Notes and Queries, Number 12, January 19, 1850
Notes and Queries, Number 12, January 19, 1850полная версия

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Notes and Queries, Number 12, January 19, 1850

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London: GEORGE BELL, 186. Fleet Street; of whom Part I., price 3s., may be had.

Just published, price 1s. 8vo. sewed.

PRACTICAL REMARKS ON BELFRIES AND RINGERS. By the Rev. H.F. ELLACOMBE, M.A., Oriel College, Oxford, vicar of Bitton, Gloucestershire.

GEORGE BELL, 186. Fleet Street; RIDLER, Bristol.


The next number of the "Gentleman's Magazine" (which will be published on the 1st of February, 1850), will exhibit several alterations in the character and arrangement of its contents, which have been determined upon after due consideration of the present state of our literature.

Time was when the whole field of English Literature was before us, and we were its only reapers. At that time the harvest was scarcely rich enough to supply materials for our monthly comment. One hundred and twenty years have produced a marvelous revolution. Our literature has grown and expanded, and been divided and subdivided, and has still gone on growing and increasing, until—such is its wonderful extent and fertility—every separate branch maintains its independent organ, and we ourselves, overpowered by a growth which we were the first to foster, have gradually been compelled, by our limited space, to allow one subject after another to drop from under our notice.

Still, amidst many minor alterations, we have kept an unweakened hold upon certain main subjects. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, and ARCHÆOLOGY have never been neglected, and our OBITUARY has grown into a record which, even we ourselves may say, has become a permanent and important portion of the literature of our country.

The changes we are now about to introduce have for their design a more strict adherence to what we look upon as our peculiar path. We shall henceforth devote ourselves more particularly—we may say almost exclusively—to the great subjects we have mentioned. Space that has been given to other matters will be curtailed, variations in type and arrangement will afford additional room, and all that can in any way be gained will be devoted to our main and peculiar purpose.

We have made arrangements to secure for our pages, by a liberal outlay, contributions from gentlemen most competent to write upon their respective subjects of study, and shall strive, more than ever, to be a worthy organ and representative of that most valuable and peculiarly interesting branch of literature which has for its object the instruction of mankind by the study and the perpetuation of whatever is now doing, or whatever has been done in times past, which is worthy of being kept in remembrance. We shall endeavour to put forth a miscellany which will be attractive from its variety, and from the skill with which its several subjects are treated, and will be permanently valuable from the importance of the matters to which it relates.

In principles and general tone of management we have nothing to retract, nothing to alter. History is Truth, or it is a mere delusion. The discovery and the establishment of Historical Truth, in all its branches, are our objects, and we shall continue to pursue them, as we have done in times past, faithfully and honestly, but, as we purpose and intend, more diligently and more undividedly.

Contributions should be addressed, post paid, To the Editor of the "Gentleman's Magazine" to the care of Messrs. Nichols and Son, 25. Parliament Street, Westminster.

The "Gentleman's Magazine" is published by Messrs. J.B. Nichols and Son, 25. Parliament Street, Westminster, on the first day of every month, price 2s. 6d. and may be obtained of all booksellers.


On sale at 43. Chandos Street, Trafalgar Square, is ready this day, to be had gratis, and is sent (if required) postage free to any Book-buyer. The prices are for ready money only.

The following List has been made with a view to exhibit the character of the selections for the Catalogue generally, as well as the moderate prices affixed.

It is published regularly every month, with occasional supplemental sheets and classed Catalogues, embodying in its contents, throughout the year, works on Archæology, History, Biography, Topography, Classics, Divinity, Language, &c. together with Poetry and the Drama, collections relating to Irish History and Antiquities, Books of Prints, Architecture, Books of Sports, and Treatises on Geology and Mineralogy, Botany, Gardening, and Domestic Economy.

ANGLING BOOKS:—FISHER'S ANGLING SOUVENIR, beautifully illustrated. Fcap. 8vo. half morocco binding, 7s. 6d.—HOFLAND'S BRITISH ANGLER'S MANUAL, by JESSE. Nearly 100 Engravings. Post 8vo. 8s. 6d—CHITTY'S FLY-FISHER'S TEXT-BOOK. 12 beautiful Steel Plates. 8vo. half calf, gilt, 7s. 6d.

BALLAD COLLECTIONS:—EVANS' OLD BALLADS. Best Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. 12s. 6d. 1810—GUTCH'S ROBIN HOOD GARLANDS and BALLADS, profusely illustrated by FAIRHOLT. 2 vols. 8vo. 18s. 6d. 1847.—NICHOL'S SELECT COLLECTION OF FUGITIVE POETRY. 8 vols. 18mo. half calf. Portraits. 6s. 6d.—RITSON'S ENGLISH ANTHOLOGY. 3 vols. post 8vo. half morocco extra. 14s. 6d. 1794.—RITSON'S SELECT COLLECTIONS of ENGLISH SONGS. 3 vols. post 8vo. calf neat, with Music, 15s. 1783.—ROWTON'S FEMALE POETS OF GREAT BRITAIN, Chronologically arranged. Square 8vo. 10s. 6d. 1848.


BOSWELL'S (J.) LIFE OF DR. S. JOHNSON, including his Tour to the Hebrides, to which is added Anecdotes by Hawkins, Piozzi, Murphy, Tyers, Reynolds, Stevens, &c. Edited by J.W. CROKER. Cloth. 50 Plates, 1l. 1s. 1835.

BROWN'S (SIR THOMAS) COMPLETE WORKS, containing his Vulgar Errors, Religio Medici, and Miscellaneous Writings, complete in 1 vol. folio, calf, gilt, fine port, by White, 18s.

BUCKLAND'S RELIQUIÆ DILUVINÆ, on OBSERVATIONS ON THE ORGANIC REMAINS, contained in Caves, Fissures, and Diluvian Gravel, and of other Geological Phenomena. 4to. Fine Plates, some coloured, scarce, 1l. 1s.

BURTON'S (T.) CROMWELLIAN DIARY, from 1656 to 1659, published from the Original Autograph Manuscript, with an Introduction, containing an Account of the Parliament of 1654, edited and illustrated with Notes, by J.T. RUTT. 4 vols. 8vo. front., neatly bound in half calf, gilt, 16s.

BYRON'S (LORD) LETTERS AND JOURNALS, with Notices of his Life, by THOMAS MOORE, 3 vols. 8vo., illustrated with 44 Engravings by the Findens, from Designs by Turner, Stanfield, &c., elegantly half-bound morocco, marble edges, by Hayday, 1l. 8s.

COVERDALE'S BIBLE. The Holy Scriptures faithfully and truly translated by MILES COVERDALE, Bishop of Exeter, 1535, reprinted from the Duke of Sussex's copy. 4to. very elegantly bound in purple calf, blind tooled in antique style, gilt edges, fine copy. 2l. 2s. Bagster, 1838.

DANIELL'S (WM.) SKETCHES, representing the Native Tribes, Animals, and Scenery of Southern Africa, from Drawings made by S. DANIELL. Royal 4to. half bd. morocco, uncut, consisting of 48 fine engravings of animals, scenery, portraits of the various tribes, &c. Proofs on India paper, 1l. 1s. 1820.

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FREEMASONS' (The) QUARTERLY REVIEW, from its commencement in 1834, to the Year 1847, inclusive. 14 vols. 8vo. newly and elegantly half bound, purple calf, backs emblematically tooled, only 3l. 10s. 1834-47.

GIBBON'S (E.) HISTORY OF THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. 6 vols. 4to. calf, gilt, good copy. 1l. 5s. 1788.

KAY'S SERIES OF ORIGINAL PORTRAITS AND CARICATURE ETCHINGS, with Biographical Sketches and Illustrative Anecdotes. 2 thick vols. 4to. half bd., morocco, marbled edges. 329 engraved portraits. 3l. 13s. 6d. 1838.

NICOLAS'S (Sir H.) TESTAMENTA VETUSTA, being Illustrations from Wills of Manners and Customs as well as of the Descents and Possessions of many Distinguished Families, from the Reign of Henry the Second, to the Accession of Queen Elizabeth, with Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. 2 vols. royal 8vo. bds. 15s. 1826.

PAYNE'S ROYAL DRESDEN GALLERY, from Pictures of the Great Masters. 2 vols. 4to. Complete in parts: a Subscriber's copy, fine plates. 1l. 16s. 1849.

PLOWDON'S (Dr. F.) HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE STATE OF IRELAND, from the Invasion of Henry II. to its Union with Great Britain in 1801; with Appendices of Original Papers. Portrait. 3 vols. 4to. Half calf, uncut. 1l. 1s. 1803.

SCRIPTORES REI RESTICÆ. Opera Agricolationum Columellæ, Varronis, Catonisque, nec non Paladii. Annot. Beroaldi. Folio, calf, fine copy, rubricated capitals, gilt edges. 16s. Bononiæ, 1504.

STRUTT'S CHRONICLE OF ENGLAND, or a Complete History, Civil and Ecclesiastical, of the Ancient Britons and Saxons, from Cæsar to the Conquest, with a View of Manners, Customs, Habits, &c. Many Plates, 2 vols. 4to. half bd. russia, neat, 1l. 10s. 1777.

WILBERFORCE (WILLIAM), THE LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE OF, edited and arranged by his Sons, the Rev. R.T. WILBERFORCE and the Rev. SAM. WILBERFORCE. 5 vols. crown 8vo. Portraits, &c. Calf, gilt. 1l. 4s. 1838.

WILKIE. THE GALLERY, with Notices Biographical and Critical, a Portrait of WILKIE, and a View of his Birth-place. Folio, 44 fine Engravings. 2l. 2s. A subscriber's copy. 1849.

WILLIAM III.—LETTERS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE REIGN OF, from 1696 to 1708, addressed to the Duke of SHREWSBURY, by JAMES VERNON, Esq., Secretary of State, now first published from the Originals, edited by G.P.R. JAMES, Esq., 3 vols. 8vo. Fine portrait. Half calf, gilt, 14s. 6d. 1841.

JOHN MILLER, 43. Chandos Street, Trafalgar Square


I presume in his Bibliotheca Scriptorum Societatis Jesu.


Duthilloeul, according to Mr. Bruce, says 251.

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