Tibetan Horoscope 2023: Year of the Water Hare

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Tibetan Horoscope 2023: Year of the Water Hare
Жанр: астрологиясаморазвитие / личностный росттибетский буддизмгороскопыэзотерические учениябуддийская культураТибетастрологический прогноз
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2022
The year of the Water Hare will run from February 21, 2023, to February 9, 2024. In this book you will find 60 (sixty) unique Tibetan horoscopes for the year 2023, calculated for all twelve Animals of the Eastern Zodiac and for each of the five Elements. You will also find here basic information about Tibetan astrology.
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