Полная версия
Jock of the Bushveld
VLEI (pronounced flay) (d), a small, shallow lake, a swamp, a depression intermittently damp, a water meadow.
VOORLOOPER (d) (literally front walker), the leader, the boy who leads the front oxen; the pat’-intambu (Zulu for ‘take the reim’).
VOORSLAG (pronounced foor-slaach) (d) (literally front lash or skin), the strip of buck hide which forms the fine end of a whip-lash.
WATERBUCK (Cobus ellipsiprymnus; Dutch, kring-gat). Height, 48 inches; weight, 350 pounds; horns, males only, 36 inches.
WILDEBEESTE (pronounced vill-de-beast) (d) (literally wild cattle), the brindled gnu, blue wildebeeste (Connochaetes taurinus). Height, 4 feet 6 inches; weight, 400 pounds; horns, 30 inches.
WILD DOG, the ‘Cape hunting dog’ (Lycaon pictus).
WOODEN ORANGE, fruit of the klapper (a species of Strychnos).
WOLF, the usual name for the hyena, derived from tijger-wolf, the pure Dutch name for the spotted hyena.
YOKESKEY, the wooden slat which, coupled by nekstrops, holds the yoke in place.