The Holy See and the Wandering of the Nations, from St. Leo I to St. Gregory I
The Holy See and the Wandering of the Nations, from St. Leo I to St. Gregory I

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The Holy See and the Wandering of the Nations, from St. Leo I to St. Gregory I

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Acacius had now been eleven years bishop. He had gained at once the emperor Leo; he had appeared to defend the Council of Chalcedon when Basiliscus attacked it; he had further gained mastery over Zeno; but, more than all this, he had seen Rome sink into what to eastern eyes must have seemed an abyss. St. Leo had compelled Anatolius to give up the canons he so much prized; since then northern barbarians had twice sacked Rome, and Ricimer's most cruel host of adventurers had reaped whatever the Vandal Genseric had left. If there was a degradation yet to be endured it would be that a Herule soldier of fortune should compel a Roman senate to send back the robes of empire to Constantinople, and be content to live under a Patricius, sprung from one of the innumerable Teuton hordes, and sanctioned by the emperor of the East; and Acacius would not forget that in the councils of that emperor he was himself chief.

If New Rome held the second rank because the Fathers gave the first rank to Old Rome, in that it was the capital, what was the position of New Rome and its bishop when Old Rome had ceased in fact to be a capital at all? At that moment – thirty years after St. Leo had confirmed the greatest of eastern councils and been greeted by it as the head of the Christian faith – the Rome in which he sat had been reduced to a mere municipal rank, and its bishop, with all its people, lived under what was simply a military government commanded by a foreign adventurer. Odoacer at Ravenna was master of the lives and liberties of the Romans, including the Pope.

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Nova Patrum bibliotheca, p. vi.: In Pontificum reapse epistolis tota ecclesiæ administratio cognoscitur.


See p. 351 below; also Church and State, pp. 198-200, for the full statement of this passage.


"Episcopatus unus est cujus a singulis in solidum pars tenetur." – S. Cyprian, De Unitate Ecclesiæ.


Gregorovius, i. 286. "Das Papstthum, vom Kaiser des Abendlandes befreit, erstand, und die Kirche Roms wuchs unter Trümmern mächtig empor. Sie trat an die Stelle des Reichs."


Gregorovius, i. 200.


St. Ignatius, Epistle to the Romans.


"That Roman, that Judean bondUnited then dispart no more —Pierce through the veil; the rind beyondLies hid the legend's deeper lore.Therein the mystery lies expressedOf power transferred, yet ever one;Of Rome – the Salem of the West —Of Sion, built o'er Babylon."A. de Vere, Legends and Records, p. 204.


Gregorovius, i. 208.


Gregorovius, i. 215.


Sidonius Apollinaris, Epist., i. 9. "Hi in amplissimo ordine, seposita prærogativa partis armatæ, facile post purpuratum principem principes erant."


"Sed si forte placet veteres sopire querelas

Anthemium concede mihi; sit partibus istis

Augustus longumque Leo; mea jura gubernet

Quem petii." —Carmen, ii.


Reumont, i. 700.


He says at the end of 500 hendecasyllabics (jam te veniam loquacitati Quingenti hendecasyllabi precantur):

"Hinc ad balnea non Neroniana,Nec quæ Agrippa dedit, vel ille cujusBustum Dalmaticæ vident Salonæ,Ad thermas tamen ire sed libebat,Privato bene præbitas pudori".


For a well-told account of this expedition and its failure, see Thierry, Derniers Temps de l'Empire d'Occident, pp. 77-101.


There is a strange occurrence recorded by St. Gregory in his Dialogues as having taken place in this church, which would seem to point at Ricimer's burial in it.


This account has been shortened from that of Gregorovius, i. 231-5.


Giesebrecht, quoted by Hergenröther, K.G., i. 449.


Hergenröther, i. 449-453.


Reumont, ii. 6.


Reumont, ii. 9.


Reumont (ii. 29-42) gives an admirable sketch of the government of Theodorich, by which I have profited in what follows.


Montalembert, Gregorovius, Kurth. Philips (vol. iii., p. 51, sec. 119), remarks: "Wäre Theodorich der Grosse nicht Arianer gewesen, so würde, wenn er es sonst gewollt, ihm wohl nichts weiter im Wege gestanden haben, als sich zum Römischen kaiser im Abendlande ausrufen lassen".


Gregorovius, i. 312, 315.


Orosius, Hist., vii. 43.


Photius, i. 111.


Photius, i. 120.


Guizot, Sur la Civilisation en Europe, deuxième leçon.


Edict of Valentinian III., in 447.


See Philips, Kirchenrecht, vol. iii., sec. 119.


Tillemont, xvi. 68.


Simplicii, Ep. viii.; Photius, i. 115.


Pope Gelasius, 13th letter.


Mansi, vii. 1032-6; Jaffé, 359.


Mansi, vii. 1028; Jaffé, 360.


Photius, i. 123, translated.


Mansi, vii. 1065; Baronius (anno 484), 17; Jaffé, 364.


It is to be observed that the Pope calls his judgment the Judgment of the Holy Ghost, just as Pope Clement I. did in the first recorded judgment. See his letter, secs. 58, 59, 63, quoted in Church and State, 198-199.


Photius, i. 124.


Mansi, vii. 1139; Baronius (anno 484), 26, 27.


Domini sacerdotes.


Jaffé, 365; Mansi, vii. 1065.


iv. 16.


Silentiarius, in the Greek court, officers who kept silence in the emperor's presence.


Ep. x.; Mansi, vii. 1067.


"The recital of a name in the diptychs was a formal declaration of Church fellowship, or even a sort of canonisation and invocation. It was contrary to all Church principles to permit in them the name of anyone condemned by the Church." —Life of Photius, i. 133, by Card. Hergenröther.

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