “Thank you, Mike.”
“It is I who must thank you, my brother – and if it should come to be that I am selected before you, I hope that you will find me worthy of grokking. Sharing me with Jill. You would share me with Jill? Please?”
Harshaw glanced at Jill, saw that she had kept her face serene – reflected that she probably was a rock-steady scrub nurse. “I will share you with Jill,” he said solemnly. “But, Mike, no one of us will be food today, nor any time soon. Right now I am going to show you this gun – and you wait until I say, and then you be very careful, because I have, many things to do before I am ready to discorporate.”
“I will be careful, my brother.”
“All right.” Harshaw leaned over, grunting slightly, and opened a lower drawer of his desk. “Look in here, Mike. See the gun? I'm going to pick it up. But don't do anything until I tell you to. Girls – get up and move away to the left; I don't want it pointed at you. Okay. Mike, not yet.” Harshaw reached for the gun, a very elderly police special, took it out of the drawer. “Get ready, Mike. Now!”– and Harshaw did his very best to get the weapon aimed at the Man from Mars.
His hand was suddenly empty. No shock, no jar, no twisting – the gun was gone and that was all.
Jubal found that he was shaking, so he stopped it. “Perfect,” he said to Mike. “You got it before I had it aimed at you. That's utterly perfect.”
“I am happy.”
“So am I. Duke, did that get in the camera?”
“Yup. I put in fresh film cartridges. You didn't say.”
“Good.” Harshaw sighed and found that he was very tired. “That's all today, kids. Run along. Go swimming. You, too, Anne.”
Anne said, “Boss? You'll tell me what the films show?”
“Want to stay and see them?”
“Oh, no! I couldn't, not the parts I Witnessed. But I would like to know – later – whether or not they show that I've slipped my clutches.”
“All right.”
The cameras were Mitchell servos; the projector was a Yashinon tabletop tank, with an adapter to permit it to receive Land Solid-Sight-Sound 4 mm. film. Shortly they were listening to and watching the events leading up to the disappearance of the empty brandy case.
Jubal watched the box being thrown at his head, saw it wink out in midair. “That's enough,” he said. “Anne will be pleased to know that the cameras back her up. Duke, let's repeat that last bit in slow motion.”
“Okay.” Duke spooled back, then announced, “This is ten-to-one.”
The scene was the same but the slowed-down sound was useless; Duke switched it off. The box floated slowly from Jill's hands toward Jubal's head, then quite suddenly ceased to be. But it did not simply wink out; under slow-motion projection it could be seen shrinking, smaller and smaller until it was no longer there.
Jubal nodded thoughtfully. “Duke, can you slow it down still more?”
“Just a sec. Something is fouled up with the stereo.”
“<…> It looked all right on the fast run. But when I slowed it down, the depth effect was reversed. You saw it. That box went away from us fast, mighty fast – but it always looked closer than the wall. Swapped parallax, of course. But I never took that cartridge off the spindle. Gremlins.”
“Oh. Hold it, Duke. Run the film from the other camera.”
“Unh, oh, I see, That'll give us a ninety-degree cross on it and we'll see properly even if I did jimmy this film somehow.” Duke changed cartridges. “Zip through the first part, okay? Then undercranked ten-to-one on the part that counts.”
“Go ahead.”
The scene was the same save for angle. When the image of Jill grabbed the box, Duke slowed down the show and again they watched the box go away. Duke cursed. “Something was fouled up with the second camera too.”
“Of course. It was looking at it around from the side so the box should have gone out of the frame to one side or the other. Instead it went straight away from us again. Well, didn't it? You saw it. Straight away from us.”
“Yes,” agreed Jubal. “'Straight away from us.”
“Out it can't – not from both angles.”
“What do you mean, it can't? It already did.” Harshaw added, “If we I had used doppler-radar in place of each of those cameras, I wonder what they would have shown?”
“How should I know? I'm going to take both these cameras apart.”
“Don't bother.”
“Don't waste your time, Duke; the cameras are all right. What is exactly ninety degrees from everything else?”
“I'm no good at riddles.”
“It's not a riddle and I meant it seriously. I could refer you to Mr. A. Square from Flatland, but I'll answer it myself. What is exactly at right angles to everything else? Answer: two dead bodies, one old pistol, and an empty liquor case.”
“What the deuce do you mean, Boss?”
“I never spoke more plainly in my life. Try believing what the cameras see instead of insisting that the cameras must be at fault because what they saw was not what you expected. Let's see the other films.”
Harshaw made no comment as they were shown; they added nothing to what he already knew but did confirm and substantiate. The ash tray when floating near the ceiling had been out of camera angle, but its leisurely descent and landing had been recorded. The pistol's image in the:' stereo tank was quite small but, so far as could be seen, the pistol had done just what the box appeared to have done: shrunk away into the far distance without moving.”
Returning to the topic of this chapter, one of the elements of cultural illusion, fantasy fiction, which I encountered, paradoxically is the Bible, in which there is a fragment that is one of the most mysterious for the reason that it is alien to the rest of the text, it does not have “family connections” with other events in the book, and yes, he’s just superfluous! Although this fragment quite precedes Armageddon and other Apocalypse.
In my opinion, what is fundamental is not that there is a reference to religious literature, but that there is a reference to a source that is perhaps two thousand years old. And his religiosity, oddly enough, is the best protection of information from damage and loss during its transportation along the time line.
“Chapter 12.
12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.
12:2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
12:4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
12:5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.”
Apocalypse of St. John the Theologian, King James Version (KJV)
When in July 2018, I discovered and told this to my companion East, her first reaction was “how can you impinge our Jesus!” I calmed her down and said that some unknown child was being born here, nothing more…
Well, or this can be interpreted as how a certain person unexpectedly learns about his origin. It’s interesting, I read this version on the Internet, that this is not necessarily the birth of a child, but can be a cardinal event in a person’s life.
This can also be called “second birth”, or rebirth, or revelation, or if you use Greek, it is called “apocalypse”. What is curious is that the birth of a child cannot be a revelation for him, but rebirth clearly coincides in significance for his consciousness with revelation. I.e. Apocalypse (Revelation) is probably more connected with the rebirth of a person during the conscious period of his life.
(Discovered January 8, 2022 at 4:56 pm, link in Russian)
Young crocodile: interesting facts. Birth and childhood
“Hearing the cries of the babies, the crocodile rakes the nest, freeing them. Scientists have repeatedly recorded how a female crocodile carries her young in a mouth lined with powerful teeth. She does this extremely carefully, without causing any harm to the children.”
Somewhere in the fall of 2018, about six months later, after I learned about The Rapture of the Bride and read chapter 12 of Revelation, I had a strong subconscious feeling that the Dragon character in it was either a close relative or even the husband of this fair Virgo. And that his goal was precisely to protect the child. But these are all just my emotions, of course. For dragons, things are probably different, not like for crocodiles…
I also remembered that as a child I liked making plasticine figures of dinosaurs.
Another fragment from Revelation 12:
“12:15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.”
It’s very strange that the fire dragon sends a river in the Wife’s footsteps, not fire. Water is the most difficult thing he can produce, because it is the opposite of the element of fire. A very unusual dragon, not European at all… maybe it’s Chinese?
(Opened January 20, 2022, around 12:46 am)
Chinese dragon
“The Chinese dragon (Chinese: 龍; pinyin: lóng), also loong, is a legendary creature in Chinese mythology, Chinese folklore, and Chinese culture at large. Chinese dragons have many animal-like forms such as turtles and fish, but are most commonly depicted as snake-like with four legs. Academicians have identified four reliable theories on the origin of the Chinese dragon: snakes, Chinese alligators, thunder worship and nature worship. They traditionally symbolize potent and auspicious powers, particularly control over water.