Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success
Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success

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Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success

Язык: Русский
Год издания: 2023
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Is there a book where you are sitting or standing right now, whatever it is? If «yes», if you find it, I have one request for you – pick up the book. It doesn’t matter what the book is about: just pick it up and look at it. Now try to see it from a different point of view than yours. Imagine that this book, which you are holding in your hand, has been washed ashore by the waves of the sea on an unknown island. Do not think that the book is water-water. It is still dry. The inhabitants of this island are intelligent and culturally developed, but they have no idea about the alphabet and letters.

What do they do now? They pick up the book and see the beautifully crafted paper. They look at print and see the complex structure of letters and punctuation. They think it’s a very interesting art form and appreciate the book from that point of view.

Do they understand the book? Will they really benefit from this book? I think not. Of course, the paper and printing marks are only a small shadow of the actual content of the book. And the actual content depends on how well you understand it. The inside of the book is important, not the outside, because the inside of the book is a world full of ideas.

Isn’t it the same in our lives? We look at the paper and ink of life: breathing, eating, working, sleeping. We look at the ordinary scenes of life and say «this is life». It’s like looking at the paper and the labels and saying «this is a book». But our life, like a book, has a meaning, and of course we all know that the purpose of life is not in paper and ink, but in its meaning.

Our life should first of all be meaningful. Take another look at the ink and paper of your life. Today you send the children to school or go to work, which is very good. Without paper and ink, we would not be able to express the idea of the book, try to look beyond the known, surface meaning of everyday little things in your life, understand their real content, otherwise you will not see anything beyond your nose for the rest of your life. Feel the real meaning of what you are doing. Are you dealing with the meaning of life? you came into this world to learn to realize your purpose. every person does not come to this life in vain, a mission is assigned from above, but unfortunately, many people are unable to fulfill their mission and die. destiny is in your brain. You have the right to imagine your brain as paper and write your own destiny. make this your goal. this is your life book.

Apply this purpose, beyond the surface meaning of your life, look further and see the meaning of the past that you have lived before, see the meaning of the future plan.

Everyone talks about happiness, but few understand its meaning, because it is an abstract concept. only with this idea will you seek to understand the whole book of life. you cannot interfere with the general book of life, but remember that the book of your life is in your own brain. when you find a little meaning in life, it prompts you to search for a deeper meaning. this search will never be fruitless: it will lead you to more detailed answers to the questions that bother you, to a deeper and more meaningful life.


What do you say when you see someone make stupid decisions, act erratically, run wild and gradually lead to emotional and mental breakdown or financial ruin? Are you one of those people who, when you’re stressed or down, turn around and say: All I can say is, he dug himself a hole, he’s to blame, of course, then…”? I think we all say that, and the funny thing is, we think it’s true because we’re digging ourselves a hole. Why all the troubles in our life? Because we asked them. Sometimes this can be very difficult to understand, but it is true.

Prayer, a deep desire, is a much more powerful force than most of us realize. We want something very much, and the intensity of our desire brings us closer to its realization. But if we wish badly, then this intensity will bring us despair and pain. Evil is not human, and we tend to cling to it instead of avoiding it.

I think it’s dangerous to focus too much on getting certain things out of life.

Emmett Fox once said, «Be careful of your desires, for you have all the freedom to make them come true!» said.

I think he was right. the desire of our heart moves in mysterious ways that no one can fully understand and sooner or later manifests itself in real life. therefore, we must be careful and understand what we are getting into. you see, our wishes can be a white elephant with the theme!

When rajas (rulers) in ancient India wanted to impoverish one of their subjects, they would give him a white elephant. the need to feed him, wash him and dress him every day would reduce him to poverty, because he would have absolutely no time to earn money. they do it for fun and it’s the same in our lives. many elements of our desires become white elephants, under the influence of evil. and against it, I think that life itself hides many of our unreasonable, bad, negative, negative, negative prayers and desires, because it (Allah) wants to protect us from white elephants (trials of poverty, disease, etc.).

Maybe instead of how to give anything away, we should be looking for more wisdom. It is much safer to seek wisdom because you have the equipment to look at other people and their problems intelligently and humanely. having reason (useful, necessary, necessary information), you are not in a hurry to make an unreasonable decision, such a decision will inevitably lead to people turning away from you and saying: «All I can say is that he did not get what he wanted, he wished for himself received.»

Most people give up on the pursuit if they can’t get it right away or achieve it. Many people want what they decide to pursue, but do not pursue what is really useful, necessary, necessary, because they do not know what is useful, what is necessary, what is necessary, no one taught them and no one is forced to, one must learn by himself, learn what someone else taught him. no, because your life is your own business.

There is a big difference between what is really useful, what you need, what you need and what you want. Imagine if, as a child, your parents told you to do whatever they wanted: drink a bottle of insecticide or touch the beautiful flame that «dances» on the gas stove. b. You thought you wanted it, but your parents knew it was dangerous for you, that it could hurt you, so they stopped it to save your life.

Here is the difference between our unhealthy wants and our healthy needs. If we pursue the wisdom of what is right for us – the understanding of truth – and not lust and worldliness, then we will have all our useful desires, and we will know with certainty what we should want and need throughout our lives. The most important thing is that our will coincides with God’s will.


Are you a proactive, entrepreneurial person? I guess it depends on how you understand the word «action». Maybe you are always «in the same place with your brain» and that’s why you consider yourself to be an active, business person? Is that so? I believe that action does not always require action. There are times when our actions serve as excuses for not knowing what is truly beneficial. A lot of time and energy is often spent on trifles and harmful practices. But we cannot afford to waste our time and energy. Sooner or later you have to make a decision, whether it’s important or not, because if we try to do everything at once, we won’t get to what’s really important. The human mind is a very delicate and complex tool. It is stressful both internally and externally, and too much pressure can often lead to backsliding, failure to plan, and stalling.

Mental overwork can be as debilitating and exhausting as physical. There is only one way to support yourself – your inner Self – and always return to the silent conversation. You will rest peacefully near the source and source of life, which will increase your resistance to negative influences, allowing you to live a happy life. Surprisingly, it is a higher level of activity than mental or physical. In the world of time, which turns like a cartwheel, there is a point of inactivity and stillness. We must learn to return to this point again and again, if we do not want to be crushed by the wheels or cast aside. The stillness of inaction in the heart is the only place where we can communicate with our Inner Self. If we want this peace, we must consciously (voluntarily) put ourselves in a position to achieve it. The secret of the renewal of these forces is mental, physical and spiritual, all of which are the «I» of man. Once you find this truth, you will feel the confidence of the mind, which has recognized its essence.

Activity does not always mean movement. the action of the inner «I» is often in absolute inaction, immobility. when recharging the car battery, it sits on the rack with two wires coming from it, and looks completely dead. nothing happens on the outside, but inside this battery there is even more active activity than before.

Edward Arnold wrote: «You are in trouble by yourself, no one pushes you or holds you in one place, you are free to live and die, to turn with the wheel and kiss its spokes, that is what pain, suffering, and suffering are all about.»». Indeed, we are not bound by the need to constantly rotate in the direction of action. Sometimes we are most active and active when we allow ourselves to work with our Inner Self without moving completely.

This is what I call action without action, and I do not deny real movement and action, because it is the final point, without a point, the sentence does not end, there is no proof of the spoken word. However, unless we consider action without internal action as work, we may remain one of many and perhaps unhappy.


Are you afraid of making mistakes and sins? Many people are afraid of making mistakes, sometimes not only people, but also entire governments. I once read that the Government of Uganda has banned radio broadcasting of weather forecasts. Ancient local residents mistook meteorological reports and data for government decrees and decrees and completely obeyed and worshiped the weather. When the forecast (weather) turns out to be inaccurate, they blame the weather, they blame the government, and because of that, people stop believing everything they say on the radio. They used to say that this whole government is a lie, like a weather forecast.

The Ugandan government found an easy way out of this situation. They simply banned weather forecasting on the radio. But I doubt that it was really the right and fair decision. And what do you think? However, this was a mistake made by the Ugandan government…

What is the point of stopping an action because we have made mistakes or because we can make mistakes, or what is the point of hating yourself and life because we have already sinned? We wouldn’t achieve anything if we kept stopping every time we started, even if we made a mistake at least once, right? We wouldn’t learn to love ourselves, love life, if we didn’t learn the lesson after sin and face trials, right? Of course, all this can be avoided, this is the best way. But is it possible?

Let’s say that when you were a little kid, you tripped for the first time and fell to the floor and thought, «This is a complete failure.» It’s nothing». maybe you would never have learned to walk if you hadn’t stumbled. Let’s say that after making the first mistake in an example of simple arithmetic (the branch of mathematics that studies numbers), you completely give up arithmetic, then you will never count money, buy things in stores, etc. b. you wouldn’t learn.

I believe that the ability to make mistakes is an important part of our life experience, and if we fear making mistakes and avoid them because of that fear, then we gradually lose all the good and useful things in life. Of course, you can push this argument to the point of absurdity. if we can learn from our mistakes, then we should not be afraid to make many mistakes, because the more mistakes we make, the more we learn. I do not propose to continue such an argument, to take it as advice, I simply say: you have the right to make mistakes, without mistakes and sins no one can be completely happy, to deny this is ignorance.

Whatever mistakes you made in the past, they have become an important part of your experience. Use them as an opportunity to move your brain and start life again: don’t give up on your dream goal because you failed the first time, and don’t stop what you started, don’t give up. Every mistake in your life has shaped your current perception. Bless your mistakes, they made you human. Thank them for their teaching. Remember: the main purpose of mistakes and sins is to stir your brain and give you another chance to start a new life.

Of course, even after reading my book, you will make mistakes, but you will learn and experience in each one.

There are no predestined, irreversible, irreversible, insurmountable mistakes and sins, unless you yourself give them the opportunity to do so. Repeated mistakes and sins will not happen, unless you allow them to happen. You will not be a slave to fatalism, if you can write your own destiny according to the truth.


Do you judge your actions as successes or failures in your opinion? I believe that most of the failures in our life are the result of our attitudes and thoughts towards ourselves, towards the world, towards other people, towards the creator. A person cannot achieve success if a person does not believe in it and is not confident. because for those who have courage and faith, the way always seems open. this means the correct attitude and thinking towards victory, success, success, increases his spiritual strength, internal dominance and superiority, and contributes to the creation of miracles and miracles in this life. If you don’t have the right attitude and mindset, why not start building it today?

In our ever-changing life, formed by a complex system, there are various external factors acting around us, and sometimes we want to shout that these external factors control our life, our situation. but in reality, we chose that life and situation as we like, and as a result we only do what we choose, because life is all about choice, success and failure. even if we don’t want to choose a certain path, we ultimately choose it because it seems to us the path of least internal resistance. we want to take the easy and easy way, even though we know that it may cause us inconvenience and trouble in the future. we will always have to make decisions: in business matters, in family relationships, in everyday life activities. We always have the need to choose, so it is very important to be able to make the right choice.

This is very important: when we realize that the strength that allows us to overcome any obstacle is within us, we stop calling for help. When the inner self begins to speak quietly (internal dialogue), we tune into the internal resources of that mind (mental power) (brain food information). The secret of this power is to understand our behavior, to increase our thinking resources (to feel how much it is limited by the slavish mind, to expand its boundaries). Only when we begin to understand that the power to do anything, to achieve what we want, is within us, success in life will come to us, this is our main success in life!

I think great people, people in history, believed that they had a great power inside them and with that power they were able to overcome all obstacles and difficulties. this force is stronger than any situation, internal or external factors. there is no power greater than it and they were able to use it and became conquerors of the world. I think that those who do not believe in internal power, but only in external power, cannot do anything great in this world, they come like animals and go like animals.

I’m sure the people who believed this were ridiculed by their friends and family, maybe thought a little crazy. they considered it vanity and stupidity, and they returned to the millstones of their ordinary, everyday life, turning it until they died, and at last they lived as friends with a sense of failure and exhaustion. but they, even if they felt it and knew it, did not tell anyone, because it is a problem of the inner world. in their opinion, this daily hustle and bustle, aimless action, unplanned movement relieves and relieves their inner restlessness, anxiety, fear, and general depression. do you want to be one of these people or listen to your inner strength? this is a warning, not a threat!

Start using the creative power of your mind. use the power of foresight, use it, because your thinking is a force (foresight), a swift current that makes you work. connect your mental powers with the universal unconscious that does everything for you and you become a super person. try to you will know that you have found the key to solving any problem in your life. In simple terms, this means: you can do anything you put your mind to if you put your mind to it enough to think you can! Let me say that again: you can do anything you set your mind to if you put your mind to it enough to think you can. In any situation, success and victory starts with your mind first. Everyone has the ability to clearly and clearly see the goal in their imagination before it is realized in real life, but only one out of ten of them uses it, and if you can develop that ability, any of your goals will come true and you can reach them easily and easily.


Do you see yourself as a road builder or a wall builder? each of us will either build roads or build walls throughout our lives. how do you perceive yourself? I found a short poem that explains this theme simply and beautifully:

«Great roads were built by sovereign Rome, To connect people, At the same time, walls were built, To separate, separate and protect, Over the centuries, due to human passion, All walls fell, But roads remained.»

Do you build ways, ways of communication, where you can meet other people and share ideas with them? Or do you build walls in your mind that separate, separate, protect you from others? I think all the materials and effort that goes into building a wall is a waste, it’s all a waste of labor and time because those walls will fall anyway.

The truth is that we are Creatures who must strive for spiritual unity with all humanity, and weak walls built to separate and separate from other people will never last long. But different in ways. Do you build paths that connect you with people? Just like the two arteries to the brain in the human body, you need them in your daily business and spiritual and social life. Do you have this relationship? How often do you talk to people? I would like to say that spiritual, family and kinship ties are higher than usual business ties.

Have you heard of empathic listening and the empathic method? Have you ever heard of the quiet boulevards of empathy? Do you want to be an empath? This is a person who has developed the ability to empathize. Do you build a path from heart to heart, paths of mutual understanding, paths of compassion for misfortune and sorrow. Does your spirituality begin with cooperation? Will you build such streets or quiet alleys of love and understanding, full of fragrant, white-flowered tree acacias (lookers)? There is no need to overwhelm them with words. They are smiling, comforting and these scenes are covered with tree leaves: «I know. I understand everything. I love you». Build streets and alleys like this, because they will last forever. Nothing can destroy them.

Take some time today to decide whether you want to spend energy, mental and spiritual energy building walls to separate yourself from your loved ones, or whether you want to build intellectual arteries of collective thinking, wide boulevards of empathy and silent alleys of spiritual unity. By deciding what to build, you determine the nature of your life. It can be a world of walls that keep you out, or a world of paths that you can travel to endless joy. The choice is up to you.


Do you consider yourself happy or unhappy? Do you think your life is full of success or failure? When we think about our unfulfilled hopes and dreams, our failed grand plans, people often blame fate or so-called luck or bad luck. But this is nonsense (absurd)? Some people say: «This is my lucky (or unlucky) star» or «Today is a new life for me, a new day, a new me» on the contrary «I wonder when I will get rid of school, work or family again». Why do we say this? We speak to hide our shortcomings, mistakes, and sins from ourselves. We want to deceive ourselves with words, but in reality the life we want is not happening, or it is happening, but still there is a feeling of emptiness inside, as if something is always missing. Remember: We succeed or fail depending on the nature (level) of our consciousness.

I think Shakespeare said it best in Julius Caesar, where he says, «Sometimes men are masters of their own destiny. Blame for mistakes, dear Brutus, not from the stars, but from us alone.»

We die at the bottom, but in reality, we can be the masters of our destiny if we can bring our thoughts and actions into alignment with the creative purpose of our lives. If we can «attach» our thoughts to our purpose, then we become the masters of our destiny. But how willing are most of us to trust our inner guide? No, we prefer to rely on our judgments, our old habits, and when things go wrong, we are ready to blame God, fate, the stars, or anything else that has not lived up to our hopes and beliefs.

if it were possible to show all the details of the past, our past complaint, then we could see where and when we recently went wrong, and identify the point where we strayed from the right path to the wrong star. we would see where we had made an irreparable mistake. you see, we could have made a choice. And that choice was ours, but we can’t turn back that time, but we can fix all of our past, because we have the present moment and the future.

God gave us life as a gift and a test because he gave us free will. only we, as human beings, choose what will improve or destroy our lives. we can change our choices at any time and start a new life. do not blame the stars, anything, anyone for your problems, remember that you are created in the image and likeness of the «great truth», if you want to blame yourself, blame only for something, blame only for acting as a slave to the stars or some other matter.

Only our mistakes and failures hinder our destiny and there is no written destiny that tries to hurt or harm us. The «great truth» seeks one thing: to add to the absolute good (the little paradise) that is not yet formed in our lives. But the «Holy Book» with its seal, so to speak, the great paradise (the abode of absolute peace, purity, goodness, goodness) will not be established in the first life, although this does not mean that one should not strive for it. Therefore, the Creator uses various methods to save us from hell (the place of absolute purification and healing) in the first life: hunger, war, disease, etc. b. Consider the word hell a severe trial. In general, not everyone can enter the big paradise without going through a small or big hell, that person either passes through the small hell of this world or passes through the big hell of the hereafter and enters the big paradise. The abstract concept that people think of as happiness in this world is a small paradise, the Bible says that the small paradise, that is, the paradise of the world, has nothing to do with the big paradise. True happiness is based only on truth. Truth is useful knowledge and proven science for the will, spiritual light for the mind and light of faith for the heart.

In any situation we keep the elements of goodness, if you accept the truth of your situation, then suddenly the written fate is behind you and you know that everything will be fine in both lives. why? because we have joined the path of «common sense» which always leads to the right decision. everything we need is within us, we just need to be open, responsive and ready to receive the guidance of truth. the world wrapped in beautiful packaging

Do you like beautiful packaging (the outer shape of each item)? most of us like it. I had an interesting idea about beautiful packaging during a trip to a large store. I was looking at the goods I needed, and a lady was looking for a special fashionable soap on the next shelf. this was not a soap I would buy for regular use. The soap is wrapped in transparent paper, packed in a cardboard box, wrapped in transparent paper with a non-glossy and tight fit. these small soap boxes are packed in a large cardboard box and covered with a beautifully painted transparent film. it was all held together by a small paper ribbon with a bouquet of artificial violets. an impressive package of three bars of soap, and it occurred to me that its purpose is only to clean your exterior. then when I heard the seller smiling politely at the buyer and asking him a question, it really shook me, I experienced a great excitement. she said, «Shall I wrap your purchases (three trendy soaps) in nice paper like a gift?» said. I couldn’t believe what I heard. To be honest, at first I didn’t believe how to make it more beautiful, I couldn’t figure it out, but then I realized that whatever you buy in that store, they wrap it in a beautiful package and make a mouth-watering masterpiece.

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