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The Lenâpé and their Legends
Maskansisil. IV, 37. Strong buffalo. Maskan, and sisil.
Maskansini. IV, 43. Strong stone. Maskan, and assin, a stone.
Maskekitong. V, 28. Strong falls at (Trenton). Maskan, and kithanne, main stream. See Heck. Ind. Names, p. 355, where this word is given and analyzed.
Matemik. IV, 20. Builder of towns. Matta, not; mequik, blood. Z.
Matta. II, 3. Not. Matta, no, not.
Mattakohaki. V, 22. Without snake land. Matta, not; achgook, snake; aki, land.
Mattalogas. I, 22. Wickedness. Machtit, bad, evil; mattalogasowagon, a sinful act. Zeis Gram, p. 103.
Mattapewi. II, 4. Less man. Mattapeu, he is not at home. Z.
Matemenend. IV, 36 There or now Tamenend.
Mawuhtenal. V, 22 There is good thing. Wuht, good.
Mayoksuwi. IV, 53. Of one mind. Mawat, one, only one. K.
Mboagan. I, 23. Death. M'boagan, death. Z.
Mekemkink. I, 21. On earth. Mach, prefix indicating evil or misfortune, from machtit.
Mekwazoan. II, 4. Fighting. Mechtagan, to fight. K.
Menak. I, 8 Islands. Menatey, an island.
Menalting. IV, 4, 42 In assembly met. Menachtin, to drink together. K, Menaltink, the place where we drank H Ind. Names, p. 371.
Menapit. II, 8. At that island. Menatey, island, epit, at.
Meshautang. III, 3. Game. Mechtit, much, achtu, deer Z. In the N. J. dialect, deer is aatu; hence the meaning is "many deer."
Messisuwi. IV, 44. Whole he. Metschi schawi, very, ready Z.
Metzipannek. II, 11. They did eat. Mitzopannik, they have eaten. Zeis. Gram, p. 124.
Michihaki. IV, 3. Big land. Mechti, much, aki, land.
Michimini. IV, 34. Much corn. Mechtil, much, min, edible fruit.
Milap. I, 12, 13 He gave him. Mil or miltin, to give. The terminal p marks the pretent.
Minigeman. IV, 25. Corn planting. Min, edible fruit; for corn, see p. 48.
Minihaking. IV, 24 Corn land at. Min, edible fruit; aki, land.
Minsimini. V, 52. Wolf tribe. See p. 36.
Mitzi. I, 19. Food. Mitzin, to eat.
Mokol. II, 12 Boat. Amochol, a boat Zeis. Gram, p. 101
Mokolakolin. V, 17. In boats he snaking. See above. Aki, land.
Mokom. V, 17. Grandfather. Muchomsena, our grandfather Z.
Mokolmokom. V, 17. Boats grandfather. Amochol, boat; muchom, ancestor.
Moshakwat. I, 7. It clears up. Moschkakquat, clear weather. K.
Mukum. I, 11. Ancestor. Muchomes, grandfather. K.
Nahiwi. II, 10. Above water or afloat. Nahiwi, down the water, down stream. K.
Nakhagattamen. V, 52. 3 desiring. Nacha, three; gattamen, to wish.
Nakkalisin. V, 52. 3 to be. Nacha, three; lissin, to be or do so.
Nakopowa. III, 8. The snake priest. Pawa, priest. See above, p. 70. The prefix doubtful.
Nakowa. II, 6. Black snake. Nachoak, three persons. Z.
Nakowak. I, 14. Black snakes. Nachohaneu, he is alone. Z. Sukachgook, black snake. Z. Doubtful.
Nallahemen. III, 13. Navigating. Nallahemen, to boat up the stream. K.
Nallimetzin. IV, 29. At last to eat. Nall, that, at last; mitzin, to eat.
Namenep. I, 20. Pleased. Namen, to know, understand.
Namesaki. IV, 14. Fish land; Namaes, fish; aki, land.
Namesik. I, 13. Fishes. Namessall, fishes. Zeis. Gram., p. 101.
Namesuagipek. III, 12. Fish resort sea. Namaes, fish; pek, lake.
Nanaboush. II, 8, 13. Nana-hare. See p. 130.
Nantiné. I, 19. The fairies. Naten, to fetch. Z.
Nantinewak. I, 18. Fairies also. Pl. form from naten, to fetch.
Nekama. IV, 9, 10, 19. Him. Him, them.
Nekohatami. IV, 35. Alone the first. Netami, the first.
Nemassipi. IV, 49. Fish river. Namaes, fish; sipi, river.
Nenachihat. V, 58. Watcher. Nenachgistawachtin, to listen to one another, to hear one. K. Hence hearer.
Nentegowi. V, 16. The Nentegos. Nentégo is the proper name of the Nanticokes, who inhabited the eastern shore of Maryland. See p. 22.
Netamaki. I, 24. First land. Netami, first; aki, land.
Netami. I, 12, 18, 19. The first. Netami, the first. Z. Gram., p. 108.
Nguttichin. III, 16. All agreed. 'Nguttitehen, to be of one heart and mind. Z.
Nigoha. I, 18. Mother. Ngahomes, my mother. See Zeis. Gram., p. 100.
Nihantowit. II, 4. Dead keeper. 'Nihillowet, murderer (nihillanowet). See p. 102.
Nihillanep. IV, 43. He killed. See p. 102.
Nihillapewin. III, 11. Being free. Nihillapewi, free. Z. See p. 101.
Nihillen. III, 15. To kill or annihilate. Nihilla, I kill. Z. See p. 101.
Nijini. I, 10, 19; II, 2. The Jins. Nik, these, those. K. Nigani, the first, the foremost. Z. See notes.
Nillawi. III, 18. By night or in the dark. Nipahwi, by night. Z.
Nipahum. I, 5. Moon. Nipahump, moon, Min.
Nishawi. II, 3. Both, Nischa, two.
Nitaton. IV, 11. To be able. To know how to do it. Z.
Nitatonep. IV, 43. He was able. See above. Preterit.
Nitisak. I, 16. Friends. Nitis, confidential friend. (Heck, p. 438.)
Nitilowan. IV, 54. Friends of north. Nitis, and lowan, north.
Nolandowak. IV, 49. Lazy they. Nolhand, lazy. K.
Nolemiwi. I, 3. Invisible. Invisible. Z.
Nungihillan. III, 10. By trembling. Nungihillan, to tremble. K.
Nungiwi. IV, 64. Trembling he. See above.
Okwewi. I, 18. Wives. Ochquewak, women. Z.
Okwisapi. III, 19 With wives or women of man. Ochque, woman; ape, man.
Oligonunk. IV, 29. Hollow mountain over. Wahlo, a cavern or a hollow between hills. Oley, in Berks county, Pa., the name of a Moravian settlement, is from this root.
Olini. III, 18. The men or people. From root ni, p. 101.
Olumapi. IV, 23. Bundler of written sticks. See p. 161.
Onowutok. V, 12. Prophet. Owoatan, to know. K.
Opannek. III, 16. They went. From aan, to go, and perhaps with prefix wab or op, east.
Opekasit. IV, 47. Easterly looking. Waopink or opūnk, opossum. From the root wab, white. See p. 43.
Opeleken. I, 8. It looks bright. Root wab or op. See last word.
Otaliwako. V, 43. There snake or Otalis (Cherokis).
Otaliwi. V, 56. Cherokees of Mts.
Ouken. III, 12. Fathers. Ochwall, his father. Zeis. Gram, p. 100.
Owagan. I, 22, or Owagon, I, 7. Deeds, action. A verbal suffix. See p. 101.
Owak. I, 4. Much air or clouds. An error for woak, and. Comp. Zeis. Spelling Book, p. 122.
Owanaku. I, 2. Foggy. Awonn. Z. Auan, N. J., fog.
Owini. I, 12. First beings I, 16; II, 5, 9. Beings. Rafinesque says of this word, that it "may be analyzed o-wi-ni, 'such they men' or beings." It would seem to be a form of the substantive verb termination wi.
Owinkwak. I, 10. First beings also. Owini, and wak, and.
Paganchihilla. IV, 59. Great fulfiller. Pachgihillan, to break, break asunder. K.
Pakimitzin. V, 49. Cranberry eating. Pakihm, cranberries; mitzin, to eat.
Pallalogas. I, 22. Crime. Pallalogosawagan, crime, evil deed. Zeis. Gram., p. 103.
Palliaal. III, 9. Go away. The same. Zeis. Gram., p. 243. An imperative; but not so used in the text.
Pailihilla. IV, 56. Spoil and killing. From pallilissin, to do wrong. Zeis. Gram., p. 243.
Palliton. II, 3. Fighting. II, 5. To destroy or spoil. II, 7. Much spoiling or destroying. Palliton, to do ill, to spoil. Zeis. Gram., p. 222.
Pallitonep. IV, 44, 46. He war made. It is the imperfect of palliton, to despoil, fight.
Pallitonepit. IV, 47. At the warfare. Preterit of the above.
Palliwi. II, 16. Elsewhere. Ibid. Z.
Palpal. II, 12. Come, come. Palite, when he comes. Z.
Paniton. II, 15. Let it be. Paliton, to spoil, injure. Z.
Pataman. II, 15. Praying. Pataman, to pray. K.
Pawanami. V, 14. Rich water turtle. Pawalessin, to be rich.
Pawasinep. III, 13. Rich was. Pawa, rich.
Payat. I, 23. Coming. Paan, to come. Conjugated in Zeis. Gram., p. 148. Payat, he who comes or is coming. From the root an, to move. Cf. Aan.
Payat-chik. I, 22. Coming them. See above.
Payaking. III, 20. Coming at. See above.
Payat payat. II, 12. Coming, coming. See above.
Pechimin. III, 10. Thus escaping. Pach-, to separate, divide, to split asunder.
Pehella. II, 7. Much water rushing. II, 10. Flood. See Kschippehellen.
Peklinkwekin. V, 59. Sea looking. Pek, still water, lake, sea.
Pekochilowan. V, 23. Near north. Lowan, north.
Pemaholend. IV, 20. Constantly beloved. Ahoala, to love.
Pemapaki. IV, 14. Lake land. Apparently for menuppekink, at the lake.
Pematalli. V, 17. Constant those. Talli, there.
Penauwelendamep. II, 5. Resolved. Penauwelendam, to consider about something. Z.
Penkwihilen. II, 16. It is drying. Penquihillen, dried. K.
Pepomahemen. V, 8. Navigator up. Doubtful.
Petonep. II, 6. He brought. Peton, to bring. Z.
Peyachik. III, 4. Comers. See Payat.
Pikihil. III, 10. Is torn. Pikihillen, torn, rent in pieces. K.
Pilwhalin. IV, 21. Holy goer. Pilhik, clean, pure.
Pimikhasuwi. IV, 57. Stirring about he.
Piskwilowan. V, 31. Against north. Tipisqui, against. Z. Lowan, north.
Pitenumen. V, 39. Mistaken. Pitenummen, to make a mistake. Z.
Pohoka. II, 7. Much go to hills. Pokawachne, creek between two hills. The word does not refer to hills, but to the division, cleft or valley between hills.
Pokhapokhapek. III, 12. Gaping sea, Pocqueu, a muscle, clam. Z. An important article of food to the natives; pek, a lake or sea.
Pokhakhopak. III, 17. At gap snake sea. See above.
Pokwihil. III, 4. Divided or broken. III, 10. Is broken. Poquihilleu or poquiecheu, broken. K. The root is pach, to split, divide.
Pomisinep. IV, 52. Went or passed. Pomsin, to walk. K.
Pommixin. II, 9, 10. Creeping. Pommisgen, to begin to walk; pommixin, to creep. K.
Ponskan. III, 18. Much walking. Pommauchsin, to walk.
Powa. III, 4. Rich, for Pawa, rich, etc. See p. 70. See words under pawa.
Powako. I, 21. Priest snake. See above.
Powatanep. IV, 39. Pontiff was. See above.
Powatapi. III, 19. Priest manly. See above.
Psakwiken. III, 1. Close together. Psakquiechen, close together. K.
Pungelika. V, 31. Lynx well like (Eries). Pongus, sand fly. K. Doubtful.
Pungusak. I, 15. Gnats. Pongus, sand fly, K.
Sakelendam. IV, 47. Being sad. Sakquelendam, to be sad. K.
Sakima. IV, 5. King. See p. 46.
Sakimachik. IV, 26. See above.
Sakimak. IV, 17. Kings. See above.
Sakimakichwon. V, 33. With this great king. See above.
Sakimalanop. IV, 33. King was made. See above.
Sakimanep. IV, 8, 9, 15, 18. King was. See above. Preterite form.
Saskwihanang. V, 24. Susquehanah (branchy R.) at. See p. 14.
Sayewis. I, 3. First being. Schawi, immediately, directly. Z.
Shabigaki. IV, 13. Shore land. This seems a more correct form than Heckewelder's scheyichbi. See p. 40.
Shak. I, 14. But. Schuk, but.
Shakagapewi. IV, 64. Just and upright he. Schachachgapewi, he is honest, righteous. K.
Shakagapip. IV, 19. A just man he was. Schachach, straight; here used in a metaphorical sense for just.
Shawaniwaen. IV, 12, 24. South he goes. Shawano, south.
Shawanaki. IV, 13. South land. Shawano, south; aki, land. Zeis. gives schawenneu for south.
Shawanaking. V, 10. South land at. See above.
Shawanapi. III, 19. Southern manly. Shawano, and ape, man.
Shawaniluen. IV, 10. South he saying. Shawano, and luen, to say.
Shawaniwak. IV, 59. South they go. Shawano, and ewak.
Shawanipalat. V, 42. South warrior. Shawano, and itapalat.
Shawanipekis. IV, 60. South of the lakes. Shawano, and pek, lake.
Shawaniwi. III, 6. Southerlings. Shawano, with suffix wi.
Shawanowi. V, 10. The Shawani. See above.
Shawapama. IV, 17. South and east there. Shawano, wapan, east, and ma, there.
Shawelendamep. II, 2. Become troubled. Acquiwelendam, to disquiet. Z. With intensive prefix ksch.
Shawoken. III, 10. So far going. Schewak, weak?
Shayabinitis. V, 57. Shore friend. See next words. Nitis, friend.
Shayabian. V, 37. Shore (or Jersey) going. Schejek, a string of wampum. Z.
Sheyabing. V, 51. At New Jersey or shore. Scheyichbi, Indian name of New Jersey. (Heck., p. 51.) See p. 40.
Shinaking. III, 20; IV, 1, 5. At fir-land. Chip. jin-goh, spruce fir. Bar. Schind, spruce. Z. Aki, land; nk, locative termination, "the place of spruce firs."
Shingalan. II, 2. Hating. Schingalan, to hate somebody. K.
Shingalusit. II, 2; V, 56. Foe, foes. Schingalusit, enemy, adversary. K.
Shiwapi. IV, 27. Salt man. Schwewak, salt meat; sikey, salt.
Showihilla. IV, 7. Weak. Schawek, weak.
Shukand. I, 20. But then. Schukund, only, but then.
Sili. III, 3. Cattle. Sisili, a buffalo. See note to verse.
Sin. III, 4. To be. Lissin, to be or do so.
Sinako. V, 16. Strong snake. Assin, stone; aki, land.
Sipakgamen. IV, 55. River over against. Sipi, river. See Agamunk.
Sisilaki. IV, 14. Cattle land. Sisiliamuus, a buffalo, N. J.
Sisilaking. IV, 29. Cattle land at. Sisili, buffalo; aki, land.
Sittamaganat. V, 2. Path leader. Pipe-bearer. See note to IV, 2.
Sitwahikho. II, 16. Path of cave. Tschitqui, silent; tschitquihillewak, they are silent. Z.
Slangelendam. IV, 31. Disliking. Skattelendam, to loathe, to hate.
Sohalawak. I, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15; IV, 23. He causes them. See note.
Sohalgol. IV, 25. He causes it. See last word.
Taquachi. IV, 24. Shiverer with cold. Tachquatten, frozen. K.
Takauwesit. III, 5. The best. Tach, together, to tie, etc. Hence united, harmonious.
Talamatan. IV, 54, 61, 63, 64. Hurons. See p. 16.
Talamatanitis. IV, 61. Huron friends. See Lamatanitis.
Talegachukang. V, 19. Allegheny Mts going. Doubtful.
Talegaking. V, 1. Talega land at. See p. 230.
Taleganah. V, 14. Talega R, at. See p. 230.
Talegawik. IV, 56. Talega they. See p. 230.
Talegawil. IV, 52. Talega head or emperor. See p. 230. Wil, head.
Talegawunkik. V, 45. Talegas west visitor. See p. 230. Wunken, west; kiwiken, to visit.
Talligewi. IV, 50. Talegas or there found. See p. 229.
Tamaganat. IV, 55. Leader. Gelelemend = the leader. Heck. Ind. Names, p. 392. See note to IV, 2.
Tamaganena. V, 2. Chieftain such or Beaver leader. Pipe-bearer. See note to IV, 2.
Tamakwapi. III, 19. Beaver manly. Tamaque. Camp. Ktemaque. Zeis. A beaver. Mohegan, amuchke, Schmick.
Tamakwi. IV, 12. Beaver he. See last word.
Tamenend. IV, 35; Tamanend, V, 32. Affable (beaver like). Temenend, affable. Heck.
Tankawun. V, 9. Little cloud. Tangelensuwi, modest, humble; tangitti, small.
Tapitawi. II, 14. Altogether. Tachguiwi, together. Z.
Tashawinso. V, 51. At leisure gatherer.
Tasukamend. IV, 19. Never black or bad. Ta, not, suckeu, black. Z.
Tatalli. II, 10. Which way or shall there. Tatalli, whitherwards. K.
Tawanitip. V, 49. Ottawas made friends; nitis, friend.
Tellen. IV, 17. Ten.
Tellenchen kittapakki. III, 18. 10,000.
Tenche kentit. IV, 58. Opening path. Tenk, titit, little. K. Doubtful.
Tendki. III, 8. Being there. Tindey, fire. Z. Tenden, Min.; yawagan tendki, the cabin-fires.
Tenk wonwi. IV, 27, 30. Dry-he. Teng– or tenk– = little. K.
Thupin. III, 2. It is cold. Teu, it is cold. K.
Tihill. III, 3. Coolness. Tillihan, it is cool. K.
Topan. III, 2. It freezes. Tepan, white frost.
Topanpek. III, 16. Frozen sea. Tepan, and; pek, lake.
Towakon. IV, 46. Towako. V, 16. Father snake. Tawa and aki, the Ottawas or Twightees. See note to V, 16.
Tsehepicken. IV, 49. Separated. Tschetschpiechen, to separate. K.
Tulagishatten. II, 9. At Tula he is ready. Tulpe, turtle; gischatten, it is ready, done, finished.
Tulamokom. II, 13. A turtle's grandfather. Tulpe, turtle. See Mokom.
Tulapewi. II, 14. Turtle there. Tulpe, a water turtle. K.
Tulapewini. III, 1. Turtle being. See above.
Tulapima. II, 14. Turtle there. Tulpe, and ma, there.
Tulapin. II, 10. Turtle-back. Tulpe, turtle.
Tulapit. II, 8. At Tula or turtle land. Tulpe, and epit, q. v.
Tulapiwi. III, 7. The turtling. Tulpe, and suffix wi.
Tulpenaki. III, 7. Turtle country. Tulpe, and aki, land.
Tulpewi. II, 15. Turtle he. See above. Tulapewi.
Tulpewik. I, 13. Turtles. See above.
Tumaskan. IV, 42. Wolf strong. Temmeu, wolf, Z.
Tumewand. V, 29. The wolfers (mohican). Temmeu, wolf, anit = the wolf god, or magician.
Tumewapi. III, 19. Wolf manly. Temmeu, and ape man; a nomen gentile.
Uchewak. I, 15. Flies. Utschewak, flies. Z.
Unamini. V, 52. Turtle tribe. See p. 36.
Unchihillen. V, 39. Coming from somewhere. Untschihilleu it comes from somewhere rapidly, to flow out.
Wagan. II, 16. Action. See Owagan.
Wak. I, 2. And. Id.
Wakaholend. IV, 33. Loving, beloved. Ahoalan, to love. Woakaholend. Heck. Ind. Names, p. 395.
Wakon. I, 21. Snake god. Wachunk, high (Min.) Perhaps a form of akiuk, earthward.
Wallama. IV, 40. Painted. See p. 161.
Wallamolumin. V, 5. Painted-booking. See p. 161.
Wangomend. V, 55. Saluted. Id. Heck. Ind. Names, p. 395.
Wapachikis. V. 57. White crab. Woapeu, white. Z. The root wab, wap, or op, white, light, the east, etc., occurs in numerous words.
Wapagumoshki. V, 44. White otter. See above.
Wapagishik. IV, 48. East sun or sunrise. Wap, and gischuch.
Wapagokhos. IV, 8. White owl. Wap, and gokhos, owl. Z.
Wapahacki. V, 37. White body. Wap, and hackey, body.
Wapahoning. V, 11. White Lick at. Wap, and mahoning. Z. At the deer lick.
Wapakisinep. V, 21. East land was. Wap, and aki, land, with preterit suffix.