Полная версия
The Last Da Vinci
“Now admit it—why do you serve with us?
“Because I’m a bad artist… Not by your standards – by mine. That's why I work for your agency, Dimmock, and earn for my living.
“So, in order not to lose this bread, you must see a beautiful lady and draw her without delay. We don’t have much or little time, one day, June 30th…”
from the film “31 June”, episode 1, time 0:24:08.
On May 28, 2018, Monday, in the interval 5:45–5:51 pm, a tense conversation took place with East; she did not want (or could not) remember the exact date of our events in September 2017, as she later explained, she remembered the sequence of events of Fantastic Week, but couldn’t remember exactly what week in September 2017 they happened. At 5:53 pm I accompanied East to the door, she was getting ready to go somewhere.
Solar flares began 7–10 minutes after the end of our conversation, at 6:00 pm the first flare. Then, 20 minutes later in the office, I solemnly showed her the solar activity that had occurred. She was impressed:
Index -1.4. Class C2.7 flare, area 2712, time from 8:04 pm to 8:12 pm (peak 8:10 pm).
The previous activity was on May 22–24, index -1.0; earlier in May there was no Solar activity. Subsequent activity occurred on June 6 (index -0.0, class C1.0 flare).
That is, we had a sharp, unpleasant emotional conversation and after a short period of time, quite violent solar activity began, lasting 2 hours from 6:00 pm to 8:12 pm, and the Sun remained calm a week before and a week after this event.
The question that I raised in a conversation with East was quite important for me, namely, I vitally needed a clear and pure witness to those events and her answer that she definitely did not remember the date did not suit me.
On that day, I began to think about what events that happened would help her remember this date. And a few hours later I found this, reliably documented event.
It was Insurance for our car, the date was written on it – Monday, September 11, 2017, East remembered that she started taking out it on Friday, September 8, 2017, as a result, on that day I went to the country house on my own for minibus. She only promised that she could come to me later and help me complete the “protective structure”.
Why is it important? To make sure that the information could not be changed by subjective human reflections and forgetfulness, the Spirit secured itself with a paper document with an appropriately self-explanatory name.
And the main thing that makes me think is that we receive this document regularly, every year. That is, in order for the insurance to end on a certain date, it must have been issued earlier, several years ago, also on that date.
Personal Infinity
“That's disgusting!”
“It's not disgusting. This is the latest achievement of modern science.”
from the film “31 June”, episode 1, time 0:34:58.
What is the Personal Infinity from my point of view? Why do I regularly focus on it?
I feel this as a kind of bright state of living, being, when any external intervention inevitably fails. The invasion triggers some mythical process of “event processing” on the physical level. Which also can be called as an encounter with Event Horizon.
Why am I convinced that I have such a controversial artifact, archaic and useless in modern society? I would call it some kind of subconscious confidence, an inner instinct at the level of my subjective perception. Sometimes I go out of town to look at the stars and each time, being in almost complete darkness and seeing only stars in the sky, I discover that my immediate “outer physical world” is very specific. However, I am not at all sure that this physical basis is a consequence of the work of Infinity. At this stage of my life, optimally—this refers to Infinity as an abstract instrument of cognition.
Why did I decide that this supposed Infinity is a part of me, and not I – a part of it? Again, based on many years of observations, it seems to me that it is as elementary a part of me as an arm or a leg. Yes, early I used to think that it was part of the Spirit, but after a couple of decades of observations I came to the conclusion that this was not so, and the Spirit at the beginning of my path only played the role of a “manager”, but now it is increasingly and for a long time leaves me alone. My Infinity does not disappear and is not replaced by emptiness and the absence of something.
And so, I have absolutely no need for the Spirit to be nearby, I don’t feel the shortage for it, and my attitude towards its rare manifestations, I hope, is sincere.
Infinity is full of meaning, which it also creates. We can say that this meaning is Infinity.
Consciousness and thought (link in Russian)
“The human brain perceives the external world through the senses, and each individual human is influenced greatly by his or her experiences, leading to subjective views of existence and the passage of time . It is usually said that people have consciousness, self-awareness, intelligence – all this in one way or another corresponds to the processes of thinking. They also talk about such qualities as self-awareness, sensitivity, wisdom and the ability to perceive relationships with oneself and with the environment. How far a person’s mental constructs or his experience correspond to the objectivity of the external physical world is a matter of debate, as well as what exactly is meant by the above terms and how correct their use is in principle.”
Thinking (link in Russian)
“A feature of thinking is the ability to obtain knowledge about such objects, properties and relationships of the surrounding world that cannot be directly perceived. This property of thinking is carried out through such inferences as analogy and deduction.
Thinking is associated with the functioning of the brain, but the very ability of the brain to operate with abstractions arises in the course of a person’s assimilation of forms of practical life, norms of language, logic, and culture. Thinking is carried out in diverse forms of spiritual and practical activity, in which the cognitive experience of people is generalized and preserved. Thinking is carried out in figurative and symbolic form; the main results of its activity are expressed here in the products of artistic and religious creativity, which uniquely generalize the cognitive experience of humanity. Thinking is also carried out in its own adequate form of theoretical knowledge, which, based on previous forms, acquires unlimited possibilities for a speculative and model vision of the world.”
Infinity began to clearly manifest itself after my catastrophe in my relationship with the world, which occurred in June 1996, but even earlier, I believe, there were its local manifestations.
The fact that this Infinity (perhaps in my subjective opinion) influences in some way the events around me in space and even separated by time is probably a sign of the initial filling of its energy. Of course, Infinity by definition and in the ideal case should not directly influence anything other than itself, but perhaps this is one of the paradoxes, and in order for it to take place, it needs to take energy somewhere and receive its Attributes, while maintaining strict distancing from the world.
In order to simplify the process of understanding the principles of its work, I try to become aware of myself through fictitious, creative, fantasy events and associations, because thinking and transforming illusory events is much simpler and safer.
Regarding the uniqueness of this Infinity, for some reason I always believed that every person has it. But over time, I tried to understand some of the actions of people, and through the awareness of these unsuccessful attempts, the idea became closer to me that this phenomenon does not have a significant manifestation among part of the population. For some things that a person does can destabilize the technological processes of Infinity, and since people regularly and en masse do these things, therefore, they are confident that they are not risking anything. And, therefore, their physical nature is somewhat different.
You understand perfectly well what kind of things I’m talking about, so I don’t dwell on them, these events and actions are not interesting to me, and naturally I avoid them, but I’m not going to convince people, especially since there is a possibility that what they do is natural and good for them.
The presence of this phenomenon does not provide great advantages, and in addition I have to check my life path to ensure that I do not harm yourself in a moral or physical sense. And naturally, on not causing harm and undue influence on the people around me.
Otherwise, I am a very ordinary person, an unremarkable, mediocrity, a kind of gray mouse, which suits me quite well.
In mid-summer 2017, an incident occurred. At that time, in the evening after work, I often went to our country house along a path that ran from a bus stop through a small forest. There was a fork in the center of the forest, and if you don’t turn in the right direction, you might end up in the wrong place. Since I almost always returned in complete darkness, when absolutely nothing was visible in the forest, I decided to count the number of steps to the fork. I did this for two days in complete darkness, even walking with my eyes closed. A week later, when I was walking along the same road during the day, I decided to count my steps. There were significantly fewer steps, 30–40. This made a strong impression on me.
The presence of my Infinity has a characteristic feature—the absence of personal attachments and any obligations. It feels like loneliness.
But loneliness is not like emptiness and separation, but more like wholeness, completeness and the bright and stormy activity associated with this. The world is present in perception, but in my consciousness it is becoming more and more limited. The more my awareness increases, the more limited my worldview becomes within certain limits. The more I perceive reality, the less I see and feel it. Worldview becomes a way (and hostage) of self-knowledge.
Any obligation inevitably loses, because it violates the very principle of the existence of Infinity, limiting it, which is impossible. The limitless cannot be limited.
Do the people around me and the events happening in my life influence me? No dependencies does not mean no influence. In my opinion, human life is to a greater extent a matter of socialization, taking into account the interests of other people and the necessary adjustment to their desires and needs. When I studied at the theater studio, adjustment was the main method of acting. To create a complete performance, it was necessary to interact with the partner, considering his emotional and mental impulses.
Perhaps the cycles of my behavior, when I am completely closed or when I once again open up and begin to be interested in the world around me, are also connected with the internal life cycles of the “breath” of my Infinity.
One of the functions of Infinity is the systematic destruction of peripheral objects and events. Naturally, we do not consider real objects, the emphasis is only on illusory, creative, fantasy ones.
What does it mean to “destroy” a fantasy object? Of course, this is different from damaging it or seeing a real object die.
This means “destroying” it in your own creative worldview. As for example in one of the classic films from the 70s of the 20th century, a girl leaves her home and “sees” her parents’ house, where she lived for many years, and which is already far from her and is still visible on the top of the mountain, burns out. Of course, it does not actually burn, but it burns in her imagination, and now her memory includes a virtual fact, which for her soul probably has more meaning than reality. Because she will never return there and will never know whether this house exists now.
Any object or phenomenon contains links and keys that can be used in your own understanding of the world. The resulting key is not directly related to the object, now it is a link that can either point to another object, alien to you, which again will soon have to be destroyed, or, more interestingly, this link may well lead to an object or phenomenon that was previously lost, dissolved in your worldview and ceased to have a separate meaning, even if it never mattered to you before.
(Written from August 14, 2022 8:55 am to August 15, 2022 8:15 pm)
The presence of Infinity seriously influences the worldview, for example, in the fact that the very minimum amount of matter and, accordingly, energy is enough for a person. We can say that he (this person) saves and is “satisfied with little”. But this is not so, he rather really does not need much according to his feelings. It can extract the necessary information and energy from a small volume of matter. He is not content with “what is”, he does not lower his appetites, excess matter and energy will probably be discarded and hopelessly turned into useless garbage in his life.
The situation of those who feel the external influence of Infinity is characteristic. In their life there will be a similar emotional message for minimal influence on the world around them, but in this case it will be a false imperative, clearly someone else’s influence, because they will feel this lie inside themselves and they will be missing something. For example, as in this fragment, a person craves something that I don’t understand:
(link in Russian)
“At the very bottom of the human being, there lives something that makes us languish and thirst for something more than the simple satisfaction of everyday bodily and mental needs. They cannot give a person real happiness: after all, in the end this always turns out to be not enough. A person, sometimes without realizing it, wants to become truly happy. And this, according to <…> and his hero, is possible only by participating in what came from another world, came from heaven. In the language of theology, the fullness of communion with God is that miracle, that happiness that offers a person <…>”
In my case, on the contrary, everyday events fully satisfy my needs and aspirations, because even the very minimum is enough to obtain the required depth of awareness.
So for a person, may well be enough – one day of his life, communicating with one person, eating one lunch and seeing one sunset, remembering one poem and performing one dance.
So we have the ability to extract the required amount of energy and information from a small amount of matter and, accordingly, making a minimal impact. I.e. Infinity is equal to secrecy, insignificance, inexpressiveness and lack of importance of the person.
In the case of Infinity, one instance of an event or a reference to it is enough to, if necessary receive any (even infinite) flow of information and energy in volume, depth and variety. A sort of “Noah’s Ark” of subjective perception.
The character of Infinity—to arbitrarily maximize or minimize the importance of individual objects of matter and energy, thereby, and possibly as a result of this, objects that fall within the scope of its active Event Horizon will inevitably undergo serious internal shocks and, accordingly, deformations that can lead to their transformation, division into elements, or even destruction.
All these possibilities, in the general, mass case, are speculative and have only limited interest for humans, because without external energy supply, the energy of the human soul will not be enough for these actions.
However, if for some external reasons some outer shell of his soul is destroyed and this person does not die, then something begins to feed his thoughts and feelings, he seems to gain access to some “infinite” source of energy.
There are well-established trends in the awareness of this rare situation.
First, people believe that this flow of energy represents the external Natural world.
The second option is that these are some “bad”, personalized external forces who are planning how to “enslave” him.
Of course, no one will consider the third option – that this is a reflection of the inner nature of a person.
Naturally, I don’t know the answer to this question, but according to my subjective life experiences, the first two options are not my case.
(The following paragraph was written on the evening of December 10, 2021)
Perception occurs on the physical plane, this is the so-called direct perception, everything that is seen and heard by the subject “directly”, and then transferred to the virtual plane and destroyed or transformed so that the person can move on. As an explanation of why everything happens so complicatedly, isn’t it possible to simply perceive and not destroy anything, the thought came to me that all this is similar to a child’s perception, when the world is understood literally, but due to the fact that reality and awareness of reality diverge – and a certain virtual, illusory plane arises, onto which the perceived is transferred, i.e. the virtual plan arises due to the impossibility reconcile the immediate perception “as is” with actual reality.
The spirit regularly gives me gifts, they are very different. Sometimes I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. The following chapters describe a whole scattering of them; the impact of some on my worldview was quite strong. I had to work hard to bring my emotional experiences and thinking to a general consensus.
Naturally, I will once again inform the reader that everything that is described below is just a product of my illusory subjective worldview, even though these events are based on real facts. After all, any fact can be ignored, but what happens if you notice “connections” and start analyzing them?
I attribute some funny effects to the influence of my Infinity:
1) Sometimes people, seeing me, seem to find themselves in some kind of “emptiness”; they try to understand what they need here now, as if all their thoughts had suddenly disappeared somewhere. This usually happens when I'm actively thinking about something.
2) People do not adequately perceive my condition, for example, in my youth there was a case when I was quite well, in a great mood, but to an external observer it seemed that I was crying.
3) People hear something that is not there and it seems to them that I said something, but I was actually silent, or they hear completely different words, not those that I said. This also includes the fact that people sometimes instantly forget what I told them just a minute ago. Therefore, if I speak to someone, I pronounce the words clearly, expressively, as simply as possible, and immediately try to understand what they really heard.
What I see and say does not always coincide with what my interlocutor sees and hears. And if I am prepared for this in advance and make a forced correction of my behavior; but this can be serious stress for the interlocutor, and in this case I strive to end the conversation as soon as possible, with minimal negative impact on the other person’s psyche.
Rapture of the Bride or Gift
“Who is that beautiful girl?”
“Her name is Melicenta. She's from Perador.”
“Perador, Perador… But this is something from the time of King Arthur?!”
“Absolutely right!”
“Oh my God! But these are the times of Hamlet, Macbeth, and…”
“Yes, they too… from there… Next door to the Macbeths, the princess from Perador.”
“But Perador hasn’t existed for many centuries?! So… it means that Melicenta and I are separated not by space, but by time. And this time is insurmountable!”
“Well, this is relative… How familiar are you with the problems of external order within the universe?”
“Do you mean Einstein's Theory of Relativity? I must admit, I’m not good at it…”
“Now I’ll try to explain it to you more popularly: let’s imagine a Universe of six dimensions. Well, the first four are taught in school – length, height, width and the time factor. The other two are a little more complicated. These are the ‘Sphere of material influence’ and the ‘Sphere of imagination’. Hence the six-dimensionality of space, and not four-dimensionality, as this one of yours… well, this one of yours erroneously claimed…”
“Yes, Einstein. Do you understand?”
“Frankly, not very much. I am an artist and am used to thinking in images, and not in the measurements of galaxies.”
“Artist… artist… Okay. Let's move on to imaginative thinking. Are you satisfied with the formula that everything created by our imagination must exist somewhere in the Universe?”
from the film “31 June”, episode 1, time 0:43:55.
In the middle of summer 2018, I discovered that on September 23, 2017, a very interesting event occurred. You can find information like this on the Web:
“Recently, articles have appeared on the Internet that an important astronomical event will occur on September 23, 2017, a symbolic description of which is given in the last and only prophetic book of the New Testament, ‘The Revelation of St. John the Theologian’, which in the ancient Koine Greek language is called ‘Apocalypse’.”
In the first English-language video describing this event with visualization of the movement of celestial bodies in the Sky Stellarium computer program, I was attracted by the final picture, in which, in addition to the date September 23, 2017, when the Rapture of the Bride took place, namely “12 stars, the Sun and the Moon lined up around the constellation Virgo in the sky” another date was present.
This date was September 9, 2017, or rather the transition between the days September 9–10, 2017, as “the date of the child’s exit from the mother’s womb (birth)”; of course this was the exit of Jupiter from the conventional connecting lines outlined between stars of the “body” of the constellation Virgo.
For me, the Gift consisted of a combination of several events that happened in that time frame:
1) My “Warrior Burial”, September 5–10, 2017;
2) Solar activity, September 6–10, 2017;
3) Rapture of the Bride, September 23, 2017, with the date mentioned as September 9–10, 2017.
Burial of a warrior
Victor Sanchez “The Teachings of Don Carlos (Practical use of the techniques of Carlos Castaneda)” (1996, link in Russian)
“In his books, Carlos Castaneda mentions the practice of warriors burying themselves in the ground (III 121–123), (VI 11–12). He reports that warriors bury themselves in the earth to gain purity, to receive instructions, or to cure an illness, but does not describe this experience in detail. <…>
At turning points in life, we can bury our old self in the Earth and allow a new self to be born.”
Initiation “Warrior's Burial” (link in Russian)
“As one of the methods of initiation, the most ancient ritual practice is used – the burial of a warrior. What we want to bury and leave in the ground dies within us, and our essence is reborn. <…>