Внутренняя сила. Как заявить о себе во весь голос и научиться отстаивать свои интересы
Внутренняя сила. Как заявить о себе во весь голос и научиться отстаивать свои интересы

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F. Raes et al., “Construction and Factorial Validation of a Short Form of the Self-Compassion Scale,” Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 18 (2011): 250–255.


Аутентичность в психологии – способность осознавать настоящий момент, выбирать, как жить в нем, и принимать на себя ответственность за это. Аутентичный человек учитывает опыт прошлого, строит планы и достаточно гибок, чтобы меняться с новыми вводными.


Kavita Ramdas on May 19, 2013.


J. Kornfield (2017), “Freedom of the Heart,” Heart Wisdom, Episode 11., accessed November 13, 2020.


Дефолтную систему мозга (default mode network, сеть пассивного режима) открыла в начале 2000-х группа нейрофизиологов под руководством Маркуса Райхла. На сегодня известно, что эта система связана с состоянием эмоционального фона психической деятельности, мыслями человека о себе (англ. self-referential thoughts) и воспоминаниями. Райхл предполагает, что важная функция этой сети – поддерживать активность мозга и его готовность к любым действиям. Прим. ред.


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Обзор литературы, посвященной теме самосострадания: C. K. Germer and K. D. Neff, Teaching the Mindful Self-CompassionProgram: A Guide for Professionals (New York: Guilford Press, 2019), см. chapters 3, 4.


K. D. Neff, S. S. Rude, and K. L. Kirkpatrick, “An Examination of Self-Compassion in Relation to Positive Psychological Functioning and Personality Traits,” Journal of Research in Personality 41 (2007): 908–916.


A. MacBeth and A. Gumley, “Exploring Compassion: A Meta-Analysis of the Association between Self-Compassion and Psychopathology,” Clinical Psychology Review 32 (2012): 545–552.


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D. D. Biber and R. Ellis, “The Effect of Self-Compassion on the Self-Regulation of Health Behaviors: A Systematic Review,” Journal of Health Psychology 24, № 14 (2019): 2060–2071.


W. J. Phillips and D. W. Hine, “Self-Compassion, Physical Health, and Health Behaviour: A Meta-Analysis,” Health Psychology Review (2019): 1–27.


J. G. Breines and S. Chen, “Self-Compassion Increases Self-Improvement Motivation,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38, № 9 (2012): 1133–1143.


J. W. Zhang and S. Chen, “Self-Compassion Promotes Personal Improvement from Regret Experiences Via Acceptance,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 42, № 2 (2016): 244–258.


A. A. Scoglio et al., “Self-Compassion and Responses to Trauma: The Role of Emotion Regulation,” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 33, № 13 (2018): 2016–2036.


L. M. Yarnell and K. D. Neff, “Self-Compassion, Interpersonal Conflict Resolutions, and Well-Being,” Self and Identity 12, № 2 (2013): 146–159.


J. S. Ferreira, R. A. Rigby, and R. J. Cobb, “Self-Compassion Moderates Associations between Distress about Sexual Problems and Sexual Satisfaction in a Daily Diary Study of Married Couples,” Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 29, № 2 (2020): 182–196.


K. D. Neff and E. Pommier, “The Relationship between Self-Compassion and Other-Focused Concern among College Undergraduates, Community Adults, and Practicing Meditators,” Self and Identity 12, № 2 (2013): 160–176.


Z. Hashem and P. Zeinoun, “Self-Compassion Explains Less Burnout among Healthcare Professionals,” Mindfulness 11, № 11 (2020): 2542–2551.


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S. W. Porges, The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-Regulation (New York: Norton, 2011).


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S. Herculano-Houzel, The Human Advantage: A New Understanding of How Our Brain Became Remarkable (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016).


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C. S. Carter, “Oxytocin Pathways and the Evolution of Human Behavior,” Annual Review of Psychology 65 (2014): 17–39.


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N. D. Ross, P. L. Kaminski, and R. Herrington, “From Childhood Emotional Maltreatment to Depressive Symptoms in Adulthood: The Roles of Self-Compassion and Shame,” Child Abuse and Neglect 92 (2019): 32–42.


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M. Navarro-Gil et al., “Effects of Attachment-Based Compassion Therapy (ABCT) on Self-Compassion and Attachment Style in Healthy People,” Mindfulness 1, № 1 (2018): 51–62.


L. R. Miron et al., “The Potential Indirect Effect of Childhood Abuse on Posttrauma Pathology through Self-Compassion and Fear of Self-Compassion,” Mindfulness 7, № 3 (2016): 596–605.


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