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Tibetan Horoscope 2023: Year of the Water Hare
Two black stones mean that the Element for the year controls your natal Element. Black stones for the body – a danger of diseases and injuries. Watch yourself and be careful. You do not need to run to the gym, you need to show prudence and take care of your health. Full sleep, a moderate balanced diet, no overloads, etc. Tibetans also advise to compensate for black stones magically: change the style of clothing, change the image, hairstyle, hair color, etc., or, for example, come up with a new nickname, alias. By doing this, you will be able to cheat the „evil spirits“ that can not get you and damage your health. As with any magic practice, focus on internal changes, be fully aware of the result. But do not overdo it, fit all changes harmoniously into your life.
One white stone means that your natal Element coincides with the Element for the year. Achieving your goals will not be as easy as it would be with three white stones. But you can work at a good level of efficiency for you.
Two white stones mean that your natal Element controls the Element for the year (suppresses it). You’re luckier this year. You will attract situations through which your good karma can manifest itself. Fortune will be (usually) on your side, and you have the opportunity to use it to harmonize your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Two black stones indicate that the Element for the year controls your natal Element. Black stones indicate that the energy of your life-soul will be weakened. It will affect your physical immunity, undermine your self-confidence, your will-to-live. Do not give in to despair, do not fall into despondency (it is considered a sin). Overloads are dangerous, take care of your mental and physical health. Harmonize your life. Regularity and moderation will help you.
The Tiger
NB: look for your Animal and your Element in the Chapter "How to identify your Animal and your Element", find out the meaning of obscure terms in the Chapter "Important preliminary information"
Basic Elements:
– Vitality Element: Wood,
– Fortune Element: Metal,
– Life-soul Element: Water.
Friends (have the same Fortune Element): Horse and Dog.
Antagonist: Monkey.
Successful professions: social worker, manager, driver.
The most favorable day of the week – Thursday.
Main character traits:
– unpredictability, courage, unconventional approach to business, creativity, high activity;
– determined, independent, does not tolerate being subordinate, likes to command, aims to make a career;
– overly emotional, but noble and generous;
– a large ego, a tendency to arrogance and pride;
– can become enraged, especially when someone criticizes his shortcomings;
– romantic, jealous, hot-tempered, but easy-going, doesn't like gossip.
Year: 1974
Vitality Element: Wood. Body Element: Water. Strength Element: Wood. Fortune Element: Metal. Life-soul Element: Water
Wood (Strength Element) gives flexibility, mobility, vitality, and harmonious creative power.
Stones for 2023:
Vitality Element: ● – one black stone
Body Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Strength Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Fortune Element: ●● – two black stones
Life-soul Element: ○ – one white stone
One black stone means that your natal Element coincides with the Element for the year. The black stone in the sphere of vitality brings danger; the energy of life goes „intermittently“. Reasonable caution is important, avoid extreme situations, beware of accidents. An unhurried, even lifestyle is what you need. Tibetans advise compensating for black stones by taking care of the lives of other creatures, giving alms. Hunting and fishing should be completely excluded from your to-do list. What’s good is to save living creatures, for example, to buy a fisherman's catch and release the fish back into the water. Tibetans believe that thus you will prolong and protect your own life. The Tibetans also recite mantras for the long life (you can pick up a similar practice by your religion). Do not forget that all life-affirming rituals, including, for example, giving up fishing, should be done with full awareness of why you are doing it. This is the inner magic work.
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