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Theft: A Play In Four Acts
(Margaret looks amused reproach at Connie.)
Mr. Howard Knox.
And why is he called Ali Baba?
That is my nickname for him. In the den of thieves, you know. You remember your Arabian Nights.
(Severely.) I have been wanting to speak to you for some time, Margaret, about that man. You know that I have never interfered with your way of life since your marriage, nor with your and Tom's housekeeping arrangements. But this man Knox. I understand that you have even had him here in your house —
(Interrupting.) He is very liable to be here this afternoon, any time, now.
(Connie displays irritation at Margaret.)
(Continuing imperturbably.) Your house —you, my daughter, and the wife of Senator Chalmers. As I said, I have not interfered with you since your marriage. But this Knox affair transcends household arrangements. It is of political importance. The man is an enemy to our class, a firebrand. Why do you have him here?
Because I like him. Because he is a man I am proud to call "friend." Because I wish there were more men like him, many more men like him, in the world. Because I have ever seen in him nothing but the best and highest. And, besides, it's such good fun to see how one virtuous man can so disconcert you captains of industry and arbiters of destiny. Confess that you are very much disconcerted, father, right now. He will be here in a few minutes, and you will be more disconcerted. Why? Because it is an affair that transcends family arrangements. And it is your affair, not mine.
This man Knox is a dangerous character – one that I am not pleased to see any of my family take up with. He is not a gentleman.
He is a self-made man, if that is what you mean, and he certainly hasn't any money.
(Interrupting.) He says that money is theft – at least when it is in the hands of a wealthy person.
He is uncouth – ignorant.
I happen to know that he is a graduate of the University of Oregon.
(Sneeringly.) A cow college. But that is not what I mean. He is a demagogue, stirring up the wild-beast passions of the people.
Surely you would not call his advocacy of that child labor bill and of the conservation of the forest and coal lands stirring up the wild-beast passions of the people?
(Wearily.) You don't understand. When I say he is dangerous it is because he threatens all the stabilities, because he threatens us who have made this country and upon whom this country and its prosperity rest.
(Connie, scenting trouble, walks across stage away from them.)
The captains of industry – the banking magnates and the mergers?
Call it so. Call it what you will. Without us the country falls into the hands of scoundrels like that man Knox and smashes to ruin.
(Reprovingly.) Not a scoundrel, father.
He is a sentimental dreamer, a hair-brained enthusiast. It is the foolish utterances of men like him that place the bomb and the knife in the hand of the assassin.
He is at least a good man, even if he does disagree with you on political and industrial problems. And heaven knows that good men are rare enough these days.
I impugn neither his morality nor his motives – only his rationality. Really, Margaret, there is nothing inherently vicious about him. I grant that. And it is precisely that which makes him such a power for evil.
When I think of all the misery and pain which he is trying to remedy – I can see in him only a power for good. He is not working for himself but for the many. That is why he has no money. You have heaven alone knows how many millions – you don't; you have worked for yourself.
I, too, work for the many. I give work to the many. I make life possible for the many. I am only too keenly alive to the responsibilities of my stewardship of wealth.
But what of the child laborers working at the machines? Is that necessary, O steward of wealth? How my heart has ached for them! How I have longed to do something for them – to change conditions so that it will no longer be necessary for the children to toil, to have the playtime of childhood stolen away from them. Theft – that is what it is, the playtime of the children coined into profits. That is why I like Howard Knox. He calls theft theft. He is trying to do something for those children. What are you trying to do for them?
Sentiment. Sentiment. The question is too vast and complicated, and you cannot understand. No woman can understand. That is why you run to sentiment. That is what is the matter with this Knox – sentiment. You can't run a government of ninety millions of people on sentiment, nor on abstract ideas of justice and right.
But if you eliminate justice and right, what remains?
This is a practical world, and it must be managed by practical men – by thinkers, not by near-thinkers whose heads are addled with the half-digested ideas of the French Encyclopedists and Revolutionists of a century and a half ago.
(Margaret shows signs of impatience – she is not particularly perturbed by this passage-at-arms with her father, and is anxious to get off her street things.)
Don't forget, my daughter, that your father knows the books as well as any cow college graduate from Oregon. I, too, in my student days, dabbled in theories of universal happiness and righteousness, saw my vision and dreamed my dream. I did not know then the weakness, and frailty, and grossness of the human clay. But I grew out of that and into a man. Some men never grow out of that stage. That is what is the trouble with Knox. He is still a dreamer, and a dangerous one.
(He pauses a moment, and then his thin lips shut grimly. But he has just about shot his bolt.)
What do you mean?
He has let himself in to give a speech to-morrow, wherein he will be called upon to deliver the proofs of all the lurid charges he has made against the Administration – against us, the stewards of wealth if you please. He will be unable to deliver the proofs, and the nation will laugh. And that will be the political end of Mr. Ali Baba and his dream.
It is a beautiful dream. Were there more like him the dream would come true. After all, it is the dreamers that build and that never die. Perhaps you will find that he is not so easily to be destroyed. But I can't stay and argue with you, father. I simply must go and get my things off.
(To Connie.) You'll have to receive, dear. I'll be right back.
(Julius Rutland enters. Margaret advances to meet him, shaking his hand.) You must forgive me for deserting for a moment.
(Greeting the others.) A family council, I see.
(On way to exit at rear.) No; a discussion on dreams and dreamers. I leave you to bear my part.
(Bowing.) With pleasure. The dreamers are the true architects. But – a – what is the dream and who is the dreamer?
(Pausing in the doorway.) The dream of social justice, of fair play and a square deal to everybody. The dreamer – Mr. Knox.
(Rutland is so patently irritated, that Margaret lingers in the doorway to enjoy.)
That man! He has insulted and reviled the Church – my calling. He —
(Interrupting.) He said the churchmen stole from God. I remember he once said there had been only one true Christian and that He died on the Cross.
He quoted that from Nietzsche.
(To Rutland, in quiet glee.) He had you there.
(In composed fury.) Nietzsche is a blasphemer, sir. Any man who reads Nietzsche or quotes Nietzsche is a blasphemer. It augurs ill for the future of America when such pernicious literature has the vogue it has.
(Interrupting, laughing.) I leave the quarrel in your hands, sir knight. Remember – the dreamer and the dream. (Margaret makes exit.)
(Shaking his head.) I cannot understand what is coming over the present generation. Take your daughter, for instance. Ten years ago she was an earnest, sincere lieutenant of mine in all our little charities.
Has she given charity up?
It's settlement work, now, and kindergartens.
(Ominously.) It's writers like Nietzsche, and men who read him, like Knox, who are responsible.
(Senator Dowsett and Mrs. Dowsett enter from rear.)
(Connie advances to greet them. Rutland knows Mrs. Dowsett, and Connie introduces him to Senator Dowsett.)
(In the meantime, not bothering to greet anybody, evincing his own will and way, Starkweather goes across to right front, selects one of several chairs, seats himself, pulls a thin note-book from inside coat pocket, and proceeds to immerse himself in contents of same.) (Dowsett and Rutland pair and stroll to left rear and seat themselves, while Connie and Mrs. Dowsett seat themselves at tea-table to left front. Connie rings the bell for Servant.)
Mrs. Dowsett
(Glancing significantly at Starkweather, and speaking in a low voice.) That's your father, isn't it? I have so wanted to meet him.
(Softly.) You know he's peculiar. He is liable to ignore everybody here this afternoon, and get up and go away abruptly, without saying good-bye.
Mrs. Dowsett
(Sympathetically.) Yes, I know, a man of such large affairs. He must have so much on his mind. He is a wonderful man – my husband says the greatest in contemporary history – more powerful than a dozen presidents, the King of England, and the Kaiser, all rolled into one.
(Servant enters with tea urn and accessories, and Connie proceeds to serve tea, all accompanied by appropriate patter – "Two lumps?" "One, please." "Lemon;" etc.)
(Rutland and Dowsett come forward to table for their tea, where they remain.)
(Connie, glancing apprehensively across at her father and debating a moment, prepares a cup for him and a small plate with crackers, and hands them to Dowsett, who likewise betrays apprehensiveness.)
Take it to father, please, senator.
(Note: – Throughout the rest of this act, Starkweather is like a being apart, a king sitting on his throne. He divides the tea function with Margaret. Men come up to him and speak with him. He sends for men. They come and go at his bidding. The whole attitude, perhaps unconsciously on his part, is that wherever he may be he is master. This attitude is accepted by all the others; forsooth, he is indeed a great man and master. The only one who is not really afraid of him is Margaret; yet she gives in to him in so far as she lets him do as he pleases at her afternoon tea.) (Dowsett carries the cup of tea and small plate across stage to Starkweather. Starkweather does not notice him at first.)
(Who has been watching.) Tea, father, won't you have a cup of tea?
(Through the following scene between Starkweather and Dowsett, the latter holds cup of tea and crackers, helplessly, at a disadvantage. At the same time Rutland is served with tea and remains at the table, talking with the two women.)
(Looking first at Connie, then peering into cup of tea. He grunts refusal, and for the first time looks up into the other man's face. He immediately closes note-book down on finger to keep the place.) Oh, it's you. Dowsett.
(Painfully endeavoring to be at ease.) A pleasure, Mr. Starkweather, an entirely unexpected pleasure to meet you here. I was not aware you frequented frivolous gatherings of this nature.
(Abruptly and peremptorily.) Why didn't you come when you were sent for this morning?
I was sick – I was in bed.
That is no excuse, sir. When you are sent for you are to come. Understand? That bill was reported back. Why was it reported back? You told Dobleman you would attend to it.
It was a slip up. Such things will happen.
What was the matter with that committee? Have you no influence with the Senate crowd? If not, say so, and I'll get some one who has.
(Angrily.) I refuse to be treated in this manner, Mr. Starkweather. I have some self-respect —
(Starkweather grunts incredulously.) Some decency —
(Starkweather grunts.) A position of prominence in my state. You forget, sir, that in our state organization I occupy no mean place.
(Cutting him off so sharply that Dowsett drops cup and saucer.) Don't you show your teeth to me. I can make you or break you. That state organization of yours belongs to me.
(Dowsett starts – he is learning something new. To hide his feelings, he stoops to pick up cup and saucer.) Let it alone! I am talking to you.
(Dowsett straightens up to attention with alacrity.) (Connie, who has witnessed, rings for Servant.) I bought that state organization, and paid for it. You are one of the chattels that came along with the machine. You were made senator to obey my orders. Understand? Do you understand?
(Beaten.) I – I understand.
That bill is to be killed.
Yes, sir.
Quietly, no headlines about it.
(Dowsett nods.) Now you can go.
(Dowsett proceeds rather limply across to join group at tea-table.) (Chalmers and Hubbard enter from right, laughing about something. At sight of Starkweather they immediately become sober.) (No hands are shaken. Starkweather barely acknowledges Hubbard's greeting.)
Tom, I want to see you.
(Hubbard takes his cue, and proceeds across to tea-table.)
(Enter Servant. Connie directs him to remove broken cup and saucer. While this is being done, Starkweather remains silent. He consults note-book, and Chalmers stands, not quite at ease, waiting the other's will. At the same time, patter at tea-table. Hubbard, greeting others and accepting or declining cup of tea.)
(Servant makes exit).
(Closing finger on book and looking sharply at Chalmers.) Tom, this affair of yours in New York must come to an end. Understand?
(Starting.) Hubbard has been talking.
No, it is not Hubbard. I have the reports from other sources.
It is a harmless affair.
I happen to know better. I have the whole record. If you wish, I can give you every detail, every meeting. I know. There is no discussion whatever. I want no more of it.
I never dreamed for a moment that I was – er – indiscreet.
Never forget that every indiscretion of a man in your position is indiscreet. We have a duty, a great and solemn duty to perform. Upon our shoulders rest the destinies of ninety million people. If we fail in our duty, they go down to destruction. Ignorant demagogues are working on the beast-passions of the people. If they have their way, they are lost, the country is lost, civilization is lost. We want no more Dark Ages.
Really, I never thought it was as serious as all that.
(Shrugging shoulders and lifting eyebrows.) After all, why should you? You are only a cog in the machine. I, and the several men grouped with me, am the machine. You are a useful cog – too useful to lose —
Lose? – Me?
I have but to raise my hand, any time – do you understand? – any time, and you are lost. You control your state. Very well. But never forget that to-morrow, if I wished, I could buy your whole machine out from under you. I know you cannot change yourself, but, for the sake of the big issues at stake, you must be careful, exceedingly careful. We are compelled to work with weak tools. You are a good liver, a flesh-pot man. You drink too much. Your heart is weak. – Oh, I have the report of your doctor. Nevertheless, don't make a fool of yourself, nor of us. Besides, do not forget that your wife is my daughter. She is a strong woman, a credit to both of us. Be careful that you are not a discredit to her.
All right, I'll be careful. But while we are – er – on this subject, there's something I'd like to speak to you about.
(A pause, in which Starkweather waits non-committally.) It's this man Knox, and Madge. He comes to the house. They are as thick as thieves.
(Hastily.) Oh, not a breath of suspicion or anything of that sort, I assure you. But it doesn't strike me as exactly appropriate that your daughter and my wife should be friendly with this fire-eating anarchist who is always attacking us and all that we represent.
I started to speak with her on that subject, but was interrupted.
(Puckers brow and thinks.) You are her husband. Why don't you take her in hand yourself?
(Enters Mrs. Starkweather from rear, looking about, bowing, then locating Starkweather and proceeding toward him.)
What can I do? She has a will of her own – the same sort of a will that you have. Besides, I think she knows about my – about some of my – indiscretions.
Harmless indiscretions?
(Chalmers is about to reply, but observes Mrs. Starkweather approaching.)
Mrs. Starkweather
(Speaks in a peevish, complaining voice, and during her harrangue Starkweather immerses himself in notebook.) Oh, there you are, Anthony. Talking politics, I suppose. Well, as soon as I get a cup of tea we must go. Tommy is not looking as well as I could wish. Margaret loves him, but she does not take the right care of him. I don't know what the world is coming to when mothers do not know how to rear their offspring. There is Margaret, with her slum kindergartens, taking care of everybody else's children but her own. If she only performed her church duties as eagerly! Mr. Rutland is displeased with her. I shall give her a talking to – only, you'd better do it, Anthony. Somehow, I have never counted much with Margaret. She is as set in doing what she pleases as you are. In my time children paid respect to their parents. This is what comes of speed. There is no time for anything. And now I must get my tea and run. Connie has to dress for that dinner.
(Mrs. Starkweather crosses to table, greets others characteristically and is served with tea by Connie.)
(Chalmers waits respectfully on Starkweather.)
(Looking up from note-book.) That will do, Tom.
(Chalmers is just starting across to join others, when voices are heard outside rear entrance, and Margaret enters with Dolores Ortega, wife of the Peruvian Minister, and Matsu Sakari, Secretary of Japanese Legation – both of whom she has met as they were entering the house.)
(Chalmers changes his course, and meets the above advancing group. He knows Dolores Ortega, whom he greets, and is introduced to Sakari.)
(Margaret passes on among guests, greeting them, etc. Then she displaces Connie at tea-table and proceeds to dispense tea to the newcomers.)
(Groups slowly form and seat themselves about stage as follows: Chalmers and Dolores Ortega; Rutland, Dowsett, Mrs. Starkweather; Connie, Mr. Dowsett, and Hubbard.)
(Chalmers carries tea to Dolores Ortega.)
(Sakari has been lingering by table, waiting for tea and pattering with Margaret, Chalmers, etc.)
(Handing cup to Sakari.) I am very timid in offering you this, for I am sure you must be appalled by our barbarous methods of making tea.
(Bowing.) It is true, your American tea, and the tea of the English, are quite radically different from the tea in my country. But one learns, you know. I served my apprenticeship to American tea long years ago, when I was at Yale. It was perplexing, I assure you – at first, only at first I really believe that I am beginning to have a – how shall I call it? – a tolerance for tea in your fashion.
You are very kind in overlooking our shortcomings.
(Bowing.) On the contrary, I am unaware, always unaware, of any shortcomings of this marvelous country of yours.
(Laughing.) You are incorrigibly gracious, Mr. Sakari. (Knox appears at threshold of rear entrance and pauses irresolutely for a moment)
(Noticing Knox, and looking about him to select which group he will join.) If I may be allowed, I shall now retire and consume this – tea.
(Joins group composed of Connie, Mrs. Dowsett, and Hubbard.)
(Knox comes forward to Margaret, betraying a certain awkwardness due to lack of experience in such social functions. He greets Margaret and those in the group nearest her.)
(To Margaret.) I don't know why I come here. I do not belong. All the ways are strange.
(Lightly, at the same time preparing his tea.) The same Ali Baba – once again in the den of the forty thieves. But your watch and pocket-book are safe here, really they are.
(Knox makes a gesture of dissent at her facetiousness.) Now don't be serious. You should relax sometimes. You live too tensely.
(Looking at Starkweather.) There's the arch-anarch over there, the dragon you are trying to slay.
(Knox looks at Starkweather and is plainly perplexed.) The man who handles all the life insurance funds, who controls more strings of banks and trust companies than all the Rothschilds a hundred times over – the merger of iron and steel and coal and shipping and all the other things – the man who blocks your child labor bill and all the rest of the remedial legislation you advocate. In short, my father.
(Looking intently at Starkweather.) I should have recognized him from his photographs. But why do you say such things?
Because they are true.