Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success
Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success

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Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success

Язык: Русский
Год издания: 2023
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# Moral beliefs are morality for others. Moral beliefs produce only positive results. Therefore, morality must become a public interest.

# Real eye-catching beauty, beauty of character and speech is spiritual wealth.

# In the spiritual comfort zone, the soul is connected with God, there is no harm, no stress, no dispute with oneself and others.

# What is hell for? Until you are completely cured, until you pay the bill with pain.

# There is no sin, there is no guilt, there is illness, there is health.

# The human brain is filled with empty, useless and sometimes harmful thoughts. Therefore it is our duty to keep our mind pure.

# What’s the point of renovating your home if your soul doesn’t see the renovation.

# Balance between joy and sadness is the main reason for happiness.

# Try not to be God, but to please God. If you want to be on the path of God, be on the path of Truth.

# Man is not given complete free will and this is a great salvation for man.

# A goal is an illusion of the imagination, which at first is difficult to believe, difficult to imagine, difficult to understand. However, the correct goal set is a great power that is realized gradually, slowly but surely brings a person to the end point – the fulfillment of the desired dream, as a result of achieving the goal.

# Achieving a goal is not luck or fortune, it is hard work, the art of time management.

# A person cannot make mistakes, but repeating the same mistake a second time is a crime against oneself.

# It is necessary to prepare a child not only for school, but also for life.

# Correct upbringing consists of avoiding lies and deception, learning the whole truth about

yourself, and correcting with the truth.

# People could not build a civilization on their own (without the help of the Creator).

# Iman, who is not established in the heart during life, how will he be established at the time of death?

# True happiness is not in others, but in yourself. You deserve to be truly happy.

# What’s the point of being someone who causes waves of emotions if it affects others negatively.

# Science always wins, no matter how superior art is.

# Faith in God without science is a lost faith.

# Social media steals our time, due to which we do not have enough time to connect with God (salat).

# A place of worship is not a restaurant, worshiping God is not a show, song or dance.

# There is no time to wait for time.

# Self-sufficiency is the highest spiritual level of consciousness; in this case, a person does not need prayer, like Allah Almighty. But there is a lot to get right. As an example, a person will be able to climb to the top floor of a multi-story building. But the penthouse (the roof of a skyscraper) belongs only to Allah.

# Only people with a high spiritual level, a high level of consciousness and a strong will understood the meaning of devotion and worship of God.

# A bad thought comes from a thoughtless mind.

# Thinking that you alone are strong, educated and pious is deep inner arrogance.

# People with heavy «I» weight have a deep inner desire to bring their subordinates into the Slave Consciousness. After this, you wonder what happened to our good ones.

# Equality, Justice, Virtue, Unity, Peace are the enemies of Satan.

# The strongest virtue is endurance during trials and the ability to be an example to others. This is easier done than said.

# Good and evil do not come from God, but from man himself. Depending on how he used the Laws of Science, Nature and the Creator.

# Death is not from God, but from ignorance. If there is harakat (actions) and dua (prayer), if the disease is treated, the person (nafs) will not die, so blaming God for murder is not entirely rational.

# Slander of the world, slander of God. The fact that a person is bad is because of his dishonesty and the harmfulness of the environment.

# There are no mistakes in God’s creation, the chain of evil has no limit.

# If you are in a situation where you are truly happy, share it with others.

# Those who claim (in Islam) that the world (Dunya) is false and bad, seem to be taking revenge on their temporary place of residence, but never want to see these shortcomings in themselves.

# If by the will of God, then everything will be fine in the end, if only by the will of a person, there are continuous doubts about the future of this person.

# Being a simple person means silence in words and deeds, not pride.

# What is the use of science if a person does not harm himself? What is the use of prayer if one does not make mistakes?

# Bright light – freedom and liberty, dark fog – Slavery and Dependency.

# There should be no difference between the True Self and the False Show.

# Every step a person takes on a social network is his life story.

# The main reason for not achieving the goal is premature despair and a forced mask, internal disorder, as well as the negative influence of the environment.

# In life, no unproven nonsense should be an obstacle to faith in God.

# Children’s selfishness is all mine. Having matured, «My…» turns into the Egocenter. No one has yet said «Our…”, destroying «Mine».

# No one commits a sin intentionally, it is a symptom of mental illness, and if God wishes, He can cure it in this world or leave it for the hereafter, eternal life.

# What is true science? You cannot be sick even if you want to be sick. You cannot be unhappy even if you want to be unhappy.

# Money is not an ideal, but a tool. The first wealth is existence, the second wealth is the health of the body, the third wealth is the health of the soul, a person who has these three can achieve any success.

# Faith in God is caution and self-defense.

# The action of a sane person is to correct shortcomings, not hide them from anyone, understand that all the problems of life are a test.

# Blame, blame, gossip, boasting are not from Islam.

After Allah come the deputies (Caliphs) – the Ulama, then the Hakims, and after them the Hafiz.

# The lower class is suffering, and unless there is change, people will continue to be divided into upper and lower classes, denying the desired equality.

# The expression «should have been earlier…» (regrets) interfere with a bright future.

# There is no exorcism, there is acute psychosis.

# As the gadgets around us get smarter, we seem to get dumber.

# Be proud that you imitate God and not famous figures.

# Instead of making excuses, prove to yourself that you are a good person, and to do this, gain your advantages and the advantages of the people around you. Create your ideal personality.

# Deception, fun, consolation, eating each other, games, competition – the fashion of the world, is it right to give your life for this, to hope, to expect something good, to be diligent?

# Balance between soul and body gives a stable, good life.

# The health of the soul is threefold – Inner peace, purity, beauty.

# To be happy is to choose a direction, but this is not happiness, there is fog ahead, now find a way to happiness from this situation.

# Why are we not alike? Because the environment in which we grow and develop is different.

# Allah’s main desire is two things: to bring a person to a level where he can be independent, and secondly, to bring him to a level where he can be self-sufficient.

# The senses belong to us, but the heart belongs to God.

# Blind and deaf people are not treated, if they are treated, it is the grace of God.

# The world as a whole speaks the language of science. Therefore, it is necessary to learn this language.

# Prayer without action is like prayer without ablution.

# For Spiritual Revival, before the change of power, the people must be healed of Slave Consciousness.

# Well, I’ll leave the celebrities with their individuality, talent, wealth and honor, and today’s breeze is enough for me. Thank God I can breathe in and out!

# Hellfire – heals a sick soul by causing pain. Sins are cured by pain. Hell does not welcome a healthy person because he hates a healthy soul.

# There is no word luck or fortune, there is the word success.

# Gaining trust is achieved through tactics of deception and seduction. At this time, a person’s faith is tested.

# Guilt is not guilt, sin is not sin, I recognize only one truth – illness.

# Every thing, every being wants to say something. If we can see the power of God from this, we are happy.

# The world created by God is amazing for those who know its value.

# Where a thought comes to your mind and what kind of thought it is depends on the Unconscious.

# The difference between victory and defeat is just one thought.

# Brain programming means repeating verbal and visual thoughts until they become a habit.

# People have the wrong idea about Satan. Satan, one of the demons who became demons, whispers into our hearts from the inside, and not from the outside. But demons among people tempt outwardly. Both taught humanity many vices.

# Forgiveness is harmful to health if it does not hurt the heart, if tears do not flow from the eyes.

# Life is a teacher, but don’t learn from lies, find out the whole truth about yourself, learn to be the Truth.

# God’s love is realized through the love of parents. And orphans are under the direct care of God.

# The poor man who cannot make friends with himself becomes the enemy of others.

# There must be a balance between collecting and spending money.

# The most motivated person, the person who works as productively as possible every day.

# He did not send down the Quran so that we could only read and sing in Arabic, he sent it down so that we could read and understand it in our own language. Let’s not be fake Hafiz.

# Stopping in front of the monkey, Allah Almighty created the most important and reliable experiment, Adam.

# Who is the only one who does not make mistakes, does not go astray, does not get confused?

# When a person falls into evil, no one is to blame, he is simply a victim of the laws of Life (the Creator).

# A person can reduce his fear and make it disappear.

# Faith without doubt is ignorance.

# A head that is not full of good thoughts is full of bad thoughts.

# If we don’t throw out the trash on time, the brain will have a disgusting information smell, so let’s keep the brain clean.

# Life, tested by God’s laws, proven by science, what else is needed to be the Truth? # Don’t be a person who burns out quickly and goes out quickly.

# God waited until he created a creature similar to himself, after an experiment with a monkey, Adam appeared from water and soil. But, unfortunately, humanity failed to become a caliph (viceroy), people did not live up to God’s expectations, and as a result, God created hell.

# Don’t open your past, don’t close your future, don’t miss your present.

# Is man a slave to man, or is man a slave to fate, or is man a slave to his desires?

# «Don’t repeat this… mistake» I often heard from parents. Because they made the same mistake back in the day.

# More than a million people are engaged in science and creativity, and we are behind other nations because we think that the world is fake.

# Words are the most destructive weapon in the world. Words are the most incomparable medicine in the world.

# Anger limits the mind, but liberates after regaining consciousness.

# Words lead to the top of the hill, deeds lead to the top of the mountain.

# Everyone is looking for the meaning of life. I think it’s doing what you love, working hard and not being deceived by time.

In fact, you cannot achieve more than you are now because your current level of consciousness limits you.

# Words are the most destructive weapon in the world. Words are the most incomparable medicine in the world

# Anger limits the mind

# Words lead to the top of the hill, deeds lead to the top of the mountain.

# The doomsday program must be stopped.

# Young people think that life is a river without harm, without loss, without crocodiles.

# The joy of wealth does not disappear from the hands, it disappears from the spiritual world.

# If the money you earn is not honest, it will torment you when you grow old.

# A correctly read prayer invites you to knowledge and science. Invites you to study the Quran with love.

# The first wealth is to be, the second wealth is the health of the body, the third wealth is the health of the soul.

# No matter how much you criticize God, you will not find any fault.

# Where there is money, there is wisdom. Riches are not for fools.

# Selling words is like selling air.

# The umbilical cord must be cut at an early age to prevent death.

# God created nature and secured it with laws, then nature developed itself.

# The younger generation and the older generation are divided. Where is the bridge between them?

# Some people’s hearts are influenced by Iblis and not by God’s light. If we are strong, we must be able to distinguish between them. The Word of God or the Word of Satan?

# Remaining silent is one of the impossible actions of the 21st century.

# The doomsday program must be stopped.

# Heroes don’t cry, heroes are just sad.

# There are three evils – arrogance and disobedience to God. Self-deprecation and self-harm. Encouraging other people to do evil.

# Tempting other people to evil is from Satan, and calling to good is from the Merciful.

# There are only three reasons why all of humanity’s problems are not over. Harm to yourself, harm to others, harm to God.

# This is very difficult to understand or explain, everything is philosophy, therefore philosophy is the father of all sciences. A mysterious world full of mysteries. Let there be more people who can solve, explain or understand these mysteries.

# The implementation of the doomsday program is proceeding very intensively.

# A world without science will be poor, a world without faith in God will suffer, therefore without Truth there is no life.

# I will not judge the world without science, without faith in God.

# Suicide at the peak of depression is not a SIN, but a DISEASE, aggravated by random environmental influences.

# The solution to the problem is research, not hostility.

# Many imams confuse psychosis with demonic possession. We have nothing to do with demons who are not of the devil. Therefore there is no need to recite any Surah Jinn.

# Psychosis is treated in a psychiatric hospital. A psychiatrist treats people in this situation.

# God has the ability to cleanse. God throws people into the fire because He loves them. God’s principle is to treat diseases in this way.

# God has the ability to erase memories. Hell is not fatal for a person, but it is painful.

# A mentally ill person does not depend on the voice of God in the heart, but on external voices. That is, people want other people or things to solve their problems, not God within. This is spiritual death.

# Every day you have to deal with great responsibilities or get rid of them and rest.

# Happiness is like a game, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. I don’t think everyone who doesn’t win is really happy.

# External beauty is a beautiful idea that hides internal evil.

# The hardest part of patience is when you rely on the finish line.

# We still have a chance to survive if our environment is not polluted.

# What is love for God? It is love that saves everything.

# It is depressing that the masses worship the Word of the People rather than the Word of God.

# Heroes of plays and films are our roles in life. Screenwriter, playwright, director, producer – there is only one God.

# I am not an imam who tries to extinguish the hope that the sinner is committing a sin intentionally.

# Due to environmental influences, many people were resurrected and many died.

# We call only a completely purified soul SPIRIT.

# It seems that someone sits inside and commands what to say and what to do. This is not our True Self. It is simply the truth about ourselves. At the level of being, we are all perfect and like God.

# We believe that the ideal self is the self that is imagined but never realized. I am the past, I am the present, I am the future, where is my Self?

# The best thing you can do for your parents is to dedicate your life to self-development.

# One scientist said that the fulfillment of desires is just a coincidence of the Laws of Life.

# Cleansing from the Lesser Hell in this life and the Greater Hell in the Hereafter is the mercy of God.

# Performances and films should show not only real life, but also ways to solve problems in this life.

# Every scientist should know that this life is only the first experiment.

# If science is based on truth, heaven will spread across the earth. If science is false, hell will spread across the earth.

# A day without science is fear, a day without faith is regret.

# There is no problem that science cannot solve. So science, let’s catch up with these problems.

# A person on the path of truth first believes in God, and then in Science. God is facts and evidence.

# I will be happy if others surpass me because the game of life goes on.

# Indecision is a war of opposing arguments within.

# The greatest achievement is not to lose hope until the last moment, of course this is easy

to say.

# Learn to give happiness, not receive it. And learn to enjoy it.

# I don’t want to play the «who is right» game.

# If the government does not consider its people as people, there will not be an equal and just society.

# There are scientific laws, to be happy you need to know them, obey these laws, use them not against yourself, but for your own happiness.

# There are two types of happiness – fake happiness and real happiness. The choice is yours.

# Gullible people are easy to deceive.

# In the world, according to the religion of Islam, it is not God’s creation that prevails, but man’s creation.

# Atheists would believe in God if religion penetrated their hearts.

# There is no limit, there is no evil in the Supreme Consciousness.

# The most painful thing for a person is not the death of the body, but the death of the soul

# What makes a person a king or a slave is the people around him, the environment.

# Are you tired of the hype that the world is fake?

# If a person’s root is honest, then no matter how many weeds surround him, he will still grow in an honest way.

# God gave everything, but humanity was unable to systematize it all. Religion without science is a serious problem. Everything bad is not a fault, it is not a sin, it is a disease, you can cure it and become happy.

# Music is a deceptive pastime, intoxicating or maddening.

# It is not necessary to prove something to someone, first of all, a person needs to prove himself to his inner world.

# Even the one who claims to be the wisest is mistaken.

# He who does not know how to forgive does not know how to ask for forgiveness

# Where does a bad child come from if parents think that they are raising correctly. Everyone needs a ready-made good child.

# If a child changes for the worse, the parents themselves bear responsibility. It’s not good to scold a child

# Parenting is about two things – setting a good example and being patient

# Forgiveness is like begging, we fall into despair, why don’t we prevent it, why don’t we deal with the consequences. The internal vibration of each regret is unique.

# For some, life is a drama, for some, life is a tragedy, for some, life is a comedy, for others, life is just a game

# People believe that forgiveness is beneficial. Forgiveness does not solve problems, but it softens the heart.

# Religion without science, Science without religion is useless.

# Until the living feel good, the dead will not feel comfortable.

# Looking at the people around me, I am afraid of myself.

# The worst emotions a person can experience in this world are insecurity and despair.

# I’m not against anyone, I’m with myself.

# If you say you know the truth, you will be hated, so it is better to write silently than to speak.

# God makes us healthy, and we make ourselves sick, what an injustice

# If you look carefully, there are ears without a brain, is this a mosque?

# Real vomiting is one thing, mental vomiting is another

# The curse of man has no effect on the Creator, because his love is thousands of times stronger than him. There is only one force that destroys evil, and that is creative love.

# God looks at the heart before possessions. God doesn’t look at what he created, he looks at our souls. Because we created it

# The responsibility of the government to the people is to distribute wealth in a uniform system.

# Evil is not from God, because God is pure, subhanallah. It is better to glorify Allah in any situation. Everything from us. A person has to go through a lot of trials before he realizes that he is himself.

# If you feel honest and pure, God will see himself.

# An ordinary person has no choice but to imitate famous people and repeat them like

parrots. In science this is called «total environmental control.»

# One praise for knowledge, a thousand praises for action.

# If everything is according to the will of God, if my own desires coincide, is there greater happiness for a person than this?

# If the result of religion is madness, it is not the truth.

# The hardest thing for me is to believe that in the end I will win.

# Man is the twin of the earth. When God created man, he likened him to our temporary abode, planet Earth. The giant planet Earth is just one of our cells.

# The responsibility for conveying the TRUTH to the people did not rest solely with the imams.

# Marketers know when to attack the brain when our emotional control is weak.

# Losing yourself is not losing yourself completely in the forest, but opening the way to new possibilities, but there are two types of people: some look at the earth and see dirt, and others look at the sky and see stars.

# Everyone wants to understand the concept of happiness based on their current situation. In fact, there is no such thing as my happiness and your happiness, just different beliefs and ideas. True happiness is not given to anyone in this world.

# It’s time to wake up, think about life, it’s not easy for us to get to heaven, we can’t get ahead of our time.

# Abundant money flows from the lower class into the accounts of the rich. This causes the lower classes to shout that they are poor again.

# Truth is the reason for everything, whoever finds it finds science and goes on a journey to the seventh heaven.

# For me, selling smart words is like selling air.

# He who understands the essence of the Quran understands the mystery of everything

# Thought does not die, thought can only hide

# Those who repeat the same mistake serve and become slaves of those who make fewer mistakes

# The most important wealth is well-being. Fighting the devil for survival is the law of nature.

# If a person repeats the same mistake, his soul is sick and needs treatment.

# Nobody goes to death intentionally, it’s not a sin, it’s a disease

# A masterpiece they say, what is the use of this masterpiece if it does not bring spiritual and moral benefit to humanity?

# Hell is the cure for lust that has not been completely purified.

# Laziness is not demotivation, but extreme depression.

# There is a biological age of a person, but this is not a spiritual and moral age.

# Loyalty to God, justice to yourself, satisfaction with your life, kindness to others.

# Pure blood has a pure soul. To cleanse the blood – a good example and patience. Match words and deeds.

# There are no gifted, talented people. There are only those who have learned to discover and develop their abilities.

# Ethical communication, understanding the soul of the student, directing him to the profession that his heart desires, explaining to the child the difference between freedom and decency, this is what modern pedagogy wants.

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