Полная версия
The Picture of Dorian Gray. B1 / Портрет Дориана Грея
Lord Henry was pleased. He realised that the shy boy he had met weeks ago was no longer frightened. He wasn't fighting his desire to be with Sibyl. Dorian invited Lord Henry and Basil to see Sibyl in a play. It was a part of his plan to help Sibyl get out of her theatre contract. Intrigued, Lord Henry agreed.
Soon, he received a telegram: Dorian Gray and Sibyl Vane were engaged.
Glossaryaccording to [ə'kɔ:dɪŋ tu] – adv согласно
admit [əd'mɪt] – v признавать
adore [ə'dɔ:(r)] – v обожать
advise [əd'vaɪz] – v советовать
annoyed [ə'nɔɪd] – adj раздраженный
attentively [ə'tɛntɪvli] – adv внимательно
captivate ['kæptɪveɪt] – v пленять, очаровывать
commit [kə'mɪt] – v совершать (что-либо плохое)
contract ['kɒntrækt] – n контракт
crime [kraɪm] – n преступление
curious ['kjʊəriəs] – adj странный, любопытный
delighted [dɪ'laɪtɪd] – adj довольный, радостный
disappointed [,dɪsə'pɔɪntɪd] – adj разочарованный
dull [dʌl] – adj скучный, пасмурный
encounter [ɪn'kaʊntə(r)] – v встретить (неожиданно)
engaged [ɪn'ɡeɪdʒd] – adj обрученный
fabric ['fæbrɪk] – n ткань
footstep ['fʊtstep] – n звук шагов
genius ['dʒi:niəs] – n гений
gentle ['dʒentl] – adj нежный
haggle ['hæɡl] – v торговаться
illustrated ['ɪləstreɪtɪd] – adj иллюстрированный
luxurious [lʌɡ'ʒʊəriəs] – adj роскошный
monstrous ['mɒnstrəs] – adj чудовищный
mutual ['mju:tʃuəl] – adj взаимный
note [nəʊt] – v замечать
oak [əʊk] – n дуб
oddly ['ɒdli] – adv странно
panel ['pæn(ə)l] – n панель
peculiar [pɪ'kju:liə(r)] – adj своеобразный, странный
performance [pə'fɔ:məns] – n выступление
principle ['prɪnsəp(ə)l] – n принцип
regret [rɪ'ɡret] – v сожалеть
rush [rʌʃ] – n спешка
scepticism ['skeptɪsɪz(ə)m] – n скептицизм
shy [ʃaɪ] – adj застенчивый, стеснительный
spark [spɑ:k] – v вызывать
thief [θi:f] – n вор
untidy [ʌn'taɪdi] – adj неопрятный, неряшливый
value ['vælju:] – n ценность
wander ['wɒndə(r)] – v бродить
Chapter V
“Mother, Mother, I am so happy! and you must be happy too!” Sibyl whispered, hugging her mother.
Mrs. Vane put her hands on her daughter's head. “I am only happy, Sibyl, when I see you act. You must focus on your acting. Mr. Isaacs from the theatre has been very good to us, and we owe him money.”
“What does money matter? Love is more than money!” Sibyl pouted.
“Mr. Isaacs gave us fifty pounds to pay off our debts. It is a large sum. I don't know how we could manage without him.”
“I hate the way he talks to me. We don't need him anymore, Mother. Prince Charming rules our life now,” she paused, a blush spreading on her cheeks, “I love him!”
“Foolish child!” replied Mrs. Vane.
Sibyl laughed again. Her joy was infectious. She closed her eyes to get lost in her dream, where Prince Charming was next to her.
“Mother, why does he love me so much? I am not worthy of him, but I don't feel humble. I feel terribly proud! Mother, did you love my father as I love Prince Charming?”
Mrs. Vane grew pale. “My child, you are too young to think of love. Besides, what do you know of this young man? However, if he is rich…”
Mrs. Vane hugged her daughter theatrically. At that moment, James, Sibyl's brother, entered the room. Mrs. Vane greeted him with a smile. Sibyl hugged him, calling him a dreadful old bear.
James and Sibyl went for a walk in the park. James hesitated. While Sibyl was getting dressed, he came up to his mother. “Mother, you must watch over Sibyl. Don't let her come to any harm.”
Mrs. Vane was surprised to hear that. James asked her about the man who came to watch Sibyl's performances every night. Mrs. Vane was both annoyed with her son's tone and frightened for her daughter.
James and Sibyl walked down the road, attracting glan-ces from passers-by. Sibyl talked about her dreams for James's future, imagining him finding gold and saving a beautiful hei-ress. James listened. His heart was heavy, because he was soon leaving home. Sibyl's Prince Charming worried him a lot.
Suddenly, Sibyl saw Dorian Gray in a carriage. “There he is!” she exclaimed. James demanded to see him, but the carriage disappeared. He vowed to kill Dorian if he harmed Sibyl. She was horrified and tried to calm him, calling him foolish and unkind. They continued their walk, with Sibyl chattering and James remaining silent.
At home, Sibyl went to rest before her performance. James warned his mother to protect Sibyl. Mrs. Vane admired her son's enthusiasm. She felt like she was in a play.
Glossarybesides [bɪ'saɪdz] – adv кроме того
calm [kɑ:m] – v успокаивать
carriage ['kærɪdʒ] – n карета
chatter ['tʃætə(r)] – v болтать
debt [det] – n долг
demand [dɪ'mɑ:nd] – v требовать
enthusiasm [ɪn'θju:ziæz(ə)m] – n энтузиазм
foolish ['fu:lɪʃ] – adj глупый
glance [ɡlɑ:ns] – n взгляд (быстрый)
harm [hɑ:m] – n вред, v вредить
heiress ['eəres] – n наследница
hesitate ['hezɪteɪt] – v сомневаться
horrified ['hɒrɪfʌɪd] – adj в ужасе
hug [hʌɡ] – v обнимать
humble ['hʌmb(ə)l] – adj скромный, бедный, простой
infectious [ɪn'fekʃəs] – adj заразительный
owe [əʊ] – v быть должным
pale [peɪl] – adj бледный
passer-by (passers-by) [,pɑ:sə'baɪ] – n прохожий
terribly ['terəbli] – adv ужасно, очень
theatrically [θi'æt.rɪ.k(ə)l.i] – adv театрально
vow [vaʊ] – v клясться
whisper ['wɪspə(r)] – v шептать
worthy ['wɜ:ði] – adj достойный
Chapter VI
Lord Henry greeted Basil Hallward at the Bristol hotel where they were having dinner. “Have you heard the news?” he asked.
“I haven't. I hope it's not about politics – that doesn't interest me.”
“Dorian Gray is getting married!”
Basil was surprised and sceptical. He thought Dorian was too sensible for such a decision. Lord Henry revealed that Dorian was engaged to a young actress. Basil was worried about the influence such marriage could have on Dorian. Lord Henry, however, was indifferent.
Lord Henry was cynical. He believed that although marriage could make some people more complex, it often erased their individuality. Lord Henry hoped that Dorian would adore his fiancée for several months and then move on. For Lord Henry, who enjoyed studying Dorian's personality, that would be fascinating. Basil accused Lord Henry of not being serious, but Henry insisted he was just being sincere
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